

Desperate for a mother's love led me to build my own miserable life. I was yearning for a mother's care and love which my father couldn't afford. I need a woman who I will call a mother, cook my food, bathe me, sing for me, and pet me. You may be asking me about my mother. yes, I never got to meet her. She died a few hours after my birth. I killed her and no one can convince me that I didn't because she died to save me. So I grew up with my dad and also a nurse. Mrs. Theresa took care of me till I was four years old. My Dad was trying his best to make me happy. He wastes his precious time with me, and he takes me out every weekend. He made sure that I did not lack anything. He's wealthy and owns many investments. Therefore, I didn't lack anything. But! Something was missing, guess what it was, a mother's love and care. Thus, it was the reason why I was different from others. My life was different.

Chinea · Teen
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17 Chs


I woke up from consciousness after some hours, I was still tied to the iron chair, and my blood was everywhere. I'm hurt, my heart is bleeding, I hurt all over.

"hey. you are awake?"

"I'm thirsty"

"what made you think that I will give you water?"

"I'm ten, and I bet you have a daughter that at my age. you won't let her pass through what im going through. a ten-year-old girl tied to a chair being tortured like a criminal."

"Are you emotionally blackmailing me?"

"what did you think will happen when my voice is heard by the world? did you think you will go scot-free?"

"your voice heard by whom? who did you think will hear your voice? hahaha. stop daydreaming. even though someone manages to hear your voice, they won't believe you."

"I will speak, shout if I should until one person hears my voice. all I need is just one person that is willing to hear me, one person that we believe me. then the world will hear my tears, my pain, through that person, the world will hear my voice. your child or children will know the kind of person you are." He was staring at me without saying anything. He gave me water at last. My stepmother came in after some minutes.

"has she said anything yet?''

''No ma'am. she is not saying anything.''

''Christabel, being stubborn will not save you from me. where is the envelope?''

''I don't know ma'am. I will tell you if I know where it is. I Remember giving it to Uncle Jude to keep for me. He promises to keep it safe until am eighteen years old. Uncle Jude is nowhere to be found.''

''Seriously? Are you saying this for me to believe? ''

''I Swear ma'am, I'm saying the truth.''


''yes ma'am ?''

''let her go. treat her wounds.''

''yes ma'am''

''she is still a kid, she can't lie after this torture.''

''ok, ma'am.''

I was taken back to my room where I was treated by a nurse she called. I wasn't given the best treatment but I'm grateful. I can make do with it. I just want something that will reduce the pain that is feeling. I know you will be thinking that I will be lost in my pain. no, I'm not lost, my pain is my cure. I believe in one thing at this age. if you can control your pain, it will make you stronger because it will reach a point in time you will be immune to pain emotionally. it will become your escape. it will kill your fear. it will shape you, challenge you, and also guide you toward growth and transformation. you may say it is wrong at this age to have that thinking faculty but that is what they throw at me. so I learn that there is no gain without pain. I have to pass through whatever my stepmom is throwing at me to win her.

when I was seven, my dad, he was still here. I overheard on the news that a young boy committed suicide. I tagged him as a coward but now I understand better. he did not commit suicide because he is a coward or he want to die but because he wants to stop the pain. he couldn't bear it any longer. sometimes I feel the same if I should say the truth. I will feel like crying or screaming to the world so that someone will hear me, someone, that will save me but it's only my soul that wept and there is no way that I can comfort it. one part withered and become a scar on the part of my soul that survived. they said pain fades once everything is over but I did not think so, mine has become part of my upbringing. pain becomes my companion, my strength, and my growth.

After a month, I was in school. during all hours, I was called that my uncle was looking for me. I did not believe it at first. I followed the teacher that called me to see my uncle. it was true, he was standing by his car. he looks so thin as if he has not been eating since he left. is everything ok with him?

''Uncle judge?''

''angel? Is this you?'' I was standing there looking at him without moving. maybe am dreaming, it's not real. Uncle Jude is gone for good. he walks quietly to me and engulfs me in his arms

'I'm here Princess. I'm here.'' Immediately he said that I burst into tears. uncontrollable tears. maybe have been lying to myself all this while. I'm not strong, I'm weak. maybe it is because I have not seen a shoulder to cry on. I'm just a valuable little girl.

''its ok, Uncle is here.''

''you left me''

''I know and I'm sorry ok''

''it's not ok, you left me.''

''I'm sorry. uncle is sorry. look at me princess.''

I separate from the hug, looking at him in his eyes. That is when how much I miss him.

" I miss you uncle."

"I miss you too my angel and I promised you that I'm not going anywhere again am back for good."

"thank you for coming back to me uncle."

"Are you hungry?"

"I'm starving uncle."

"come let's go and fill your little stomach."

I smiled and followed him to the car. I look around to know if the teacher that brought me is still around but she is gone, it's just me and my uncle.