
The Descendant of Avatar Aang

Being the grandson of three members of the old team Avatar is hard enough, but being a part of a new team Avatar is a whole 'nother challenge.

staycool1214 · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Welcome to Republic City

A boy with slicked back black hair and hazel eyes came out of the boat and was walking to the Republic City Police Station. He wore a leather jacket with a shirt that had armor plating on the chest. He worse some baggy pants and black combat boots as well as gauntlets that had fingerless gloves. He was a former soldier of the United Forces was coming back home. He had a smiled on his face and decided to explore the city for a bit.

"Man it's good to be home!"

He walked down and saw the police station. He went in and met with the receptionist. "Hello, how can I help you?" The receptionist asked. Koda smiled, "Hey, may I speak with Chief Beifong?" "I'm sorry, but I may need to see some identification," she said. Koda smiled and did just that, the receptionist later had her eyes wide and give Koda back his ID and put it in his wallet. "Give me a moment and I'll tell her you're here," she said. Koda nodded and went to the waiting room, he stood there and looked around. This place hasn't changed in a while... he thought. After waiting for fifteen minutes a woman with grey hair and two scars on the right side of her face. She later saw the man and her eyes widened.

"Hey mom..."

She later ran at the tall man and hugged him.

"When did you get back?"

"I just came back, you were my first stop."

"Have you seen your father?"

"No, but I'll see him soon. So, I came for the patrol job."

"Yeah, and I thought you would be the perfect job for it."

"Cool when do I start."



"Wait what?"

'A Few Hours Later'

Koda was now a Lieutenant, due to his experience with the United Forces he was able to get the position from the general and the commander. He was walking along the streets of Republic City, he didn't have to change. He was walking down and was grumbling. After being gone for 3 years she makes work on the day I come back. But I shouldn't be surprised, I had to work on the double back in the military.

Koda rode his motorcycle around the city until he saw a teenage girl who looked one or two years younger than him, her polar-bear dog was with her. He parked his bike and approached the scene cautiously. He didn't want to spook the beast, and have it rampage again. Finding another quality food stand in this city that didn't charge an arm and a leg would be impossible, after all. Getting closer, he saw a beautiful, young woman about his own age approach the stall owner. She had an athletic build with dark, caramel-colored skin and was wearing Water Tribe clothes.

"We'll take one of everything, please," the Water Tribe girl requested as she picked up a kebab with several pieces of cooked meat on it.

The stall owner, an older woman with light brown hair, was obviously less-than-thrilled that there was currently a huge slobbering animal sticking its large head into her stall. The stall owner curtly replied, "That will be 20 yuans."

"Uh, I don't have any money," the owner of the beast awkwardly said.

Clearly frustrated with the whole situation, the older woman quickly yanked away the kebab and exclaimed, "Then what good are you to me?!"

In response, the Water Tribe girl merely hung her head and directed her beast out of the stall. With it finally out in the open, Koda could clearly see that it was a polar bear dog, an animal native to the South Pole. That was surprising. He could vaguely recall that Commander Bumi once told him that polar bear dogs couldn't be domesticated.

"Don't worry girl," the young woman said, consoling her companion, "This city's huge. I bet we can find a place to rustle up something to eat."

She knew she had to feed Naga soon. Hopefully, there was a forest or stream nearby that they could forage in. She was about to climb onto Naga's back when a voice spoke up from the other side of the stall, "I'll cover their tab, and I'll take a lunch special myself, please."

The girl looked over to thank the generous stranger but stopped when she saw that he was about her age. He was tall, easily at least 6', with a strong and medium, athletic build. He was very handsome, and his hazel eyes seemed to be analyzing her. Feeling self-conscious, she looked away from his face and realized that he was wearing a leather jacket, gauntlets, armor plated shirt, baggy pants with some metal boots.

"You're a police officer... and a metalbender," the girl said with amazement, finally noticing the spools of metal cable strapped to his back.

"Um, yeah," Koda said with a half smile, clearly amused by her reaction. He then set 30 yuans on the counter as he waited for the food. "We'll take it to-go, please," he said.

"Oh," the girl began, suddenly remembering her manners. "Thank you for buying our lunch," she finished by bowing.

"Are you sure about that, Koda?" the grouchy stall owner asked as she picked up the cash. She clearly knew the officer well. "Looks hungry enough to eat an ostrich horse," she said and then turned her attention to the polar-bear dog, "That big dog does too."

"Hey!" The girl exclaimed in irritation.

The officer merely smiled. "I'm positive," he replied as the older woman handed him 3 bags of food and 5 yuans. "Thanks," he said, accepting the food. "You can keep the change. I'll see you tomorrow," he finished as he turned towards Korra with their lunch.

"Again, thank you so much," the water tribe chick said, accepting 2 of the bags.

"Happy to help. Why don't we eat in the park?" the officer suggested as he pointed behind him, "It's just around the block."

"Oh, sure," she replied. "Come on, Naga."

She and the companion named Naga followed Koda around the block and into the beautiful city park. The sight almost took her breath away. The park was huge with rolling hills covered in rich green grass, a rarity in the South Pole. The leaves on the trees were changing color in the autumn air, preparing for winter. She could see fish swimming in the crystal clear water of the slow moving stream. They walked along a stone path and over one of the many quaint, little bridges that stretched over the streams at various locations until they reached a small clearing beside the stream. The officer then used his earthbending to summon a circular slab about waist-high to use as a table and 2 small square stools to sit on.

Koda was extremely happy that he finally got to have some lunch. He took a seat on one of his newly-constructed stools and decided to introduce himself, "By the way, if you didn't catch it before, my name is Koda."

"Oh right, my name's Korra," the Water Tribe girl said as she rested her hand on the polar bear dog's head, "and this is my friend, Naga."

Koda reached into his bag and pulled out several pieces of meat. "Well, it's nice to meet you, Naga," he said, opening out his open palm to feed her. He did his best not to jump and yank his arm back as his whole hand, up to his wrist, was suddenly engulfed in the dog's huge mouth. To his surprise, however, he felt no teeth bite down on him as Naga slowly pulled her head back, taking the tasty treats with her but leaving his hand behind. Doing a quick finger-count, Koda reached down and began to pet Naga on the head and down the back of her neck. "Hmph, you're a good girl, aren't you, Naga?" he said as he attempted to wipe all the saliva off his hand and onto her fur.

Korra smiled at the scene as she sat down. "I guess this means Naga likes you," she said, noticing how Naga was starting to lean into Koda's hand.

"Well, of course she does," Koda said as he lowered his face in front of Naga's and started to scratch her ears, "She's just the sweetest, little puppy. Isn't that right?" In response, Naga opened her mouth and licked his entire face, causing the front of his normally untamable hair to stand straight up.

Korra doubled over in laughter upon seeing this. Upon hearing her mistress' amusement, Naga jumped to her feet and started to bark happily as well. After a good minute, Korra and Naga calmed down. "So," Korra began as she tried to strike up a conversation, "how long have you been a police officer?"

"This is actually my first day," Koda replied. He pulled out a handkerchief and started to wipe his face and hair with it.

"Oh," she said with a small amount of disappointment, "I was hoping you could give me some metalbending tips."

"You're an earthbender?" he asked, slightly surprised.

"Oh, does that shock you?" she said with smug amusement.

"Meh, not really. This is Republic City," Koda replied. "I heard there are a couple of rookie pro benders who are full-blooded brothers. One is a firebender and the other is an earthbender." He continued, "Anyway, I'll have you know I've been metalbending since I was a kid. And I've had plenty of practice working with the United Forces for the last 3 years." Normally, he wouldn't be so boastful, but Korra may have wounded his pride a little by suggesting his metalbending was subpar.

"Wow, that's amazing!" she said in astonishment.

"Thanks," Koda said modestly. "By the way, how'd you end up with Naga?" he asked. "My commander once told me that polar bear dogs couldn't be tamed."

"Well, it all started when I was a little girl," Korra began. "There was a storm approaching, and I heard a pack of polar bear dogs howling in the distance. I told my parents that I wanted to go play with them. But then, my dad was all like, 'Korra, don't you go playing with those wild animals. They could eat you up in one bite.'"

Koda chuckled at her impression of her father.

"Later that night, the storm was in full swing and I heard the howling of a polar bear dog near our house, so I decided to go out and investigate," Korra continued.

"Wait, how old were you?"

"Like 5 or 6, I think," Korra said dismissively. "Anyway, I went out and found Naga here, all alone. She got separated from her pack, thanks to that blizzard," Korra said as she pet Naga affectionately. "And your commander was right. Normally, polar bear dogs aren't that fond of humans. But luckily, Naga was just a pup and I happened to have some fish jerky on me, at the time. After that, I used my bending to make us a shelter, so we could ride out the storm. The next morning, my dad found us and dug us out. And well, the rest is history."

"Wow," Koda said. "That sounds like quite the adventure."

Korra smiled. "Yeah, I guess you could say that was an adventure."

Koda later patted his pants and got up. "Well, if that's that case I'll take my leave. Take care Korra, Naga."

Korra waved at the man as he walked away.

"Well he's nice wasn't he?" Korra looked to Naga who seemed to agree with her. And cute too, Korra thought with a tiny blush.

'Koda in Downtown Republic City'

Koda walked around the corner and his eyes widened. Is it me or am I seeing things? He saw Korra facing down 3 Triads, if their outfits and gaudy, golden satomobile were anything to go by. One of the men was already taken care of, lying on the ground in front of his satomobile, dazed. Koda came by just in time to see Korra stomp the ground and send one of the men flying into the air with her earthbending.

"Korra!" he yelled, running to her side.

She and the last Triad turned and saw him. "What the-? A cop!?" the Triad said, clearly beginning to panic. "You're both dead!" he shouted as he thrust both fists forward, sending a blast of fire at both Koda and Korra.

Koda quickly dropped to the ground to dodge the attack while simultaneously reaching into his jacket and pulling out a couple of metal cuffs. These cuffs were similar to regular handcuffs except there was no chain connecting them.

Koda chose to use these cuffs to subdue his targets after he and Commander Bumi came across a rogue lightning bender leading a group of bandits in the Earth Kingdom. Koda hadn't been aware of the bandit leader's talents. And when he tried to use his cables to capture the bandit, he was taken by surprise when the man used the metal cord wrapped around his torso to channel his electrical assault straight back at Koda.

The young officer wasn't sure what abilities this Triad had, so he wasn't going to take any chances. As Koda dropped to the ground to avoid the fire blast, he performed a low spinning kick which sent the cuffs towards the firebender. One of the cuffs clicked around the firebender's right wrist while the other attached itself to his left ankle. Koda then continued his spinning kick until he settled into a kneeling position.

Worried about the civilian, Koda turned to see how Korra was doing. But to his surprise, it appeared as though she had reached into the fire blast and pulled it apart from the inside. Was she firebending?

Realizing that the questions could wait, Koda thrust both of his hands out in front of him and then spun them, one over the other, in a twister-like motion. Mirroring his movements, the cuffs spun as well, causing the firebending Triad to literally spin head-over-heels as he landed hard on his stomach. Koda then clasped his hands together which caused the cuffs to link together behind the Triad's back.

Believing the situation to be over, Koda was surprised when the satomobile suddenly sped past him with the other 2 Triads aboard. "You're not getting away!" Korra yelled as she began to run after the satomobile.

"Wait Korra," Koda said, grabbing her attention. "It's my job to deal with this."

He quickly shot the cables out of his gauntlets. The cables wrapped themselves to one of the many metal cords strung up between the buildings around the city. He then quickly reeled the cords back into his suit, catapulting himself through the air.

He landed on the roof of the satomobile and used his metalbending to keep his boots firmly attached to it. Koda then turned his attention forward. Reaching out, he roughly yanked the entire engine block out of the satomobile and tossed onto the street behind them. Feeling the vehicle begin to decelerate, he jumped off as it came to a stop several meters ahead in the middle of the road.

"Hey, good work there," Korra said as she caught up to them. She then turned her attention to the recently removed engine block sitting in the middle of the road. "What'd you pull out of there anyway?"

"I don't really know," he said with a shrug, "but it looked important."

Before they could continue, however, a loud siren began to blare above their heads. "Police! Freeze where you are!" a voice came out over a speaker.

They looked up and saw a dark grey airship bearing the distinctive insignia of the Republic City Police Department. A hatch then opened up on the bottom of the airship, and several metalbending police officers jumped out, using their metal cables to slow their descent. The newly-arrived officers quickly surrounded the de-engined satomobile and subdued the remaining Triads.

"I'm sorry Korra," Koda said with a heavy sigh, "I have to take you to the station today." He later put the cuffs on her and whispered on her, "I'll try my best to get you out."

'At HQ'

Republic City Police Headquarters stood as a beacon of peace and stability, a promise to the people of the city that those who broke the law would face justice. Being there usually gave Koda's mother, Lin Beifong a certain sense of peace. And seeing the large bronze statue of her mother as she entered made her proud to be Chief, knowing she was part of a great family tradition. As she walked through the station's halls today however, all she was feeling was extreme irritation.

Apparently, instead of finishing her airbending training in the South Pole, as Lin had been told, the Avatar had come to Republic City. And then, after arriving, she had somehow met Lin's overly idealistic son and convinced him to accompany her on a jaunt around the city. Lin had been receiving reports from around the city throughout the day: traffic disruptions near the docks, an incident with an anti-bending mob in the city park, and fighting Triads in the streets. Republic City's Chief of Police was heading towards the station's holding cells where the young man in question was currently securing the Triads that he and the Avatar had been fighting.

"Oh come on, man. I'm already locked up," a voice came out from inside the cell. "Can't you unlock these cuffs already? My leg's really cramping' up here!"

As she approached, Lin could see the man in the cell. He was pale, shorter than average, and had a scar going across his left eye. According to his file, his name was Two-Toed Ping, and he was a known member of the Triple Threat Triads. What caught her attention was the fact that he was lying on his chest in the middle of the floor. His right wrist and left ankle were cuffed together behind his back. That couldn't be a comfortable position to be in.

"Oh, you're uncomfortable?" Koda asked the criminal sarcastically. "Extortion, assault, evading arrest, and attacking an officer of the law," he said, listing off Ping's most recent charges. "Do you know how much paperwork I'm going to have to do now thanks to you?"

"I don't think you have much room to complain about paperwork, Officer Beifong," Lin said as she finally gained both men's attention. She then turned on her heel and motioned for her son to follow her. "So, care to explain why you and the Avatar were gallivanting around the city and causing havoc?" she asked almost casually. "Hey, we weren't 'gallivanting,'" Koda protested. "Besides, I didn't even know she was the Avatar until she started firebending with that guy," he explained, pointing his thumb back towards the cells. "I thought she was just an earthbender."

"An earthbender? Why would you think that?" Lin asked with confusion. After all, the Avatar was clearly from the Water Tribes.

"Well, when we were having lunch in the park, she asked if I could show her some of my moves. So from that, I assumed—"

His mother abruptly stopped mid-stride as she turned to look him in the eye. "She asked you what while you were where!?" his mother asked, interrupting him.

There was a steely edge in her voice that told Koda that he said something he shouldn't have, and he nervously looked away. Noticing where they were, Lin continued, "Never mind, we'll continue this conversation later." Letting her son know he wasn't going to get out of this one.

As they arrived at their destination, Lin opened the door to the interrogation room. Koda was about to follow her in, when her arm came up and blocked his way. "I think it would be best if I conducted this interview alone," she said as the door closed shut in his face.

The chief knew that the younger officer was probably leaning against the wall just beside the doorway, hoping to listen in as best he could. However, she couldn't focus on that right now. The young woman who had spent the entire day with her son was sitting across the room from her, cuffed to the table. Lin Beifong had a lot of questions, and this, this...little girl was going to give her some answers.

'In the Interrogation Rooms'

The interrogation rooms inside of the Republic City Police Station were, in a word, oppressive. The room was perfectly square with a repeating pattern of metal plates and only a single overhead lamp to provide illumination to bolted-down, metal table that suspects were forced to sit at. There was no obvious indication as to where the door was, and if one wasn't careful, they could easily forget which of the dark grey plates provided the exit. Without metalbending, it may not even be possible to leave.

Everything about this room, from its cool, stale air to the way even the tiniest of sounds echoed off of its metal walls, was made to remind the criminals within that they were out of their element. And that, here, in this room, the metalbenders of the Republic City Police had all the advantage. You were in their territory, now. It was ironic then, that, despite being designed to put criminals on edge, this room's current occupant was none other than the Avatar herself.

Korra was not in the best situation. After the metalbending cops had shown up, they had escorted her and Koda back to the police station. Koda was asked to sign some forms and escort the recently captured Triads to the holding cells. Meanwhile, Korra was told that she needed to answer some questions and she was brought to an 'interview room.' At that point, she was quickly cuffed to the table and told that someone would be by in a few minutes.

It had been over 20 minutes and no one had arrived to 'interview' her yet. Korra was beginning to get impatient. After all, why did they have to cuff her to a table? She wasn't a criminal. In fact, she helped the police capture 3 actual criminals just an hour ago.

Just then, the door across the room slid open. A stern looking woman with grey hair and wearing a black police uniform walked in. Her uniform was clearly made of metal, meaning she was a metalbender like Koda. However, unlike the bulky, light grey armor that Koda and the other metalbenders wore, this woman's uniform was darker and sleeker with gold accents around the shoulders and down the arms. Clearly, this woman was important. As she got closer, Korra could see she had pale green eyes, 2 parallel scars on the right side of her jaw, and what looked to be a permanent scowl on her face.

"Let's see, multiple counts of destruction of private and city property," the older woman began as she walked around Korra, "not to mention threatening a protestor. You're in a whole mess of trouble young lady."

"But that protest was the one trying to cause trouble," Korra tried to explain, "And those thugs were threatening a helpless shopkeeper and I had to—"

"Can it!" the grumpy woman said as she slammed the clipboard down on the table. "You should have called the police and stayed out of the way."

"But Koda was just around the corner, and I couldn't just sit by and do nothing. It's my duty to help people," Korra explained. "See, I'm the Avatar."

"Oh I am well aware of who you are," the policewoman replied, "and your Avatar title might impress some people, but not me."

Finally having enough of this disrespect, Korra collected herself. "Alright, fine," she said with determination. "Then I want to talk to whoever's in charge."

"You're talking to her," the older woman informed Korra as she took a seat in the chair across the table. "I'm Chief Beifong."

"Wait, Beifong...Lin Beifong?" Korra asked as she finally made the connections. "You're Toph's daughter!"

"What of it?"

"Then why are you treating me like a criminal?" Korra asked, clearly confused about the whole situation. "Avatar Aang and your mother were friends. They saved the world together."

"That's ancient history, and it's got diddly squat to do with the mess you're in right now," Lin explained. "You can't just waltz in here and use your feminine wiles to get my officers to go along with you as you dole out vigilante justice like you own the place!"

"Hey!" a familiar voice came from the outside the door.

"Koda, is that you?" Korra asked. "What's going on?"

Rather than answering Korra, Koda continued with what he was saying. "I was not caught up by any of her 'feminine wiles,'" he said, indignantly. "Well...not completely," he admitted.

Before Korra could process that statement, Lin interrupted her thoughts. Clearly, she was beyond annoyed by that point. "What do you think you're doing, eavesdropping on my interrogation, Officer Beifong!?" she demanded as she yelled at the door.

"You know, it's not exactly eavesdropping if you're shouting, Mother!" Koda replied from the other side of the wall.

"Wait... MOTHER!?" Korra asked in astonishment.

Ignoring the flabbergasted Avatar, Lin turned back to the door and shouted, "That's 'Chief' while we're on the job, Mister!"

Not letting herself be distracted, Korra asked again, "Are you saying that Koda...

like the Koda I've spent the whole day with, is your son?"

"What of it?" Lin asked again. She narrowed her eyes upon hearing the tone in Korra's voice.

"Oh, nothing..." Korra replied nervously as she looked away from the glare that the chief was sending her way. Korra was having a hard time believing that someone so abrasive could actually raise someone as polite and helpful as Koda.

"Can I just come in already?" Koda asked in exacerbation.

"Fine," Lin relented.

Upon gaining permission, Koda then opened the door and walked in. He walked past the chair that his mother was sitting in and instead stood to the side of the table directly between her and Korra. He then grabbed the clipboard and turned it so he could read its contents.

"Alright look, Chief. You've read my report of the situation. You know that none of the drivers from earlier in the day are pressing charges," Koda began. "The only damage to private property caused in the fight with the Triads was a display stand full of fruit, and as thanks for saving his life, the owner isn't going to press charges either. And as far as the road damage is concerned, you know as well as I do that police are allowed some leeway when it comes to capturing criminals. Especially since we can just use earthbending to fix it right up," he explained. "Korra's involvement in the whole mess can be written off as self-defense."

Before anyone could continue, however, a panel on the side of the wall slid open. Everyone turned and saw a policeman looking through the opening. "Chief - oh, and Officer Beifong," he said as he noticed the room's third occupant. "Councilman Tenzin is here."

Korra was so relieved that Tenzin had arrived that she almost missed it, but she saw Koda tense up momentarily upon hearing that name. He quickly covered it up, however, as his face took on a neutral expression.

Apparently oblivious to her son's discomfort, Lin let out an annoyed sigh, "Let him in."

The door slid open revealing a tall, middle-aged man with a dark brown pointed beard. His head was shaved, revealing the iconic arrow-shaped tattoos that identified the man as an airbending master. This man was Tenzin, son of Avatar Aang and a councilman of the United Republic.

His irritated expression quickly morphed into surprise as he noticed the other man in the room. "Oh, Koda. I didn't realize you were back in Republic City. Well it's good to see you," Tenzin said.

"You too, Councilman Tenzin." Koda said.

"I trust you are doing the Police Department and your mother proud."

"Of course, Sir," Koda replied, looking forward.

"Good, good," Tenzin replied as he put a hand on the man's shoulder.

"Cut the garbage, Tenzin," Lin said, curtly. Clearly, she was not in the mood for false pleasantries. "Why is the Avatar in Republic City? I thought you were supposed to be moving down to the South Pole to train her."

"My relocation has been delayed," Tenzin explained. "The Avatar, on the other hand, will be heading back to the South Pole immediately, where she will stay put."

Korra hung her head, and her shoulders had slumped down as she was scolded. "But—!" she tried to protest.

However, Tenzin interrupted any arguments as he continued, "If you would be so kind as to drop the charges against Korra, I will take full responsibility for today's...regrettable events and cover all the damages."

Lin was quiet for a moment, weighing her options, before she let out a sigh. "Luckily for you, my son managed to keep your Avatar from causing too much damage," Lin replied. "He also managed to clear up any charges that might have been levied against her. Now, just get her out of my city before she causes anymore trouble," she said as she walked out of the room. "Because next time, Koda won't be there to clean up any of her messes."

Koda then waved his hand over Korra's handcuffs, and they unlocked themselves with a click. "If you two would follow me," he said, walking towards the exit. "I'll escort you both out."

'Evidence Room'

Korra noticed how laxed Tenzin and Koda are together as they walked through the halls of the police station. Neither man had said a word since they left the interrogation room. In fact, they hadn't so much as looked at each other. Koda had his hands clasped tightly behind his back as he walked.

Tenzin, meanwhile, kept his own hands concealed within his long robes, but his shoulders were very tense. Both men kept their gazes locked forward, never straying from their path.

"So, you two know each other..." Korra half-stated, half-asked as she hoped to break the awkward silence.

Ignoring Korra's question, Tenzin finally turned to look at Koda with a surprised expression. "You didn't tell her who you were?"

"I didn't even know she was the Avatar until she came into the station," the young officer replied, still walking and looking at Tenzin.

"Though, I guess this means that you never bothered to mention me to her," Koda said.

Tenzin's face grew flushed, and he looked down in shame. Before he could say anything else, Koda sighed, "It's fine." He brought his hands back behind his head.

Korra was very confused now. Koda was Lin's son and that made him Toph's grandson, sure. But why would Tenzin bother to mention that to her? Did the two of them used to be close?

They continued on in silence until they reached the exit where Naga was waiting for them. She was with a young officer who she had apparently taken a liking to, if his wet face and swirled up hair was anything to go by.

"Is this your polar-bear dog, Miss?" he asked as he held the reins out to Korra expectantly. Korra accepted the reins and led Naga towards the exit with Koda and Tenzin. This time, however, she decided to leave the awkward silence as it was.

They had arrived near the main entrance, but before Korra and Tenzin could leave, Tenzin sighed, looked to Koda, and attempted to talk to the young man one last time.

"Listen, Koda, I really am proud of everything you've accomplished the last 3 years. I know that my father would be proud of what you've done to keep the world safe," Tenzin said sincerely. "We've all done our best to keep up with your exploits. But why didn't you tell me that you were coming back to Republic City?"

Koda gave Tenzin a small smile and nodded.

"When I left the United Forces, Bumi dropped me off at the Southern Water Tribe so I could catch a ferry back to the city," he explained. "I heard you were moving down there to train the Avatar, and I figured you'd hear about it once you got there."

"I see, Mother probably forgot to mention it with all the drama that was going on," Tenzin reasoned. "Still, I am glad that you've come home," he said with a smile as he placed a hand on Koda's shoulder. "I hope you'll come visit Air Temple Island sometime soon. I know for a fact that Jinora, Ikki, and Meelo will be ecstatic to have you back."

Koda gave a genuine smile after hearing about the Airbending Kids. Korra smiled as well. Most of the hostility between the two men had apparently dissipated.

"Sure, I actually need a place to stay. I'll get my things and meet you guys at the docks," Koda said as he turned back to go into the station, "I'll see you then, Father."

Korra's eyes were wide, "Wait, Tenzin's your father?!"

(A/N: After much thought, I have decided to the other chapter in another book. I understand if you guys want to flame me about this, I apologize for this and this won't happen again!)