

As the morning approached I got dressed up for college and went to college and all I could think was how will I confront him and what will I say, I waited for the first lecture to be so that I could go and talk to him but I didn't got any opportunity to talk to him till lunch

I was talking to Hima, explaining the situation to her and while saki was sitting with us and she was listening while we were talking, saki reminded us that one day we were sitting on stairs and Alan came with his friends and sat behind us and then he started talking about us and we could hear them because he intentionally wanted us to hear

"If I want to give ranking to them, I would rank Malorie first, Hema second and Saki third"

Saki, got pissed stood up and we all left

Saki went to Vanisa, and as I think all girls named with Vanisa have a badass personality and so does this Vanisa in my case, she told her about Alan as her bitching habit comes first.

Vanisa asked Saki to go to him and tell him on his, how he dare give a ranking to us.

As Saki reminded us of that day we got more angry and were pissed by Alan

I was waiting to talk to him and when the lecture got over the lunch break came, I was prepared to confront him and he went outside college for lunch just as I was about to talk to him. So, I went to eat along with Hima to the cafeteria

I came back with a cold coffee for Saki and when I was outside the class, I saw people standing outside the class and they were talking and looking inside the class

I went to see what's going on and I saw Saki fighting with Alan alone

"Saki, what's going on?"

"You stay away pretty Malorie" Alan told

"Malorie, I'll handle this you wait for me, please"

I waited for her to come out and when she came out, she told me "I cannot believe this guy, I hate him, do you know what happened. I was in the class and somehow we started talking and I asked him about you and why he did that and I told him that Malorie is sweet she wont fight with u and he replied to me 'ya, Malorie is sweet' and I told him I'm sweet too but with everyone except because you don't deserve and I even gave him a warning to stay away from the three of us or else I'll forget that he is my fellow classmate"

"Calm down Saki, you are turning all red from anger"

"and what do you mean when he said that I'm sweet"

"oh, he said that and he thought you won't ever fight to him cause you are always helping everyone and you were sweet to him as well"

"well that's true but I do wanted to confront him today"

"Malorie, don't ever talk to that guy,I hate him to the very core"

"Okay,I won't"

Saki was unreasonably very angry from Alan, I understand that she was upset about me but how did she started fighting him and she didn't mention how the fight started, but I knew she was more upset because he gave us ranks and he gave last to Saki, although she may never mention that but she was very upset about that but after all no guy has a right to rank any one who does a man think of himself to rank any women on the basis of beauty, 'Stop Malorie don't open your feminine side'

Sighing on the current situation, I went to the class and my whole day kind of sucked and my lectures, ahm I didn't paid any attention, I was busy thinking about what has just happened