
Chapter 117: What it Means to be on our Side - Part 2


I just read all your comments and I read one of the comments there requesting for another chapter since I wasn't able to update last last Saturday and because of that request here's another Chapter.

Happy Reading Everyone ☺️!


"Yes, I realized you're right." Jeff peeked from the window of his hotel room and from there he saw the city light, the busied city which appears to not know the word sleep just like him.

(Joining us means betraying Victor, you know that)

Jeffrey sighed of course he knows that but the truth he agrees to get their trust and later use it against them. "Yes I know that but who cares, he doesn't even care about me." Jeffrey almost whispered the last part, the only truth to his words.

(Jeff you deserve better, if only you can meet the wonderful people I have met you will realize that you even people like us still stand a chance to love and happiness….. I just, I just want you to be happy, to experience to be loved maybe not with a lover now but as a family.)

"Family? Do we even know that word Axel? We were raised together and yet told to kill each other. Not even the people who raised us treated us a family. Me I even betrayed you and Nelson do you even know that?" It was too late when Jeffrey realized that he told more than he's supposed to.

(I know, I know you did bur amongst all our pears it's just you and me who's still alive now. Jeffrey don't you want to feel like you are a person and not some tools to use only when needed?)

"Is that all we ever is since the beginning Axel, no one will see me as a person Axel." Jeffrey almost choke to his own words he can't believe where those words are coming from.

(I see you as a person Jeff, can we start from there?)

"You do?" Jeffrey looked at the reflection of a man laying sleeping on the bed of the hotel room, he doesn't even know the name of the man who he has been with but one thing he's sure that the man is married and an important client of his brother that he needs to service. He somehow imagined himself from Axel's position, from the position of someone who's always love unlike him who's just begging for a single amount of love. "How nice would it be to be you right now." Jeffrey whispered.

(Don't wish to be like me Jeff, wish to be your own person.)

"I want to meet you to talk things through, if you want this to work make sure to trust me because this won't work if you can't even trust me." Jeffrey change the topic, he doesn't want to go there again self pitying on how much he's not love and how miserable and lonely his life is seeking warmth and love from different strangers every night just to ease the loneliness and to feel wanted even if it's not love. After their phone conversation he leaned back to the glass window sighed and looked at the back of the man he just had sex with. He laughed to himself, drop him phone and walked towards the bed. He hop on top of the man who's sleeping and there he went down, put the man's thing to his mouth and begin doing his work. Right now he doesn't need anything, right now he just wanted to feel needed even though it is from the man who certainly only looks at him as a payment of his own brother to him.


Axel drove straight to the Doctor's house. Having a session with his Doctor doesn't annoy him anymore which is a breather for Henry, he was surprised to get a call from his special case patient but nonetheless since he promised his beloved sister he will do the job properly. Though he himself has a lot on his plate, his father who keeps on begging him to comeback and run their pharmaceutical company and his mother who wanted to set him to different dates that he doesn't even wanted to. It was no wonder that his sister was so pressured that she eventually run away and stepped down from being a Doctor to live as a nurse under a different name. Their parents doesn't even know that. He even lost faith in the word called love because of them.

"So how are you?" Henry asked.

Axel looked at him. "Your mind seems to be wondering else where." His Doctor added.

"No I was just thinking. Hey remember I told you there where three of us?" Axel asked.

"Yeah, the other one died and while the other one is still alive and loathes you."Henry affirmed.

"Yes, I was able to get in touch with him. I….. I always hated him myself back then but after talking to him I realized he has this sad look every time. He may appear to be arrogant and all but I think he's an extreme sad person." Axel said.

"Sadness differs from each person. Other people may appear to be happy but deep inside they are battling an extreme sadness. We all have a way of concealing the sadness we feel- like you." Henry looked at his chart. "You said before meeting your husband you have no direction, you are plague with nightmares about Nelson and all the kids died in that fire but now that nightmares shifted to your fear of losing your own husband..."

"Doc. I don't want to talk about that for now….. I want to understand him Henry."

"Who? That Omega acquaintance of yours?" Henry asked. "And it's Doctor Choi for you not Henry we are still under the clock so it means I'm still your Doctor not your friend."

"Whatever, anyways says about that Omega. Can we, can we call him Jeff?" Axel asked.

"Yes of course, so what about Jeff?" Henry asked.

"How can I get close to him, how can I reach his heart?" Axel asked. "He hated me since we were little all because of a man. That man who doesn't even love him despite everything he did for him. I-I looked to his records and it seems that man is also prostituting him to high class clients of that man." Axel looked at Henry. "Don't give me that look as if you wanted to see him, I know you are a pervert but he's off limits ok!"

Henry chuckled. "Ok, ok he's off limits but is he as pretty as you?" Henry asked.

"He's really pretty and he's engage now. Anyway it doesn't matter and and I don't know if I'm in the right place to disclose this but but is it normal to have sex like almost everyday with different people?" Axel asked.

"It depends on the circumstances. You see some people do it as occupation because they don't have much choice. Some are just lonely but sometimes it's a condition that needs proper diagnosis and consultation. Is he?"

"I'm not entirely sure." Axel said.

"Given all the things you told me about. It could be a result of many factors since you all three have been in difficult situations where you all are forced to use your bodies but given the circumstances maybe he's looking for companionship towards those people he spends time with through sex."

After their session Doctor Choi sighed. " So an unrequited love for someone. Yeah it sucks but it's better that he and that man not ended up together." Henry whispered as he sip to the golden brown liquor that he's holding. His parents ended up getting a divorce after his mother cheated on his father repeatedly and for some reason Henry felt relieved and happy for his father. He was originally neurosurgeon but he stopped practicing after his father and mother got back together. He hated his mother for cheating and tormenting their father who only wanted to be loved by their mother but he loathes his father even more for being a fool letting his cheating wife crawl back after her lover left her. He decided to pursue Psychology to enlighten couples who can no longer stand each other that's the cases he's been handling are the once who's marriage are in the brink of breakage.


Jeffrey looked at the Omegas right in front of him, they are all beautiful and he noticed that there are also two Alphas with them.

"So who are these people again?" Jeffrey asked.

"I'm Nicolas-Omega."

"I'm Aiden-Omega. We've met"

"Chester-Omega. We also met before"

"Yeah if I had known that you three know each other I wouldn't have visited Chester that day." Jeffrey said.

"It's destiny that it happened." Chester said smiling.

"It was meant to be, so our path can cross." Aiden added.


"You're a beta? I thought you were an Alpha. Pity." Drake just smiled at him.

"I'm engage sorry." Drake said.


"Are you perhaps…"

Dexter showed him the ring on his finger.

"Bummer." Jeffrey pouted and smiled at them awkwardly.

"Do you think it's the right decision to introduce us to him?" Drake asked.

"Don't worry we can protect them if this gamble doesn't work." Dexter whispered back.

"Don't mind me asking but but I was not informed why there are so many people here." Jeffrey who's still confused why those people are there in the first place. He thought it will be just him and Axel.

"They are family, my family and I want to introduce them to you." Axel answered.

"Yeah we are a family here though the others are not here but you will meet them soon." Nicolas explained. "I miss Theo though."

After the introduction they went out to get a lunch and there talked about almost everything under the sun. They shop, watched movie and walk around. Jeffrey was dumbfounded, he doesn't know what he was really doing with them and now they are sitting on a couch while having a foot massage.

"You know what we should not miss our wives time like last month." Nicolas said.

"Everyone is very busy last month so you have to understand." Chester answered back.

"You do this sort of thing?" Jeffrey asked.

"Yeah, not every day though." Dexter answered.

"Obviously we don't have time to do this everyday." Aiden added.

"We try to do it at least twice a month." Drake seconded.

"How did you know one another?" Jeffrey asked.

Aiden point to himself. "Chester, Dexter and I are friends."

"Theo, Drake and I are friends and Chester helped Theo."

"Me, my husband is friends with their husbands." Axel said.

"You are all married?" Jeffrey asked in disbelief.

"I'm not married yet, but I'm engaged though." Drake corrected.

"Well yes we are all except for him." Aiden aid and while chuckling.

"We are also marked by our husband's." Nicolas said.

Jeffrey eyed Axel like questioning him if it's true and Axel just nodded to confirm. "It's not possible marking to people like us is not possi….."

"It's true…." Axel let out a pheromones.

"You, you have pheromones."

"It's a long story." Axel said.

"I think it's not something we should be discussing in this kind of place." Aiden added.

"That was a good relaxing massage." Nicolas said as he stretched his body.

After the massage all of them check in to a hotel suite.

"Aren't you people coming home to your husbands?" Jeffrey asked.

"Like I told you this is our way to bond and unwind our husbands supports it." Aiden explained.

"Though after this night I'm guessing someone will probably have a hard time walking next day after that tomorrow." Nicolas said playfully. No one in the room reacted they all have a tint of blush on their faces.

"Don't tell me it's true?" Jeffrey asked.

"Not for me though, my husband is away right now." Axel said. "But it really does happens all the time."

"Yeah specially after they come back from a business trip." Everyone in the room all agreed.

Jeffrey felt kind of envious, he doesn't know how it feels to be wanted to badly that their partner couldn't stand to be apart from them even a single night. Then he looked at the Alpha and Beta in the room. "How about them? How are their Omegas?" Jeffrey asked.

"My husband is an alpha." Dexter immediately correct.

"My fiance is an alpha too."

"Let's just say we are the submitting partners and our husbands are the one who are the man in the house." Dexter explained.

"So you, you play as…."

"Yes the wife role." Dexter answered without even batting an eye.

"Ow I'm sorry…." Jeffrey apologize, he knows how the norms looked at the submitting alpha males that's why most of them keeps it a secret.

"Don't be." Dexter looked at his ring and smile. "I have a happy married life, my husband is a very loving and understanding husband and my child I know will grow to be a sweet boy. I just wish for him not to be like his father who broke a lot of hearts as he plays before he met me."

"You. You have a child?" Everyone nodded to answer his question and Dexter just laughed at the response of his friends.

"Not adopted." Nicolas said.

"He gave birth." Chester added.

"Yes I did." Dexter answered the unsaid question.

"Doesn't it hurt your ego, I mean look at you! I even looked thought of hitting on you cause you look gorgeous fuck!"

"Nope, all the things I can do for the man I love and thank you for the compliment though."

After the massage all of them went to their room. "Hey change into your pajamas already so we can start our night party inside!" Aiden happily said and they all went looking for their pairs of PJ's, Jeffrey left to the place he was standing, he felt suddenly embarrassed to not able to bring any, he suddenly reminded that he doesn't belong to that place but then after they all change Chester handed him a box.

"We all thought that you didn't brought any so we bought one for you earlier." Chester said.

"We just estimated the size though." Axel added.

"You just have to endure the design if it's not to your taste though." Aiden added.

Jeffrey smiled at them probably one that is not force, one that is genuine. "Thank you." He went inside the bathroom and change into the PJ they gave him, it has his name stitch on the left breast side of it. "Is this what it means to be on their side?" Jeffrey whispered. "I thought they will going to ask me about my relationship with Victor but they didn't." He said. "All day, they just dragged me here and there, telling me all sorts of things and treating me everywhere. It kinds of feels nice somehow." He's enjoying the view from the mirror when he read the message from his phone. "Want to blow of some esteem tonight? I canceled my date with my wife because earlier about 4 in the morning you said you wanted to have sex. So how about tonight?" Jeffrey read, he forgot the men he asked to have sex during that time, he never thought that he will be spending the night with the wives of who knows alphas.

[Just go with your wife, I'm already having a blast.] Jeffrey hit send, he also replied to all other messages sent to him and after doing that it occurred to him the words he just said. "I'm I really enjoying this?" Jeffrey asked himself. "No I don't have to be swayed but what they are doing. I need to get informations out from them." Jeffrey whispered.

When he came back everyone is busy preparing for the griller and the meat and other things. "Are we?"

"Yes we are!" Nicolas excitedly said.

"Hey we are going to eat pork and drink" Aiden happily added. "Except for him, him, him and me."

"What!" Everyone said and eyes are all on Aiden.

"Why am I included?!" Axel asked.

"And also me?!" Dexter asked too.

"Just trust me, you two won't be drinking tonight. Just drink fruit juice.

"May I ask why are you two not drinking?" Jeffrey asked.

Aiden unbuttoned the last buttons of his PJ and showed him his baby bump. "You're already showing Ai." Dexter said.

"You're pregnant." Jeffrey whispered. "Does it mean that you are also pregnant?" Jeffrey asked Chester.

"Yes, my fourth child actually." Chester shyly said.

"That many? From how many fathers? I don't mean to offend." Jeffrey clarity.

"No it's ok, don't worry all my kids are from the same man." Jeffrey couldn't say anything. To see an Omega who has that many children from one man is beyond belief for him. Omegas are always seen as a tool not someone to be taken seriously. Even Raven has no regards to him his toy. He knew that Chester has been pregnant but he couldn't careless on who the fathers of his children are, because Raven r*ped him without thinking about him or the baby.

"I'm so sorry." That's the only thing he managed to say.

"Don't worry about il." Then he looked at the other two that Aiden said not to drink. "Then how about them?"

"Axel has been emitting this same pheromones that an omega emits when pregnant. It's faint but it's there." Aiden reveals. Then everyone tried to smell Axel and Aiden and Chester.

"Yeah it's there but very faint." Nicolas admit.

"We tried the pregnancy test it's always negative." Axel said.

"How long was your last heat?" Aiden asked.

"You are having your heat?" Jeffrey couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Yes, I'm already having them and it has been more than two months since I have them. If I'm pregnant what about my operation? Your sister said my womb is empty. I'm not pregnant Ai."

"I don't know I have a good guts about this. I think I'll ask my sister George about this but for now stop drinking and just listen to me."

"What about me?" Dexter asked.

"Lee has been complaining about all sorts of foods that you are making him look in all over the place. Dext brother I know alphas show late than omegas so please got yourself check also your pheromones it smells differently. It smells sweeter too. I think you are pregnant Dext." Dexter stand up and went to Axel's bag and he took out a smal box from there and went inside the bathroom after minutes of staying there he came back.

"It's, it's positive. Fuck! How can this happen?" Dexter shouted.

"Of course the two of you have been having sex regularly considering your husband who doesn't want to leave you alone yeah it won't be surprised if you will get knocked up again." Nicolas commented.

"Why aren't your husband giving you enough good time to get you knocked up too?" Dexter said sarcastically.

"If only your husband is not over working mine then I probably pregnant too!"

"Hey enough of that!" Chester said.

"How am I supposed to tell this? Lexter is still just a baby and Lee has a lot on his plate…."

"Hey Lee would be ecstatic if he learns about it. Want to bet?" Axel asked.

"I bet 50 that Lee will faint, I heard he fainted when he learned about his first pregnancy." Nicolas put his money down on the table.

"100 that Lee will attempt to come here and take Dexter away from here but of course you will threaten him of no sex for a week if ever he will do." Aiden put down his money.

"I bet 150 the same as Ai." Axel put down his money.

"Same as Ai but Lee will probably go to the hospital with Dexter the next morning though." Chester added.

"I bet the same as Nick." Drake put down his money. Then they all looked at Jeffrey.

"I don't know who his husband is."

"Come on make a bet it will be fun." Dexter encourage.

"And that really came from you? Betting on your own husband." Nicolas said sarcastically.

"Well I'm no longer nervous, I realized Lee loves me so much and that goes the same to our child Lexter."

"Ok I bet 200 with Nicolas."

"I bet since it's Lee we are talking about, he will insist in coming here despite the threat and will act all cute. He will probably stay here with us for the reason he's worried." Dexter put down 500

"Call him, call him." Aiden whispered. Jeffrey looked at them flocking in one place it feels like watching kids and not adults.

"I'm calling wait, ow hey! Honey." Dexter greeted.

(Dexy honey Me and Lexter miss you already, specially me I miss you and so as my little Lee misses visiting your very very tight and sexy….)

"Honey, stop with the dirty talk or I'll drop this call." Dexter's face is already read just from hearing his own husband.

"No wonder he got pregnant." Jeffrey commented. "Are they that very active?"

"Yeah, 6 years of being together and it seems Lee still wants him like the first time he had him."

"Very rare for an Alpha to Alpha relationship." Jeffrey commented. "And why Dexy?"

"It's like a combination of Dexter and the word sexy." Aiden explained.

"Lee honey I have something to tell." Dexter start sounding sad.

(What is it honey? Wait let me just put Lexter inside his crib. OK all done, why are you sad honey) There's an evident worry on the man's tone.

"I don't think that you and Lexter are enough for me anymore."

(Dexter, did I do something wrong?) Lee's voice became serious all of a sudden. (I'll go there to pick you up and we can talk this through. Wait I'll just go get my keys.)

"No need to go here, I think it's better to say this here before it gets too late. I can no longer keep this to my self."

(No! I don't want to hear what you want to say over a phone call! Honey Dexter let's talk this through please, maybe you are just confused but Honey please.)

"Are you crying?" Dexter's tone suddenly change and Jeffrey can feel the worry to his voice. "Lee honey don't cry, I'm pregnant that's what I'm trying to tell you…." Then they hear a loud thug.

"I think he faint." Nicolas said.

"Honey are you there? Honey?" Dexter signal Aiden to get his other phone and to call security. "Ai dial security and tell them to find my husband. He probably fainted…"

(Dexy, Dexy is that really true?) Dexter signal Aiden to stop dialing.

"It's just a pregnancy test but we still need to make sure but yes the PT said that I am." Dexter said. "So don't cry, it's not a sad news. Don't cry I hate seeing you cry you know that right?)

"Hey who really is wearing the pants in their relationship?" Jeffrey whispered.

"Dexter, he can control his husband." Drake answered.

"Very protective of his husband too." Axel added. After 30 minutes Dexter is collecting the money because Lee is on his way there even with the threat of no sex for week Lee still insisted.

"My husband is not really a beast who's brain is located in his pants. I know when it comes to me even with the absence of sex he will endure just to be with me." Dexter said while counting the money.

"You know what you are starting to get the behavior of your in laws." Aiden commented.

"Yeah you are loving winning bets recently." Nicolas agrees.

After some time Lee arrived and when he got there both him and Jeffrey's eyes met.



Then all of the gaze are back and forth from Lee to Jeffrey.

"Honey what's he doing here?" Lee asked.

"Why?" Dexter asked.

"He tried to seduce me." Lee said

Next chapter