
the descendents

What power lies dormant in your blood, where do you come from. As more descendents awaken now than in the past 70 years the shadow of the world grows larger and evils well asleep awaken to stir once again. As a newly awakened descendant Joshua Prince must come to terms with this secret world hidden in plain sight. How will he handle his heritage and the responsibility that comes along with it? Can he become strong enough to stand against the evil that wishes to consume the world?

WhiteLion_Writing · Action
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32 Chs

Ch 05 - Tears

Adam's words got the attention of his two companions pulling Hannah out of her phone and Mandela out of his book. Both quickly put their items away and moved up toward me.

Hannah reached me first and was greeted by a wide smile and a cheery voice "A shala mulaikom." as she came in for a hug.

Confused by her weird greeting I repined in good faith after the surprisingly tight and energetic hug let up "Alaikum salaam" the greeting I learned from my mother's brother after he converted.

Next up was Mandela who went in for a fistbump focusing on him and his overly cheery attitude "Sup man glad you here."

"Thanks" I replied bumping his fist and turning to Adam still standing hands in his pocket a few paces away.

"Well let's not waste any of your time, is there anything you want to ask before we find out who you are descended from?" he asks in his usual serious attitude not breaking eye contact.

I spent a minute recalling my thoughts of the day and one thought stood out like a match in the dark and I asked with all the confidence I could Muster. "What made you think I was one of you? A descendent." I clarified in a way not cause any confusion.

"Your actions were off." He stated so matter of fact I started wondering if I was the one in the wrong. "last night you should have run away, but you attacked without any ability, then after I banished the demon you were off like an arrow lost from a bowstring faster than any nonawakened of your level should be able. So there is that."

"You Joking?" I asked unable to hold back a laugh but his reaction told me otherwise and before I could get another word in he started to move.

"Mandella you are up" he says walking up to him and punching him in his shoulder.

"Let's find out who your Daddy is." Mandella laughingly pulled out his book again showing it as a black leather-bound bible opening it up at one of the many string bookmarks and took a deep breath as a faint white light began to radiate from him and a more intense light shone from the bible. When it reaches a level he is happy with he begins to chant in a single breath.

""For this reason, I kneel before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth derives its name."" His voice was doubled, trembling like the sound before Thunderstruck. As he read from the bible it shone with an even more brilliant radiance as it began to flip through all the pages from the bookmarked page to the front till it reached its goal and then a low glow of embers darkened the page around the name. Pulling the book back into his grasp and looking at the glowing words. 

I was in awe of what I just witnessed all the questions I had before looked so small now compared to what I had just seen. I look at Mandella with an expectant grin my mind going through all bible characters and in Genesis no less, but his gaze. His eyes wouldn't move and as soon as he lifted his head I saw the devil reflected in his gaze. He looked at me like I murdered his father stunning me. What demon from the fires of hell am I related to? Again my voice froze in my throat as Adam walked up to me with a side that pushed aside all doubt with his unbreakable confidence as his face returned to a grin. I focused on his blue eyes they were deep with sympathy. Placing his hand on my shoulders to try and calm me down. 

"Don't worry, it always gets a little stressful when we pop up, and we've been popping up much more these days." His voice was Stern but reassuring allowing me to get out my next words.

"What do you mean?" A small cracked voice forced out the question.

"Don't worry, You and I are the same, were both descendents of Cain" His voice was smooth in a placating tone in an attempt to calm me but bloody images flooded my mind. Cain, that Cain. The one that lured his innocent brother away from those who loved him. The one that mercilessly killed his brother bashing his head with a rock till it was no more than blood. The One who spilled so much blood the land where he killed him couldn't absorb anymore and left the blood there dry and be forgotten. And all this brutality just because he was not the one with the favored sacrifice for god. My throat froze and my eyes widened as if hallucinating I saw the grin of the Blood Wolf reflected in Adam's eyes as unspoken words echoed choking me where I stood and causing my world to turn black.

A strong punch to the gut forced me to my knees and into spastic breathing looking up I saw Adam with a curled fist. "You need to breathe, Please breathe." his words were distanced and faint as a familiar warmth filled me, and I saw a forest spring green glow from my side able to properly see what it was from earlier this morning. It glows similarly but separately from the power Mandella used. As she was skelling him out at my side.

As the world regains its color my breathing becomes more regular. but still shaken I hear ""Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul."" 

The low rumbling pulled my attention forward to Mandella his face now torn between worry and scorn. But my body felt fresh like just after a long night's rest. Looking Down I Close my eyes and breathe as deeply as I can to regain my composure the warmth of Hannah and the rested feeling from Mandella fades the darkness comforts me separating me from all these wild occurrences around me. As I settle and steel my resolve to act.

Standing up I regain my balance and begin moving walking away. A hand wrapped entirely around my arm with no effort. "What do you think you Doing?" His tone was still serious but now was bitterly cold. "I already told you this was your choice to make." He continued never giving an inch to my struggle against his grip.

"You did and I chose wrong so I'm leaving. I got your answers and I'm done with you now." I pull away as his grip loosens 

He exhales and shakes his head before refocusing on me. "Before I let you go here's one piece of advice that has served me well, that little voice in your head, don't listen to it."

Those words stung, this Voice hadn't been talking for long but it had been in my ear and getting a reaction out of me, forcing me to play to its tune. I turned around to face him, to face them. 

"Thank you."

I hoped this would be our last meeting and that they would find the demon and get rid of it so I could go back to not feeling this helplessness. 

Making my way to Dionysus Sports Bar knowing it's the closest in the area, I planned to forget as much as I could. Stepping in I drew the few bar patron's attention for a second before they all refocused on their drinks making my way to the bar the floor boards creeked with every step only growing softer the closer I got to the drinks table. The Barman waited as I made my way over to him. 

"Black label draft." I didn't care if I was being rude I just needed something to take the edge off. he passed one on without a word as I began to drink without a care.

Time passes as more patrons enter the bar as I work my way through more and more bottles. Finishing up the newest black label I wasn't paying attention when he entered the bar but I sure felt it along with everyone else. My skin began to prickle my throat burned and the rank smell of rusty blood permitted the bar. I looked up to catch a look at this person he was a tall and lanky black man with who's fro and a beard that appeared to be dyed red a rather ridiculous combination. He was dressed rather dapper though his slim-fit maroon and mahogany suit framed him well in an intimate and vibrant presence.

His entrance stalled the bar to a halt I was merely a bystander wanting for the explosion and man was there ever. the cheers were so loud and obnoxious I thought I might be mistaken but it carried on washing away that notion. A few of the drinkers made their way to him shaking his hand and acting like he was an old face of Paarl. He acted friendly and started shaking their hands one at a time working around his briefcase before moving on.

He slowly made his way through the bar the world almost seeming to bend to accommodate his build. Every step he took made no sound on the creaking floorboards as he made his way toward the bar with a strange elegance. He took the stool one away from me, now so close I saw an old gold watch looking as if it had been passed on for a generation or 2 on his right hand and a pristine black leather briefcase so now it looked like he came straight here after being it. Taking his seat properly he placed the briefcase between us and leaned forward to the barman. "Evening Mark what a beautiful night don't you think?" 

His question caused the barman to recoil back in shock or disgust as he replied with a smile that rotted in his mouth. "Sure is." His voice faltered and cracked as he tried to answer. 

How about a shot for me and my friend here his arm reached full and patted me on the back his reach uncanny and probably longer than it should have been. I tilted my head to him in sloshed confusion earning a hearty chuckle that sounded like a cat's laugh. "All those who find themselves in this place are my friends." 

As he finished the barman placed the two shots in front of him and he gladly accepted them in his stretched hands and grabbed them with his fingertips that could best be described as Claws. Moved it right in front of me before slowly pulling his hand back to his side. Looking at it with trepidation I picked it up and turned to face him with him and asked him. "What's your name?" 

"Aaah, good question. But the wrong question. But I suppose you could call me The Red Man for now." His voice echoed in his throat before reaching me with the smell of liver trying to recoil I lifted my glass and down the shot. It was a burning whisky, not my favorite to pull quite the expression to get it down the burn on my throat was more pleasant than the smell. I Caught a glimpse of the red man downing his shot or more accurately poring his shot down his throat without reaction. 

"Noting better than a little alcohol to relax and forget." His words were almost purpose-built for me but I responded with accepting annoyance.

"Till it fades," I reply. Causing his head to swivel to me with a distorted smile almost breaking past his cheeks to reach his eyes. His eyes were like reflective pools showing a perfect image of myself. 

"What if you could forget, not just forget not to remember, what would you give to forget?" his voice slow and methodical. I saw the bartender moving away while shaking his head as the red man leaned or Maby stretched a bit closer. 

"Aren't I already giving me a memory?" I retorted as calmly as I could moving a bit back in my seat almost slipping off. 

"No, No, I'm not taking, covering it for you." He leaned back and taking a deep breath he continued. 

"Every favor must be paid for in kind, that's why I drink for free. I help Mark and he lets me pop in from time to time." He pointed his long Claw like a fingernail to the barman before moving it down to his shot glass and then to me. 

"What would you give to forget?" 

"Can't you decide?" I asked a bit overwhelmed by his presence almost wanting to run but holding back.

"No." He said very matter of fact leaving no room for argument before continuing. 

"Not fair to anyone if I decide. See." He opened the briefcase between us and pulled out some papers from there the way he waved them around made it hard to read or maybe that was me. Each one was a contract showing a person's name and that they were willing to pay for one of his favors. There were many of these even in the bag but he placed one down front of me with a red Bic pen. Looking down at the paper with blurred eyes it truly looked good I recognized some of the names and knew they were doing good. I didn't take long to decide only one thing came to mind for a trade but I faltered in my mind. 

Dad always taught me that anything too good to be true is not worth it. The thought flashed through my mind pulling me to perfect sobriety. Everything stood still my cheeks started burning and my vision slowly started to fade. The page slowly started to get damp and the link smeared as it was wet by my tears. the more I started to lose the battle against myself and stopped holding them back. The stream of my tears wouldn't stop and I didn't want them to. The relief I felt after the last few shitty days was release from my tears.

- 1 Kings 15:3

- Proverbs 18:24

- Proverbs 31:6-7

- 2 Corinthians 2:11

- Deuteronomy 18:11

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