
A Lv 3 Mob Author's Thoughts

*This was written between chapters 4 and 5*

The following Segment has nothing to do with the storyline, but I highly recommend that you read it as it entails some of my thoughts for this novel.

A bit of a SPOILER ALERT, but also not really since you're going to find out about this in the next chapter. If you'd like you can just wait for the next chapter to come out and then come back and read this. Are you ready? Good! Don't say that I didn't give you a fair chance.

Ultimately, I decided to go with the world of Kimetsu no Yaiba, or Demon Slayer, and there are several reasons for this.

1. While I am a fan of the SAO series, I am not a super hardcore fan who has read the novels, the spin-offs, manga, or has an Asuna body pillow.

What, That's a very specific detail to bring up you say?

Shuddup! Leave me alone okay >_<

In all seriousness, I don't actually have one but I wanted to try that bit at least once in my life. Now I can cross that off my cringe list.

1.2 What this means is that while I have some knowledge of the SAO universe, thanks to the anime, which is what I did watch. I am severely lacking when it comes to knowing everything about the SAO universe.

This means that if I were to try and build a story around that world, which has been expanded upon a crazy amount, I would most likely veer off course by like 10 fucking miles. And this my fellow readers might trigger some of you, which is why I decided to lean more towards Demon Slayer.

1.7 Now some of you might say "Well why don't you just read the light novels," and to you, I say "Hellllll no!" There's like 25 mainstream volumes, not to mention the spin-off which are hundreds of pages. And while I'd only have to read like maybe 1/5 of that in order to build up a decent arc, that's still a lot.

Even if I were to try that, with how laz.... I mean busy I am, I'm not sure you all would see an update on this novel for a whole week, and let's face it with only 4 chapters in the bank, the fact that almost 30 of you even put it in your collections is a miracle. Also, you guys are legends and I love you <3, You know who you are. This brings me to my second point.

2. I have actually read the manga and seen the anime for Demon Slayer, it's actually a rather short series, heartbreaking, but short. So it is much easier for me to make an arc surrounding this than it is for SAO. Also, look forward to the next chapter in a few hours.

Well, that took a bit less than I expected.... well shoot, why don't I talk about why I picked Demon Slayer in the first place.

1. I wanted to choose a world where the MC wouldn't get any crazy power boost.

2. I am dumb and the only two animes I could think of at the moment where the MC wouldn't get any crazy power boost were SAO and Demon Slayer

3. IDK plenty of corpses I guess.

4. I also wanted to choose a world where the MC would be able to gain a lot of practical combat experience, by fighting Demons >:D

5. I wanted to put the MC in a world where he could play the 'hero' so as to motivate his character to train hard and push himself to the limit.

One last thing before I leave you all. I will be experiment with first-person perspectives in order to give you, the reader, a more immersive experience of the characters and the world. Feedback is appreciated.

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TimeWalkercreators' thoughts
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