
The Descendant of Avatar Aang

Being the grandson of three members of the old team Avatar is hard enough, but being a part of a new team Avatar is a whole 'nother challenge.

staycool1214 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Search and Rescue; Changing the Tides

A door to a basement opened.

Two figures entered. One suspended in air, while the other, slowly walked down the stairs.

Tarrlok continued walking down while blood bending Korra and headed towards a platinum cage.

While hovering in the cage, Korra looked at Tarrlok, "What are you doing?" she questioned as he dropped her and locked the cage, "Tarrlok!" she shouted

"You can't keep me in here forever!" she shouted at him.

"Oh, actually I can." Tarrlok said in return.

"I will get out of here!" Korra said as she continued to bang the cage.

"Now now Avatar Korra, behave or I may just pay a visit to our dearest friend Koda." Tarrlok said sinisterly.

"What?" Korra gasped

"I'm sure even he wouldn't survive if, say, he was suddenly attacked by the Equalists a second time to ensure his demise is accomplished?" He said in a sickening tone.

Korra's eyes widened from that...he would go find Koda and make sure to kill him for real this time.

"If you so much as touch him I'll kill you if it's the last thing I ever do!" Korra screeched in uncontrollable rage as she rammed her cage trying to get out.

"That is very unlady-like behavior Korra. What would your boyfriend say? Oh wait, he's unconscious in the hospital." Tarrlok said in mock understanding as he laughed leaving behind a raging Korra.


Koda rose from his bed in a gasp.

He winced as he tried to move and had minimal success, but it seemed his famous luck wasn't with him this week as a nurse was passing by and saw him.

"Chief Beifong, what are you doing?" the nameless nurse gasped in shock as she rushed to his side.

"Getting up." He muttered to her as he slowly managed to stand up.

"You were almost blown up sir, we can't have you moving around!" the nurse said sternly as she made him sit on the again.

"Does it look like I care?" Koda stated as he tried to move again, but the nurse wouldn't have it.

"I can't allow that sir. You shouldn't even be conscious for a few more days." She stated in slight awe as she struggled to keep him in bed.

"I got better." He quipped back, "Now move." He said in authority.

"Can I get a doctor in here!" the nurse shouted out the door while holding Koda.

"Ow, that hurts." Koda said in mock pain.

She let go instinctively when she heard that and Koda got off the bed and ran as fast as he could as he headed out the hospital like no tomorrow.

"Security!" the nurse shouted.

"Bad day, bad day, bad day." Koda said to himself as he winced with every step he took as the door was blocked by two burly security guards."

"Hey guys, you think you can let me out?" Koda asked nicely.

The guards stood there like stone statues.

"Okay new plan. You move and I won't arrest you for obstruction of justice." Koda said with a glare, "I hear Big Wai likes new meat." He added sinisterly.

They moved out of the way fast.

"Thank you gentlemen." The earthbender said as he gave a mock salute and headed to the streets. 'Sometimes it pays to be a high ranked officer of the law.' Koda thought to his satisfaction. He later changed into his pants and wore a random white t-shirt with his leather jacket on top. He later ran to the front of the road and looked for a means of transportation.

"Taxi!" he shouted and in five seconds a yellow Satomobile was there.

He hopped into the Satomobile.

"Where to bub?" the big driver asked.

"Beifong Manor." Koda replied.

The driver looked at him more careful and grinned, "Hey, you're that new Chief that got blown up. How you doing?" he asked with cheerfulness.

"Amazing, despite the fact that I just got blown up." Koda replied with irritation.

"Well you look better." The driver nodded.

"So you hear that the Avatar was taken by the Equalists." The driver stated without care.

"Wait what?" Koda shouted in surprise.

The driver nodded, "Yeah, I heard that she an' Councilman Tarrlok were attacked in City Hall. A real shame." He said as he honked the horn aggressively, "Watch where ya going ya mook!" he shouted out the window.

"Can you go faster?" Koda asked in anger.

Shit, what happened when he was out of it!

The driver turned in his seat, "Sir, there is traffic; ya got to wait like everyone else."

Koda was foaming at the man and started tapping his foot.

He then did the only thing he could do right now... bang his head against the car seat in front of him.

No matter what damage he already had to his head.

'Republic City Downtown'

Lin, Tenzin along with Mako, Bolin and Asami were walking down a sewer tunnel hoping the find Equalists to lead them to Korra and to get payback for nearly killing Koda.

Lin and Tenzin were up front, Bolin behind them while Mako and Asami were in the back.

Lin heard what happened to Korra over the radio and decided it was time for her to get back into the field so she went to Tenzin and team Avatar and got them to join her for the mission to save Korra.

Lin and Asami were especially looking eager to find some Equalists to take down after taking Korra and almost killing almost Koda which everyone else easily noticed.

Mako however was now wondering why Asami looked so eager and angry.

He knew Koda was her closest friend and everything, but she seemed to be taking it so personally and it made him wonder if there was something going on that he didn't know about.

"Hey Asami." Mako said softly so the others didn't hear.

Asami turned to him, "Yes, what is it?"

"Not to be rude or anything but is there something going on between you and Koda?" he questioned which got her attention instantly.

Asami looked a little uncomfortable, "Why do you ask that?"

"It's just that you seem to be taking what happened to Koda very personally. I know it's because he was almost killed and we also want payback for him, but you and Lin seem to want your own revenge, and Tenzin is devastated." he questioned further as he noticed that Asami looked a bit unnerved by the questions.

Asami thought to herself for a moment as she contemplated telling him what she told Korra at the hospital about how close Koda was to her.

She thought Mako who was her boyfriend deserved to know, but that discussion with Korra was a very special and private moment. Eventually after some more thought she decided to answer.

"Well, I guess I should tell you the truth. You already know what happened to my mother, we'll I guess it all started from there. After that incident both me and Koda were scarred by the traumatic experience we went through that day. Eventually we overcame it and managed to return to our happy lives, Koda visited me more and we got closer together as our friendship grew." She said with a bit of a smile.

Mako was a bit wide eyed, "So does that mean that you and he were..." he trailed off.

"At one point we did date, we were not boyfriend and girlfriend. Although we did love each other in that way in the past."

Mako was now a bit confused, "Then what changed?"

"Time moved forward, my feelings for him changed as I saw him as something different from a love interest. Over time Koda has been there for me to talk and comfort me whenever I felt the pain of losing my mother again and I was there for him when he remembered the incident that caused him to kill at such a young age." She stated. She later giggled, "Maybe that's what made him join the United Forces."

She took a moment on how to fraise it, "In a way Koda has become the brother I always wished I had. It's funny we aren't related at all. But before his siblings were born, Koda was an only child like me but he just seems to have taken the role of being a brother so we'll say that it's almost like he was a long lost brother to me."

"You never told me any of this before?" Mako asked

"There are something's I prefer to keep to myself. Korra questioned me as we'll on the same thing and I told her the same thing I just told you. That's why I'm taking this personally because Koda is my brother and Korra is my friend and I won't let these creeps get away with hurting them." She said in a serious tone.

Mako smiled, "I'm with you on that, Korra's my friend and teammate and Koda's my new bud and I'm not gonna let them down."

With that said both of them continued their mission with the others.

'Beifong Manor'

The taxi cab carrying Koda finally arrived at his home.

Koda had his left eye twitching like crazy at how he had to deal with traffic and the drivers' unusual questions.

'That's it; I'm never taking a cab ever again. I'd rather walk then deal with this.' He thought to himself in irritation at how he nearly went crazy in there.

Koda rushed out of the taxi and headed to the door.

"Hey! What about my pay?" the driver shouted.

"Bill it to me later!" Koda shouted back as he opened the door and rushed inside as best he could.

"Jerk." The driver muttered as he drove away.

Koda was heading to their secret attic.

It was a room that he built himself 3 years ago so they could have more storage space but unknown to his mother he was also keeping something hidden from her. He went down and walked up ahead to step in front of a wardrobe and it contained one massive backpack, new armored shirts, and a set of extra platinum gauntlets. He later got new gear and later headed out to find Korra.

'City Hall'

After finding no signs of Korra when they invaded the Equalists facility, they decided to return to city hall.

Lin and Asami had taken down the guards hard and fast and they interrogated them on the location of Korra and the one responsible for bombing Koda but the Equalists guard revealed that they weren't responsible for Korra's disappearance or Koda's attempted murder.

He even said that their leader Amon hasn't even made any new orders for them to attack Republic City yet since he's been staying out of sight for some reason.

When they asked why he said he didn't know, only that Amon was preparing for something.

Their mission was a failure but Lin was at least able to find her captured metal benders, but sadly their bending was already taken when they found them.

As Tenzin led the group in, they approached the council.

"Thank you all for meeting us on such short notice." The monk said.

"Have you news of Avatar Korra?" Tarrlok asked as he walked in.

"We do." Tenzin said as he pointed at Tarrlok, "You kidnapped her Tarrlok."

"I am shocked that you would accuse me of such an evil act. I already explained; Equalists attacked us and took her." The water bender stated.

"But there were no chi blockers here last night. You planted the evidence, didn't you?" Tenzin questioned

"That is a ridiculous accusation." Tarrlok countered.

"It's true!" said a voice on the second floor balcony.

Hiding behind a pillar was the council secretary.

"He took her. I was here when Avatar Korra arrived last night, but Councilman Tarrlok ordered me to leave. I was on my way out when I saw Tarrlok bring her down to the garage." She said

"That is nonsense! Everyone knows your nothing more than a squeaky voiced liar!" Tarrlok shouted in anger.

"Why did you wait until now to fess up?" Lin asked with her arms crossed.

"I was terrified to tell because...because Tarrlok is a blood bender!" the secretary shouted, "He blood bent Avatar Korra! He even said that he was the one who blew up Chief Beifong's office!"

Lin's eyes went wide at that and she snarled at Tarrlok as her body was shaking from pure rage, "TARRLOK!" Lin shouted as she charged at him with her metal wrist blades, but was stopped in mid-strike as Tarrlok was not only blood bending her, but the rest of the group.

He slowly started to bring them to their knees and then knocked them out as he fled City Hall.

'With Korra'

Just then the door opens revealing Tarrlok who is furious.

"My life is a disaster, thanks to you." Tarrlok said.

"So, your little Bloodbending secret's out? I know how you Bloodbent me without a full moon. You're Yakone's son!" Korra said.

"I WAS his son, but in order to win Republic City, I had to become someone else. My father failed because he tried to rule the city from its rotten underbelly. My plan was perfect. I was to be the city's savior, but you and your predecessor's grandson of a brat EVERYTHING!" Tarrlok yelled.

"Tarrlok, the jig is up. You have nowhere to go." Korra said.

"Oh, no, no. I'll escape and start a new life. You're coming with me as my hostage." Tarrlok said.

"You'll never get away with this!" Korra yelled.

Tarrlok walks up the stairs but then he gasps to see Amon, the lieutenant, and several chi-blockers.

"Amon!" Tarrlok said and Korra gasps at the name.

"It is time for you to be equalized." Amon said and the lieutenant and chi-blockers prepare to fight.

"You fool! You've never faced bending such as mine!" Tarrlok said as he Bloodbends the Equalists and they fall to the ground but Amon is somehow not affected by this and he walks forward making Tarrlok shocked and redoubles his Bloodbending making Amon stop for a second but keeps moving. "What...What ARE you?!" Tarrlok asked.

"I am the solution." Amon said as he grabs Tarrlok's arm and then jabs his right hand at the base of Tarrlok's neck and then moves his hand at Tarrlok's forehead as Tarrlok watches with horror.

In the box Korra hears Tarrlok's scream of anguish as his bending is now gone and looks at the ceiling and watches with wide eyes and the Equalists get back up as Amon lifts Tarrlok's limp body.

"I'll take care of him. You four retrieve the Avatar. Do not underestimate her. Electrocute the box to knock her out before you open it." Amon ordered and Korra hears this and is shocked.

"With pleasure." The lieutenant said.

"Once The Avatar is finally out of my way, we can move on with our plans to get Koda Beifong out of the way too as he is more influential," Amon said.

"No, Koda," Korra said to herself.

Korra gazes at the bars on the top of the box while hearing the Equalists coming down and looks around to see her bands on her forearms.

The lieutenant is now near the box while taking out his kali sticks and electrifies them.

"Payback time." The lieutenant said as he shocks the box.

In the box Korra fake cries as the electricity is running through the box and is using her armbands to wrap them over the bars on the roof and is hanging from them and is not getting hurt by the electricity and outside the bulb shatters.

"Open the box." The lieutenant, ordered as one of the chi-blockers, opens the box and finds Korra's motionless body. "Tie her up." The lieutenant said but Korra Firebends at the Equalists from her feet making them step back but the Equalists throw their bolas at the Avatar who dodges and earthbends a giant wave to send them flying.

Outside Amon is placing Tarrlok into his truck but then Korra bursts out of the house and they lock eyes at each other and then Korra bends snow into spears of ice and throws them at Amon who dodges them but Korra gets away and jumps off a giant slope of the mountain while the lieutenant and the other Equalists join him.

"I thought I told you not to underestimate her." Amon said.

Korra Waterbends to snowboard down the mountain and while sliding down she trips over a tree root making her lose her balance and she slides across the snow hitting a tree and is now unconscious.

Just then a figure arrived in the snow. It was Koda who was looking for Korra, he too was fatigued and when he found her he carried her. Running through the forest turned out not to be the greatest idea, as fatigue began to set in, the two fell head over heels down a steep slope of snow. Koda only came to a stop only when his side connected with a tree at the very bottom.

The earthbender groaned in pain, clutching his side due to leaving the hospital early. He later looked at Korra who was in his arms. The tips of his hand brushed against her's, he wasn't going to make it, "Korra... I am so sorry..." he said.

He didn't know how long he laid there when he felt a head press against his own. He looked up to see that it was Naga. "You came to save us?" Koda asked.

As if to respond, she gave his face a lick, "Good girl." With the last of his strength he lifted Korra on the saddle, before pulling himself up on it.

Meanwhile at Republic City everyone is riding on Oogi going for the mountains and nightfall is coming.

"We're almost to the mountains." Tenzin said.

Just then they hear howling.

"That sounds like Naga! Down there!" Mako said pointing at the arena and Tenzin gets Oogi to take them there.

Oogi lands and they see Naga coming to the city and riding on her is Koda and Korra.

"Koda!" Asami screamed.

"We're fine, but Korra's tired." Koda said.

"Korra! Koda! Thank goodness." Tenzin said. He was relieved that his son and Korra were safe.

Lin later joined Tenzin as the two hugged their son who hugged them back.

Koda was watching over Korra's sleeping form and sighed in relief once again that she was okay. He stood up and left the room as he quietly closed the door. He sighed as he later received a letter from someone in the undercover unit.

"It's that bad huh?" Koda asked himself. He later walked down to the dining area to get breakfast.


Korra had woken up while the two were talking and eating as if the food would disappear.

Koda was sitting next to her as he had a loaf of bread to nosh on, "Easy Korra, the food isn't going anywhere." He teased lightly seeing her eat in a way that looked very similar to how his grandmother described Sokka would eat when he was really hungry and there was meat on the table.

Korra just stuck her tongue at him as she took a few more bites and a sip of soup, "Hey I was locked away for a few long hours with no food or water so excuse me wanting to refill my empty stomach." she then turned to Pema. "The food tastes amazing Pema." The Avatar said as she finally took a break, "I'm finally starting to feel like myself again." She added as she took another bite of food.

Koda just squeezed her hand lightly in an affectionate way that she returned as well.

"We're just so thankful that your home safe." Pema said as she stood up from the table and started to take some of the dishes to clean.

"Here let me help." Asami said as she also stood up and took the remaining dishes.

"Korra, I realize that you've been through a lot, but I need you to tell me what happened." Tenzin stated.

"First off, Tarrlok isn't who he says he is. He's Yakone's son." She said.

Everyone was stunned at that, until Lin gained a look of understanding.

"But how did you escape? And where's Tarrlok?" Tenzin asked.

"I received word about Tarrlok from one of my informants, father." Koda said, he later took out the letter and read it aloud, "I escaped the hospital and went to the hideout." He said.

"How did you know about it?" Lin asked.

"Tarrlok showed me it, he told me it was storage. As for Tarrlok though, Amon took his bending away and has no doubt taken him to some kind of location to imprison him." He added.

Needless to say everyone was now worried and even spooked at what they heard. It just raised more questions about who Amon was and how he possessed these powers.

"This is very disturbing news. Amon's stronger than we could have imagined and is becoming embolden. Taking out a Councilman, almost capturing the Avatar...I fear Amon is entering his end game." Tenzin declared.

"You could be right," Koda said to his father, "Amon has set into motion many things. I would suggest getting the other council members to safety as they are Amon's opening move."

"Why?" Bolin asked

"Take away the leaders of the City and that leads to chaos with the people." Koda answered, "I'll call Saikhan." He said as he stood up from the table and left to make the call.

'Koda's Room'

With an exhausted sigh, Koda plopped himself on his bed.

He grabbed a pillow and started to yell into it as it muffled his yelling.

He breathed heavily as he dropped the pillow on the bed and held his head in his hands.

"Something like this! They expect me to be able to help lead the people. What the hell do I know about this?" he asked himself.

A small knock came from his open door. He looked up quickly and saw Korra there. She gave Koda an awkward smile, "I guess Asami was right, you aren't invincible." She said, but realized what she said, "Not that you aren't amazing, it's just that, you know, you aren't perfect." She blinked and once again reviewed what she had said, "I'll stop talking now since I'm absolutely failing at it." She said with a grimace.

"It's okay. I'm just really nervous." Koda muttered.

Korra sat next to him on the bed, "Well, you um, don't have to be. We're here for you, you know?" she said with a more genuine smile this time.

Koda brightened up a little by seeing her smile.

"Say Korra is there any chance you could communicate with Grandpa Aang or any other past Avatars that could give me some wisdom for the coming war?" He asked with a bit of desperation in his voice.

Korra looked down, "I'm sorry, but I haven't learned how to communicate with the other Avatars yet. The most I've learned is how to let Aang show me what he tried to tell me before about Tarrlok." she said a bit sadly at not being able to help him the way he's asking for.

Koda sighed, "Then I guess I'm on my own for this." He saw Korra about to speak but he stopped her, "I know you'll be there to fight with me Korra, but I do wish I could get some advice about what to do in this coming war. Considering all the wars the Avatars fought I'm sure they could've given me some insight to help me figure out how I should lead others to battle."

Korra looked hurt as she saw him in this state of mind.

Koda laid back on the bed to try and relax as Korra did the same while she moved a bit closer to him.

She could still see the worry in his eyes so she decided to do something about it.

"Hey Koda?" she asked.

"Yeah?" Koda answered as he turned to face her, only to have her lock lips with him.

She continued to kiss him as she rolled on top of him while she placed her hands on both sides of Koda's head to deepen the kiss.

Koda wrapped his arms around her waist as they brought their bodies closer.

They continued to taste each other for a few minutes until they heard a cleared throat.

They both got off each other and looked at the door to see Tenzin glaring at them.

"Can you two not do it here?" Tenzin asked.

Koda stood up with some rigidness, "I'm going to get changed now." He said.

"And I'm going to leave." Korra said as she stood up with just as much rigidness and headed for the door.

'Next Morning at the Police Station'

Koda was in his signature outfit as he finished debriefing his staff.

"Alright, dismissed people you have things to do and little time to do it." Koda ordered and everyone nodded and headed to their respected stations.

Saikhan walked up to him as they walked to Koda's temporary office till his other one was cleaned up.

"Are the Council members secured?" Koda asked while walking.

"Yes chief, we have them in a temporary safe house in which they can relay their decisions to us." Saikhan answered

"Good. Make sure my father gets that number so he can add in to the discussions as well." Koda said.

"Will do."

"We know Amon is going to start moving soon so I believe we should have the civilians evacuated from the city, less of a chance of Amon using them as hostages." Koda ordered.

"We're already stretched thin as it is Chief. Along with the patrols and staff stationed at key points in the city it's going to be difficult." Saikhan commented.

"I don't care if it's difficult, I want it done. I won't have the people endangered by a lunatic." Koda said gruffly.

"Of course Chief, I'll get right on it." Saikhan said as he left the office.

"Good." Koda nodded as he looked at the paperwork he missed.

A few minutes passed by when all of a sudden multiple explosions could be heard.

Koda stood up and ran to the command room.

'Air Temple Island'

Korra, along with the rest of the Krew were sitting around till they heard multiple explosions.

They all started to head outside and saw Lin ordering the air bending kids inside.

"We heard explosions, what's going on?" Korra asked Lin.

"Republic City is under attack." Lin told them, "Let's go."

New Team Avatar ran to the car that was parked nearby and hopped in the satomobile. Asami revved the engine and headed towards the police station to see what was up in Republic City.

'With Koda'

"Dammit," Koda muttered as he busted into the command room.

"Status report!" He ordered to the staff.

"Sir, we have multiple wounded civilians and officers at some of the areas that had been set off."

"We have air ships of unknown identification coming into the city. Most likely Amon's sir."

"The civilians are in a panic. We managed to start the evacuation like you had ordered, but we've only just started."

"Our patrol ships are intercepting Amon's ships now sir."

"I want that evac done first; we need to keep the civilians safe. Next I want all patrol ships to take down Amon's, I don't care how I just want them down. All officers not assigned to evac or air patrol is to return to the station ASAP for further orders." Koda ordered, "Someone get me a wire to the United Forces General."

"Sir!" the staff answered as they got to work.

An officer walked up to him and handed him a wire, "Here you go Chief."

"Thanks." Koda muttered in return.

Koda stated his message to his former superior office and hoped he came fast.

"Chief, air unit 7 was just taken out by an Equalist airship. They've crashed into the harbor." An officer said.

"Send a river rescue unit." Koda responded quickly.

"Chief, all river rescue ships have been sabotaged." A relay officer announced.

"Damn," Koda said as he banged his fist on the table, "Get in contact with the closest evac unit in that area and have them commandeer a ship in the harbor."


The door busted open and Tenzin walked in.

"Koda." Tenzin said in relief.

"Dad, good to see you." Koda said as he looked at the map of the city on the table.

"What the status?" Tenzin asked in worry.

"Chaos everywhere that psycho's launched simultaneous attacks across the burrow. I have my officers doing evac on the civilians while I have the rest trying to gain control, but we're spread too thin." Koda growled

"I need a wire." Tenzin asked

"I already sent him a message with everything he has to look forward to, Dad." Koda replied as he was looking at the latest reports he was given.

"Good resourcefulness Koda." Tenzin commented at how he was staying cool under pressure.

"Chief the phone lines gone dead." A relay officer said

"Crap, their hitting us next." Koda said in worry.

The alarm suddenly went off and the power soon followed.

"Fuck." Koda stated and Tenzin slapped him behind the head.

"Language Koda." Tenzin scolded.

"This is not the time for manners lessons, Dad!" Koda shouted in return as he went under the table and grabbed a flashlight.

"Heads up." Koda said to Tenzin as he threw another flashlight which the monk caught and turned on.

They heard a leaking sound and Tenzin turned his flashlight to the vents.

"Koda, the vents!" The monk alerted.

Koda quickly metal bends the vents shut.

Tenzin saw some smoke, most likely some sleeping agent, seeping through the bottom of the door and turned to Koda.

Koda nodded, already knowing what his father was going to say, "Alright people, we're getting out of here." Koda said.

"Everyone stay close to me." Tenzin said as they exited the command room in an air bubble.

They finally managed to get outside and breathe fresh air when they came face to face with six Mecha Tanks with magnets on them.

"Armor off!" Koda ordered as Saikhan and two other metal benders did as told.

The Mecha Tanks activated their magnets and the armor the four metal benders wore just fell off and flew to the magnets leaving them free from their magnets.

A tank launched one of its cables at them and Tenzin blocked it with an air blast and sent two more air blast to push one tank back.

Koda stomped the ground and punched forward and sent two large earth spikes at one of the tank chest.

He managed to get two dents into the tank and raised his arms in the air.

The platinum shards on his forearms and hands came off and floated around him as he got into an air bender stance.

He sent a wave of platinum shards to one tank and caught it by one of its arm joints.

'Pressure, pressure, pressure, pressure.' Koda chanted in his mind as he slowly closed his fist and heard the sweet sound of metal screaming under the intense pressure.

He fully closed his fist and the arm of the tank fell off.

"Yes!" Koda cheered as he saw Saikhan facing another tank on his own and the other two officers defending the non-bending officers from chi-blockers that decided to enter the fray.

He turned to see Tenzin jump out of the way of a cable to be hit mid-air and sent into the building's wall.

Saikhan was getting overwhelmed as three tanks converted on him and hit him from behind and shocked him. Koda jumped out of the way of an attack on him and ran to Tenzin while his platinum shards followed.

The chi-blockers took down the two officers and were rounding up the rest of the staff he managed to get out.

Koda cursed as he got into a guarded position in front of the downed Tenzin as five Mecha Tanks cornered them.

He sent another wave of sand at the joint that connected the leg track to the body of a Mecha Tank and crushed it, thus crippling the tank.

Just then Asami's car crashed into another tank, taking down the ones they had to fight to three.

Mako and Bolin were facing one of the last two tanks together as it sent an electrified cable at Mako and started to shock him, but the fire bender redirected the shock and fired lightning back at it, causing it to short out as it's engine exploded internally.

Korra ran up to another one with water following her and jumped off one of the earth ramps Bolin had made and filled the pipes on its back with water causing it to stall its engine. Bolin followed up with earth bending the ground under it to topple it.

As the chi-blockers were placing the captured officers into a truck, Koda was on them in seconds as he jumped over them and kicked the two in the face sending them to the ground.

'In an Airship'

An airship was overseeing the invasion. Inside the airship was none other than Amon, and a few other Equalists who wear piloting the ship.

Hiroshi was using a telescope to see the fight occurring at the Police Station. He was displeased to see his daughter still fighting on the side of the benders, but as the fight continued he saw something that got his attention.

"Amon!" he called out.

Amon turned from his view of the city, "What is it?"

He was silent for a moment before he pointed down towards the police station, "I think you should have a look at this, you're not going to like it." he said with worry.

Amon walked over to see where he was pointing at before he looked at the telescope to see what was going on and when he did his eyes widened at what he saw. There down at the police station that some of his officers were fighting fighting, but it wasn't Tenzin's group he was fighting, it was his own forces.

Amons grip on the telescope tightened until one could swear they saw it dent the metal from the force.

"It seems we had spies in our midst." Amon said with concealed anger.

"What do we do about him, if he learned about our project then we'll be..." Hiroshi began, but was silenced by a raised hand from Amon.

"We'll deal with the traitors later and as for the final project there's no need to worry. I made sure no one besides the workers would know about it. Even my own lieutenant doesn't know about them." Amon said without worry for having their plan being compromised.

"What about my daughter, she's still fighting alongside those benders and I just can't stand it." The inventor said with a clenched fist as he wished his daughter was back with him.

"We'll deal with the Avatar's team in due time and once they're dealt with you'll have your daughter back." Amon said with certainty.

'Back with Koda and Krew'

Koda had a wrist blade and started to slash at another chi-blocker and rolled under a kick as he got behind the chi-blocker and hit him on the neck with the back of his blade. He later got into his opponent's guard and grabbed him by the neck and slammed him into the ground and followed up by kicking him in the head, thus knocking the chi-blocker out.

"You guys alright?" Korra asked as she hugged Koda and looked at both him and Tenzin in concern.

"For now." Tenzin said as he looked at the rest of the group, "Thank you kids, I don't know how long Koda would have been able to last." The monk said as he looked at his son.

Koda, Mako, and Bolin were currently untying the captured officers while Saikhan started to wake up from his shock and started to hobble over to Koda.

"You okay?" Koda asked in concern.

"It takes more than this to hold me down sir." Saikhan said as he rubbed his arm from the pain he was clearly in.

"Uh guys look." Mako said as he pointed to an Equalist airship that was heading to Air Temple Island.

"Oh no." Tenzin said in fear.

"Saikhan, you round up this group and head for one of the bunkers. We'll meet up later." Koda ordered

"Sir!" the elder officer responded as he went to do his assignment.

"Quick, to Oogi." Tenzin said as the group ran to the flying bison.

They flew to the island and landed as they saw Lin with the kids.

Tenzin and Koda jumped off immediately and hugged Jinora and Ikki while Meelo jumped on Koda's shoulders.

"Thank goodness you're alright." Tenzin said

"We caught the bad guys." Meelo said

"You let them fight?" Tenzin asked Lin in anger, "Do you realize what could have happened?"

Lin looked at him impassively, "I would have been toast if it weren't for your kids. You should be proud." She said as she crossed her arms, "Just like with our son, you taught them well." She complimented with a small smile.

Tenzin looked at his three younger children with fondness.

"Go on, be with your wife." Lin said as Tenzin and the kids walked inside.

Tenzin runs down the hall when he hears crying.

"Pema!" Tenzin says and arrives at the room where he finds Pema holding a newborn baby.

"Tenzin." Pema said.

"I'm here, Pema." Tenzin said, sitting next to his wife.

"Our new son." Pema said handing the baby boy to Tenzin who carries him.

"Hello." Tenzin said and Koda, Jinora, Ikki, and Meelo peer into the room. "Come, meet your new brother." Tenzin said.

"A brother? Well, it's about time." Meelo said.

"I'm here, you know?" Koda said to Meelo.

"Welcome! I'm Ikki, and this is Jinora and Meelo. This big guy is your big big brother Koko! He is an awesome earthbender," Ikki said, pulling Koda closer to them, "we have a super great family and we're so happy that you're a part of it." Ikki said.

"What're you gonna name him? Can I pick?" Jinora asked.

"We already chose a name." Pema said.

"Rohan." Tenzin said. He later looked to his eldest son with a smile and handed Koda the baby. Koda looked at Rohan as the baby smiled.

"Hey little guy, I'm Koko, your big big brother," Koda said. He later looked to Lin who rubbed his hair gently as she remembered those memorable times that he was so young.

"I'm so sorry to interrupt, but... more air ships are coming." Korra said in sadness.

"Everything's not going to be fine, is it Koko?" Ikki asked in a sad tone.

Koda shook his head as he handed his newborn baby brother back to Tenzin.

Everyone exits outside to see more airships heading their way.

"What do you want to do Tenzin?" Korra asked in worry.

Tenzin sighed heavily, "I need to protect my family and get them as far away from this conflict as possible." He said as he looked at Lin and Koda, "If Amon got his hands on your brother and sisters... I hate to even think of it." He said to Koda.

"If you're leaving, then I'm going with you." Lin said.

"But-" Tenzin tried to argue, but Lin cut him off.

"No arguments, you and Koda's siblings are the last air benders. There's no way in the world I'm letting Amon take you're bending away." She stated in defiance.

"Thank you Lin." Tenzin said as he turned to Korra and Koda.

"Korra, I want you and the rest to leave the island and hide for the time being." Tenzin said.

"I'm not giving up." Korra argued

"I'm not asking you to. Koda had sent word to the United Forces. They will be here soon and once my family is safe, I will return. With the reinforcements we can turn the tide in this war." Tenzin reasoned

"What your saying is... we need to be patient." Korra said in a dejected tone.

The monk rested a hand on her shoulder, "Your learning well." He said

Korra gave him a small smile as they prepared to leave.

Korra hugged Tenzin while he returned it.

"Stay safe Korra."

"You too." She said back.

He later pulled back and later hugged Koda with Lin joining in.

"Stay safe for us," Lin said.

"Will do," Koda said.

Lin and Tenzin later looked at their son with a smile.

"We love you, son," Tenzin said.

"Love you guys too," Koda said back with a smile.

Lin and Tenzin let go of their son and went on to the bison.

"Oogi yip yip." Tenzin said and the bison took off with the air acolytes on another bison.

Airships started to follow the flying bison, but one remained behind.

Chi-blockers jumped down the railing cable attached to the island and the White Lotus Sentries guarded Korra and the rest.

"Go, we'll hold them off." One of them ordered and the group started to run.

"Guys climb on." Korra said as Mako, Bolin and Asami jumped onto Naga.

"Mustache guy!" Bolin exclaimed as the Lieutenant came sliding down the mountain side.

Naga jumped into the air as the Lieutenant did and batted him away with one of her paws as he fell down the cliff and into a tree.

'Ouch I bet that's gonna leave a mark.' Koda though as he cringed from seeing that fall.

"Nice one Naga." Korra compliment.

They jumped into the water and Koda and his riders followed as they latched onto Naga's saddle and Korra water bent an air bubble around them as they headed for land.

'With Tenzin'

Tenzin and his family are flying away but then an Equalist airship comes and attacks and shoots a giant net at Oogi but Lin Metal Bends her cable to destroy the net and then wraps her cable around the rope and then looks at the family with sad eyes as they look at the airship with fear.

"Whatever happens to me, don't turn back!" Lin said. She later looks at Tenzin one last time with a smile, "Tell our son I love him."

"Lin, what are you doing?!" Tenzin asks but Lin jumps off Oogi and reels herself up and lands on the airship.

Lin starts ripping off a large section of the airship's metal skin and an explosion occurs and the ship starts falling into a harbor below but Lin catapults herself to the next airship and starts ripping apart the airship but then Equalists come and wrap their bolas around her and she is electrocuted and is now unconscious and the family look back shocked.

"Koko's mom is my hero." Meelo said.

"Yes, she is." Tenzin said sadly as Oogi kept flying.

'At the High Seas'

A cultured looking man in a red military uniform stood at the top of a ship.

"General, I just received a wire from the Avatar and Chief Beifong. She says Amon and his forces have gained control of the city. While Chief Beifong has stated that he managed to get most of the civilians to safety. How do you wish to respond?" The crewman asked.

"Tell her we will be arriving in three days time and I look forward to winning back Republic City... together." The man commented.

"As you wish General Iroh." The soldier said saluting, but looked worried, "Also Chief Beifong sent along a personal message."

"What does it say?" Iroh asked

The soldier gulped, "This is his words not mine sir. Ehem, 'to his Royal emoness the Third, move your ass you slowpoke.' End of message sir."

Iroh sighed and said, "Yep... that's Lieutenant Koda for you." As he palmed his face, 'I am not emo.' He thought to himself.

'With Lin'

It was raining heavily as Lin was brought in front of Amon after she had been captured while taking down an Equalist air ship.

She looked ragged as she looked up to see Amon looking down at her like he was about to pass judgment.

"Tell me where the Avatar is and I'll let you keep your bending while leaving your son out of it." he said

"I won't tell you anything you monster." Lin answered with a sneer.

"Very well then, you've made your choice." Amon said as he walked behind her and held her head as he pressed his thumb to her forehead.

Lin closed her eyes as Amon took her bending.

She fell to the ground and with her last breath before she passed out, she said, "Sorry Koda..." as she thought about her son.

'With Krew'

Koda and Korra looked as Air Temple Island was taken over and Koda placed a hand on her shoulder.

"C'mon Korra, we gotta get going." Koda said and Korra nodded.

The group had a good look at the island as they saw it getting taken over.