
Chapter 136: The Man You Hated The Most - Part 1


Sorry for the late upload, I have a really really bad internet connection for the past two weeks now. Anyways thank you for waiting.

Ow, I'm a huge fan of GOT so I'm now really excited for the House of the Dragon!!! I don't know if I have any readers here who also interested in this kind of series

Anyways Happy Reading 🤓!


"Aaahhhh Darling slowdown hhhmmmm…" Jeffrey said in between his breath as he hold to his husband's body who's sitting up while pounding him from beneath. Jeffrey decided to be on top even in that position Henry is still the one who's in control. It didn't take long before Jeffrey came and soon after he also felt his husband pour his seed inside him. Jeffrey is clearly out of breath but still Henry keeps on kissing his chest before flipping their positions and bend his back in front of his husband. There wasn't much enough time to protest when he felt his husband entered him again from behind. Jeffrey couldn't stop Henry or won't stop Henry because his body screams in longing for his husband. "Darling slow down."

"No I wont aaahhhh, fuck you're so hhhmmm aaahhh tight." It went on till he felt Henry came again as soon as he came. Jeffrey has the feeling that Henry will take him again so even if he doesn't want to he quickly straddled his husband and hit him to his nape to make him sleep.

"Darling I'm really sorry but I think too much of this is bad for our little bean. George said that the baby is still not out in the dangerous period. I will be back, I promise." Jeffrey whispered before getting up and wearing his clothes. He cleaned up the whole place and make sure no evidence of him being there is left. Even the footage of his husband's CCTV security he made sure everything is clean. He gave Henry a peck on his lips before leaving.

"So where have you been?" Jeffrey was greeted by Herra's questions and scrutinizing eyes but Jeffrey didn't answer. "You reek of strong pheromones." Herra commented. "You didn't, did you?"

"I did and it was awesome." Jeffrey have this playful smile on his face.

But Herra is horrified. "We will go see George, Now!" Herra dragged Jeffrey and drove the two of them to the mansion of the Doctors.

"This is ridiculous Herra!" Jeffrey uttered in complaints even though he's already inside the car.

"You having sex recklessly is what's ridiculous! How many, huh? How many?!" Jeffrey knows that an angry Herra is not someone who is easy to please but the question makes him blushed really red.

"J-just two." Jeffrey answered stuttering.

"See you had sex when the baby's hold is not that strong yet. Do you want to lose your baby again?"

Jeffrey felt guilty, he just wants to be with Henry and to feel him again. "I'm sorry."

"We will drive to the Millers and have you check and that's final!"

"So you went and have sex with your husband?" Jeffrey silently nodded.

"I didn't know you are living close to Aiden Millers." Jeffrey whispered.

"Yeah that's why I was surprised to see you here."

"Herra dragged me here." Jeffrey explained.

"Wait what? Is it supposed to be a bad thing bringing you here? Am I missing something?" Herra got very confused with the flow of the conversation.

"My brother knows Jeffrey." George explained.

"The reason why he is avoiding having contact with my in-laws." George added to her husband's statement.

"You two get out of this room for a moment and you take of you pants and underwear."

"What?! No!!!" Jeffrey said in protest.

"Give me one good reason why not too?" George asked challenging him.

"He came, Henry came inside." Jeffrey's face is about to explode.

"Who's Henry?" Herra asked.

"My husband of course! My husband's name is Henry."

"Weird your husband has the same name as my brother….."

"Don't sweat it Henry Choi is such a common name." George immediately said.

"Well it's really late and I want to sleep so you two go outside and you take off you pants and underwear and spread your legs. I don't care if he came and filled you up. What I do care right now is if your baby is ok." Jeffrey just followed his Doctor's advice.

"You know full well of what I told you about a month ago to be careful, the baby is still under observation and you can't go have rough sex." George was scolding him.

"I just missed him and I can't seem to control myself when he's around." Jeffrey confessed.

"More like you can't control your lower half when your husband's around. The baby's fine, it's ok to have sex even when you're pregnant, just slow it down a little bit and be careful. You're a little swollen so make sure not to do it roughly." Jeffrey nodded.

"So does he know now?" George asked.

"No he still doesn't know. My husband is drunk. Damn it! I better not let him get drunk when I'm not around some bitch might prey on him." Jeffrey sneered that made George laugh.

"What's funny?" Jeffrey asked.

"Your husband probably only reacting and sleeping with you because of your pheromones. That is also the reason why he's letting his guard down. He probably thinks that it is you Jeffrey." George said.

"Pheromones?" Jeffrey asked.

"Yeah, if he's smart he's probably having doubts now." George admitted which got Jeffrey paled. Seeing Jeffrey's reaction and the his heart rate that jumped up George tried to console him. "Or he probably thinks he just smelling someone who has the same scent as you, after all your scent will slightly be different because of the pregnancy. So be careful if you don't want to get caught."

The two went home and when they're home they found the baby crying all by himself. "AJ!" Jeffrey quickly run to where the child is and carry it to his arms. When he noticed that no one is inside the house, not even the hired sitter. Jeffrey's heart start to pound and in a heart beat he searched for the whole house to discover that Axel and the sitters are all gone.


Dexter flinched when the warm ray of sun hits his naked body lying on the floor of what used to be his and Lee's bedroom. He got up and noticed the bottle of alcohol that he's still holding as months passed by the harder the sleep ever visits Dexter. He tries as much as possible to get his life back, he tries to visit Lexter often which fires backed to him that made him not visit his own child nearly a month now. He doesn't know what's wrong with him. He doesn't know where to start. He even stopped attending Dr. Henry's sessions as if opens up more wounds than closing it. The fact that Lee hasn't been found is slowly killing him, only when he lose him he realizes his mistakes. Dexter tried to get up and fixed himself for unknown reason he found himself in front of the house of his own Doctor.

Henry who's still in dazed because of all the amount of pheromones inside his house. The scent is so familiar and yet it is different. He got up after hearing continues door bells.

"Here drink this." Henry handed Dexter a cup of coffee then he seated across Dexter.

"So why are you here?" Henry asked.

"I don't know." Dexter said in a whisper.

Silence spread to the room and no one broke the silence until Henry spoke again.

"Do you know that the biggest torture is to live the rest of your whole life feeling lonely and sad over the passing of someone that you hated the most and yet love the most. You want to be with them but you can't, cause you know deep inside it is not something that they want you to do." Henry said.

"You're wrong Doctor. The biggest tortue that living lonely and sad is to have many regrets and what ifs. I realized it when I lose Lee." Dexter's voice cracked as his tears that are breaming to his eyes raced down one by one.

"Dexter, then you know how it feels and yet you continue to neglect your child. Lexter is just a toddler. He doesn't have any clue as to why his father who birthed him is treating him this way." Henry said.

"I'm not telling you this as your Doctor but as your friend. You'll have more regret if you also lose Lexter. Do you want to lose Lexter?" Henry asked and Dexter shooked his head know while crying.

"Don't cry that crazy husband of yours might hunt me for making you cry." Henry patted Dexter's back. "It's ok, I know it is hard but you have to keep moving. Lee that freak adores you so much, he wouldn't want you to keep on hurting yourself. You have to forgive yourself Dexter and those around you."


"Hey have you seen where Kier is at?" Richard asked the employees and they point him to where they have seen the man, so Richard went to look for him and there he saw Kier carrying a child that's around 3 year old. The child is no doubt handsome and Kier looks at it lovingly. He thought that Kier would have been a perfect father.

"Papa!" The child called Kier.

"No I'm not your papa." Though it breaks Lee's heart he needs to make sure that Lexter understands. He already explained this to his parents that he will only be seeing Lexter till he's 3-4 and after that they need not to bring the child anymore. Lexter might blow his cover if ever his song misspoken and reveal about him to his daddy.

"Papa…." Lexter said in a sad tone. "Papa not at home and Dada not at home. Lexter is all alone." Lee looked at the pain in Lexter's eyes.

"Dadda will be fine, he just needs time alone but I'm not your papa. Soon you will have your Mom. Be good to her Lexter." Kier kiss the child's forehead.

"No! You're my PAPA!" The child scream.

"Ssshhhhh Lexter listen to me, listen to me. Papa hurt Dadda and for that Papa needs to stay away so Dadda can live again. You may not understand this now but you have to promise not to say anything to Dadda." Kier whispered as if begging his own son.

"Will Dadda love Lexter again if I do that?" Lexter asked, and Kier nodded.

"Yes he will so don't tell about Papa to Dadda ok?"

"Will Lexter continuously see Papa if Lexter won't tell Dadda?" Lexter asked.

"Of course, of course." Kier re-assured, even though he knows that he will break it someday.

"Then you saying that you are my Papa?" Kier went silent at the child's question. Lexter doesn't just look like Dexter but he is also very sharp just like the man he loves. The child definitely caught him.

"Yeah but at the same time I'm not but Lexter will always be Papa's baby."

"Kier?" Richard called out the man. He walked to them till he's in front of them. "He's handsome, who's child is this?" Richards asked.

"This, this is those old couples grandchild." Kier answered.

"I bet the parents are beautiful. Hi there?" The child hugged Kier and hide his face on his nape.

"Get away, I don't like you! You tryin to take Papa away!" Lexter screamed.

"Your child?" Richard asked.

Kier shake his head no in response, he doesn't want to say it and let Lexter him denying him as his child.

"It's a long story, let me just give the child to his grandparents." Kier said.

Richard met the grandparents who doesn't look like one. The two look rather young to be grandparents but the most shocking part is that the grandparents and the couple who frequently visit are one family.

The day passed fast and the night came. Everyone is asleep but Lee is wide awake. Tonight he sleeps with his son on his parents room. He watched Lexter sleep. The child cried when he first saw him after months that he disappeared.

"You don't really want to go home? You can process your divorce to your husband, leave him part of our company and half of your wealth…"

"That won't be possible, I won't be able to let him go Dad if ever I go home. I love him so much." Lee whispered.

"He's looking for you. He doesn't want to stop." Dong-ha said.

"You have to help him to move forward. Get married again and live a happy life that is far from what I can give."

"I'm only doing this because you are my son. But you have to promise me that you too will find your own happiness….." silence followed after Dong-ha told him that but Lee didn't answer.

"That young fellow looks like he likes you. I think he's also good to Lexter. If ever you decided to marry that young fellow I'll fully support it." Rebecca added.

"I'll only get married to a one person only and that will only be to Dexter."


"Where is my child?" Dexter asked the head of the mansion when he came to visit and there's no Lexter inside the mansion.

"The Madam and Master went somewhere and took the young Master with them to a vacation." The head butler explained.

"Where did they go?" Dexter asked.

"No need to ask, we are home now son." Rebecca got Dexter's attention.

"Mother!" Dexter went and hugged the woman. "Where have you been?"

"Lexter is here, you came to see him right?" Dong-ha, changing the topic.

"Lexter come to Daddy." Dong-ha gave Lexter to Dexter. Dexter have to admit that he's still scare sometimes and the image of his own child that died flashbacks to him every now and the. Whenever he sees Lexter, but he knows he needs to face his fears to get Lexter back - the only part of Lee that he can touch. Though Lexter take so little of Lee and more of him which he finds pity because from the start he wanted Lexter to take after his husband who he loves so much. Lee on the other hand was very happy to have a child that takes after more to him than Lee himself. He said that he wants to make a lot of Dexter's mini version. The thought gave smile to Dexter's face as he remembers all their happy moments together and for the first time he was able to sleep peacefully beside his son.


"So how is my wife?" Look behind him and was greeted by a peck on his lips. Terrence who just came home probably went straight to the study room to find him. Terrence always go first to where he is. It's no longer a surprise to him as the Alpha always wanted for his face to be the first thing he sees when he comes home, just like their kids.

"I'm revising the report and doing the parts that my group mates didn't do." Chester mumbled the last part.

"Then don't include their names on the list. You can't do all the work and let them ride on to the credit of your labor." Terrence said, lifting Chester and sitting him to his lap.

"So how are the professors treating you?" Terrence asked.

"Good! They are in awe of my presentations and the results of my exams." Chester lied, in truth the professors are all in doubt of him. They think that he's cheating in his exams to get the highest scores so they protest and asked him to take the exam again and alone this time. For the reports they accused him of slaving his group mates and took all the credit for it. Their reason is because a mere omega has a dull mind and slow understanding of things. They are not at par with the Alphas. Chester admits that he's not a bright person and that his mind does not work the same as the alphas but he learned from Axel and Liam that even an omega can rise to the same level as an alpha - they just need to work harder. In his case he studies twice than others, and when he can't understand things he asks his husband who is more than willing to help. It is all thanks to Chester's hard work the results he's getting but the people in the University are questioning him of it.

"Hey Clarence is now in senate." Chester changed the topic.

"So the bastard got elected." Terrence commented.

"But why the senate?" Chester asked. "He could have run for a higher position, so why the senate?"

"Clarence said he plans to pass bills and amendments to protect the rights of the Omegas. It's actually good because no one in the Government has any empathy towards the Omegas and no one understands them. Clarence having an omega wife who had been through a lot knows well what rights and laws to pass in order to protect them. If he somehow will make it work and make the rest of the population who treats omegas indifferently look to his plans then Clarence can then pursue to his original goal and that is to run for a higher position but now both the Alpha and Beta communities doesn't accepts widely the Omegas." Terrence explained.

"That will be very challenging but if the people will accept Clarence when he runs to the highest position then…"

"For the first time in history we will have a first lady who is an Omega. Well it is actually a first that a Senator's wife is an Omega and to top it off he's the whistle blower of the most controversial Omega trafficking but Clarence didn't publicly announced it, I mean his marriage." Terrence added.

"It was Rion's request, he doesn't want people to think badly of Clarence. He used to work as a prostitute. I know how it feels, when I got my memories I felt disgusted of myself…."

"Ssshhhhh, that was a long time ago. No one can hurt you now. Not even me." Terrence kissed Chester's forehead.

"How's Jules?" Chester asked when he suddenly remembered Terrence cousin.

"The same, drowning himself to alcohol and random sex partners."

"Is this really how the men in Harris's copes up with their loss? To drink and sleep around?" Chester asked.

"Ouch! Kitten that stab me really bad." Terrence hold his chest like something just hit him.

"But it's true, the kids told me back then and so as your friends." Chester crossed his arms in front while looking at his husband.

"Kitten, ok I know I was at fault but I was badly hurt. I thought you ran away with a random lover but yes I'm guilty of sleeping around and drinking. During those times that were the only things that helped me numb the pain I was feeling and I think that's what Jules is feeling right now." Terrence explained that made Chester guilty and Terrence saw it right away so he hugged Chester.

"That was a long time ago and it was my choice. It was nothing to do with you. It was all me." Terrence said comforting his wife.

The two were in the middle of hugging when Chester's phone rings and Chester answered his phone while still being held by his husband.

"What? No, calm down, calm down. Breath in and breath out. Now tell me. Ok….Where are you right now. Ok I'll try to look for it…. Just calm down ok. We will be there." Chester dropped the call.

"Who was it?" Terrence asked looking worried at his wife.

"It was Nash. He's looking for blood. His son got into an accident and in need of blood but the child has a rare blood type O negative. The hospital doesn't have that blood type so Nash is asking maybe we can use our contact and find blood for his son or that maybe perhaps one of us has that blood type." Chester said.

Terrence quickly got into his phone and contact every possible source he can get the blood from. "I found one but it will take about 9-10 hours. They need to fly the blood here." Terrence informed.

"I'll call Nash." Chester quickly informed Nash but the news that could have been a good news only made the other person cried on the other line harder. "Nash calm down, we will try to look here, maybe there's one even just one we can use as we wait for the rest of the blood bags to come."

"Why what happened?" Terrence asked the moments Chester dropped the call.

"Ash is in critical condition, he needs to have blood transfusion fast he lost a lot of blood and if it takes too long the child might end up like…. Thirdy." Chester said in a whisper.

Terrence quickly called anyone he knows and asked for their blood type but they found no one. The lawyer didn't stop, while Terrence was calling Chester was driving to the hospital where Nash is. When they reached the hospital they saw Nash and his clothes filled with blood.

"Chest…." Nash hugged Chester and Chester tried to calm down Nash by rubbing his back.

"It's going to be alright." Chester said.

"No it was all my fault, I left him to work. I thought the sitter can handle my child and since he's a smart kid but he still needs his mother to look after him and I left my son to die … Ash…" Nash wail as he cry.

"Sir…." The Doctor who just came out got their attention. "We managed to stabilize your son, we found a donor of blood. This will do as we wait for the rest of the blood bags to come so we can perform the surgery. You are one lucky man Sir to have a husband as dedicated as yours."

"Husband?" Nash said in question.

"Yes your husband came when we tried to contact him for possible blood match. He came as quickly as he can and got his blood drawn."

"How can I forget! Adrian is O negative!" Terrence blurted out.

"Yes Mr. Rocchi is O negative just like your son Mrs. Rocchi. Is there something wrong?" The Doctor asked.

"No, no there's nothing wrong. W-where's my husband?" Nash asked.

"Mr. Rocchi went home after the blood was drawn. We asked him to stay for a while but he insisted in going home to get your things at home." The Doctor explained.

"T-thank you." That's the only thing that Nash was able to say. They waited for the bloods to arrived and when it did, they waited till the surgery was done. It took two days before Ash regained consciousness and it made Nash really happy. Seeing his son alive and well, he won't be able to bare it if he will lose another child but luckily Adrian was there to save his child.

They stayed there for a couple of weeks and eventually Ash was taken off the ventilator and of the fluids which made Nash really happy but he knows they are still a long way to go. A car accident is not a joke and with all the broken bones inside Ash body it will take long before his child will get out of the hospital. Surprisingly all the bills has been taken care off.

"Sir you have a visitor." Nash looked behind when the nurse who's doing the rounds came in with a stranger.

"I know it is not the right time but we need the signed papers." Nash looked at the man, he knows who the man is. He is Adrian's lawyer who handles their divorce papers.

"I want to see Adrian, I want to talk to him. Can you tell me where my husband is?" Nash asked.

"You don't need to go to him, I'll handle every affair that has anything to do with your marriage."

"Tell me where my husband is attorney. I want to talk to him." Nash said firmly.

"He's where your child is right now. I know you never went there and has no plans in going there ever so I'll take the papers to him…"

"Look after my child till I come back. When he wakes up tell him his Mommy just went to talk to his Daddy. Can I leave my child to your care?" Nash asked.

The attorney sighed. "Just be quick and use my car." The man throw his car keys to Nash. He drove to the place he never wants to go and in that place he saw Adrian sitting on a chair facing to where the Ash of their child is being kept.

"I guess it will be just you and me now, but don't worry Daddy won't ever going to leave you. Daddy is at peace now, broken maybe but at peace. I'll just watch your Mommy and baby brother from a far so help me with that too ok?" Adrian said happily.

Nash listened quietly to all the stories that Adrian kept on saying to their child and he couldn't contain it how he happily share just how he managed to help their unborn child's baby brother.

"Maybe if you are alive you would have been a wonderful older brother…" Adrian said but he suddenly stopped and the happy face was replaced with a sad expression. "But if you have been alive then Ash wouldn't be born… because I'm not his biological child… don't get me wrong my love but I also love Ash as he is like my own child but he wouldn't be in this world if me and your mother ended up together. So I think it is still fair. Ash gave me a chance on how to be a father and I'm already grateful for that….." Adrian stopped talking when he felt someone hugged him from behind.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry… I never thought you felt that way. All these time I thought I was the only one who was hurting. I thought I was the only one who was suffering." Adrian broke the arms that was hugging him to his neck from behind and pulled Nash to face him in front. He wipe the tears from his eyes.

"Don't cry, you were right. It was all my fault. You will be free from me after this week once things are settled. There will be no me roaming around you like a shadow. So don't cry." Adrian said softly. "The divorce paper Nash, can I have them?" Adrian asked.

Nash shake his head no. "I tore the paper, I don't want a divorce. I thought about it a lot of time and I want to give this marriage a chance. I may not love you right away but I'll leave that job to you. This time I will make an effort to make this work."

Adrian was silent after hearing it. "That is if you want to give it again a try… I can't make my heart love you again right away. It has been through and with all that had happened all the love I have for you vanished. The only thing I can do now is to try again with you. I won't promise anything that I'll be able to love you again but will that be ok with you?"

Adrian's tears fall one after another. "It is more than enough for me. Thank you Babe. Can I kiss you?" Adrian asked

"No, maybe not today." Nash answered.

"Of course but can I kiss you hands?" Adrian asked.

Nash was caught of guard but nodded in agreement and seconds after he gave his consent he felt the soft and warm lips of the man he hated the most.

Next chapter