
The Descendant of Avatar Aang

Being the grandson of three members of the old team Avatar is hard enough, but being a part of a new team Avatar is a whole 'nother challenge.

staycool1214 · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

The Truth

Pao had opened the door to reveal Lin, Tenzin, Korra, and Koda.

Lin and Tenzin headed up stairs to Hiroshi's office as Korra and Koda followed them, but they were stopped by Asami and Mako.

"What's going on? Why are they asking Hiroshi more questions?" Mako asked

Korra was about to talk, but Koda covered her mouth, "We can't discuss the matters of the investigation at this moment." He said in a monotone voice.

Asami got right into Koda's face, "Take off that cop face of yours Koda and tell me." she demanded

Koda averted her eyes, telling her that he wouldn't talk about it. She scowled at him and turned to the stairs and started to head to her father's office.

Mako stared at both Korra and Koda for a few seconds till he headed up too.

Koda sighed and headed up too and Korra quickly followed.

As Koda entered the office he already saw his mother and Hiroshi conversing.

"Hiroshi, we just wanted to do some follow up questions." Lin said in a neutral tone.

Hiroshi raised an eyebrow, "By all means Lin." He gestured her to continue.

"Koda." She said and he stood forward.

"There had been word throughout the grapevine that you have possible ties with the Equalists." He said in monotone voice.

Hiroshi looked shocked at this.

"Koko, Aunt Lin!" Asami screamed in indignation, "How could you even think that?" she asked

Lin answered for them, "We need to follow all possible leads Miss Sato, but duo both mine and the lieutenant's relation towards you both, we wished to keep this as private as possible. Sadly we are still mandated to ask if we can search your warehouses...no matter how much we wish not to." She said with regret.

Hiroshi raised his hand to calm his daughter, "It's alright Asami. Lin and Koda are just doing their jobs. You can search all of Future Industries as much as you wish." He stated

Lin nodded and walked out the room with Tenzin as Koda and Korra trailed behind.

Korra leaned closer to Koda, "Why did you stop me from answering before?" she asked in a whisper.

"Because, by doing that you would have really hurt your friendship with both Asami and Mako. So I told a little lie." He whispered back.

Despite his words Korra was worried because her boyfriend was now risking his own friendship with Asami just so hers doesn't get damaged.


As his mother and the other officers looked through Future Industries, Koda was staying out of the way per his request as he didn't wish to do this. His mother understood and he stay out of the search.

He leaned against one of the buildings and looked at the space earth in his hand as he bent into a small figurine of his grandmother Toph.

"Am I doing the right thing Gran Gran?"


A thirteen year old, Koda was sitting in his room as he heard his mom and grandma shouting about something he didn't understand.

The door opened showing his grandma and he went up to hug her. She still had her usual smile on her face, "Hey munchkin." She asked in a sad voice.

"Not a munchkin." He muttered with a pout and Toph laughed loudly at that.

"I know, but it's a term of endearment kiddo. Hey, I have something for you." She said as took a small box out of her satchel and placed it on his bed.

She opened the box and inside... was a rock.

"A rock?" he asked in confusion.

Toph grinned at him, "Not just a rock, but space earth." She said

Koda's eyes lit up from hearing that! He loved hearing that space earth story, so that meant that this was that piece of space earth that Sokka had given his grandmother, "Cool!" he said out loud.

"Very cool." Toph said in agreement as she handed it to him, "I want you to have it, okay?" she said in a small voice.

"Of course! I can't wait to show Klutz this. She's going to flip." He said in excitement.

Toph laughed gently as she ruffed his hair and pulled him into a hug, which he returned.

Toph hugged him tightly as she buried her face into his hair, she was going to miss him so much.

She let him go and started to talk, "I got some things to say so listen close, you got it?"


"Good, I want you to live your life the way you want it, not the way your mother wants it, always do what you think is right, get lots of friends, find an awesome girlfriend for me, and have lots of kids, okay?" she asked in a wild and free tone.

"Okay?" Koda answered with some confusion.

"I'm going on a trip, Koda, a long one, but know that I love you lots munchkin. Always." the older woman said.

"I'll always love you to Gran Gran, always." He said as she stood up and waved while walking out the door with a big smile on her face.

'Flashback Ends'

Koda was brought out of his muses when Korra's voice rang through.

"Koda!" he heard as he turned to see her and quickly turned the figure back into a bracelet before she saw it.

"Yeah?" he asked as he put the bracelet back on his arm.

"Check this out." she said as she handed him the letter.

He read it and raised an eyebrow, "Are we sure about this?" he asked as it could be a trap or something.

"We got nothing else to look on." She said

He nodded at her, "Let's go then."

'At the Silk Road Bridge'

'I seriously hate my job sometimes,' Koda thought as he parked his motorcycle near the start of the Silk Road Bridge. This was the place where they were supposed to meet someone who could tell them the 'truth' about Hiroshi Sato, whatever that meant. Korra, Tenzin, Lin, and a small squad of four metalbenders were waiting for him, and had it not been for the uniqueness of the situation, Koda would've gone home to enjoy a hot bath and go to bed. This conspiracy was really getting out of hand, and Koda just wanted to put an end to it.

With a weary face and heavy shoulders, Koda walked under the Silk Road Bridge, where he met Korra, Tenzin, Lin, and two agents of the Metalbending Police Force. "The meeting is about to start. Is everyone ready?" Lin asked, receiving a nod from everyone except from her son.

"May I ask what are these two doing here, Chief Beifong?" Koda asked, jerking his chin up at the two other metalbenders.

"I told them to come with us in case we're walking straight into an ambush. We can't be careless right now," Lin replied, to which Koda nodded in understanding. "Anyways, let's meet this stranger. With some luck, we might get some useful information out of all of this,"

The group started moving, keeping their eyes wide open. Whoever had delivered that note hadn't specified in which exact place of the Silk Road Bridge he was going to be waiting for them and this location was rather ideal for a setup, which made the Lieutenant of the Police Force feel tense. Koda and Korra were walking next to each other, but they weren't exchanging words or even glances as they had yet to smoke the pipe of peace together after their brief discussion earlier that night.

Besides, this was hardly the time or the place to talk about that. They would have to wait until later before they could patch things up. It wasn't like they were going to break up over this... Right?

'Spirits, what I wouldn't give for some Chimaru tea and a bottle of aspirin,' Koda thought.

After fifteen minutes of walking, they were stopped by the sound of a loud whisper. "Pssst, over here,"

A figure slowly appeared from behind a column, wearing a trench coat, a flat cap, and fingerless wool gloves. The collars of his long coat were raised, making it difficult for Koda to get a clear view of his face due to how dark the night was. Whoever this guy was, it was obvious that he didn't want people to recognize him, and Koda felt the urge to get his blade out just in case.

"You have nothing to worry about. There's no one else here except for us," the man said.

Lin took a step forward, retracted the sole of her boot and stomped her foot on the ground, making use of her seismic abilities to detect any other presences nearby. After half a minute later, she went back to her previous posture and slid her boot sole back out. "The area is clear. I'm assuming you're the one who wrote that note and gave it to Sergeant Beifong here,"

The man nodded. "That's right. I generally don't like acting with such secrecy, but there was no other way to arrange this meeting. My name is Teru. I work at one of the warehouses you guys raided,"

"What do you have on Hiroshi Sato?" Korra immediately asked, but Teru raised his hand at her.

"Not so fast. Before I speak, I want something from Chief Beifong and Avatar Korra. I want the two of you to promise me that I will not be sent to jail over the hypothetical activities I may or may not have taken part in regarding this conversation,"

Koda didn't like where this was going. The way Teru spoke suggested that he had indeed engaged in at least one crime in the past, but he wasn't admitting to it, not from a legal perspective anyway. "That's a bit too much to ask considering we don't know how important or reliable your information is. We can discuss reducing jail time if it comes to that, but-"

"But nothing. These are my terms, and whether this conversation continues or not depends entirely on you. If you do agree to these conditions, you will understand why I placed them on the table. Do you agree, or should we go home and pretend this never happened?"

Just when Koda was about to protest, Lin sent a sharp glare his way, and he begrudgingly closed his mouth. "If your information turns out to be just as important and truthful as you claim it is, the Police Department is willing to consider you as a protected witness, and you will not be held accountable for any wrongdoings you may have committed unless those wrongdoings are beyond exoneration. You have my word,"

"And mine as well," Korra said.

Teru remained silent for a while, and then he nodded in consent. "Very well, then. I'm not gonna waste my time explaining them, but for a couple of reasons, I joined the Equalists about a year ago. I thought Amon could make life better for us non-benders, but not like this. His war against the city has gotten way out of hand,"

"And what does that have to do with Hiroshi Sato?" Tenzin asked while his godson placed his hand on the ground, checking for Teru's heartbeat pattern.

"It has everything to do with him. He's the one who's been manufacturing the equipment used by the Equalists all along, the same equipment that was found during the raid on Cabbage Corps. Amon and Hiroshi are allies, close allies,"

Koda flinched, and his hand started to tremble.

"I knew it! I knew Hiroshi had been up to something all this time!" Korra exclaimed, smacking her open palm with the side of her fist.

"And there's more. Hiroshi has been working on a new invention, a weapon that will give the Equalists a huge advantage. It has yet to be tested, but once it's ready, only the Spirits know what kind of destruction will Amon and his followers unleash upon Republic City,"

"Where exactly is this new weapon being developed? We checked all of Future Industries' warehouses and found no evidence whatsoever," Lin said.

Teru looked over his shoulders as if making extra sure that they were out of earshot before adjusting his hat. "That's because there's a secret factory where Hiroshi manufactures the devices used by the Equalist movement. I've been there myself, and I've seen what kind of stuff is being developed inside that factory,"

"Where is it?" the Avatar demanded to know.

"... Right underneath the Sato Estate."

Except for Koda, everyone in the group exchanged surprised glances. No one had considered the possibility of a secret factory built underground. The Sato estate was located high up in the hills, and the terrain was big enough to hide a factory below the earth's surface, which would allow Hiroshi to design and produce technological objects in favor of the Equalist cause while offering his cooperation to the Police Department without getting caught. Of course, it would've been foolish to believe a complete stranger based on his word alone, which was why Koda used his seismic sense to detect any abnormal change in Teru's heartbeat pattern in case he lied.

"Lieutenant Beifong, is this man telling the truth or not?" Lin asked while Tenzin, Korra, and the two agents of the Metalbending Police Force were holding their breath.

Koda got on his feet very slowly, almost in a robotic fashion. A small knot formed in Korra's throat when she saw her boyfriend's face. He was pale and weary, and he looked like he was seconds away from throwing up.

"... He told the truth."


"Raiding the Sato mansion is a risky move with Tarrlok breathing down your neck." Tenzin commented to Lin, "If you're wrong..." he trailed off

"I know, I can kiss my job goodbye, but protecting Republic City is all I care about...even if I have to go against a friend." Lin said with sadness, "We can't let Amon get his hands on this new weapon." She finished

Koda was sitting with Korra as he was shaking slightly and taking some deep breaths. This was it; he was going to find out what's going on in Hiroshi's head and hopefully talk him out of this.

Korra looked at Koda with worry, "You okay?" she asked softly as she placed her hand on his shoulder.

Koda shook his head, "No, not really. What if I can't talk him out of this? This is going to hurt Asami so much. Aunt Yasuko wouldn't want him to do this; she would only want him to use his genius for peace, not war." He said as he swallowed hard.

"It'll be okay." Korra said weakly trying to make him feel better but knew it wasn't helping much. Damn she sucked at this sensitivity stuff when it mattered!

Koda grabbed her hand on his shoulder tightly, "Hopefully." He muttered as the Airship flew over the Sato mansion and began to descend.

They entered the mansion and the other officers slammed the door open and saw Asami, Mako, and Bolin with Pabu, sitting around.

"What are you doing here?" Asami asked in surprise.

"We have reason to believe that there is a factory hidden below the mansion." Lin stated

Asami got up in anger, "I think I would have noticed if there was a factory under my house. Aunt Lin, my dad isn't an Equalist, you've known him for years!" she exclaimed and she turned to Koda, "You too Koda, has he ever been cruel or mean to you?" she asked as Koda averted his eyes from her.

"Where is your father?" Tenzin asked, wishing to get her attention away from Koda.

"In his workshop behind the house." She answered in a calmer tone.

They group walked to the workshop with the other kids in tow as the metal bending officers secured the perimeter.

They entered the shop and did a quick sweep of the shop.

"Dad? Hello?" Asami called out as she entered the workshop.

"Chief, the estates been secured. No one has left the workshop since we've arrived." An officer said.

"Perhaps we just couldn't see him leaving." Lin said as she walked to the center of the room.

She raised her foot and the slot under it shot open, exposing her foot and she slammed it down and used her seismic sensing.

"There's a tunnel beneath the work shop running deep into the mountain side." Lin said

"What? There's no tunnel." Asami stated

Lin lifted her arms and the metal floor crinkled and she lifted it and threw it to the side.

They stared down the tunnel and saw how deep it went and a trolley that went down it.

"Whoa, do you think your dad knows about this tunnel?" Bolin asked in a loud whisper.

"I don't understand, there must be an explanation." Asami argued weakly.

"Maybe...you don't know everything about your father. I'm sorry." Korra said to her.

Koda took a deep breather and patted Asami on the shoulder, "It's going to be okay, I'll talk to him." Koda said to her and Asami nodded at him.

"Officers, into the tunnel. Be cautions." Lin ordered

Asami, Mako, and Bolin were about to follow, but Lin stopped them, "Uh-uh, you three stay up here. Officer Song, keep an eye on them." Lin ordered despite their protest.

They descended down the trolley and they entered the ground floor and saw many Amon and Equalist banners.

"Hiroshi truly likes to go for extravagance." Lin commented.

"The man was always a big spender." Koda joked weakly which made Korra laugh a bit.

They continued walking and they saw some kind of humanoid robot or something.

"And I'm guessing those are the new weapons." Korra said as she looked at them.

"Hiroshi was lying alright, but where is he?" Tenzin questioned

Suddenly a giant wall of metal blocked the exit for them, taking away the light.

Lin ran up to the wall of metal and tried to bend it, but realized she couldn't.

"I'm afraid you won't be able to metal bend that wall Lin." Said the voice of Hiroshi as suddenly rows of green lights lit up the room.

"Its solid platinum!" he said as the mecha tanks came to life and surrounded them.

"My mecha tanks are also made of platinum as well. Not even your renowned mother could bend a metal so pure." He said from the mecha tank.

Koda walked in front of the group, "Uncle!" he yelled

"Yes, Koda?" Hiroshi asked as he knew what the boy wanted to talk about.

"Why? Why do this? Aunt Yasuko would never want this! She loved your inventions when they were used to help people, but now... now you are making weapons to bring war!" he shouted in betrayal.

Hiroshi flinched at the mention of his lovely wife, but he knew that such a feeling would come up when he descended upon this path, "I am doing what I believe in Koda. Nothing more and nothing less." He answered.

"How could you! Koda trusted you, he did everything to defend you and now you just betray him and his mom like its nothing? Why don't you come out here and-" Korra shouted

"And do what young Avatar?" Hiroshi said as he cut her off, "Face the wrath of your bending? No, I think I'll fight from inside here where my odds are a little more equal." He said

"That source was a set up. You lured us down here!" Lin exclaimed

"Indeed Lin." Hiroshi said as his mecha tanks arm launched a cable with a weight at the end of it.

Koda broke off from the group and a mecha tank followed him.

He dodged a cable and ran up the wall while magnetizing his feet to let him stay up there for a bit and he grabbed the platinum and slowly started to pull the metal out with all the strength he had. Everyone, especially Lin and Tenzin were stunned to see what Koda was doing.

"No way," Tenzin said.

"He's a platinumbender," Lin said in shock.

Hiroshi was shocked to see the young man slowly tear away the platinum and went up to Koda. He lifted an arm from the suit and shocked Koda.

Hiroshi exited his mecha tank and looked at the down benders, "I'll say that that was a near flawless test run. Load everyone into the transports and deliver them to Amon." He ordered

He walked over to Koda as two chi blockers picked him up.

Koda cracked his eyes and looked at Hiroshi in a daze, "Hey there uncle~" Koda said with a bit of a slur.

Hiroshi looked at Koda sadly, "Of course you would regain consciousness so soon, but being the world's first platinumbender, it's astonsishing." Hiroshi had to admit that it was remarkable, he knew the earthbender had a lot of potential and him bending the platinum proved it.

"Well, I'm awesome like that~" Koda said as his eyes started to gain their focus again.

"Drop him by his mother and father." Hiroshi said and the chi blockers nodded as they dumped Koda next to his mother and father.

What they didn't see was Mako and Bolin sneak in and pick up Korra and Tenzin and drag Koda and Lin.

"Thanks boys~" Koda said in a low tone.

"Anytime buddy." Bolin replied

"Not so fast boys." Hiroshi said as he wore two electro gloves and the Lieutenant had his electrified kali sticks ready to strike the brothers.

Bolin dropped Lin and used Tenzin's arm to wave at Hiroshi, "Hello, wow what really... swell... scary factory you have here under your giant mansion." He said

"Sponsoring our team, supporting the Avatar, it was all just a big cover." Mako stated in understanding.

"Yes and the most difficult part was watching my daughter traipse around with a fire bending street rat like you!" Hiroshi responded in anger.

"What about Koda? He's been Asami's friend for years? Do you hate him too?" Mako asked back.

"Yeaaah?" Koda said as he wanted to hear his answer.

Hiroshi paused and took a deep breath as he looked at Koda with what everyone could identify as sadness, "No. Koda is in fact the only bender I can respect, due to what he has done for me. If it wasn't for him I would've lost Asami that day which would've left me with no reason to live anymore. His understanding of my creations, open mindedness to see their benefits for non benders and desire for peace is why I couldn't come to hate him."

As he said that a bit of hope returned to everyone's eyes until Hiroshi spoke again.

"However my hatred towards you benders is far greater and I'll do anything to make sure Amon wins this war."

With that, Koda lost all hope for Hiroshi coming around.

"But once Amon purifies him of his bending, hopefully he can forgive me and we can try to regain the friendship we had, as he is a much better choice for her then you, boy." He said with a sneer as he charged his electro gloves.

"Dad stop!" said the voice of Asami.

Hiroshi turned to face his daughter in shock.

Asami's face held nothing but betrayal, "Why?" she pleaded

Hiroshi lowered his head, "Sweetie, I wanted to keep you out of this for as long as I could, but now that you know the truth please, forgive me." he asked

Asami just continued to look at her father, unsure of what to do.

"These people...these benders...they've been the cause of people's suffering for ages. All the bending rulers like Chin the Conqueror, Fire Lord Sozin, Fire Lord Ozai, Yakone, and every other bender who craved control over all nations have been responsible for countless deaths and wars that resolved nothing towards peace. They took your mother the love of my life from me and they almost took you too. Don't you see that Amon can be the one to do what even the Avatar can't do; he'll create a peace that'll last forever by eliminating bending. Without Bending there would be no one who could rise to power to try and rule all nations like the previous benders have tried to do, there'd be no gangs and no thugs to threaten innocent people. Without benders we could live in a world where everyone would be treated as equals and no one would have the power to kill anyone else with bending or technology once we create the new world!" Hiroshi paused for a moment.

"If it wasn't for bending, Koda wouldn't have been forced to perform an act that no child should ever do just to protect you from them. They've ruined the world, but with Amon we can fix it and build a perfect world together! We can help people like us everywhere." He took off one of his electro gloves and handed it to Asami, "Join me Asami." He asked

Asami just stood there, afraid and confused, but after a moment she gained a determined look in her eyes and she walked forward and took the glove and placed it on.

"No..." Mako whispered in sadness.

"I love you dad." Asami said as she shocked him.

The Lieutenant went to attack her, but she kicked his first kali stick out of his hand and caught his other arm and shocked him with the glove.

"Let's get out of here!" Mako as he grabbed Koda and headed to the hole they came from just as the other mecha tanks came to life.

'At the Metalbender Airship'

Korra helped Mako lay Koda on a bench and she thanked the fire bender as she rubbed Koda's hair.

Koda cracked his eyes open and smiled at Korra, "Hey there, how many did you take down?" he joked softly.

Korra swatted him on the head and he yelped, "What?" he asked.

"Don't joke about things like that." She said with a huff as she folded her arms, "And how come you didn't tell me you can platinumbend?"

"I discovered my platinum bend until I was in the Military, so far I can bend small shards of it, not big things like their mecha tanks," Koda said, "Sorry."

Korra sighed and kissed him on the forehead, "It's okay, just don't do crazy stuff like that."

Koda raised an eyebrow, "You know, since we have to fight those things now, I will be doing crazy stuff like that, right?" he asked with a sly expression.

Korra palmed her face, "Why do you always have a witty come back?" she asked with a groan.

"Because it's part of my charm and you love it." He said instantly.

Korra got into a thinking position, "This is true." She concluded

Koda looked at Asami in sadness, "I'll have a talk with her once I'm rested."

'With Lin and Tenzin'

"My metalbenders are on their way to Amon and its all my fault. Tarrlok's right, I failed as Chief. First thing in the morning I'm handing in my resignation." She said in sadness.

"No! You can't give up like this." Tenzin argued.

"I'm not giving up." Lin said with a grunt as she sat up from the bench she was laying on, "I'm going to find my officers and take Amon down, but I'm going to do it my way...outside the law." She said with determination.

"Who's going to take your place? Tarrlok could very well have someone in his pocket to take control for him!" Tenzin stated.

Lin gave him a smile, "I know someone who can do it just fine." She said as she looked at their son.

Tenzin looked surprised, "Lin, our son is too young to take such a responsibility plus I don't think he's in the right state of mind after everything he went through with Hiroshi's betrayal."

Lin glanced back at him, "I know, but tell me someone who's better for the job then a Beifong?" she said.

Tenzin's argument died in his mouth as he recognized that glint in her eye as Koda had it most of the time.

'With Korra and Koda'

Korra was holding Koda's hand when Mako walked over.

"Is that spot at the Air Temple still available?" he asked the two.

Korra smiled at him, "Yeah, Asami can come too, after everything that's happened." She said as she glanced at Asami.

"Thanks Korra." He replied

"Look out for her okay Mako. She's in a very delicate state right now. Hopefully both of us can get her out of it." Koda said, "Besides I had always wanted to take her to the Island, so you can do that in my steed."

Mako looked him in the eye and nodded as he walked away to Asami and held her close.

Koda smiled at the scene as he yawned, "I'm going to sleep for a bit."

"Okay, I'll be here when you get up." She said.

"Thanks." He muttered as he closed his eyes.

'At Air Temple Island'

Three days after the incident in the Sato Estate, Mako, Bolin, and Asami were finally arriving at Air Temple Island, where Korra and the Airbending kids were eagerly waiting for them at the docks. Koda had to leave early in the morning and didn't say why.

"They're here!" Ikki screamed.

As the three came to the docks they were welcomed by Ikki.

"Welcome to Air Temple Island. Your new home." Ikki said.

"Yes, welcome to my domain!" Meelo said.

"Well, aren't you a sweet little monk child." Bolin said, smiling and Pabu jumped off of the Earthbender's shoulder and went for Naga. "What's that fuzzy creature?" Meelo asked, looking at Pabu.

"That is a Fire Ferret. It's an arboreal mammal common to the bamboo forests of the central Earth Kingdom." Jinora said, but before she could explain more Ikki screamed.

"He's CUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTE!" Ikki shouted excitedly while running past Jinora who covers her ears from her sister's shouting while Ikki tries to run for Pabu who hisses and runs away from the excited Airbender.

Just then Meelo Airbends himself on Naga.

"Yip, yip. Fly sky bison!" Meelo said, pulling the polar bear-dog's ears.

Asami giggled at the scene, "You know, I've seen Koko's siblings, but I never got to meet them."

"Hey, thanks for sending the Air Acolytes to help us with the move." Mako said.

"Yes, they've been amazing. Such tireless workers." Asami said as they watched the Air Acolytes carrying too many bags off the boat.

"I thought you were bringing a few things." Korra said.

"Well, anyway, everyone here wants you to feel welcome." Korra said.

"Where's Koko, by the way?" Asami asked, noticing that the newfound platinumbender was nowhere to be seen.

"He's staying at his house right now. He didn't say why." Korra said.

They all nodded as they all walked to their rooms. As they walk Meelo smiles at Asami.

"You're pretty. Can I have some of your hair?" Meelo asked. Mako laughs at this.

"Looks like I have some competition. He clearly has his brother's charm." Mako said in a joking manner.

"And now for the grand tour. The flying bison sleep in the caves Koko made down there. That's the temple Grandpa Aang built. And that's the greenhouse where we grow vegetables we eat." Ikki said showing them right where the man-made caves are, the buildings, and to the left for the greenhouse.

"Wait, Koko made a cave! How old was he?" Asami asked. She looked at the younger sister of Koda with a surprised expression.

"According to Daddy, he was 7," Ikki said.

"Also, I have a couple of questions. Is this an all vegetarian island? Is that where you train Airbending? Do we have to wear Air Acolyte clothes? Do we each get our own sky bison? And the final question, how many trees are on this island?" Bolin asked.

"Yes, yes, no, no, ten-thousand-nine-hundred and fifty-two." Ikki answered all the questions, making everyone shocked.

'How does Koda deal with her,' Mako thought, thanking himself that Bolin isn't like that.

"So, where are we gonna be staying?" Mako asked.

"You're a boy. Boys have to stay on the boy side." Meelo said.

"I'll be happy to show you to the men's dormitory." Jinora said.

"I'm a boy." Bolin said.

"Meelo, you go with the boys too." Korra said.

"We shall meet again soon, beautiful woman." Meelo said leaving.

"I'll be happy to take you to your room this way." Korra said as she started leading Asami.

Korra, Asami, and Ikki are walking down the corridor on the woman's side and everything is quiet.

"Asami, did you know Korra would say Koko's name in her sleep?" Ikki asked, making the Avatar have a shocked face while thunder roars and explosions occur in the background behind Korra.

Asami giggled at this, "No, I was completely unaware of that though I do find it cute." Asami said.

"Well, let's move on!" Korra said grabbing Asami by her arm and they go down the halls while opening the doors to a different room allowing Asami to enter first and then follows her in and before Ikki could come in Korra quickly slams the doors in the Airbender's face.

"Hey!" Ikki yelled.

"Run along, Ikki!" Korra yelled through the doors making Ikki become angry as her eyes become comically white and begins growling and snarling and clawing like a cat but then pouts and walks off.

In the room and they look around it.

"So... this is your new room. I know it's a little rustic compared to what you're used to." Korra said.

"I think it's charming, and the thing about is that nothing reminds me of my father. You know, whenever Koko and I hung out, he said he would take me here to visit. Too bad you and Mako were the ones who had to take me here." Asami said.

Korra nodded until Asami said something.

"Have I done something to offend you lately?" Asami asked abruptly.

Caught off guard, Korra looked shocked, "What? Why do you say that?"

Asami shrugged, "Yesterday you seemed to be glaring at me behind my back. So I was wondering what the hostility was for."

Korra looked abashed at being caught; "It was just that, you and Koda were hugging and you two seemed to be so in sync that I felt..." she trailed off.

"Jealous?" Asami finished.

Korra seemed to find the floor very interesting at that moment, "Yeah."

Asami placed a hand on her shoulder and Korra looked up, "It's okay, you just got a boyfriend who happens to have a girl for a best friend, so the two of us hanging together probably seems uncomfortable to you." she said as she patted the Avatar's shoulder a few times in comfort.

"Thanks for explaining it to me. I really didn't have any friends to hang out with as a kid, so this is really new to me." Korra said in a sad tone.

Asami just smiled at the girl, seemed miss rough and tough was just like any other teenage girl.

A knock at the door grabbed their attention.

"Come in." Asami said and Tenzin walked in.

"Good day ladies. Asami, welcome to the Island." The monk said with a nod.

"Thank you for having me," Asami said with a bow which Tenzin returned, "You know Uncle Tenzin, Koko always wanted to take me here." Tenzin chuckled, "I know, he has expressed this to me for years."

He turned to Korra, "Koda is going to be inducted as the Chief of Police later. We will both be going." Tenzin stated. Asami and Korra's eyes were wide, "Why didn't he tell us?" Korra asked.

Tenzin shrugged, "I don't know. But Koda always was a bit secretive at times."

Asami agreed to Tenzin's statement.

"Now shall we get going?" Tenzin asked.

"Can I come too, Uncle? This is going to be a big day for him, so I really want to go." Asami said

Tenzin nodded, "Yes Asami, you may come as well." He said exiting the room.

"I hope he isn't nervous." Asami muttered to herself.

Korra raised an eyebrow hearing her, "Koko? Nervous? We are talking about Koko here, right?" the water-tribe girl said jokingly.

"He's not invincible Korra. Even Koko can get nervous." The heiress said. Tenzin nodded to what Asami said.

"This I got to see." Korra said rushing out the door.

Asami just shook her head in amusement.

'At the Police Station'

Koda took a deep breath as he walked up to the podium and remained focused with all the flashing of cameras taking his picture. He saw Korra and his father standing on his left side and Korra mouthed good luck to him and he smiled at her and turned to the crowd.

"As you know, my mother has retired from her position as Chief of Police. I would like to thank all those who have sent their hearts out to her for a speedy recovery. I have been chosen by my mother to be the next Chief of Police. Some of you no doubt are wondering why someone so young such as I would be taking charge of such a position of responsibility. It's true, while I may indeed be young, far too young for some people; I have been around this position my entire life and know the ins and outs of it. I won't make promises I know I can't keep, but I will say this; I will do everything in my power to keep the people of Republic City safe no matter the cost of my own safety, that I promise. I know most of you are wondering if the Police will be working with councilman Tarrlok, and I will answer yes, the Police will be working with the councilman from time to time when it involves Amon and the Equalists, all other times the Metal bending Police will be going above and beyond to continue protecting Republic City like they always have, Thank you." Koda said with a small bow and the crowd cheered for him and he smiled at them.

As the crowd dispersed Korra come running to Koda and gave him a big hug and kiss on the cheek, "Nice going Chief." Korra jokes.

"Thanks," Koda said.

Asami was on his right and approached the newly appointed chief, "Congratulations, Chief Koko." She cheered as she sent a look to Korra and the Avatar girl gave a small nod and Asami gave Koda a big hug.

They heard the sound of a nose blowing and saw Tenzin dabbing his eyes.

"Umm... are you okay dad?" Koda asked with a sweat drop.

"Yes, yes, I'm fine...I just...something in my eye is all." Tenzin said with teary eyes, he was really proud of his eldest son.

"Yeah, sure." Korra said in a sarcastic tone.

"Greetings Chief Beifong." Said the voice of Tarrlok.

The group turned to see the northern water-tribe representative councilor.

"Councilman." Koda said with a curt nod.

Tarrlok smiled at him and saw the closeness that he and the Avatar seem to have and stored that tidbit for later, "Ah Avatar Korra, long time no see. Now that your little pro-bending distractions are over, I look forward to your return to my task force." He said with a curt bow.

"Heh, forget it." Korra said firmly, "There is no way I'm rejoining your vanity project." She said defiantly.

"That is unfortunate to hear, but I'm sure you'll come to your senses as you have in the past." He said as he looked at Koda, "No doubt you will be helping our young Chief here, so we will be seeing each other."

"Don't hold your breath bub. I'm only going to help Koda and that's it." Korra said firmly, "Tenzin's been right about you all along. You played me, you played Koda's mom, but Koda's too smart to be played by you." She said as she walked up to him, "Here's more news for you, you need me, but I don't need you. I'm the Avatar." She finished as she put her hands on her hips defiantly.

Tarrlok just looked at her with his obnoxious smile, "You are not in fact the Avatar. You are just a half-baked Avatar in training. Which reminds me, how is your air bending going?"

Korra took a sharp breath and her arms fell to her sides.

"Made any significant progress with that?" he asked further.

Korra said nothing.

"I didn't think so." He said condescendingly.

"Tarrlok." Koda said with a growl and bit back his retort as he put an arm around Korra.

"If you will not be a part of my task force, then you had best stay out of my way." The councilman finished firmly as he walked away, "I will see you at a later date Chief Beifong to discuss some things." He added as he made his exit.

Koda glared at his retreating form and turned to Korra as his eyes softened, "Don't listen to him, he's just an asshole and trying to shack you up since you won't work for his task force." Koda said as he pushed a strain of hair off her eyes and tucked it behind her ear, "You're amazing and you know it." He finished as he gave her a nice kiss on the forehead.

Korra blushed from the kiss and smiled, "Thanks." She muttered to him.

"Anytime." He said to her as he looked at Asami and his father and mouthed watch her. The heiress and Tenzin nodded.

"Chief Beifong, your needed." Said Saikhan as he walked up to Koda.

Koda sighed, "You don't need to call me that, Saikhan." He said with an annoyed look.

Saikhan's lips twitched to a small, almost unnoticeable smirk, "I know."

Koda rolled his eyes, "Great, just what I need, to be the butt of the jokes around the station now. Come on Saikhan, show me that mountain of paperwork I have to do." He said as he waved to Korra, "See you guys later."

"Bye Koda." Korra said as she, Tenzin, and Asami head back to the Island.

'The Chief's Office'

Koda sat in his new chair or his mother's chair and looked at the picture of a younger version of himself with his mother, father, and grandmother smiling like no tomorrow. He later looked at another photo and it was him as a baby. His mother was holding him and his father had a hand around Lin's shoulder. Grandpa Aang, Gran Gran Katara, Aunt Kya, and Uncle Bumi were on one side and on his mother's side was Gran Gran Toph, Aunt Su, with his couisns Baatar Jr., and Huan. Opal, Wing, and Wei weren't even born yet during that time.

'I miss those days.' He thought to himself as he picked up the photo and gently traced his fingers over Toph's and Aang's image. It was days like these that made him wish he could've spent just a few more days with his grandmother before she just left on her trip.

"Saikhan... do you think I'm the right person for this?" he asked the older officer as he placed the photo back down.

"On the record I would say yes." Saikhan said.

"And off record?" Koda asked in worry.

"I would still say yes." Saikhan said with a smile, "You're young blood, the poster boy for the new recruits, and one of the best soldiers during your time at the United Forces, people are willing to follow you because you're a good leader and watch out for everyone you work with, a quality your mother has and has clearly passed to you, not only that you have your father's wisdom passed down to you. Now here's your paperwork." The older officer said as he dumped the pile of papers on the Chief's desk.

Koda looked at the stack of papers in front of him and groaned... now he knew why his mother wished she was a fire bender at times.


"Finished!" Koda cheered as he put the last piece of paper in the out box.

"Now to check on a few more things, then I can get some sleep and hopefully a warm dinner from Pema." He said as he stretched to get the kinks out of his back.

He was heading out his door just as screams started to go around the station.

"Oh. Come. On! Right when I was about to leave? What a drag." He shouted and muttered the last part to himself and headed down.

He saw some electric flashes, indicating the use of electro-gloves and saw chi-blockers hitting officers who didn't have armor on.

"You guys have got some balls attacking this station on my first day!" Koda shouted as he glared down at them in fury, "Drop the gloves and put your hands in the air and I'll promise to make the beating I'm going to give your asses will only be slightly painful." He growled.

The chi-blockers and whoever they had freed ran out the door as fast as possible.

"They really like doing things the hard way, don't they?" Koda said to himself with a sigh as he jumped over the railing on the second floor and headed to the garage and put on his goggles and his armor covered his head.

He hopped on his bike and revved it up and peeled out of the garage in pursuit of the truck with two Equalists on motorcycles tailing behind it and in front of it.

"You're so not getting away while I'm on the clock... that would suck on my first day." Koda growled in his helmet as he followed them, not even seeing Korra, Asami, Mako, and Bolin in a car he just passed by that intersection.

"Was that Koda?" Mako asked in shock.

"Yep." Korra and Asami answered at the same time.

"Let's give him a hand!" Korra ordered and Asami nodded as she shifted gears to follow the young Chief.

Koda zoomed ahead and as a truck was about to block his way, he skidded under it and continued going.

He raised both of his hands and shook them twice and shot them upwards.

Suddenly two earth pillars shot up under the two rearing Equalists and sent them flying into the air and landed roughly on the ground and Koda closed his fists and a hand of earth caught them, making sure they didn't leave anytime soon.

He saw a car chasing him and looked in disbelief.

"What are you doing here?" He shouted over his engine and the wind from the speed they were generating.

"We're the new Team Avatar! You wanna join?" Bolin shouted.

Koda's hand twitched as he wanted to slap Bolin upside his head for asking something like that right now.

"Alright Krew, help me out!" Koda said.

"Crew?" Mako asked in confusion.

"Yeah, but with a K instead of a C for Korra, Krew." Koda shouted.

"We should make T-shirts later." Bolin suggested.

"We'll talk!" Koda said.

Mako stood up and launched an arc of lightning at one cycle and Bolin sent a barrage of rocks at the other.

Now it was just them and the truck.

"Korra! Bolin! Help me make a semi-loop de loop ramp!" Koda ordered

The Avatar and the other earthbender nodded and all three made a large loop and the truck drove right up it since it had nowhere else to go and flipped on its back after it tried to stop.

Koda shifted his armor off his face and whooped, "Nice!" he cheered and jumped off his bike and captured those trying to get away with Korra and the rest helping.

The press arrived to take their pictures with the captured Equalists just as Tarrlok and his task force arrived.

"Avatar Korra, what do you think you're doing?" Tarrlok asked angrily as he stormed up to her.

"She assisted me in capturing these idiots who thought it was a genius idea to do a jailbreak on my first day, but we got them." Koda said interjecting whatever Korra was going to say.

"That's all well and good Chief Beifong, but you tore up the city to do it." Tarrlok added with irritation.

Koda looked back to see the damage and shrugged, "Nothing a little earth bending can't fix." He said uncaringly.

"Fine, but this is Avatar Korra's last warning to stay out of our business." Tarrlok said and was about to leave when Koda spoke.

"Sorry, but the new team Avatar is now a deputy group to the Metal bending Police and can act on behalf of myself and they only answer to me." Koda said with a sly grin.

Tarrlok turned around and glared at Koda, "You're playing a dangerous game Chief Beifong."

"As are you Councilman Tarrlok." Koda countered.

Tarrlok left with a huff.

"That was awesome! Were deputies now!" Bolin cheered as he jumped up and down with excitement.

"Nice." Mako said with a smirk.

"So Krew?" Korra asked Koda as Tarrlok's task force brought the captured Equalists to their trucks.

Koda shrugged, "Avatar Aang's group was called the Gaang, and so I thought why not." He said with a smile.

Korra put a finger to her lips in thought and nodded, "I like it."

"Alright, but head home for now and I'll follow you guys later." Koda said as he gave Korra a quick kiss on the cheek and headed for his bike and drove back to the station to finish up and get some sleep.

"Bye!" Korra shouted, waving him off.