
The Descent of the Evil God

A certain loser on Earth, doing good deeds, stumbled upon a book called 'Master of Slumber's Teachings'. After studying it, he encountered a divine and beautiful woman, who exchanged 'Master of Slumber's Teachings' for a drop of blood, thus becoming the lowest-tier vampire. Just as he was about to flaunt his skills to establish a harem of three thousand, he was interrupted by...

gilbert_gilbert · Fantasy
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100 Chs

Chapter 11: Master of Slumber Reigns Supreme

"Is this really my home? Am I dreaming?" Li Xie pinched his own face, feeling somewhat incredulous.

Before him stood a mansion, with a courtyard of two hundred square meters in the front. In the middle was a mansion built of marble, and it seemed there was also a backyard. To nobles, this might be just an ordinary residence, but to Li Xie, it was already a dream villa.

"This isn't just the residence of Baron Xie. It's just a temporary place for the Baron to stay. His Majesty ordered the preparation of an estate for Baron Xie, but due to time constraints, I haven't had the chance to arrange it properly. Of course, finding an estate suitable for the Baron will take some time, but I assure you, I will make sure the Baron is satisfied!"

The person beside Li Xie who referred to himself as "I" was El Monroe, an official of the royal household. Although he only held the title of Viscount, he was trusted by Emperor Mercedes VII and was one of the emperor's favorites. He had been assigned to arrange accommodation for Li Xie, showing the importance Emperor Mercedes VII placed on Li Xie.

El was a shrewd person and did not look down on Li Xie because of his uncouth behavior at the banquet and dance. On the contrary, he showed even more respect, understanding that this country bumpkin would have a remarkable future.

Therefore, he did not immediately arrange an estate for Li Xie, but instead provided him with temporary accommodation. As for the estate bestowed by Emperor Mercedes VII, El knew he had to handle this favor properly.

"Is this just a temporary residence? My goodness! If this were on Earth, it would cost millions or even tens of millions!" Li Xie exclaimed as he walked towards the mansion.

El hurried to catch up, followed by eight maids and four male servants.

"Baron, His Majesty also awarded you ten thousand gold coins. Please accept it," El said as he handed Li Xie a transparent crystal card the size of a name card.

"Ten thousand gold coins?!" Li Xie's voice rose several decibels. He had been sleeping heavily at the dance, unaware that Emperor Mercedes VII had bestowed upon him an estate and ten thousand gold coins.

"Ten thousand gold coins is not a small sum. On the continent of the gods, gold, silver, and copper are the main currencies. One gold coin equals one hundred silver coins, which equals ten thousand copper coins. For an ordinary family, one gold coin is enough to live comfortably for a month. With ten thousand gold coins, an ordinary family could live comfortably for several generations!"

"Is this all for ten thousand gold coins?" Li Xie scrutinized the crystal card, his love for money evident. Upon hearing the sum of ten thousand gold coins, his heart skipped a beat. However, upon seeing the card, his mood immediately soured.

It was like an old farmer who had never been to a bank and didn't even know what a bank card was. If someone handed him a card and told him that his net worth of ten thousand yuan was inside, he might just hit you!

El smirked and quickly explained to Li Xie. It turned out that this crystal card was a credit card jointly prepared by the Mercenary Guild, the Continental Chamber of Commerce, the Summoner's Association, and various countries to solve the problem of difficulty in storing large amounts of gold coins. Each card was specially made by mages from the Summoner's Association, and some special crystal cards required blood authentication before the owner could access them.

The transparent crystal card could store from one thousand to ten thousand gold coins and could be accessed in all countries. The storage limit of the yellow crystal card was one hundred thousand, the blue crystal card was one million, and the black crystal card was ten million. Except for the transparent crystal card, all other crystal cards required authentication by the owner to access them. Of course, the authenticated person could also remove the authentication from the crystal card, allowing even the black crystal card to be accessed by anyone.

"No, I don't want the card. Go and exchange the gold coins for me. Just looking at the card, I have no idea that I'm already rich. Haha!" Li Xie still felt more secure seeing actual gold coins.

El nodded and continued, "These are the servants that I arranged for the Baron. They were all carefully selected. Of course, if the Baron doesn't like them, we can wait until you select the estate and then purchase another batch of slaves. I have instructed them to clean up the mansion so that the Baron can move in."

"No need, no need. It's just a little dust. Oh, by the way, you called yourself 'I,' right? Please go and exchange my gold coins. Also, buy me another one of those snow sturgeon dragon fish. Damn it, I only had a few bites!" Li Xie still couldn't forget about that snow sturgeon dragon fish.

"I'm called El," El said somewhat awkwardly, lowering his voice. "Baron, um, one snow sturgeon dragon fish costs one hundred thousand gold coins..."

"One hundred thousand!" Li Xie jumped up. "Damn it! His Majesty is too extravagant! If you calculate it, I only ate a few hundred gold coins worth. Damn it, if I hadn't eaten so much before, I would have at least nibbled away seventy to eighty thousand gold coins! What a loss! I'm in a bad mood! I'm going to sleep! You handle the rest! Hey, you, show me to the place to sleep. Damn it, I need to replenish my blood as soon as possible. Why does having one bitten hand make me so tired!"

Feeling somewhat drowsy, Li Xie waved his hand and followed the servant to the bedroom, where he collapsed onto the wooden bed and fell asleep. Just a wooden bed was comfortable enough for Li Xie. At least in his life, he had slept on a bed fewer times than he had eaten meat.

The next day, at noon.

Upon the silver bell-like call of the maid, Li Xie slowly woke up. Still groggy with sleep, he vaguely saw a golden-haired beauty of about twenty standing before him, her respectful demeanor evoking the phrase "poised." No, it should be "beautifully poised!"

"Master, Viscount Aston is here to visit. Would you like to receive him?" The maid's attitude was very respectful. She didn't feel disgusted because Li Xie was sleeping with saliva all over his face, nor was she shy because she had just met Li Xie. Her response was natural.

"Viscount Aston? Oh, Karno, right?" Li Xie thought of who it was, and his attention shifted to the maid. He scrutinized her from head to toe and secretly praised her: Foreign girls are really something! Her skin was delicate and fair, her face adorned with soft, beautiful lines, and her figure... Hmm, rugged lines! Like a roller coaster!

"What's your name?" Li Xie asked again.

The maid clasped her hands in front of her abdomen and bowed slightly. "Your servant, Lily."

The lowest class of people didn't have surnames, and even their names were only used as nicknames. "Lily" was the nickname of this maid.

"Lily? Hehe... I... I remember you! Go on, tell Karno to wait. I'll stretch my lazy bones and come over." Thinking of his new title as a baron, Li Xie quickly added, "Also, have someone fetch water for me to wash up."

With a word of acknowledgment, Lily left the bedroom. Li Xie stared at Lily's swaying buttocks as she left and sighed, "This world is really great! I've only been here for a few days, and all my dreams have come true!"

It should be said that it's not just dreams but super dreams!

In less than a month since arriving in this world, Li Xie, a thorough pervert, now had a noble title: the title of a baron, as well as the lineage of the Lamborghini family heir! He had a house, although the estate bestowed by Emperor Mercedes VII had not yet been settled; he had a carriage, as the baron's title came with four four-horse carriages; he had servants, and it's worth noting that the continent of the gods had slavery! These maids were slaves!

He had everything a pervert could want, except for one thing—a wife!

Having status, a house, a carriage, and servants, was Li Xie afraid of not having a wife? What he feared was having too few wives!

"All of this, I have to thank that machine! Without that machine, how could I have crossed over? No, I have to thank that beautiful woman. Without her turning me into a vampire, I would have starved to death in the desert long ago! Heh! Speaking of which, I should thank 'The Scriptures of the Slumbering Master.' Without this book, none of these things would have happened, and I wouldn't have the life I have today! Hahaha..." Li Xie climbed out of bed, clasped his hands together, and offered his most devout praise since arriving in the Land of the Gods: "Praise be to the Slumbering Master!"

"Who is the Slumbering Master?" Karno walked briskly into the bedroom and happened to see Li Xie praising the Slumbering Master. He asked in confusion, and upon seeing Li Xie, he remembered his status and quickly bowed in salute: "Viscount Aston Karno pays respects to the lord."

Now that Li Xie was a baron, one rank higher than Karno's viscount title, according to etiquette, Karno not only had to pay his respects but should not have entered Li Xie's bedroom without being summoned. Karno was impatient and couldn't wait any longer.

At this moment, he realized the issue of status and rank, but it was a bit late.

In the Empire of the Land of the Gods, the hierarchy was extremely strict. Lower-ranking individuals had to bow to higher-ranking ones and could not offend them at will. Otherwise, there were corresponding laws for severe punishment in each country. In the Tudor Dynasty, Karno's behavior could have earned him twenty lashes!

"Alright, alright, there's no one else here, you don't need to be so formal." Fortunately, Li Xie didn't have the concept of noble hierarchy and didn't care about these things. He asked again, "Why have you come to see me?"

Karno's expression became serious, he stood up straight, curved his right hand in front of his chest, and saluted loudly, "At the Duke of Laine's command, to protect Baron Li Xie, and to serve as his bodyguard and attendant."

This time, Karno, who usually had a one-track mind, was a bit more cunning. He would never admit that he had messed up his duties, so Duke Laine flew into a rage and sent him over to Li Xie's side! Under the guise of protection, it was actually Duke Laine's way of getting rid of this damn bastard!

However, in Li Xie's eyes, Karno now had two identities: one as a monitor! He must have been sent by Duke Laine to monitor him! The other was as a thug! Karno was also a sixth-rank summoner, and he would certainly obey Li Xie completely. Otherwise, if Li Xie was displeased and didn't want him, how would he monitor him?

There's nothing we need to be monitored for, but we can't do without this thug. Hehe, my current strength is insufficient, so I need some servants who can fight by my side! Besides, I need Karno to go get some soldiers' blood to replenish me!

Li Xie happily accepted Karno into his ranks and instructed, "You don't need to bother with those formalities, they're annoying! However, you must unconditionally obey my orders!"

"Don't worry, sir, Karno will definitely fulfill every one of your orders resolutely!" Karno patted his chest. Fulfilling tasks resolutely was his strong suit!

"Hehe, that's good." Li Xie nodded in satisfaction.

"Master, who exactly is Master Meng?" Stubborn Karno kept pressing about Master Meng.