
The Devil’s love

“The course of true love never did run smooth.” – William Shakespeare. The journey of love is never as smooth as silk. There are difficulties, ups and downs, bumps and humps.  Like most of the love stories, Mo Yichan and Yang Ning’s love story wasn’t smooth or easy. Initially it was difficult and rocky.  The CEO of Yang corporation, Yang Ning was a successful businesswoman. Growing up with unsupportive and unruly parents, Yang Ning was accustomed to being treated unfairly and poorly. The only person that she count on was her grandfather. The CEO of Mo corporation, Mo Yichan who was also known as the ‘ Devil CEO’ was one of the most successful businessmen. Losing his father at a very young age and his mother leaving him alone for some other man, Yichan grew up with his grandfather.  Being business rivals, Mo Yichan and Yang Ning hated each other.  What do you think will happen when these two cold and aloof people are forced to get married and live under the same roof by their grandparents?  Did they hate each other only because they were business rivals? Or did something happen in the past which forced them to seal their hearts and hate each other to the fullest?  Will the love between them ever be able to overpower the hatred that they have for each other?  ***** “ Hahahahaha look at you both fighting like a husband and wife.” Mr Hunshou said. Yichan smirked and said,” If you were my wife, I would add poison in your coffee.” Ning smiled and said,” And if you were my husband, I would drink it.” **** Few months later. In a charity auction. “ Hundred million.” Ning said. “ Two hundred million.” Yichan said before grinning at his wife. “ Three hundred million.” Ning said. “ Four hundred million.” Yichan said. “ Five hundred million.” Ning before leaning towards her husband,” If you let me win, I’ll be on top for a whole week.” Yichan raised his board and said,” Seven million.”  “ You-“ “ For two weeks.” Yichan said. Ning frowned and said,” Fine.” Before raising her board,” Seven hundred and one million.” *********** Follow me on Instagram: author_sofia05 Join my server: https://discord.gg/th8TmZr Send me a Ko-fi: ko-fi.com/sofia05 [P.S:The cover isn’t mine. :)]

Sofia05 · Urban
Not enough ratings
342 Chs


Grandpa Mo nodded his head and said," Yes, you did a great job."

Just then Hoshen came back and said," Master it's done."

" What is done?" Grandpa Mo asked.

" I asked Hoshen to turn off the lights of the entire villa." Grandpa Yang said.

" You- how can you do that? You know Ning gets a panic attack when-"

Cutting grandpa Mo off, Grandpa Yang said," Yes yes I know but you know how stubborn Ning is. She will never stick to Yichan until she is forced to. There is no way she would dare to loiter around alone when it's dark. She will definitely cling onto Yichan."

Grandpa Mo grinned and said," I see you have already planned everything."

" I am determined to make my granddaughter your granddaughter-in-law." Grandpa Yang said.

" Master we should leave, I think it's about to rain." Hoshen said.


Inside the mansion.


" Grandpa open the door." Ning shouted.

" Grandpa this is not funny." Yichan said before banging the door.

Just then the lights went off.

"Ahhhhh." Ning squealed before pouncing into Yichan's embrace.

" Woah." Yichan said before steadying himself.

Placing his hand on her shoulder, Yichan was about to push her away when he realised that she was trembling in fear.

Banging at the door, Yichan shouted," Grandpa this is too much, open the door." before wrapping his arms around Ning.

With her head buried on his chest, Ning had her arms wrapped around his waist. She hated darkness and also felt very strange and suffocated in a pitch black room or place but when a familiar warmth started spreading all over her body, she managed to calm down.

Letting out a mocking chuckle, Yichan said," Still scared of darkness and you still have the audacity to say that you don't need anyone to stand up for you. What was that line? Oh yes ' I am enough for myself'."

When Ning did not say anything, Yichan sighed and hugged her tighter. He would be lying if he would say that having her in his arms did not feel good.

Looking around, Yichan asked," Where is your phone?"

Pulling herself back, Ning clutched onto his suit and said," On the couch."

Letting her go, Yichan started walking the couch when he realised that Ning was holding his shirt and his suit.

Realising that he was going somewhere leaving her alone, Ning pulled him back and asked," W-Where are you going?"

" I am going to the couch so that I can call Guiren from your phone. Only he is the one who can help us out." Yichan said.

When Ning did not let him go but instead tightened her grip around his shirt, Yichan asked," You want to come with me to the couch too?"

Ning nodded her head and said," Yes, what if you get lost."

Yichan chuckled and said," Right, please lead me because I don't want to get lost while walking towards the couch which is just a few meters away from me." before walking towards the couch along with Ning.

Yichan frowned when he did not see Ning's bag on the couch.

" Are you sure you kept it here?" Yichan asked.

Ning nodded her head and said," Yes I had kept it here. I think they took my bag away."

Yichan sighed and said," This is definitely their stupid plan."

Looking around, Yichan asked," Where do you all keep the candles?"

Ning shook her head and said," I don't know."

Yichan frowned and said," Hey, this is your place you should know."

Ning shook her head and said," I don't know but maybe it's on the kitchen shelf."

" Okay, you stay here and I'll go look for them." Yichan said.


Cutting her off, Yichan said," It's darker there, do you wanna go there?" before pointing towards the kitchen.

When Ning shook her head, Yichan said," Be good and stay here." before walking towards the kitchen.


It’s been stressful lately so I took a three days break to clear my mind but now I am back ^_^

I have a good news to share with you all, THE DEVIL’S LOVE received a contract yesterday and I have already completed the procedures and submitted the forms ^_^ soo Yay [^_^]

Happy reading ^_^

Keep voting too ^_^

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