
the descendents

What power lies dormant in your blood, where do you come from. As more descendents awaken now than in the past 70 years the shadow of the world grows larger and evils well asleep awaken to stir once again. As a newly awakened descendant Joshua Prince must come to terms with this secret world hidden in plain sight. How will he handle his heritage and the responsibility that comes along with it? Can he become strong enough to stand against the evil that wishes to consume the world?

WhiteLion_Writing · Action
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32 Chs

Ch 24 - Realisation

Walking back from training with Adam. Realizing now just how much faster I am with two auras rather than one, like mixing in nitro to premium fuel, the performance was on a different level. The speed and force that you got access to was insane. 

we make our way back into Paarl in record time. One we were by where the n1 enters pairs we split up Adam's behest as he said he need to get somthing done and was at least a capible runner now. So we split up and we we did it started. 

"So where do you want to go Joshua?" The voice that had been silent finally started to speak again after bieng silent during our whole walk. 

"This is our first time out together, lets tear the night apart." He said with a mad laugh as images of murder flashed in my mind. 

"I don't want to to talk to you." I reply out loud, hoping my proclamation would shut him up. I was wrong. 

"Ahh, don't be like that we are the same person after all I know you want to celebrate." His arrogant tone was only boosted by the fact he was right. I was happy I was able to tag Adam even if it was only with his help even it was only a light hit. I was was so annoyed I stopped in my tracks and took a breathe. 

"Where do you even want to go?" I reply to him inside my head. I felt what could only be thought if as a grin form in my mind trying to worm onto my face but it couldn't. 

"Let's make a splash, let's go to Dionysus." His thoughts caught me off gaurd. I could bearly think of a response or atleast a reason to not go, so I gave up and started on my way to the bar. He stayed quiet as I made my way there Bar so I didn't bother with him either. 

It took me more than a few minutes to make my way over there as I want using aura, atleast internally. I kept up my external aura as a lesson from Adam as anything could and would try to get at me. Walking up to Dionysus Sports Bar I look at it silent for a minute as the images of the first time; my contract with The Red Man and the Second time; the death of the bartender mark. Thirds times the charm was the only thought as I made my way into the bar. 

"Bazel?" My voice left before my mind realized what I was doing. He looked like bazel if he cleaned himself up and finally get his life on track but he was different. His nature had changed all Hidden by his happy smile. 

"Have we met before? Sorry, usually I remember a face." Bazel words were english he knew how but he said he chose to use afrikaans to make those around him feel more sympathy as to get more sympathy so his words hit harder. 

"Why are you here?" I ask nearly stumbling over my words as I see his joyous smile. 

"What do you mean sir This is my job I am the Head bartender, I have always worked here." The sincerity in his voice only made it more clear that he thought he was telling the truth. But all joy that I could have felt was now only fear. I could bearly stammer out a word as I stumbled unable to catch myself landing flat on my ass. 

"SIR!" Bazel said as he rushes around the counter to get to me and try and help me. I didn't give him the chance to rushing out the Bar I instincually use my aura I dissapear. I leave like a bolt of lightning as I try to get away as far as possible as quick as possible without a care. 

"Go back the best part hasn't happened yet." The voice echoed with malevolence in my ear as I try and drown it out with the rushing of the wind but it wasn't enough. 

I jump up into the sky that causes the wind to rush more violent but it couldn't calm my mind. "Hahahaha" The violent laugh only made me remember more vividly the images of the last times I was there now projecting onto bazel. I imagined his desperation that brought him into contact with The Red Man and the fate of Mark and the fate that seemed it was now in bazels future. 

Not being able to contain it anymore I let it all out and with a scream laced with a malicious laugh and flare my manna allowing the feeling of the energy flowing through me to try and calm me down thought it only served to make me angrier and filled with more despair.