

The human heart. Yes, this is how this starts. But really ask yourself what does it do besides pumping blood throughout the body.

Emotions start at the brain, but are active in the heart. These emotions, such emotions. People just call them neurons in your brain, but I think

they have a bigger role. A role to feel, to act, and to say. This is what i think emotions mean. They display one common thing "desire". A desire

to get up in the morning, to buy that ne AAA game. To eat that high calorie burger. To kill some- uh, scratch that last one. The point is these

emotions can drive people to do things, some good and not so good. Desires are linked to emotions, you are hungry so you eat, you are sad so you

cry, you are happy and you do whatever makes you happy. Of course these are just examples, these can be taken way further. The point is that they are not just something you feel, they can be what drive you to do.

The story starts... Its a rainy day, and I just got off work. As someone in the working class living in California, I cant really afford a car,

if only I was rich, then life would be easier. But that was only a dream, in reality I am a 25 year old man living in a small apartment just barely

making it by. So instead of driving I normally take the bus, but this time I was in a good mood, and i did something I dreamed of doing. Riding in

an Uber. Yeah, I know it isn't anything that special, but as someone who sneaks inside a bus to save money, its definitely special to me. Since it

was raining I didn't really want to get wet, so I took shelter inside a telephone booth. My first thought was how the hell there were still telephone booths in this day and age, it didn't really make sense. Telephone boots went extinct with the rise of portable phones. Even I had a

smartphone, granted it wasn't the latest model, in fact it was a relatively old one from a couple years back. I never really understood those

people, the type of people who buy the newest smartphone after they release, why would I use my money for a slightly better phone from the

previous year, but hey maybe I just don't understand them since I'm not in their position. I walked inside the phone booth, it was nothing special

in particular, but there was something that caught my eye. It looked like, not it was a phone number written in sharpie. At first I thought

nothing of it nor did I want to dial the number. But its existence, it was rotting away at my brain. It wasn't curiosity, more like fear, almost like

someone was pointing a gun to my head. "What is this" I asked myself. For a minute the number felt like it was staring at me. And before I Knew it

"BEEP" "BEEP" "BEEP "BEEP" I found myself dialing the number. It was odd, it really was. The machine didn't take quarters, so it was free?

That was something that would throw off the regular person including me, but I wasn't my usual self, or at least I didn't feel like it. I picked

up the phone. "H-hello" I said nervously, tripping up on my words. A couple of seconds passed, I was standing there with my face drenched in sweat.

I let a few more seconds pass before I hang up. While in the action of hanging up, I hear a voice, a voice of a little boy "hey you're gonna hang up

without accepting your contract" I heard slightly. placing the phone back to my ear, I ask "what did you say?"

"your contract"

"please elaborate"

"how about we go to a.. secluded place"

"uhh, I don't roll like that"

"just come with me"

"uhhh- sure"

I then start to black black out, everything turns fuzzy, I cant feel anything and my eyes close. I wake up in a black space, I cant see anything around me.

I then see something fade in, it was a human figure, fading into existence. "hello" I heard a voice echo. "huh"

"oh sorry, I didn't know you forgot about me"

"you're that boy"

I then see his form, he was a short boy with black hair and blue tips, he was wearing white clothing, no shoes.

"ah, so you do remember"

"yeah, I do"

"alright good, now about that contract"

He just straight up cut to the chase like that. I still haven't gotten used to this, how could anyone. This looks like a scene from an anime.

"so let me get to the point as to not waste your time"

I look at him.




"I need to fuse with you."