
Max rage

Max had an ability.

Due to max spatial experience from transmigrating, at certain points in time, he can sense danger, but it's probabilistic.

Certain conditions, need to be met to activate it. He needs to be injured with severe damage, and also have heightened emotions. When those conditions pass, there is a 30% chance of success.

And when it happens, it takes over his central nervous system to get him out of danger.

So, Max instinctively dove out the window and landed on the porch.

The survivors looked in bafflement at his actions until they could not.


The ground split.

The air flew.

Light came.

The world flipped.


And after all, the ceremonies took place.

The land disappeared.


"Mother, what is this?" asked young Max.

"This is magic powder, made by mixing gunpowder and Gaeste blood and using life force to make them combine," Morgan Elliot said.

"So, does that mean anyone can make it?" replied Max.

Only rich people pay attention to this. People at the bottom are more concerned with getting food and surviving in this era than playing with such things.

Morgan replied with a smiling face and was proud.

"I am proud of your research and curious nature. Don't let anyone take that away from you, okay?" said Morgan.


Max says as the scene fades to black.

"Why?" said max as his ears rang from the blast

"Damn it all!"

Max said as rage consumed him. The energy in his body rioted, as his heartbeat ran faster, surpassing 1000 beats per minute. An air vacuum formed around him with each breath he took, and everything around him slowed down 100 times. His eyes turned pure white, red hair raised on ends, blood vessels became more prominent, and a red aura emitted from his skin as he then screamed in rage.

Unknown to him, the glow on his body extended from 8% to 10%, awakening an innate ability. The ability to control one's perception Turn 100 seconds into 1 and 1 into 100.

Browse the mind like a library. Zoom in and out of senses. Bypass internal and external and see life for what it truly is. View the world from the perspective of an omniscient being.

Record the world and create virtual universes that can simulate anything.

And this ability will lead Max to a goal he will pursue that will shape the history of this world.

In the city, the Lords' residents

"Sir, there have been reports of walking dead from inhabitants of other lands, that can take attacks from a class 4 monster unscathed, also able to rip apart their limbs, can move faster than a class 6 monster, and as wild as these claims are, we should report this to the adventurer guild in the Ming empire. They deal with weird situations like this," the reporting soldier said.

"Undead like the one's midwives used to scare children to sleep? They must think we're fools. It's probably some ruse made by some wacko trying to spread confusion, likely the church. Those bastards have been trying to give our world to these beasts for quite a while. Fucking idiots!"

"They should bend over and fuck a dog, if they want to surrender to the beasts so bad!" said the city lord Rex.

The soldier, did not look relieved, at how easily Rex dismissed the report, and he was about to talk more about it before.


The office shook heavily.

What the hell is that?

Who is using banned products in the middle of the damn capital?


The city lord said this while jumping down from the 30-meter building and landing on the ground.

Upon landing, he made a crater. Gathering momentum, he leaped. Using the walls of the building as stepping stones, moving at speeds faster than commercial planes using his abilities. With the energy flowing to at least 27% of the body.

5mins later…

I can see where the smoke is coming from, Elliott's house, huh?

Either they got attacked, or something went wrong with their goods.

If they got attacked, then by who? could it be a rival business? Could it be Meng, Frederick, Li, or you?

As Rex was thinking, he paused, and where he was about to move, someone landed from above, obstructing his path.

"You cannot pass, go back," said the masked man in front.

And without warning, he attacked by stretching his hands towards Rex, which it got stopped by a field, without warning, Rex flashed towards the masked man with a speed of 220 m/s, approaching the lowest speeds of supersonic planes, and with a flying frontal kick destroyed the house they were denting the ground its foundation stood.

"You must know who I am," Rex said boringly.

"I am not something any weakling can simply block," Rex said with almost visible killing intent as he flew forward, dragging the masked man through the ground, and when he reached another house, he flew up, destroyed that house, then hammered the masked man down again.

The masked man tried to look up in desperation. forcefully stretched his limbs beyond their limits and surrounded Rex from all sides.

"In 10 seconds, you will not be among the living."

Rex said, his eyes slowly getting brighter.

And then they tried to trap him in only for the force field to stop him, and then Rex expanded the force-field then...


"AHHH!" the masked man screamed as his hands slowly tore apart with blood flowing and his muscles stretching.

Rex flew down and clamped down on the masked man's throat.

"Intruders never scream in my city before they die," Rex said with eyes that were almost pure red.

"Their brain could never register their death…fast enough," Rex said as he clamped down on the throat harder.

And then he moved downward while raising the masked man's head upward.

"Jejksl" stuttered the max man as he tried to breathe and remove the hands from his neck.

From Rex's hands, blood flowed down as the masked man's skin was slowly torn apart, with their bones cracking from the power.

In the next moment, the sound of a liquid spilling spread as the man feebly and slowly gave up the struggle.

Rex drops his hand.

Thump, thump, thump.

Rex flew away, leaving a bleeding stump behind.

"When you wake up, live your life to the fullest cause you never know when you won't have a life to live," were the masked man's last thoughts.

Next chapter