
Picked Up By God

[Wake up, Fey]

In the darkness of the void, surrounded by a strange array of chaotic lines and dots, from blue to purple and then yellow, there lays a sphere that radiates pure but dim light. The colors were a sickening contrast to an otherwise otherworldly scene.

[Today is a special day Fey, it's time to wake up]

The voice was filled with mischief, and yet you could feel the excitement, even if you could not see it.

The small orb flashed a dim light, and from within you could hear a small groan.

'I feel so tired, I just want to go back to sleep.'

[I'm afraid I can't let you do that little Fey, for you see a great destiny awaits the both of us]

'A great destiny?'

From within the void, a pair of eyes flashed a purple light as a wide maniacal grin plastered the mysterious voice's face.

[Yes! You and I, together we are destined for great things. Whether it be wise kings, erudite scholars, or great heroes we can become all, as long as we are together that is]

Although tired, the small orb let out a bright light at the mention of the word 'hero.'

The small orb, no Fey, spoke timidly as though he were afraid this was just another hopeful dream in which he, an unparalleled hero, vanquished legions of dragons and undead armies, acting out the role as mankind's last hope.

'I can be a hero?'

This small bit of hope and curiosity did not go unnoticed by the voice, as its grin grew bigger and wider, going past the tip of its purple eyes.

[Yes! We can be heroes. Protecting the weak, saving fair maidens, and fighting 100ft demons. We can be all that and more, but first, you have to let me into your soul Fey. Only then can we do all that]

The flowery words from the mysterious voice were greatly tempting, however Fey is not a fool who jumps in first and asks questions later. He can feel it, as though the voice were a devil tempting stray little lambs to come over to his pastures with promises of heaps of green grass and refreshing spring winds.

However, even if Fey could feel that something was wrong, he had little choice. While he may not know where he is exactly, he knows that he has died. Yes, Fey is dead.

His memories are blurry, and he might not have even remembered his name, had the voice not told him so, but he can distinctly feel that he is like a candle whose flame is about to snuff out. His instincts are telling him that if he doesn't do something soon, then his flame will die out, and he will permanently die this time, becoming another part of the void that surrounds him.

So while he may not feel good about the offer, he has little choice but to take it for Fey is more scared of ceasing to exist than he is of existing as something else.

The voice as though it could read minds looked at the Fey with keen interest and approval. Its decision to choose him over any of the other stray souls is paying off already. Its already comical grin was now reaching inhuman levels of proportions, and its madness was vividly on display, fortunately for it, there was no one there to witness in the darkness of the void.

[So what do you say little Fey, are you ready to take the world by storm?]

Taking a moment to reaffirm himself, Fey flashed out with a burst of light as he gathered his determination.

'I'm Ready.'

From the darkness, a bright purple light flew over and collided with Fey's soul. A sound akin to glass shattering echoed throughout the void for a great distance before fading away.

At the moment of impact, Fey experienced pain unlike any other, however no matter how hard he cried out no one would hear him. His already fragile soul felt like it was shattering, and then those pieces were compressed together until they were molded into something new. Pain rippled throughout and yet he could do nothing to stop it, and should he have tried he would've perished without a chance for reincarnation.

Fey's soul, whose color was originally a pure white without a single blemish, now had turned violet as faint traces of purple stars were swirling about his soul like a snowglobe, and within the deepest part, you could see an object.

A bright golden yellow etched with intricate markings, the object resembled a royal scepter used by kings of old. With a shiny metallic sheen, the scepter emanated dignity and royalty as its claw-like tendrils clutched onto a black jewel at the very top.

A huge contrast to the scepter, the jewel at the top seemed lifeless, no different than a common pebble that's been painted an obsidian black. Even with this deformity, one could simply not hide the overwhelming presence that the scepter emanates.

After what felt like years, the pain subsided, and Fey felt strange. It was as though he had gotten bigger but also heavier, however considering that he is a soul this sensation was rather odd. He could also vaguely feel as though the void was not as scary looking anymore.

[*Huuufff*... that was really exhausting, I.... *huuff*..... really just need one second.... *cough cough* to catch my breath]

The voice took labored breaths. it seemed as though the change in residence took a great deal of energy out of both of them.

[Ahem.... Anyways as I was saying. You my dear Fey have just a spectacular choice, I mean really I must commend you on this one, 10/10 my boy]

Perhaps still reeling in the pain, Fey chose not to humor the voice but instead asked a question that has been on his mind since the very beginning.

'You, who are you?'

Deep inside Fey's soul, a pair of eyes snapped open as a small mischievous grin manifested itself from thin air.

[I am Sirius, one of the twelve major gods, with dominion over fortune, fate, and light, and you my dear little Fey are my chosen champion]

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