
The destined encounter

Liam is an Omega born in a household of Alphas. Because of his family's reputation he was forced to be kept from the eyes of the other people, living a life of none existent. But his life is a bout to change when his path cross to the man who he has not met even once in his life time. Will this encounter bring the love and happiness he ever wanted? or will it only add to his suffering?

Encantadia · LGBT+
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220 Chs

Chapter 122: Let me In - Part 2


Hey since it's Chinese New Year today I have a gift to all of you, yes! Another chapter!

Happy Reading ☺️ kung hei fat choy to all of us!!!


It has been like 3 months that Jeffrey stayed in the Doctor's vacation house, not once did the Doctor left him to go home to his wife and for some reason he felt special. He's sipping tea at the patio of the house as he looks at Henry and the gardener fix and plants the garden. When the man saw him looking at him the Doctor left the gardeners to do the job and walk towards him.

"Are you enjoying the view?" Henry asked.

"Yeah pretty much, you turn your yard to a garden." Jeffrey answered casually.

"Not that view! But my body….. hays!" Henry sighed in exasperation. "Why are you so slow with things like this. I sometimes feels like my charm and appeal are both slowly depleting."

Jeffrey just ignored the over acting expression of the Doctor. He already got used to it. The Doctor is playful and tend to over dramatized things. "So why do you keep on planting here and there in you backyard?" Jeffrey asked.

"Because you told that girl you like plants, flowers and trees." Henry simply answered. The little girl sometimes visits whenever there are town people who are sick and can't afford paying for treatments, she leads her in the Doctor's estate. It became a normal thing that Henry no longer feel surprised when someone just suddenly shows up asking for his help and all of it is for free. The good thing about these villagers is that they don't abuse the help he's giving them.

Jeffrey blushed he doesn't know what to feel. He never received any flowers in his life but to have someone build him a garden he doesn't know what to think. "You shouldn't have taken it to heart." Jeffrey sipped his tea.

"How can I? I'm just imagining it and yet it's already making me feel happy and satisfied. You see when summer comes this part will be filled with roses, I choice the colors of red and white. Red because it reminds me of your beauty also your hair."

Jeffrey looked at Henry. "My hair?"

"Yes Darling, I thought you were a natural blond but your roots are showing and it turns out they are red. When time comes will you let me see your true color?" Jeffrey didn't say anything, Vladimir is the one who chooses how they will look like, he has the final say on what hair color to wear and what not. Victor praised him and called him beautiful that's why he never showed his roots real color ever.

When Jeffrey didn't answer Henry continued "And over there I planted tulips, I hope you're a fan of it." He told him many kinds of flowers. "I also planted fruit bearing trees but it might takes years before the grow up and bare fruits but it's ok to wait for years. It will be worth it I promise. Ow if you want you can plant vegetables over there or anything you want."

Jeffrey just watch Henry's happy face as he explained all sorts of plants he planted but he felt sad when Henry mentioned that it will take years for the plants to grow and Jeffrey knows he can't stay long in Henry's care. No matter how much he tried he knows he's the only one who will hurt in the end. It's enough for him to experienced loving a married man. If Jeffrey will be asked he can certainly admit he's falling or maybe he's just a sucker for anyone who will show him kindness but then again he remembered Victor never showed him kindness. He blew a heavy sighed "It's confusingly useless."

"What?" Jeffrey didn't thought that he will be saying his thoughts.

"No nothing, nothing I said I am useless when it comes to planting. I don't know how I just admire the flowers they are beautiful." Jeffrey said with a hint of sadness to his eyes.

"Yes they are, you know what when my father divorced my mother he once told me that our lover or wife are like flowers they entices and enchants men who will see them and in return men will come and hover over them." Henry stops midway in telling him the story.

"Then what's next?" Jeffrey had to asked for Henry to continue.

"What would you do when you see a very beautiful flower?" Henry asked in return.

"I'll pick it up and put it on a pretty vase where I can see it." Jeffrey explained his answer.

"I answered the same thing but my father said you will do that if you only like the flower but it's a different thing if you love that flower."

"I don't get it?" Jeffrey honestly said

"When you pick the flowers from its stem and put it on a vase you will be able to preserve its beauty for several days before it totally wither and die its a temporary love Jeffrey. If you love someone you won't let them wither instead you will let them bloom over and over again and the only way for them to bloom is to…."

"Keep them planted and attached." Jeffrey continued his words.

"Right, my father told me my mother was withering away and dying because it's not the place she wanted to be. He said he loves her that's why he's letting her go to bloom to the place where she think she will grown and I hated my mother for that."

"But she came back right?" Jeffrey asked.

"She did, she said finally realized that her place is by my father's side."

"What about me? Where's my place when you just pick me up? Am I also going to wither?" Jeffrey asked out of nowhere.

"No that's why I'm trying to plant you here beside me. I won't let you wither and die Darling."

Jeffrey's heart flutters, it is hammering against his chest. *Calm down heart, calm down…. He's married he doesn't mean any of that.* Jeffrey thought.


3 months had passed and they purposely let the enemy got the upper hand, to buy some time and to set their trap. The plan was well thought by Dexter. He was in bed rest for a month and yet he was able to think a thorough plan. Both Dexter and Aiden had been stressing out when the judge dismissed the evidences and their witnesses in the stand leaving only Rion as the sole witness.

"So if this works and they take the bait then we can bring the evidences back on the table as well as the witnesses?" Axel asked.

"Do you think will this works?" Rion asked, he's now wearing a large shirt trying to hide his baby bump.

"It will, I already have a hunched that this has something to do with Jeffrey's disappearance. You told us before that in special circumstances you three gives extra service right?" Dexter asked confirming from Axel's mouth of the possibilities.

"Don't tell me, Jeffrey and the….."

"Yes I'm thinking that Victor bribed the head prosecutor in manipulating the evidences thus earning them the favor for the judge to dismiss it."

Axel tried to breath in slowly, Jules is not with him and Henry his Doctor is in an indefinite leave. He needs to calm down he keeps on repeating himself. "I need to find Jeffrey." He thought that maybe the reason for the omega to jumped from that bridge was to fake his death but if that's the real case then what drove him to do that? Or maybe it was a real suicide attempt? So many questions running to Axel's mind.

"How are you going to find him? We checked every angle that has CCTV's around that area and yet we didn't saw him come out of the water." Aiden said.

"I want to know where he is before he made that jump." Axel said with firmness in his eyes.

Aiden let Axel do what he wanted which ended up them spending the night at Aiden's house and since all the wives are in Lance's house their husbands ended up coming and following them except for Axel and Rion who's partner and husband are out of the country.

While the wives are busy the husbands are also busy bickering at one another.

"Montero make sure clean every nook and corner of the room we will use." Lee said.

"Yeah and also put some extra pillow while you're at it my wife loves to throw and hit me with pillow ow and make sure it is extra soft and light so that when it hits me it won't hurt." Zeejay added which only made Lance frown even more.

"Yeah me too, my kitten's back usually hurts at night ow can you also give us a hot towel that will keep his back at ease." Lance patience is wearing thin by every demand they are spouting.

"You mother fuckers! I only welcomed your wives and not you and you there make demands like I'm you maid?!"

Aiden just shake his head hearing the boys bickering from afar.

"You think they will be ok?" Chester asked.

"They will be fine." Dexter was the one who answered while looking at the monitor. They each watch the footage of different places that Axel hacked, they are tracing the places in which the Omega went before he made the jumped.

"Hey here, it seems like Jeffrey and Victor talked about something here…. Can we get the audio?" Dexter pointed out and asked.

"This is from my wedding, Moms house." Drake murmured. "I'll call Mom, no need to hack into it she will gladly give the files to us." Drake took his phone out and talked to someone over the phone.

"Mom will send someone here to bring the file and also she will send some food and she insisted." Drake explained.


What scent? I don't have any scent." Jeffrey said. Out of nowhere Victor pulled him close to him and away from the crowd, he with Henry to town's municipality to get a permission to do a voluntary check up for the people living in that small village and after that they went to buy some fruits while strolling around but Henry suddenly acted so weird and told him other weird things that is impossible to happen.

"We need to find a pharmacy here and buy you some suppressant, your scent is getting thick." Jeffrey looked at Henry's sweating and panic face even though it's cold he's sweating profusely like he's enduring something.

"I don't need one, whatever it is that you're sensing it will go away eventually." Jeffrey said.

"I'm a Doctor so you need to trust me." Like what Henry said they went into one. Jeffrey thought that explaining will be just too bothersome so he just let Henry think what he wanted to think he'll just take the medicine. When they got home he took the table given to him.

"I hope that works well for you. I don't know the brand of suppressant you are using but since we are here they only have limited and that one is the most effective." Henry explained, Jeffrey couldn't care any less he never taken a suppressant his entire life. Why should he when he's an Omega who can't go into heat.

"This will do." After their dinner Jeffrey went to sleep early but woke up feeling the heat on all over his body, a heat he never felt before. It is much stronger than the aphrodisiac and drugs all together. He's panting hard, sweat is trailing down his body. He can feel his lower part being alive. He took his pants and underwear off and beginning touching himself but not matter how much he does it he can't get off which made him scream. Then his nostrils hit the scent, then scent he's addicted. So without putting his lower clothes on he walk and follow the scent. He opened the door slowly and there he is sleeping. Jeffrey walk and walk till he reaches the bed and from there he climbed. He took the blanket off and slowly lowered Henry's pants and underwear. He can't control his body, he knows he wants it, No! his body wants it, it is dying to have him. Jeffrey swallowed a handful of saliva after seeing how gifted the man is, he's not only handsome, rich and smart but also gifted. Nothing runs inside Jeffrey's head other than Henry's penis. So he did what was needed to get what he wanted. He put it inside his mouth and begun sucking.

Henry moan, his moan is getting harder and heavier, he knows it's just another one of his wet dream but this one is very realistic that when he opened his eyes he can feel someone sucking his off. He almost jumped when he saw Jeffrey really sucking him.

"Fuck Jeff, what's happening." Then Henry went silent, that's when it hit him his room is filled with Jeffrey's pheromones. These pheromones forced his canine teeth to show, readying him to mark his territory but Henry bitten himself to prevent him from losing his mind. He pushed Jeffrey and without pulling his pants up he got out of the bed and took his inhibitor and injected himself twice. He doesn't want to touch Jeffrey when clearly he's not in his right mind due to his heat.

"You really are in heat." Henry whispered, he prepared another inhibitor and as he prepares it Jeffrey snaked his arms around him.

"Don't tempt me like this Darling. I'm barely holding my self back." Then he injected Jeffrey. He carried Jeffrey back to the bed and there he covers him with blanket as he hug him to sleep.

"It hurts, it's hot." Jeffrey mumbled.

"There, there…. I got you." Henry let out his pheromones to help Jeffrey ease the pain from his heat. It may not be as effective ad having sex with an Alpha but with the help of an inhibitor it will subside the heat.

Jeffrey opened his eyes and there he saw Henry sleeping peacefully beside him. He's now wearing pants. He has a clear recollection of what happened but it didn't make him feel any better. He felt worthless, not even worthy of a night of mistake. He wanted it, even just the use of what Henry say as heat he wanted him to sleep with him. He wanted to be selfish for unknown reasons but Henry brush it off like it was nothing.

Jeffrey who unable to show his face decided to quickly and quietly go back to his room but his hand were held back. "Why don't you sleep here?"

"There's only one reason why two people sleep in one bed. If we aren't going to do it then why should I. I know you are disgusted by me I completely understand that so I'll just go back to my roo….."

Jeffrey was thrown back to the bed and in split second Henry was on top of him taking his shirt off. "I have been trying to hold back but you just have to make such salty statement. Fuck! Disgusted? If I ever felt such thing towards you then I shouldn't have treated you with respect! I hope you are prepare to start something with me for real once we are done with this." Henry crash his mouth to his. A warm ravishing kiss that tells him that he wanted him. His hands unbuttoned his sleeping wear while his knees is forcing his legs apart. Jeffrey moan at the pleasure. He never thought a kiss can be a big turn on, that it can cause you pleasure. Henry's lips travelled down his neck and suck it. While his right hand plays with his right nipple and his left hand is inside his pants stroking him till he cum.

"That's quick and a lot." Henry said teasing him.

"I want it inside now!"

"Impatient are we?" Henry took off the rest of his clothes and was about to enter him when Jeffrey stopped him.

"Condom." Jeffrey reminded him

Henry thought that Jeffrey is just being cautious in getting him pregnant which makes sense since they just started dating for real but what he didn't know is that Jeffrey is just afraid for him to catch any diseases if ever he has any but until he's sure enough he wanted to do it with proper protection. Jeffrey just realized how important Henry is to him, he still can't admit that it is love because if he's being honest he's still afraid specially because he knows like Victor Henry is married. He doesn't know if he wanted to be in the same position again—just the second.

When they are done Henry cleaned him and put him back to bed. That night he couldn't sleep, he felt guilty sleeping with the man that Axel married. He can't get happy even though Henry shows him affection he knows that man can never be his fully.

"But what should I do? Unlike him you like me, you can give my affection back even if it's just a little." Jeffrey whispered. "Will it be ok this time? Me being your number two?"

Jeffrey woke up with no one beside him. He's fully clothed and clean. He notices that Henry has a thing about cleanliness, even without any maid he was able to keep the whole house clean. He got up and felt the sore on all of his body. It still puzzles him about the heat he felt last night if it's really a heat. It's his first time experiencing such but he knows he shouldn't be experiencing heat but why is he? He needs to see a Doctor but the only Doctor in town is Henry. Jeffrey sighed, he doesn't know what is happening with his body, first he feels throwing up whenever another alpha kisses him and sex with them is painful like his flesh is being torn to pieces, he can't even feel the pleasure. "Now that I think about it, why his kisses doesn't made me feel nauseated? Why sex with him feels great, more than great if I'm being honest. Is there something wrong with me? Or maybe I was feeling stressful before that I reacted such way and since I'm all relaxed now my senses are back to how they were."

Jeffrey pushes the thoughts away and just got up. He found him in the kitchen making breakfast. "Here to build up your stamina and to replenish your energy."

Jeffrey sat down at the kitchen isle and Henry sat on the opposite just a cross him. "Can you smile more for me? I really love seeing you smile." Jeffrey was caught of guard and almost choke upon hearing it.

"Here, drink this. I said smile for me not choke yourself." Henry patted his back.

"Who told you to say such things so early in the morning?" Jeffrey complain.

"Well am I not allowed to get clingy to my lover?" Jeffrey blink a couple more times before it registered to his mind what Henry just called him—Lover. Even Victor never address him as his lover even though he's just his mistress but given the same position to Henry's life he still called him his lover which put a smile to his face.

🎤You brighten my day

Showing me my direction

You're coming to me

And giving me inspiration

How can I ask for more

From you, my dear?

Maybe just a smile in your heart🎤



(Song Title: A Smile In Your Heart)

(Originally Sung by: Jam Morales)

(But I like Ariel Rivera's version better hehehe)


"Why are you suddenly singing?" Jeffrey asked

"Because I saw you smile and this song suddenly popped to my mind."

"Are you like this to every lover you had?" Jeffrey asked.

"Nope just with you." Henry honestly answered.

*Yes Henry is different than Victor, he is worth trying for. I won't be greedy, I'll be contented with his affection, I won't ask him to leave Axel, I will hide quietly in the shadow just so I can keep Henry. I'll even hide the fact that I know he's married if that's the only way I can keep him and be with him I'll do it, I'll be his lover living in the shadow.* Jeffrey thought, he finally decided to live as Henry's lover in the shadow, his little dirty secret. "It'll be alright this time,

It'll hurt a little but I'll be more happy." Jeffrey finally admit to himself that he has indeed fallen for the man.

"Darling I'll draw some blood on you later, we have to test you again, it has been 3 months since then. Would that be ok?" Henry asked.

Jeffrey is more than willing to do it, he doesn't want to cause Henry trouble if ever he's sick or anything. If ever he's he knows it was also his fault for not letting those people do as they pleases to his body, it was his fault for following every command of Victor.

"Yeah, it's ok. So after you draw my blood are you going to send it to…."

"No need Darling, I have all the equipment in here. Let me just go get the tools ok?" Henry kissed him to his forehead, something he's already used to.

Jeffrey traced the place where Henry kissed him and a smile creeped to his face, he's like a teenager in love for the first time but his smile suddenly disappeared when he remembered what happened last night. The experienced he has is not something he has experienced before. He took the tablet that Henry gave him to search for the symptoms and just like what Henry told him it clearly matched to the symptoms of an Omega having their heat. "Impossible." Jeffrey murmured. He laughed at the thought of him having heat because it is impossible, after 3 months of living with Henry why now? Are just some of the questions he has in his mind added to the fact that their sex organs were forced not to developed and stayed young so they can't conceive. That's why all three of them can't give off a scent or pheromones.

"But Axel said he's able to produce." Jeffrey murmured. "But because he said a Doctor is helping him to develop his uterus and ovaries and me I don't have such." Jeffrey search for more about cases like his but only a few could reverse their situation and develop their sex organs to maturity. "So Axel is one of the few lucky people." Jeffrey mumble. He sighed and looked at the screen of his tablet. "Why am I even bothering it's not like Henry would want a child from me, of course he would want it to be with Axel!" Jeffrey just closed his tablet and waited patiently to Henry's arrival.


"He really did sold him." Axel whispered after they connected all the videos captured by different CCTV's and the scene where Jeffrey got out of the Hotel lobby looking dead with blood and something liquid trailing down his legs. They all could feel sympathy towards the high and mighty omega who's full of pride.

"What did he do to him?" Dexter asked.

"He's his brother even if it's just on the paper." Aiden commented

"Such things as this is normal f-for us but but but this many." Axel almost choke to his words but after seeing how many guys went out of the room hours after Jeffrey did he wanted to kill each one of them.

"Theo almost killed himself when 5 men forced themselves on him all at once but 10. Jeffrey must have felt really broken." Nicolas can't helped but say.

"Damn you Victor I will kill you!" Axel got up but Aiden pulled him down.

"If you do that everyone who has a link with Victor to this case will be a suspect. You must not do it. Right now our priority is to leak the connection of Victor to the prosecutor who's in charge of this case."

"No we won't leak this, I can't let Jeffrey's image get tainted. I hated him I really do but I can't. No." Axel strongly refused.

"Yeah I agree with Axel, Jeffrey has been through to so much we can't let his image and reputation go down." Chester agreed he knows the feeling of getting humiliated publicly for the situation you yourself didn't choose to get involved with.

"Then how should we do it then?" Dexter asked.

"Dexter you said you have a trap in mind once your hunch is proven right and it seems it appears you are right that Victor and the prosecutor are both working together so what's the trap then?" Aiden asked.

"Ok initially I thought we can use Jeffrey but since you all disagree then we need to find a way to get an evidence that will show their dirty agreement." Dexter said.

"Since Jeffrey is nowhere to be found and Victor seems to believe he's dead then he will surely look for someone to offer them." Axel said. "If we wanted to let this work we will be needing someone who can play the part that Victor will offer to them."

"It's very dangerous, now that we know that the prosecutor is in fact into something perverted as this it will be very dangerous to that person." Aiden let out his thoughts.

"And we don't have anyone who's in there that can be an offer." Chester commented.

"Well we do have one person though." All eyes went to Nicolas. "I think she's the right person for this job, she's very pretty and look very young for her age and most of all she looks sultry when she dress herself."

"Don't tell me…."

"Yes, I think you all know who I'm talking."