
The destined encounter

Liam is an Omega born in a household of Alphas. Because of his family's reputation he was forced to be kept from the eyes of the other people, living a life of none existent. But his life is a bout to change when his path cross to the man who he has not met even once in his life time. Will this encounter bring the love and happiness he ever wanted? or will it only add to his suffering?

Encantadia · LGBT+
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220 Chs

Chapter 85: Drop of Kindness - 1


I will be releasing this earlier than my promise date of release cause I will be very busy tomorrow. So guys enjoy!!! Next update will be on Wednesday and it's going to be a loooooooonnnnngggg one like 6000+ words so I hope you'll look forward to that. So see you guys on Wednesday


Axel got out of the bed and out his husband's polo on and his own boxer. "Are you trying to seduce me with my boyfriend just fuck me look? Though I'm your husband now I don't mind cause you look ravishing." Jules sit up only to grab Axel back to bed.

"I still need to work." Axel said caressing the face of the man he has been missing for the past day and night that he had not seen him but work is work and the kind of work he's doing is something that will benefit them both in the future so he needs to hassle if he wanted to fully gain his freedom.

"So is that it huh?" Jules turn to his side to face his back to Axel and then covered his face. "After you satisfied yourself with my body you're just going to leave me."

Axel laugh loudly after witnessing his husband act childish towards him. "Hey sweety, I'll make it up to you I promise. You came home so suddenly that I wasn't able to file a leave of absence and beside there's something important that I need to get in the office. Let me get it and I promise to come home right after." Axel kissed Jules lips.

"I'll let you go but wear my polo today when you come to work today." Jules smirk to his request.

"This reeks of your pheromones." Axel complained but Jules just stand up causing for the blanket that is covering his nakedness to drop down the floor revealing his work of art body.

"My intention precisely, so that they know that you already belong to somebody and that somebody is me." Jules whispered before placing a kiss to his lips and got a pair of fresh boxer and sweat pants inside his back pack. "Don't worry sweety my clothe is clean. I'll cook you breakfast so go wash yourself. I love you!" Jules shouted which put a smile of Axel's face.

Axel was grinning ear to ear from the moment he stepped into the building till he get to his station that he failed to notice all the eyes that is following him.

"Something good must have happened, you're smiling beautifully today the first time I've saw you smile." Axel's smile vanished as soon as he heard the voice of that particular man who has been clinging and eyeing him inappropriately. Though he finds it challenging to be able to carry out the job even having a man who keeps a close watch of him Axel still finds it disgusting to be hit on openly by his immediate.

"Yeah my husband came home." Axel simply said.

"You're joking right? You don't look like someone who is married." Axel smile at the man.

"Of course Mr. Collin, I'm just joking anyways shall we go?" Axel said, though as much as he wanted to pared his husband's pheromones but doing so can only endanger Jules so he decided not to obey his husband's request. He will just be thinking of a way to make it up to him but right now he can't afford to leave any trace of Jules existence not even one single scent that can give him away in the future.

In just two days Axel manages to get his superiors trust through his skills and through his beauty but this time without the intention of seducing them. So in that short period of time they are already letting him handle the back door deals and transactions, illegal transfers of money and internal audit access. With his high calibrated skills that Axel deliberately showed them they didn't doubt him even once, they even thought that they finally found a diamond in a rough. They were so complacent to the point that they even have no idea that they already let a parasite inside to suck them dry, even after all the background check they did they failed to see through Axel.

"Is this all?" Axel asked after taking care the tasks assigned to him.

"You really are something aren't you?" Mr. Collin complimented putting his arms around Axel's shoulders. Axel didn't budge he didn't let his emotion get in the way but deep inside he can already feel that his body is rejecting the man. "No one has ever finished this as fast as you do, you were able to handle all these in just three days. Sweetheart I'm really very lucky to have you, you're pretty. You shouldn't have just applied as an assistant, your skills are far more than what a mere assistant can do" The man start caressing the side of his face that slowly goes down to his collar. Axel is already sweating in the years he has been doing this kind of things it's the first time he ever felt nervous not for himself but for the hickeys that his own husband left after what they did just this morning.

Axel push the hand of the man before it gets any further. "I'm just doing my job efficiently sir. You told me that there will be a big deal to come and that we need to prepare for it so I made sure to finish early for us to start right away." Axel is trying to divert the topic which worked cause as soon as the man heard about the urgent distant project his eyes glisten.

"Yes, about that I'll invite you in the meeting together with the board of directors next week. Since this will be the biggest deal we will going to have it needs to be done thoroughly." Mr. Collins said excitedly.

"Board of directors?" Axel said shyly although it was just all an act the moment he heard that the man will be inviting him to the board of directors meeting means everything is going according to his plan he just didn't expect it to be this fast. It seems that his face somehow boosted it, in just a short time Axel can already tell that Mr. Collin is the type who's crazy about shy, timid and pretty people.

"Yes I'm planning in promoting you to be my personal assistant, I'll let you see through the important things and matters with the projec but since this is a highly confidential thing we will still be needing to seek for the approval of the higher ups." Mr. Collin said.

"Ow I don't think I have the confidence to handle it. Maybe you should find someone else." Axel said shyly moving the thick frame on his eyes.

"You certainly can do it, all you need to do is to of course prove yourself your skills and talents and of course you can also come and comfort me." Axel knew right away what the last part of the man means although he's not planing in resorting to the last option since he has the confidence to leave the man with no other choice but him without sleeping with him.

Axel went home right on the dot, he wanted to spend more time with his husband but while walking he has been noticing a man following him since he got off work. Axel thought that Mr. Collin is puting a tail on him after he pulled that his husband came back home joke though it's the truth. Axel took out his phone and using just Morse code he sent a text message to his husband.

"Ow Mr. White?" Axel got the man's attention, he instantly recognize the man cause that man is one of Collins secretary. Axel can see the surprise on the man's face when he called out to him. "Are you also headed this way?" Axel asked.

"No I was just visiting someone from here but she's not currently home." The man said making excuses.

"Is that so? How about coming in to my house for dinner perhaps?" Axel asked. The man didn't answer. "My house is near by." Axel added.

"Ok, then but I won't take long, I don't want to disturb your rest." The man said.

"No it's fine it's just me alone so I don't mind having some company." Axel knew that the best way to put out the fire of suspicion is to actually let it consume the source or what fuels it and in this case what fuels their suspicion is the verification whether Axel is living alone or not, whether he's hiding something or not and to be invited unscheduled is the best way to catch someone off guard.

Axel and the man went inside his little apartment. "Your house is neat." The man complimented.

"Thank you, I have obsessions with cleanliness. I hope you don't find it odd for a beta man to have OCD about cleanliness." Axel joke about it like it was natural but he's already eyeing every edge to see if his husband was able to get the massage but from the looks of it, it seems Jules was able to. There's not even a scent of his pheromones inside the room, not even a sign of their wild making love just this morning.

Axel made a dinner for two and they talk over the table as they feast on their dinner. Axel was able to get the trust of the man so later on he send the man off and when the man is already out of his vicinity he came back inside his apartment and there he saw Jules washing the dishes. "I can do that, go sit over there and eat." Axel hugged Jules from the back.

"No, I know you're tired, I can handle this." Jules insisted.

"You haven't had your dinner yet." Axel insisted. Jules wash his hands and dried it with a towel and turn around to cup his wife's face and kiss it tenderly.

"I'm very jealous but it's part of the job. You didn't flirt with him though but the moment he slowly trusting you I can see that he's taking a liking towards you and I get jealous. I have never been jealous before but when it comes to you I easily get jealous." Jules is trying to throw away his pride by being way too honest with his feelings in front of his wife and Axel can't help but find it sweet and adorable.

"I also feel the same way. I'm getting more and more possessive towards you but in times like this I only think that it's part of the job as long as you won't sleep with them then I can handle my feelings. I love you Jules. The moment I fell for you it has only been you." Axel said with all Honesty. "I have good news sweety, I manage to trace where majority of their dirty money is coming from. I seems they have 3 major countries supplying them the goods by which of course our Omegas."

"Well that's a good start, you have just been there for days and you manage to dig this much." Jules complemented.

"I was given a proposal to be the personal assistant of my immediate and told that I can attend the meeting of the board of directors together with him since we will be the ones who will handle the matter directly." Jules hugged Axel while listening as both of them still standing inside the kitchen. "But the man is insinuating for me to sleep with him before he gives me the position."

Axel can feel Jules hugs tightening up. "Are you going to sleep with him?"

"Of course not sweety, you will probably kill that fucker before I make up my mind to sleep with him and besides I love you, I rather bite off my tongue than to see you broken hearted so don't ever think I'll resort to something like that ever again. That part of my life is just in the past."

"Thank you Axel." Axel smile after hearing Jules said that.


Rion opened his eyes again, he remembers falling asleep again when the Doctor came in after his consultation and check up. He remained looking at the ceiling for a couple of minutes and then roam his eyes around the room to see if the man earlier is still in that room but when he found no one he start looking at the white clean ceiling again.

Rion never experienced in his life to be treated this way in a hospital, he didn't even get a proper room when he got hospitalize after he bled hard when he was forced to work two days after he had his abortion. He doesn't really have the money back then and the people that employs him doesn't really want to spend that much on him. He remember he was pale as a ghost back then, he thought he was going to die but it seems like his life is rooted deep in this world that it refuse to leave and thinking now he survive another possible death again. "Perhaps Mr. Harris is right maybe my purpose in life is to expose those people so there won't be anyone who would fall victim just like me." Rion whispered. Rion looked to the door entrance when he heard a creak sound.

"You're still here." It was more like a statement rather than a question, it was the man earlier.

"Yes, why disappointed to see me?" Clarence said, he take a sit beside his bed.

Rion shake his head no and never say another thing again. He doesn't really know the man to play close.

"The person who's supposed to come today to look after you won't be able to come, Terrence told me. He said he will come late night today when he heard that you're awake since no one will look after you but I volunteered to do that after all the man is already a FAMILY MAN."Clarence said emphasizing the word FAMILY MAN.

"That's ok, Mr????" Clarence was waiting for the Omega to say his name but the way the Omegas left it hanging is clear that he already forgotten his name.

"Clarence, don't add Mr. to my name that will make me look old." Clarence felt hurt more like his ego is hurt cause the Omega don't seems to remember his name, though they just met earlier.

"I'm sorry, I forgot. Clarence it's ok you can leave now. I can take care of myself." Rion said politely trying to reject Clarence offer.

"Well to be honest I have nowhere to go, you seem my best friend Jules left me here to be with his wife and I know for sure that the two of them are already having sex." Clarence said with no filter.

"Ow that's understandable but Clarence you look like someone who has money, if you wanted you can book a room. It will be much better to rest there than to stay here." Rion was making a better suggestion than to have the man stay in the hospital room with him all night.

"Are you pushing me away?" Clarence asked.

"No, I was just concerned that it will be uncomfortable for you to stay here."

"Well I'm not that heartless to leave a defenseless Omega here all alone beside I already assured Terrence and Jules that I will take care of you here." Clarence words strike through Rion's heart, those words are the words uttered to him by those men who promise him love and freedom but none of them ever fulfill that instead the freedom he has been craving for so long was offered by an Omega just like him inside the prison cell and now he's hearing those words again but this time the man is not or lover or anything, he is just simply a stranger who he knows by the name.


"Ok, suit yourself. I'm tired I think I want to rest." Rion turned his back to the man. Rion knows men like him so as much as possible he wanted to distance himself from the likes of him. He no longer have any interest in any men. When all things are done he plans to live a simple life far from the city alone till he grows old, those are the thoughts running to his mind when he falls deep in slumber.

"I thought you won't be coming today?" Clarence said without leaving his eyes from Rion's back.

"Well I thought I won't be able to make it today but I manage to finish everything up and was able to catch the last flight. Is this him?" The man asked.

"Yes that's him, I didn't know that you have interest in taking such assignments that involves Omegas, Nigel." Clarence said

"Yeah I have been eyeing this case for a very long time now but no one wants to work with me. This is a very big case and me working on it alone will be futile and will just lead to failure but when I heard that Terrence is back and that Jules is backing him up with this project I thought that if it's those two then there's a chance so I volunteered when I heard they are looking for someone to guard their witness." Nigel who's leaning on the door entrance walk towards them.

"I didn't know you have such passion towards them." Clarence simply said.

"Hahaha it's ironic that a diplomat like you doesn't even have any single ounce of sympathy towards Omegas and yet here you are promoting peace. I still don't understand why you are friends with Jules at least he has some sympathy towards Omegas unlike you." Nigel said sarcastically.

"I'm securing peace and harmonious relationship between countries and Jules is making sure to give justice and restoring peace to humanity, there's a big difference between our job. Though Jules at first is not like that, he also doesn't really care about Omegas but now he's so obsess in working on this job to the point he's choosing this over his best friend's request." Clarence said sounding like a jealous boyfriend over his lover choosing his job over him.

"Well Jules is married to an Omega which I was really surprised when I heard it at first but I guess being married to one can make someone eyes open on how harsh the world of those born as an Omega, I bet Terrence has also have the same reason since he's also married to one. Maybe that's why those two decided to take this assignment." Clarence looked at the man beside him.

"How about you what is your reason?" Clarence asked.

"Me? I have a brother once an Omega, and his story is just another same stories as what the others have as a matter of fact maybe his story is the same as my brother, it's just he died unfortunately."

"Died? And what the same story? Same as him? Is he also a prostitute?" Clarence ask.

"You really know nothing do you? People who knows nothing only sees them as a prostitute, slut, whore and homewrecker. Anyways what are you even doing here, for someone who doesn't have any interest in Omegas what are you doing looking after one?" Nigel raised his eye brow to him.

"I thought he's a woman at first so I took an interest towards him, damn he looks like a woman, a very innocent woman but he said he's a man and a prostitute. He tried to murder someone that's why he's here and Terrence is handling his case."

"Yeah same old story. Hey you can go home now that I'm here, I'll take care of everything from here."

Clarence know that he has no business with the Omega and yet he doesn't want to leave the two alone for some reason. "I have nothing to do anyways so I think I'll be staying here besides the kid and I just became friends! He will be sad to see that his friend is no where to be seen right? And he will be scared to see a scary looking man like you beside him." Though Nigel appearance is far from being scary and yet Clarence still said it though.


Terrence spent sleepless nights trying to gather as much evidence and witnesses with regards to Rion's case. He wanted to fasten it so they can release Rion from behind the bar. The earliest the get him out of there the better. He was even happy to hear that the Omega already regained consciousness but the mountain of work that files up needs to be the priority that's why he's kind of thankful to Clarence for volunteering but somehow he still feels unease. He somehow feels like a father guarding his precision son from dangerous beast. "Fuck I'm now imagining things." Terrence swear as he massages his forehead. He knows Clarence reputation though the man is decent when it comes to his work but he is the complete opposite when it comes to dating not that the man has ever dated, he is just like them before. The only good thing is that Clarence doesn't sleep with a man be it an Omega or not so that's the only gives from him.

"Terry....." Terrence looked at Chester who's standing at the door step of his study. "You didn't sleep again." Chester whispered. Terrence smiled at him and open his arms inviting him to come to him and so did Chester.

Chester walk towards Terrence and seated on his lap. Terrence burry his face in between Chester's neck and shoulder, he can feel Terrence inhaling his scent. "This is the only thing that gives me comfort. It takes away all my tiredness." He can hear Terrence said in a very low voice.

"Terry, is it too much for you? If you want we can just ask Aiden to have one of your firms lawyer to handle Rion's case. I'm hating to see you like this." Chester's knowledge to Terrence work is limited so he doesn't know all the kinds of things that his husband has been doing lately causing him to be this tired.

"It's ok, I can handle this. Your husband wouldn't be the best if I can't even handle this." Terrence still haven't finished talking when his phone ring. He answered the call his face light up at what Chester thinks as a good news.

"But we don't have anyone to go there to run an investigation." Terrence said.

"Are you sure you'll do it?" Terrence asked again. "Ok, ok, thank you Jules." Terrence said before dropping the call. Then he dialed another number. "It's me, can you come here, yes, you said that man is still there right just leave him with him and come here. I'll text you my address. No need? Ok then I'll be expecting you. Thank you."

"Someone's coming over at this hour?" Chester asked after the call was ended."

"Yes, sorry kitten but this is regards with your friends case. I don't really want to worry you so I thought of keeping this from you. Rion has been stabbed many times but he survive. He just regained consciousness." Chester suddenly got up to stand up from sitting on his husband's lap.

"Terry why are you only saying this to me?" Terrence stand up and tried to touch his wife but Chester just step back.

"Don't touch me, don't try to get your way with touching me. I want an explanation."

Terrence sighed. "We already have Thirdy to think about and I don't want you to think about another person who's also got hospitalize. I wasn't planning in keeping this for too long only until Rion is out of the danger and regained his consciousness so you won't have to worry so much. I know the burden of what happened to our son is still weighing on you that's why you are pushing yourself so hard. Look at your hands.

Those blisters and cuts. I know you have been pushing yourself too hard. I can't add more to that."

"I want to be of any help to you that's why I'm doing it. I don't want to be a burden." Chester said.

"And I'm proud of you because of that. Do you want to visit Rion tomorrow?" Terrence asked but Chester shake his head no.

"I want you to rest tomorrow. Don't go to work, stay with us Terry. Then we can visit Rion the next day, he'll understand." Terrence knew that every seconds count but how can he say no when it was already Chester who's asking.

"Of course." Terrence simply answered. Chester went to the coach and sit at the end side of it before he tap the empty space beside him.

"Lie here Terry." Terrence left his work and lei to his head to Chester's thigh. He immidiately felt the warmth radiating from Chester's fingertips as the Omega gently caressing his hair. It makes him forget all his troubles, all his problems and all his worries. He sometimes wonders when did his ordinary, peaceful life became this busy, loud and stressful probably when he met Chester. He knows from the start that Chester came from a very dark and dirty past and he thought it was something shallow and can easily be dealt with but Terrence also learned that it was not something as simple and shallow as that cause the man that he loves was being pulled down back to that path by those people and the more Terrence is trying to save and pull him out the more he sees the reality of Chester's dark past and the people who are also hoping for help. Is he regretting meeting and loving his wife? If he's given a chance to redo things all over again, will he sleep with him? Will he look for him? Will he marry him again? And Terrence can only come up with one answer and that's yes he will start all over with him again but if he's truly is given a chance to go back the only difference he will make is to kill that bastard before he can lay his hands to Chester again.

Morning came fast and when Rion opened his eyes his body is full of sweat, his breathing is fast and hard. He's familiar with this kind of things so the first thing that came to his mind is to look if there are other people around. When he sees no one he felt relieve but his body is burning and he can't properly move his muscles. He can't remember when he felt his last heat was, months or a year ago. He hardly ever have one cause his heat passes by without him feeling it. He has been taking high dosage of suppressants, yes not just one but a whole lot of it to the point he can no longer tell when his heat came. When he got caught and was put in prison he always asked for high dose of suppressants from the prison clinic. So now that he got hospitalize he didn't know it will come back and it came back strong or maybe he just forgot what it feels like to have his heat. He tried to reach out for the buzzer to ask for help when he heard the opening of the door and there he saw Clarence standing still as he looks at him steadily and in an instant Rion felt Clarence strong Pheromones that send shivers down his spine. "N-no...." Rion whispered... "No, no, no, no please no." Rion whispered continuesly as he watched Clarence just standing.