
The Descendant of De'Scorpio Family

A young man who the one last Descendant of his family, trying to get stronger to get revenge and protect his family, and because of his hard work be completely achieve the power that he want

RHASSGOD · Anime & Comics
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After Rhas got home, his family welcome him with a warm and beautiful party, at first Rhas think that this is so grand party to consider only celebrating his return, but his mother surprised him because he is now going to academy because he is now 15, his mother was so happy because she really wanted Rhas to attend to academy and make friends, because for the past 5 yrs his son is only thinking about to get strong...

( I never thought that I well see again this beautiful smile from my mother and sister, the truth is I wanted to stay here and protect them, but if this is what make them happy, then I will attend to that famous academy..... Rhas whispering to himself)

And after that his mother inform him that after 7 days there a banquet that lionhart family prepared, and all of planning to go to that school is invited, including Rhas... so we need to attend in that banquet( his mother say)

Lionhart family, this bastard family the one who betrayed us, I know that there only making this because they wanted to show their power in front of us, they really thinking that their son will pass in the entrance exam, haha... Just you wait, my revenge will begin in that son of yours Lionhart patriarch, Edward Lionhart...(Rhas whispering to himself)

( Edward Lionhart, patriarch of the lionhart and the one who form alliance and betrayed the De'Scorpio... Frank Lionhart, Edward Lionhart son, according to the rumor he is the most talented in this generation)

But Rhas didn't bother himself, instead he go to training ground to train himself, but the captain of 5 knight that guarding them is already waiting for him, Captain Owen...

Ohh captain what are you doing here? ( Rhas ask to the captain)

And the captain beggin to explain to him what is captain Owen last mission that the Patriarch give him...( The mission that Captain Owen receive is to train Rhas..)

(Captain Owen the commoner knight of De'Scorpio Family that become captain because of his talent and loyalty, even he is commoner he learned the 2 out of 5 secret technique of De'Scorpio because of his talent and loyalty to the De'Scorpio Family)

For the whole week Rhas training with Captain Owen was not easy, for the 1 week Rhas only learn the basic of 1st secret technique of De'Scorpio Family, he didn't totally master it, but according to captain Owen, he is truly Amazing because his older brother took a month to learn it...

(And the day of banquet has finally come)

I'm just a biggener, I'm ready to accept guidance from all of you.....than kyou

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