
Chapter 2

This Taoist priest said that I was destined to be robbed and could not survive in our family. I had to become his disciple to have any chance of survival.

He also said that even if I practiced with him, it would be difficult to survive the three tribulations. In other words, when I was nine years old, I encountered the most severe tribulations. If I could not survive this tribulation, I would die. If I did, I would die. There will be a big turnaround.

Grandpa and father discussed it and felt that living was better than death, so they agreed. As a result, the Taoist priest took me away from home in a hurry, as if he was afraid that my family would regret it. Not long after leaving the village, someone discovered a Taoist priest's body. His corpse was very horrifying, with bleeding from all the orifices, eyes wide open, and a look of horror on his face, as if he had been frightened to death. But I was fine and lay quietly next to this Taoist priest. When my parents heard about it, they had no choice but to take me back. The Taoist priest's family even came to make a fuss. Later, I heard my master say that the reason why the Taoist priest died was because his mind was not right. When he took me away, he just wanted something from me, and he also wanted my life.

After my father took me home, he started to worry again. No one knows what the Taoist priest said before or whether it is true or false. But his sudden death made my family a little more afraid of me. Even the people in the village said that I was a Jonah who killed an innocent person as soon as he was born. No one knows what the Taoist priest said before or whether it is true or false. But his sudden death made my family a little more afraid of me. Even the people in the village said that I was the one who killed an innocent person as soon as he was born. And I still have a serious problem: I don't drink milk at all, only blood.

From the time I was born to now, I haven't eaten a single bite and I've been crying from hunger. Grandpa and father were so worried that they did not think about tea or food, and my mother was also sad and silently crying. Unexpectedly, when my father went out to use the toilet in the middle of the night, he suddenly heard a rustling sound in the yard. Following the sound, my father suddenly saw several white-furred foxes appearing in the yard, followed by several weasels. In the night, the eyes of those beasts were shining brightly, and they moved furtively. One of them, a large white-furred fox, was still lying on the window sill, secretly looking into the house.

 When the father saw this scene, he was frightened at first and then became angry. He thought it was bad enough to have a freak in the family. These beasts also came to cause trouble. So he picked up a brick from the ground and threw it towards the beasts. The brick hit the white fox lying on the windowsill. The white-furred fox let out a scream, which sounded very sad in the silent night. It looked back at my father fiercely and bared its sharp fangs. My father was so frightened that he didn't dare to move at that time. At this time, the door of the house suddenly opened, and my grandfather rushed out with a machete. Although he is almost seventy years old, the old man's body is still very strong. When he was young, he served as a soldier and fought against Japanese soldiers. He was once the captain of the sword team. His eyes were wide-eyed and full of murderous intent, and the knife in his hand was shining brightly.

As soon as those beasts saw my grandfather, they were so frightened that they ran out of the yard."What's going on?" Grandpa looked at his father and asked."I saw these beasts wandering in the yard, and a white-furred fox was lying on the window looking into the house." The father said with lingering fear."Misfortunes never come singly! I have been doing good deeds and protecting my family and country all my life, and I have never done anything wrong.

Now I'm old. How could such a thing happen? "Grandpa sighed helplessly. At this time, he suddenly saw a dark thing at the door of the house, which seemed to be still moving. Grandpa knelt and took a look, feeling very puzzled: "Where did these things come from?"My dad also came over to take a look. He was stunned for a moment, but he saw a few chubby hares on the side of the door of our house. They were already dying. He picked up the hare took a look, and found that there were several bloody holes on the hare's neck as if bitten by some wild beast."Dad, are these hares brought here by the foxes and weasels?" my dad said incredulously.

Grandpa nodded calmly and said, "It's probably them. During the day, hundreds of weasels and foxes knelt before our house. We don't know what the relationship between our children and these beasts is. Now that they have been sent to us. , let's release the hare's blood and leave it to our children, and let's eat the meat."With this rabbit blood, I was finally fed and fell asleep, and my family also had a meat meal. Because our family is not rich either. But what the family didn't expect was that these foxes and weasels were not just a gift this time.

From then on, he came to my house almost every night. Every time he came, he always left something, sometimes it was pheasants and rabbits, sometimes there were two fish, and he even gave me two meals a day. Now, my family eats meat every day. At that time, the standard of living was much better than that of other families. Most people could only eat meat during the holidays, but my family ate meat every day, and sometimes we couldn't even finish it. My father also sold it at the market, which made many people in the village jealous.

So when my dad saw these weasels and foxes in the yard again, there was no need to chase them away. Even if he saw it, he pretended he didn't see it. Those beasts weren't afraid of my dad either. He walked past my dad with the hare in his mouth, put it down, and walked away without looking back. Just like that, three years passed in the blink of an eye. These foxes and weasels brought some wild animals every day. My family ate meat and I drank blood. Gradually, I grew up, and except for drinking blood, I was no different from your normal child. My family also tried to feed me some other foods, but I would spit them out every time I ate them and couldn't swallow them at all.

When I was first born, I had white hair on my body and my face looked like that of a fox. But as I grew older, the white hair on my body faded away, and my face gradually became normal, and became more and more delicate as it grew. However, when I reached the age of three, my grandfather and father began to worry again. They still remembered the words of the Taoist Priest: I was born to suffer a calamity, which happens every three years. I am exactly three years old now. No one knows what kind of disaster they will encounter. On the day of my third birthday, as expected, a person in the village died. Everyone in the village said I was the one responsible.