
The destined encounter

Liam is an Omega born in a household of Alphas. Because of his family's reputation he was forced to be kept from the eyes of the other people, living a life of none existent. But his life is a bout to change when his path cross to the man who he has not met even once in his life time. Will this encounter bring the love and happiness he ever wanted? or will it only add to his suffering?

Encantadia · LGBT+
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220 Chs

Chapter 52: Forgotten Memories - 1

Hello everyone sorry for the late upload I was supposed to update this last Wednesday but I got so busy. Part two will be uploaded tomorrow so see yah guys tomorrow.

Happy reading 😊!


"I know that you can't remember this anymore but it all started when you tried helping me to get out of the mess I got into." Chester wasn't really expecting that the woman knows something about his past maybe not just his past but part of his past that he can't remember. With that in mind Chester was very determined to know what was it that this woman named Nadia knows.

"Tell me I need to know." Chester said it like a whispered but Nadia who's crying just shake her head no. "No I can't do this." Her crying became even more louder as she sobs.

"Nadia listen to me. I have been suffering for year because of the piece of memories that I can't even remember. Please tell me, even if I have to beg you I will...." Chester was about to kneel but Nadia stopped him.

"Please don't do this. I will tell you, I will tell you. You can hate me as much as you want but please don't involved my family. I'm really sorry for all the mistakes I did I really am." Chester stand back up again. Nadia on the other hand took a deep breath for a few times, wipe her tears away before opening her mouth.

"Chester 5 years ago you helped me... I mentioned earlier that I got involved with a syndicate and I owed them a lot. That syndicate was involved in a lot of illegal things. They do human trafficking, prostitution and drugs. I was just really nothing in that organization more like a girl who run some errands but because of my stupidity things turns out for worst. I over heard that there will be a smuggling of drugs that will happen during that time and me playing it cool boasted it out to my friends. I thought I was being a cool chick working with real bad guys but no. News travel fast and it reached the ears of the authorities. It became such a big news one of the largest drug smuggling was caught by the authorities. Even before the head of the organization was able to trace that the leak came from me I already pack my things, told this to my auntie and we left."

"Then what happened?" Chester asked.

"It was really a hell for us. Constantly living in fear for your life but we found you and you helped us. I thought that was it but neither did I expect that the son of the head went back to the country. I only known him from the other people's stories. They said he was ruthless and brutal that he only cares about himself. In just a matter of short time he was able to trace that the leak came from me and that I have some sort of connection with you. He said he has been looking for someone that I know and that..... and that if I bring that person to him he will spare me. He won't tell his father and he will point the blame to other people." Nadia look up as if trying hard not to let her tears to fall from her eyes once again.

"I didn't agree with him so he sent people to harass me and also to follow you. I don't know how you found out but you came to me you asked me what happened."

Chester's head begun to hurt as flashes of fragments of his memories came to his mind.


"Chester I'm so sorry I didn't know. I swear I didn't know. It's all my fault I didn't know that he has something to do with you. I just know now when you asked me. I swear I didn't know." Nadia cried.

"It's ok." Chester's voice cracked as he tried so hard not to cry. "It's not your fault. We will be able to get through this." Chester assured.

"I'll surrender myself. I'll talk to him, you already done so much for me. I can't let him wrapped his fingers around your neck. I know him even if he kills you he will definitely go after Terrence next and I can't let that happen" Chester was determined if his going back means it would save them from harm then he wouldn't mind.

"Chester but he's a very dangerous person. Do you think we should tell this to your husband?" Nadia thought maybe Terrence could help

"Nadia I want you to listen to me. Do me a favour and do everything I will tell you, ok?." Nadia nod.

"I will go back to him, all he needs is to talk to me. That's what his man told me. I'm marked, married and pregnant. He can't do anything to a pregnant man now can he?" Chester was trying to calm the woman down.

"Look after my husband and children. I will be gone for hours and you know just how Terrence is. He will eventually come looking for me. I need you to be my alibi. Raven is a very dangerous person I don't want Terrence to be involved with such dirty cunning man such as him. He will stop once he knew that I'm already marked." Chester smile with full of determination, even him to himself is sure that the Alpha won't do anything to a marked pregnant Omega and besides he is already highly pregnant so what appeal does a pregnant Omega has to an Alpha his only exception is Terrence who is still very horny for him but his husband already stopped doing it with him since he's already in his 9th month and doing so can be dangerous for both him and his baby. That is one of the things he admire with Terrence is that he always puts him first no matter what.

Chester prepared his plan to shake his bodyguard and to disable the security cameras as much as possible he wants to deal it on his own. And the day finally come, he was able to get pass Damian by drugging the later and then he went straight to the place where he knows that man will be.

Chester was welcomed by unfamiliar faces, they immidiately opened their gates for him the moment he told them who he is. They lead him to a huge living room where he greeted by a very familiar woman. A woman who despises him ever since he had worked for them.

"So it's true that you are indeed pregnant." The woman sneered.

"Yes I am Leticia, and you, you're still the same as always." Chester answered back.

"How can you be so shameless going back here even though you carry something other bastards child?!" Leticia's voice echoed inside the big hall of the living room.

"I don't even want to be here to be honest why don't you ask that boyfriend of yours? He's the one who came forcing me to come here. " Chester sigh. Leticia is the official fiance of Raven before he thought he was the only one and that Raven was serious about him but after the truth about his pregnancy with his first child came out that's also the time about the truth to Raven's real relationship status came to light that he has a fiance and that the woman is very beautiful and rich which makes the two perfect for each other. Raven just went straight in abandoning him letting other Alphas fvck him as part of their business.

"Leticia I'm married, marked and pregnant. I don't have any interest in Raven."

"Then why does he still looks for you?! Why is it always you?! I can live with him fooling around with others but he always comes back to you!" Leticia shouted.

"He only thinks of me as his favorite toy. When I got damage he set me aside and let other people play me. When someone found and fixed me that's when he coveted his old toy back. I don't think he would still be wanting it after knowing that, that toy is already a possession of others, besides look at me do I look much appealing with an appearance like this?" Chester said with confidence.

"Well well well. My muse I wasn't really expecting to see that you got that big." Chester and Leticia look to the direction where the voice came.

Chester's smile immidiately vanished. "Everyone get out I want to speak with my muse alone. Including you Leticia."

"But!....." Raven held out his finger signaling for the woman to stop questioning him. Leticia storm out of the living room and the rest of the bodyguards closed the doors.

"What do you want?" Chester cut to the chase and asked him directly.

"Darling didn't you even miss me?" Raven asked he's slowly walking towards him.

"There's nothing to miss about you." The man pretended to be hurt as he clutch the part where his heart is.

"But I miss you. I had let you play with others but I didn't think that you would get serious playing with other man to even get yourself pregnant." The man leaned in front of him and cornered him to the couch where he's sitting. "Not just once but twice."

"I'm married and he marked me." Chester simply answered hoping that can shoo the man away but Rave just back away as he laughed hard.

"So what?!" He shouted. "You are mine first! I just let him borrow my favorite muse but now he thinks he owns you?"

"I'm not yours! Not anymore!" Chester shouted. "He bought me. He took care all my debt away. He gave me a warm small house a loving parents and family and most of all he loves me. Things you can't and will never be able to give to me."

"I run a background check to your husband. I never thought that he's a lawyer but not a rich one. If I want to I can crash his whole career." Chester smirked he knows Terrence capabilities and he knows Terrence is not someone that can be easily defeated when it comes to power and authority but the next words that came out of Raven's mouth is what made Chester frightened for his husband's life.

"Or much better I can just have someone to kill that precious husband of yours..... Yeah that's a great idea that can solve a lot of my problems..."

"Nooooo!" Chester shouted. The man smirked at him.

"It looks like I finally got your attention."

"What do you want?" Chester asked.

"I want my toy back. I want to play with my toy for the last time till I have enough of you." Raven whispered to Chester's ears which gave the Omega a shiver down his spine.

"I want to know how it feels to have someone else's possession."

"No, No please don't do this." Chester begs.

"If you won't agree, I will have Nadia that woman, your father sister and ow your precious husband and sons killed. And this little one here....." Raven cupped his big tummy. "I will raise it to be my future toy. I bet he will be beautiful regardless if he's an Alpha or an Omega cause the mother is very beautiful. So now you choose be my toy once again for the time being or ..."

Chester gulp he wasn't really expecting that the man can be this low to even lay a hand to a marked pregnant Omega but setting that aside his family comes first. He thinks back his plan and think if he made the right decision of confronting the man. If he hadn't Raven might proceed with killing Terrence right away or killing his son's. He laughed and thought he did made a right decision. Even if Terrence will come to hate him after that and may never accept him once again as long as Terrence and the kids are safe then nothing else matters.

"Ok then. Just promise me once you are done leave my family alone. Don't hurt my husband."

"Damn! This is what I like about you." The man begin kissing his neck, while his hand tried undressing him. Chester was already feeling nauseous his body is rejecting the Alpha that's trying to touch him but he didn't pushed him away till his body starts transmitting pain signaling him to stop.

End of Flashback....

"Aaaarrrggggghhhhhh" Chester scream because of too much pain because of the memories that comes flooding in. a minute had passed before he finally lost his consciousness.

When he woke up he finally understand parts of what happened to his past but he wasn't able to remember the full of it. Maybe his mind is preventing him from remembering what happened next cause just remembering the first part of it already cause too much pain for him. The memories of that man touching and kissing him made him feel disgusted towards himself. He remembers up to the part when they finished doing it. The disgust he feels towards himself that he let other man touch him and be inside him. He was filled with disdain he knows that he can never ever face Terrence once again. Before when he still hasn't got his memories back he still have this confidence in loving his husband but after knowing how he let other man dirtied him it all Dawn's to him how big of a trash he is.

"Kitten you're awake? Is there something that's hurting? I'm going to call the doctors." Terrence run out of the room. After Terrence was out of the room that's the only time that Chester noticed that he's not in their parents house he figured that he's at the hospital right now with all the white colors surrounding him and the IV line that's injected to his veins proves that he's indeed in the hospital.

"I'm sorry Chester." He looked at the woman who he didn't even noticed that has been standing on the corner.

"Don't apologize. I made the decision myself it was my fault." Chester can see the surprise written on the woman's face.

"You.... you..... you can...."

"Yes I remember but not everything." Chester cut her off, Nadia immidiately kneeled in front of him and begs him for forgiveness with tears on her face.

"Please don't kneel, please...." After convincing Nadia, she finally stand up.

"I have a question to ask. Where is he? Does he know that I'm alive?" Nadia shake her head.

"No everyone knows that you died except your family. They thought that you run away with the other man but Mrs. Harris didn't believe that and continued to search for you for years. After the accident reach the boss he sent the letter with your handwriting to Terrence which will deliberately rule out the possibility of you being framed and held as a hostage by him. At first I thought everything was going according to our plan but the boss told me that there was an accident and you and your baby died. He flew out of the country after that specially after the incident with the kids and the training camp happened. He and his father lay low for a while. It was really a huge mess. The authorities didn't find any clue nor evidence that will prove all those claims after all the kids died in that fire so there are really no witnesses and evidences."

Chester nod. "How about you? Are they still bothering you?" Chester asked once again.

"No they actually stopped after the news of you getting involved in a car accident. Raven fulfill his end of the deal he handled my case with his father and just like that I was no longer connected to them.

"You didn't tell any of these to Terence did you?" Chester looked outside the window as he asked his last question. The scenery outside the window is peaceful where birds that has been flying around finally landed on the branch of a tree.

"I didn't, Terrence no longer accepts any explanation back then and I was too afraid to face his anger if he ever finds out that because of me you died. I'm sorry Chester I was too scared and selfish that I didn't even let them know. All these times they thought that you were with the other man. I couldn't even tell them that you died in a car accident."

"If you truly are sorry with what happened. Please keep what happened from Terrence. If he finds out he will hunt Raven. Raven is a very dangerous person. You know that right? I did made my decision back then not just because I wanted to help you but because I know that even after he kills you he won't stop. He will hunt Terrence next and I don't want that to happen. So I decided to show myself to him with the thought that if he knows that I'm already bonded and pregnant he will lose his interest but boy I was wrong. If you are going to ask me if what I did is right or wrong till now I still don't know the answer but all I know now is that I don't want anything to bad happen to the person that I love."

"I think Terrence need to know. Chess all these things happened because you kept him in the dark!" Nadia argued, for years her guilt has bee bothering her. It didn't let her sleep, it didn't let her have a peaceful life. She constantly blames herself that she sometimes wanted to tell Terrence everything but she knows that once she does Terrence won't let her be near the kids again and it will mean that she had failed to do the only favor that Chester asked of her but since now that Chester is here she can finally come out clean. Even if it means that the Alpha will completely going to cut her off or even put her in the jail she doesn't care she just wants to help Chester this time in the right manner.

"You don't understand Nadia he doesn't need to know!" Chester shouted.

"Know what?" Both Nadia and Chester's eyes landed on Terrence who is now with the Doctor.

"What is it that I need to know?" Terrence asked once again.

"T-Terrence, I think Chester needs to be checked. He thinks that he might be pregnant which made him faint and he doesn't want you to know just yet cause he is still not sure." Nadia came out with an excuse and hopes that Terrence will buy it.

Terrence was scrutinizing the two of them deciphering if the later is telling the truth. His eyes landed on Chester "Is that true?" Terrence asked.

"Ah- there's no way to tell since it's still early but I just thought that it might be the case. We have been doing it quite often recently and you never once used any protection." Chester's face is now extremely red he didn't know that he will be disclosing such information in front of all the people inside the room.

"Then I guess we also need to check his blood to see if he really is expecting or not specially if you two are both active in that aspect." The doctor suggested and then he proceed in doing the examination.

Nadia went out of the room to give them some privacy but not long after Terrence followed her. "I don't believe that it was the thing that I need to know. Chester and I came to terms with the baby and it is not something he would hide from me." Terrence begin.

"Terrence just how much do you love Chester?" Nadia asked.

"So much that I can't even measure it." Terrence answered. Nadia smiled bitterly.

"I hope that love won't disappear even after knowing everything. I don't think I'm the right person that you should be asking him not me, the only thing I can give you is to fill in some blanks of the things that he's about to tell you and that is if you manage to make him speak. If you do call me and all three of us will take then. I'll take my leave now. I'm sorry Terrence I hope even after knowing that truth you will be able to forgive me." Nadia took her leave and left with a lot of questions inside Terrence mind.


Chapter 53 Sneak peek.....

"Aaaaarrrgghhhh" A loud roar echoed at the dark part of the park.

"Hey take it easy Terrence." Lance tried to calm his friend down.

"You know nothing Lance, nothing!" Terrence pulled Lance to his shirt. Luckily Lee was able to pull Terrence away from Lance and Adrian supported Lance.

"I may not know what you feel right now but I know if that happens to me I will try to understand him as well. You have lived like a dead man for five years because he's not by your side and now that he's here you are acting like a child throwing a tantrums." Lance said.

Terrence sit on the grass lifelessly and smiled bitterly. "He said it wasn't his intention and yet he volunteerely went to that man."

"I don't know what to say. Did Chester really said that?" Lee asked.

Terrence nodded. "He was having a nightmares again after not having them for a long time. He keeps on mumbling about a man who's name is Raven for nights now. I kept on asking him if there's something that I need to know and yet he keeps on saying no. I had enough and went on to make my own investigation. It turns out this Raven guy is the son of Chester's old boss but unlike his father Raven is clean. He run this high end restaurant bar for VIP's and the day before Chester disappear he went to see him." Terrence chug down to his through the whole can of beer.

"Hey hey take it easy." Adrian pulled the beer away from Terrence. "Here take this away from him." Adrian handed the beer to Lee.

"He told me that he went just to talk to him. Does he take me for a stupid person?" Terrence shouted. "He remembers and yet he didn't tell me hahahaha.... Maybe he can't leave me yet because that bastard is not here. His father's business got involved with a big child trafficking case years back and that bastard is currently away with his father. He's putting up with me cause he still can't be with that man. Maybe it is also the reason why he's secretly taking birth control pills. He thinks that I won't be able to find out? He doesn't want to get pregnant again with my baby. He wanted that bastard to father his child and not mine..... agghh" Lee slap Terrence.

"Get a hold of yourself Terrence! Did you even let him explain? I bet you didn't! Damn why you and Lance are so alike aaarrrrggggghhh."

"Hey why did my name got involved here? Aiden and I are now ok and for your information we are very much lovey dovey these days we'll except for sex his family is so strict." Lance sigh.

"Don't even start with me Lance! You both love to jump to conclusions and assumptions without hearing fully your partners explanation. That's why your relationship always ends up with so much dramas because you two like to make things complicated. Adrian don't take after these two they are the exact epitome of the word complicately stupid!" Lee shouted.

"Listen Terrence you are smart I know you know deep inside that is not what the truth is. Your emotions is only making up fake truths just to justify the hurt that you feel right now. You want to feel sympathetic to your self that has been hurt but I bet the one that is more hurt right now is not you but Chester cause his stupid husband just shouted at him and storm out without letting him explain his side." Terrence shut his mouth and stared at his bare feet resting on the ground.