
The destruction and creation system

nick was an ordinary guy , no seriously he was almost boring how normal he was. So one day nick was walking to the store to get him a soda when some drunk driver happened to look away from the wheel and crashed into poor nick,but we all know how this song and dance goes and he gets reincarnated into a fantasy world with cultivation and gods and monsters but the problem is nick only ever wanted to be normal and now he's the most unordinary person alive with a system hellbound to drag him to greatness , kicking and screaming if necessary.well that is until tragedy strikes making him want to become strong. P.S. first real attempt at a system novel let me know how I'm doing thanks! also don't own the picture.

loskro · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
331 Chs


Nick took first in the younger generation for strength as no one else present would fight him so his place was solidified before the rest of the younger generation began to fight over the other nine places while nick simply deigned not to watch as the matches were boring for him. so while almost everyone was watching the fights nick was playing with a coin that he was controlling with a bit of qi. the only other person not watching the fights was the king who was watching nick in amazement as nick made the coin do all manner of seemingly impossible things like when he tossed the coin over his shoulder before catching it after it ricocheted five times. the king leaned over to his servant "tell that young man that I'd like to have a word with him after the others leave." he said calmly. the servant nodded before skirting around the crowd and walking towards nick who was standing next to one of the walls. "the king would like you to stay after the event to have a discussion." the servant said respectfully before leaving walking back towards the king.

Nick looked over at the king who was looking at him curiously before grinning and tossing his coin a foot in the air but instead of falling the coin simply spun in place before nick casually reached up and plucked it out. the king was amazed and nick simply laughed before nodding slightly before going back to playing with the coin. the duels lasted another hour before the other nine strongest members of the younger generation were all set not that nick was paying attention. after the fights everyone started leaving and the hartfell family approached nick. "you are deceptively strong it would seem." lucian said with a chuckle. nick shrugged "honestly speaking i only saw one person who was worth my attention amongst all the younger generation." he said honestly. lucian raised an eyebrow but didn't comment. "you all go on without me i was invited to have a chat with the king but don't worry I'll keep my end of the bargain." nick said before handing a paper with the instructions how to make steel to lucian. the family left after that even though bellania looked like she wanted to say something.

Soon the last person besides nick left the building and the king beckoned nick to follow him as he walked further into the building. nick followed the king in silence for a few minutes before he entered a large garden not much different from the one the hartfell family had but much larger. the garden had far more different types of plants besides just those that had pretty colors as nick noticed many that had weak medicinal properties. the king lead nick down a path deep into the garden to a spot that made nick gasp. in this spot the amount of qi that naturally existed was many fold higher than normal and within it nick spotted no less than six separate plants that had mutated.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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