
The Destiny Of The Silver Wolf

Nadia is a young werewolf who lost her family at a young age. Ever since she's lived on her own no one to rely on but a woman named Leilah while trying to stay out of grasp of an unknown enemy.. will she ever escape their clutches? What will happen if she finds a mate? Or when her full power unlocks? What will she choose when given the chance to join them instead fighting only to die?

AsolaF · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Together to Alone

Nadia's POV

I had this bad feeling like something wasn't right and I needed to get somewhere quickly. One day I was on the way home from elementary school and as I got closer this... Feeling only got worse. I ran home the rest of the way only to find my home being invaded by unknown wolves!

Terrified for the worse I tried to find my mother. I found her laying on the floor with the knocked over china cabinet weighting down her legs. I asked quickly questioned her about what was happening in a panicked voice. All she would do was repeat for me to take my sister and run!

That her and father would hold them off. I desperately tried to help her lift the cabinet off and free her but I just couldn't. I didn't know what to do.. I was only ten years old and cried out.

"I can't leave you here!"

My mother responded

"Go while you still have a chance! I know you don't understand why but whatever happens you out of all of us can not be captured no matter what!"

Just like my mother had said I really didn't understand. Why was I so important? What could I possibly have done to make me important? At the time I wasn't sure but finally decided to listen to my mother's orders. Me and my younger sister Arnna ran for about two miles away from our once so peaceful home. Thinking we were safe we stopped to catch their breath.

Right when we were about to continue our escape we heard something rustle in the bushes. A wolf emerged and shifted to his human form grabbing some boxers he had to cover himself all the while glaring at the two of us. Then he spoke

"Look at what we have here runaway pups."

He smirked at us as we stood there petrified. I was scared but I knew I had to protect Arnna. I told her to run while I held the man off.

Arnna responded with

"But Nadia you can't get captured your important for the future!"

I wanted to know what she meant was there something Arnna knew I didn't? Deciding to ask later I forced Arnna to run and the man just laughed.

"What are laughing at?!"

I asked clearly irritated trying to show no fear. The man responded

"Oh where are my manners I should introduce myself."

"I don't care about your stupid name why are you after my family?!"

I yelled at him in anger as I glared. Without realizing my eyes had flashed from their usual light green to silver in that moment.

He spoke with a laugh

"I'm not after your family I'm after you. They brought it upon themselves by keeping you."

Irritated once again I asked

"Why I don't even know you?!"

He laughed again

"That's true."

He only continued to smile as I held my ground.


"I'll explain later for now your coming with me."

"I don't think so."

I growled. The man was the one to get irritated this time. "Your coming whether you want to or not." His smile faded as a stern look replaced it as he had responded.

"I'm not going without a fight first."

I said as I glared at him trembling with a mixture of fear and anger. He shifted back to his wolf ready to pin me any moment.

I stood my ground as I couldn't shift yet not that it would help in this situation anyway. Even so I still had an advantage over him... Wolves can't climb. I quickly dashed toward toward the nearest tree and ran up it about four steps before launching myself off the trunck and grabbed a hold of the nearest branch.

Getting situated on the branch I looked down on the wolf barking angerly below me. I found myself in a conflicting position of wanting to catch up with my sister but not leading this mad wolf to her. Sadly letting him tag along was my only option at the moment.

I ran across the tree branches and jumping over small gaps between the branches going from tree to tree. Heading in the same direction that my younger sister had disappeared in. I had never been so glad for the harsh training my parents put me through before while doing this.

I found Arnna but gasped in shock as the sight before me was my worst nightmare. There on the ground in the center of a circle of wolves lied Arnna covered in blood and wounds. Her eyes still wide in horror as if frozen in the moment of time they had tortured her small fragile body...

I shook with anger at the scene before me as my heart raced and my mind was clouded with overwhelming emotions.

"How could they?" I looked around burning the appearance of every wolf present in my brain. Each one of them all had some kind of evil expression, some even dared to smirk at the body lying before them. No hint of regret or remorse for what had they had done to this innocent girl.

"How could they take such actions against a child of all things... I'll make them pay one day."

I jumped down from the tree not even caring about the monsters around me that could pose any sort of threat in that moment. I walked over to my dear sister clenching my fist tightly. The one that had followed me smirked like he had won. What he didn't expect however they had unlocked the first stage of the very thing "he" was trying to capture while I was weak.

Normal P.O.V

Anger flared within Nadia as her eyes scanned over her sister's body. The once so sweet and innocent eyes that used to look up to her with such a cute smile. Now those same eyes were boring into nothing like that of the dead...

"This can't be..."

Nadia shook from the anger that roared within her like a raging hurricane. With her fists clenched tightly she looked back over her shoulder at the man who had chased her. All her pain and suffering led back to him and she just couldn't stand it anymore...

Something snapped within her like the chains of a wild beast who had broke free to go on a rampage.

Normal P.O.V

Her cold and calculative gaze met the eyes of everyone else present. Some seemed shocked by her heartless expression which they should be as something died within Nadia that day. A circle of light soon surfaced and trapped her within it. The air swirling around the edges of the ring keeping anyone from interfering with her. Nadia's head snapped up to look at the sky above her as she took a breath the clouds above seemed to stir.