
The Descendant of Avatar Aang

Being the grandson of three members of the old team Avatar is hard enough, but being a part of a new team Avatar is a whole 'nother challenge.

staycool1214 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

More Spirits


"It's Pro-bending night at Republic City and we got a heck of a match tonight. Fan favorites the fire ferrets are about to take on the hot newcomers, the rhino lions" The announcer shouted to the crowd as they cheered in excitement.

Meanwhile Bolin was with his new teammates trying to encourage them to win the match. After the war against Amon and Korra's victory over him, she and Mako left the team to pursue their own goals.

Korra was busy for a few days restoring the bending of everyone that Amon took away. After which she then returned to Air Temple Island under Tenzin's request to train with her newly acquired air bending and avatar state since she still hadn't unlocked the spiritual side of bending.

His brother Mako got a job as a police officer of Republic City thanks to a little influence from Koda.

As for himself he stayed in pro bending practicing for the next championship tournament. Finally the months had passed and the matches started up again.

"Okay guys, now we all know that our last match was garbage, terrible! Even Pabu could've done a better job." Bolin said looking at Pabu who stood on two of his legs and squeaked softly, "But that's all in the past because when you back a fire ferret to a corner, then that fire ferret comes out fighting!" Pabu hissed with his tail up as if for emphasis.

"So let's get out there and bend like there's no tomorrow, are you with me!" he said eagerly only be met by silence and the sound of his new water bender clearing his noise while the female fire bender said nothing.

'I need better teammates.' Bolin thought to himself as they went down to the arena for their match.

What occurred next was history in the making, the Fire Ferrets went down as the quickest team to lose of all time.

In just under a minute!

Bolin surfaced from the water as he swam to the edge in dejection.

"Man where's Mako when I need him?" he asked no one as he wished his old teammates never left. They were the best team from last season and would've won the tournament if Tahno didn't bribe the judges.

'In a different part of Republic City'

Mako was now in a high speed chase on his new motorcycle chasing after a van full of crooks that had attempted to steal from a shipping yard. He veered his bike left and right to slip past civilian cars as he closed in on the perpetrators.

The crooks took a left turn and he did the same while curving the front wheel so his bike wouldn't lose speed during the turn.

He turned up the acceleration to try and close in on them until he saw the back of the van open up to see two guys glaring at him. One of the guys used water bending to place a large amount of water in front of the second guy who clapped his hands together and turned the water into steam or mist as they tried to block his view. Not letting himself be deterred by this Mako lowered himself and kept his eyes focused on the front while keeping his bike running in a straight line.

Seeing that their smokescreen tactic wasn't working the short grunt water bended the water to soak the road behind them before he froze it into ice covering most of the center of the road.

Mako gasped in surprise for a moment before his bike ran over the ice and began to spiral out of control. However Mako regained control when he used his left hand to fire a large stream which he used like a booster to force his bike to turn around back to the front where it then left the ice floor as the grunt ran out of water to use.

The thugs sped up their van and ran right through a roadblock sign. Mako attempted to follow when suddenly a carrier truck appeared from the right intersection and he was now on a collision course. He glanced left to see a bunch of wooden planks all lined up and aimed up like a ramp.

Not wasting time he veered left and when his bike was about to come in contact with the planks used both arms to blast fire behind him using it for a turbo boost as he was suddenly airborne. The boost had him almost instantly soaring over the thugs van and he seized the opportunity by blasting the hood of their van. The action blinded their front window making them lose control before their engine blew up from overheating and then crashed on a fire hydrant that caused their vehicle to flip over and come to a stop while Mako landed safely and hit the brakes on his ride.

He got out of his bike and casually walked towards the downed opponents who slowly got out of their vehicle with noticeable dizziness and pain in their bodies.

"Looks like you guys have some major car trouble. Good thing the police are here to help." Mako said a bit cockily as he took off his helmet to show his face.

'Is he kidding me with that joke?' was the one thing their minds thought.

'With Asami'

High up in the sky was Asami who was piloting a new version of her father's Biplanes. After the war with Amon and her father's imprisonment she seized control of his corporation. She seized the blueprints for her father's Electro Gloves, Mech-Tanks, and Biplanes and kept them all locked up to prevent them from falling into the wrong hands. Although she wanted to personally burn them she knew they had too much value in helping her restore the company. His design for the biplanes was especially a valuable creation to let it go to waste. So she took their design and remade them in a new image. Now they weren't loaded with weapons and had a more elegant appearance.

She was flying one of their newest models to make sure they were ready for distribution and needless to say they were. So she turned her plan around and had it land perfectly as she turned off the engine.

"I think these planes are finally ready to ship out." Asami said in a reassured tone to one of her mechanics.

"I hate to mention the elephant rhino in the room but ever since your father was thrown in prison no company is willing to work with us. To be frank we're on the verge of bankruptcy." The mechanic said he was a bit dejected but Asami wasn't deterred.

"Don't worry; I'm going to the South Pole to find someone that'll help us put Future Industries back on top." She said patting his shoulder before walking off but as she did a small frown appeared on her face at remembering her father's imprisonment.

'At Air Temple Island'

And Korra, well...

Koda was slammed into a wall, making a picture fall as he held up Korra by her thighs with her legs wrapped around his waist for support as she heatedly kissed him with her fingers roaming through his soft hair.

Korra was wearing her usual outfit, but lost her armlets and now went with dark blue half gloves that went up her biceps.

Koda was wearing a weathered white t-shirt and black sweatpants.

He was barefooted and his hair had grown a bit on top, he had a bit of a stubble.

The Avatar pulled back to take a breath, "I love you." Korra whispered to her boyfriend.

Exploring new waters with Koda, so to say.

"I love you too." He whispered back in a husky tone as he brushed his lips against her slender neck.

Oh yeah, she was exploring alright. They both were and they loved it.

For Korra she loved her hormones.

Best. Thing. Ever.

Korra untied her waist pelt as Koda trailed light kisses up her neck to her jaw line. She grabbed the collar of his top and pulled him in as she smashed her lips for another soul searing kiss which ended up ripping the collar apart from his shirt.

Koda broke the kiss and growled playfully, "I liked that shirt." As he nipped her ear and moved across the room and knocked Korra against a wall, knocking over a vase on a table.

"Maybe I should rip more~" she said back as she got out of his hold and pushed him onto her bed and pounced to straddle his waist and kicked off her boots.

"Maybe." He said as they kissed each other again in another passionate make out. Koda's hands started to explore a bit as they went underneath Korra's shirt and rubbed her back up and down, eliciting a moan from her in the process. Wanting to explore as well, Korra's hands went to Koda's chest and started to rub his well toned abs getting a reaction from him too.

The heat of desire began to take over Koda as she opened her shirt, letting her firm assets bounce out and massaged her left breast slowly.

"H-hey." She said now with a blush at the bold action. He hadn't ever done something like that in all the times they had some private time. It was all new, but she wasn't going to deny that it excited her.

Not wanting to be outdone, she grabbed her man by the hair with one hand and pulled him into another kiss as her other hand went down and grabbed the bulge in his loose pants.

"Ah." Koda said in surprise as he released her breast and pulled his head up to look into Korra's amused twinkling eyes.

"Two can play that game." She said with a cocky smirk as she licked her lips in a challenging gesture.

Oh, it was on!

A wolf whistle sounded off, "Bow chicka bow wow. Ooh, that's a keeper. Gotta write it down!" Bumi said as he pulled out a pen, but was missing paper. He tapped the pen tip on his tongue and scribbled on his hand, "Perfect!"

Both teens stopped and turned their head mechanically towards the door and saw a red faced Jinora, a confused Ikki, and a Meelo with his eyes covered by Bumi, who was grinning at them, "We interrupting something?" the retired Commander asked, as he tried his best not to laugh.

Which he was failing miserably at just so you know.

"This is just like in that one book..." Jinora trailed off and drooled a bit.

"Why are Koko and Korra trying to eat each other and have their clothes torn?" Ikki whispered to her sister, but she got no answer as she waved her hand in front of Jinora's face. Yep, she was in la-la land.

Korra's face lit up like a forest fire and she shrieked, "Get out!" as she grabbed the nearest thing, a potted plant, and threw it at Bumi's head.

Her accuracy was amazing.


One hit knockout.


Koda stood next to Bumi, who was just grinning at him, at a gate while the older man held a checkered flag in his hand.

"Not a word, Uncle Bumi," Koda hissed.

The man shrugged, "I didn't say anything." He spoke with a smirk.

"You were thinking about it!"

"Now you just have no proof of that."


The airbending kids and Korra were racing on Air Scooters with Ikki in the lead as Korra trailed behind her. The Ikki and Korra were now neck and neck, and then Korra used the Avatar State for a boost as she passed the gate and Bumi waved the checkered flag as he coughed from the dust kick up.

"The Avatar is the winner!"

Koda whooped for his girlfriend.

Korra landed with her knee and fist on the ground and stood up only to be engulfed in a hug by Koda.

She squealed in surprise as he spun her around and kissed her lightly on the lips, "Nice going all star." He complimented with a wink. She was about to flirt a bit in return, but Ikki marched up to them.

"No fair!" Ikki said as she waved her arms once, "You can't go into the Avatar State to win."

Korra eloquently gave her the raspberry as a retort as Koda let her down. Not that she left his embrace, no, she snuggled a bit closer to Koda's chest.

"You did what?!" the anguished voice of Tenzin sounded off as he marched up to Korra, "The Avatar State is not to be used as a booster rocket! You are toying with a dangerous power that you obviously do not appreciate." He said as he stood right before Korra.

"Ooh, burn." Koda muttered, but Korra heard him if that glare she sent him was anything to go by.

Korra stepped a pace away from Koda and waved her hand, "It's the Avatar State and I'm the Avatar." Korra gestured out with her arms a bit, "Who appreciates it more than me?"

"Clearly you need more training to grasp the depths of your spiritual connections." Tenzin stated as he crossed his arms, "Not to mention you're still a long way from mastering airbending."

"Hah, I have mastered airbending." Korra said as she punched the air, "Punch, punch, punch!" she exclaimed as air followed the release of her fists and hit the trees nearby. Korra put her hands on her hips and turned to Tenzin with a smile, "See? Mastered."

Koda coughed into his hand, "Um, Korra, that was something basic." he said as he looked at his father, who happily nodded to have his son on his side.

Korra shot her boyfriend another glare. Oh, he was in for it later it seemed.


"Looks pretty good to me." Bumi supplied a smile as he mouthed 'whipped' to Koda.

Koda growled at his uncle.

Tenzin palmed his face, "Is it too late for you to unretire from the United Forces?" he asked his older brother.

"The paperwork is gone through little brother." Bumi said with his best consoling face, "From now on, it's twenty four seven Bumi time!" he said as he grabbed Tenzin's head and pinched his cheek and then let go.

"I am so enjoying you like this Dad. It's hilarious." Koda said with a snicker as Tenzin gave his eldest son a dry look.

The Airbending master turned to Korra, who was crossing her arms, "No, you've mastered Korra style. Now you need to master real airbending." He said as he pulled out a scroll and opened it to show a map, "Hopefully our visit to all the Air Temples will give you the inspiration you need to delve more deeply into your studies."

Korra sighed and grimaced at the very idea of it.

"Can we see where Grandpa Aang was born?" asked an excited Jinora as she and the other younger siblings walked in front of Korra.

"How many lemurs can I have?" Meelo asked.

Ikki pounded her chest with a fist, "I wanna get tattoos, but instead of arrows, I want lightning bolts." She said excitedly.

Jinora shook her head, "You can't get any lightning bolts, that doesn't make any sense."

"You don't make any sense!" Ikki shouted back.

Meelo threw his hands in the air, "Fight fight fight!"

The sisters clashed their foreheads together as Tenzin walked up to them and held their heads to pull them apart, "No one is fighting!" he commanded, "We are going to have a wonderful time!" he said while letting go and palming his face with a sigh, "Now that the president is in office and I'm not needed on the council," he said crossing his arms, "I can finally relax with my family and give Korra the attention she needs."

Korra turned her head to the side, "Great. More attention."

Bumi laughed, "Relax." He said as he leaned on Tenzin's shoulder and poked him in the chest, "I'd pay money to see that. Maybe I'll tag along just to see Vacation Tenzin."

Tenzin kept a straight face, "You're not invited."

Korra looked at the Airbender kids and bent down, holding her knees, "Before we go on your dad's study trip, we're going to have some real fun in my hometown at the Glacier Spirits Festival. They got rides, games, and all kinds of fried foods on sticks." She announced as she turned to Koda and gave him a wink, "They also have some, um, nice quiet places too..." she trailed off with a bit of a blush.

Koda had a small dusting of pink on his cheeks and scratched the back of his head, "Sounds nice." He said with a grin.

"Are you coming with us to see the temples, Koko?" Meelo asked.

Their older brother nodded.

"Yay!" they cheered and started to jump onto Koda's arms. Koda held Ikki and Jinora in each arm while Meelo sat on his brother's shoulders.

"Yep." Bumi said while hugging Tenzin's shoulder, "There's vacation Tenzin. And you can't stop me from coming to the festival. Mom already invited me." he said smugly.

"Well, I think I need some time during this trip for myself... along with Koda." Korra argued as she turned her head to the side with a blush dusting her cheeks.

Tenzin looked at both the couple with narrowed eyes, "I believe you've had a bit too much of your own time with my son..." He admitted accusingly.

"Well the love birds here were going at it like Lop-eared rabbits earlier." Bumi started with his arms behind his head.

"Uncle Bumi!" Koda shouted at the betrayal.

"That potted plant hurt, consider it payback."

Tenzin was staring at the teens, face growing redder every second.

Koda and Korra pointed to each other, "I can't help it, he's/she's sexy." They both said, but turned to grin at each other.

"Bow chicka bow wow."

"Korra! Koda! Th-This is a sacred temple for the art of Airbending, not, not some temple of debauchery!" Tenzin exploded as you could literally see steam coming out of his ears.

"You're the one to talk," Koda retorted to his father.

"Bow chicka bow wow."

"What does that even mean!?" Tenzin turned and shouted at his brother.

Bumi picked his ear with his pinky and shrugged, "I don't know, but it just sounds right... hm." He thought while rubbing his beard, "Maybe a personal catchphrase." he muttered to himself.

"Well, I'm going to go back to pack. Korra, you want to come with me?" he asked.

Korra smiled, "Why Koda," she said with a hand on her chest and using a mock upper class voice, "I would be most delighted." She said. After he put his younger siblings down, he took his arm around hers and the two had walked away to head back to the Beifong Manor.

Tenzin had calmed down and watched the two walk away and palmed his face, "How Lin hasn't ripped her to pieces yet, I will never know."

Bumi nodded, "She was always the scary one, even before Koda was born... maybe she's biding her time?" he suggested with a smirk.

Tenzin turned to his brother, "I'd believe that."

'Beifong Manor'

After getting a ride from Naga to the manor, the two hopped off and headed towards the front door.

"Welcome home, Koda." The voice of Lin said as she stood at the door in casual wear. She wore a knee length black blouse, grey pants, and black sandals as she sipped a cup of tea.

Koda blinked in surprise, "Mom, you're, home? I thought you'd be at..."

"Work?" Lin asked as she shook her head, "Even I need days off Koda. After everything with the new president and how the finishing touches are settling down, I can finally get a bit of rest." She looked at the two teenagers, "So what's going on?" she asked with mild interest while sipping some tea.

"Um, you know, going to the South Pole is all, Dad also wants me to come with him to the Air Temples." Koda said awkwardly, he didn't really tell her about it.

"There's a festival you see, food, games, rides, ya know, fun stuff." Korra added swiftly.

"I know about the festival, I have taken Koda there when he was a young boy," she said to Korra, "I gave birth to him there as well."

Korra's eyes widened, "So he was born in the South Pole?"

Lin and Koda nodded.

"So the South Pole huh?" Lin asked dryly as she narrowed her eyes at the couple. She held her gaze for a moment or two to let them sweat, but sighed, "Fine, go pack." She said with a wave of her hand.

"Yes! Thanks Mom!" Koda shouted in joy as he kissed her on the cheek as he ran up the stairs to his room.

As he left Lin put her tea cup on a table near the door, "Avatar Korra." She said in a curt tone while crossing her arms.

"Chief Beifong." Korra said in return as she too crossed her arms.

You could just feel the tension.

Over the past six months, Lin had made comments with Tenzin on their son's relationship. She wasn't against it, but she wasn't all for it either, mainly due to Korra's hotheadedness and temperament. She has discussed this with Tenzin about their son dating Korra, but Tenzin had kept telling her to keep an open mind.

Of course Korra responded that she was coddling Koda and that he was old enough to date with who he wanted.

Koda was of course oblivious to this as they tended to do it when he wasn't around.

They were at begrudging tolerance at best right now.

Although that didn't stop them from saying the occasional off comment to one another though.

"Maybe I should go up and help him pack." Korra suggested as she went to head up the stairs.

"No. Please, relax." Lin ordered.

"No, no, I'm sure I can help, in um, some way." Korra fumbled awkwardly.

Lin raised an eyebrow, "I think Koda can pack a pair of socks without help, Tenzin and I raised him to be compotent."


A moment later Koda walked down stairs with a bag in hand and a fox on his shoulder, "Well, all set, time to set sail." He said with an easy grin.

"Great!" Korra said, grabbing his free arm, "Let's go." She said desperately as she dragged him out.

"Bye mom!"

"Have fun kiddo. Also tell your grandmother I said hi." Lin said in response but shook her head, "Those two." She muttered, "Well, good luck with our son Tenzin," she said to herself.

Outside, Korra released her breath, "It is so awkward around your mom. It isn't even funny." She told her boyfriend as she pecked him on the cheek and snuggled closer to him as they walked to Naga.

Koda blinked at her, "Really? I thought you two got along." He said in mild surprise, they seemed fine around him.

Korra smiled, his slight denseness was kind of cute.

'On the Boat'

Koda and Korra sat next to each other as they lay against a lying Naga on the deck. Korra was in her usual outfit as Koda was bundled up since he did not use the extended cold of the upcoming south. He was wearing a black long sleeve turtleneck with his black sweatpants and black combat boots. He wore a light green aviator jacket with a distinctive white fur collar, courtesy of Asami and had his gauntlets over his sleeves.

He smirked and pulled Korra onto his lap and started to tickle her.

"Haha, oh, ha ha, okay! Stop!" Korra begged between giggles and laughs.

Koda stopped as he smiled in triumph and hugged her, "This is nice."

"You're right about that," she said softly, "No Tenzin telling me to train, no worries, it feels nice y'know," She admitted.

Koda laughed lightly, his breath tickling her ear, "Cut him some slack, he's a bit stiff, true. But, my father just wants to help you in some way."

"So you're taking his side?" Korra asked while turning to him with narrowed eyes.

Koda shook his head, "Nope." He said while popping the p, "He's forgetting something important about you."

"What's that?" the Avatar asked curiously.

"You're not a kid anymore, you're eighteen. We're at this age where we make the decisions for ourselves. I don't know what I'm going to do in the future nor do you I bet. Despite all this Avatar stuff, you need to do your own thing, we're budding into adulthood. You get what I'm saying?" he asked as he tried to explain.

"Kind of." The blue eyed girl answered, "I can now see how you have been compared to Tenzin in terms of wisdom."

"I get that a lot," Koda said with a chuckle as they headed back into the ship for the night.

'South Pole Port'

Later it's now daytime and the boat arrives at the South Pole and Jinora, Ikki, and Meelo with Koda behind them got off the boat excited and ran to two figures on the dock with one being Katara and the second is a middle-aged woman with white hair tied to a half-bun while the rest of her hair flows down and wearing a blue choker, blue earrings, and a blue parka.

"Gran-Gran!" The three younger children cheered running to hug Katara.

"Oh... you've all gotten so big." Katara said.

"We've missed you, Aunt Kya!" Jinora said.

"Ooh, I missed you too. Your father doesn't bring you to visit nearly enough. He's probably scared I'll beat him up, like when we were kids." Kya said lightly punching Tenzin's arm playfully.

"I'm not scared of you... anymore." Tenzin said slightly timidly and rubbed his arm.

Kya smiled and looked past Tenzin to see Koda who walked up to her and hugged her. "Hey Aunt Kya, it's been a while," Koda said. "Koda, my gosh you have gotten so big," Kya said. "He is starting to look like Tenzin at that age," Katara chimed in. Koda looked to his grandmother and hugged her, "Grandma, it's good to see you," Koda said.

"It's good to see you too, Koda." Katara said. She looked around, but couldn't find Lin, "Where's your mother?"

"She's at home, duty calls. But, she wants me to tell you she said hi to y'all," Koda said, smiling.

After greeting his family, Koda went to Korra who was hugging her father. Korra later saw Koda with his family and pulled him.

"Mom, dad, you remember Koda, my boyfriend." She said.

Koda gulped nervously at the imposing figure of Korra's father, "Um, it's nice to meet you more formally sir." He said while sticking out his hand.

"Yes." Tonraq said while crossing his arms. He observed Koda's frightened demeanor and smiled warmly at the earthbender to reassure him. "Well, it's nice to meet you to," He grabbed Koda's hand and shook it, "Katara has told me a lot of good things about you."

"Grandma talked about me?"

"Yes, after you left the South Pole, Katara talked about the Legendary Koda Beifong," Tonraq said with a smile, "The grandson of her husband and a former United Forces Soldier who happens to be the first earthbender born in the South Pole."

"O-Oh thanks, sir," Koda said.

"Of course, now I hope you're taking your relationship nice and slow." he stated with a serious face as he gazed at Koda.

The result was Koda and Korra now both sporting matching red blushes and faces filled with embarrassment.

"DAD!" Korra shouted in protest as she couldn't believe he said such a thing when she and Koda haven't done anything like that! 'Not that I hadn't actually thought about it but it's just that... with... argh I'm getting a headache.'

"Yes sir. Of course sir." Koda replied with his back straight and started to sweat a bit at his stare.

Tonraq nodded satisfied with the response, "Good, I'm glad to hear that. It's a pleasure to have you here and I hope you both stay out of trouble."

"I do not go looking for trouble." Korra grumbled at her mother Senna.

"It's okay sweetie, I believe you." The mother said.

"Thanks mom." Korra said with a small smile and turned to see the large ship come in.

"The great chief of the northern tribe comes to grace us with his presence." Tonraq said with little love, "Hurrah."

"Just relax Tonraq; he'll be gone soon enough." Senna said as her husband just grumbled.

Guards walked off first and parted as the chief of the north and twin teens behind him walked onto the port.

"Who are they?" Koda whispered to Korra.

"The chief's children. Desna is a guy and Eska is a girl." Korra supplied

"Bolin is making googly eyes at them." Koda whispered to her.

Korra snickered, "Should we tell him one's a guy?" she asked

"Nah." The both said with a quiet laugh.

The northern chief walked up to Tonraq.

He turned and bowed to Korra, "Good to see you again Avatar Korra."

Korra bowed her head, "Good to see you too."

The northern chief turned to Korra's father, "Tonraq." He said curtly.

"Brother." Tonraq said just as curt.

'At the Festival'

"It's a shame the southerners have abandoned all connections to the spirits. Even during the most hallowed times." Unalaq stated as he, Korra, Tonraq, Tenzin, and Koda walked in a group around the festival.

"I've always loved the glacier spirits festival." Korra said as she looked around, "It's fun." She said while locking arms with Koda. "Especially when you have someone to spend it with."

Koda flashed her a smile, "The atmosphere is good. Gives a homey vibe to me."

"You were born here," Korra said.

"This festival used to be a solemn time of fasting and meditation. Now it's just a chance to watch some rube stick an entire arctic hen in his mouth." He said while looking at Bolin who was doing just that.

"Wha? Ish sho gwood." he said with a with a mouthful and shrug.

"Traditions change. It's not the end of the world." Tonraq argued lightly.

Unalaq turned to his brother, "Tell that to the sailors getting attacked by angry spirits in southern waters. Some traditions have purpose."

"Wait." Korra said, "Spirits are attacking ships?"

Unalaq nodded, "I'm surprised the Avatar doesn't know about that." Unalaq said to Tonraq and then turned to Korra. "Apparently, you haven't been given all the information. It would be my honor to instruct you in the spiritual ways of the Water Tribe." Unalaq said.

"Tenzin is Korra's instructor. He can give her all the training she needs." Korra's father said coolly as he approached his brother.

"So you say." Unalaq said in return as he turned to leave.

"Come on, let's go enjoy ourselves." Koda said as Korra nodded as they left to find some kind of game to play. Koda before they were away looked at Unalaq.

'Outside a Private Yacht'

Asami, Mako, and Bolin had just arrived to the yacht and looked it over. The yacht is predominantly white, with blue accents and a blue insignia. It looked like it had at least three floors and was exceptionally large appearing just a bit smaller than a United Forces battleship.

Bolin whistled at the ship, "Man that's one sweet boat." he commented

"Definitely." Mako said in equal awe.

"I'm glad you came guys came with me, but I'm going to need you to focus. Varrick is one of the wealthiest men in the world and he controls the entire global shipping business. So to make this clear, you two are my entourage/assistant." Asami said firmly as she knew this was an important moment for her company.

Bolin waved it off, "Ah don't worry about it; me and Pabu are natural assistants. You won't even know we're there." he said as they walked up to the deck.

"Okay, chasing triad, much less pressure." The fire bender admitted as he followed his girlfriend. He really wanted this to go well for her.

"Man this ship looks even better from up here. I gotta get into this whole business thing." Bolin said while looking around before he followed Asami inside.

When they got there they were introduced to a strange sight.

There right in front of them was Mr. Varrick sitting cross-legged on a large cushion with his hands on his head and eyes shut as if concentrating while everyone else was staring at him. They both said nothing and then Varrick suddenly broke his focus and opened his eyes.

"Ha did you see that, levitation. I was a foot off the ground, is that cool or what!?" Varrick said as everyone minus Bolin and Mako started to clap as Varrick began to bow.

Bolin scratched his head, "It looked like you were just sitting on a pillow." he said dumbly as Asami gasped and then slapped her forehead at what he just blurted out. She wasn't the only one as the crowed also gasped at him.

Mako groaned, first few second, just in the first few seconds!

Varrick raised his head looking displeased as he stalked towards Bolin and then got right up to his face. "Are you saying that I wasn't levitating?" he asked in voice that seemed to dare Bolin to repeat what he said.

Suddenly feeling nervous Bolin gulped at the look on his face and then softly said, "Umm no."

What happens next though surprised him as Varrick turned to face his crowed with an aggravated face. "Well why didn't anyone tell that? Now I feel like an idiot!" he said while slapping his forehead, "Swami you're fired!" he finished by pointing to an elder man with a beard who glared at Bolin before getting up and leaving in what was strangely a backwards walk.

Suddenly Varrick slapped Bolin's hand and grabbed it, "I like you kid, you're a straight shooter just like me. Miss Sato, he's with you?" he spoke a bit fast as he pointed at Asami who just nodded.

"So you brought your tiger shark with you to do business huh? Now that's gutsy ha ha ha." he said while pulling Bolin along, "Get over here and pop a squat, Zhu Li get some tea for my guests." he said as the woman called Zhu Li went to get tea.

"Thank you for meeting with me." Asami said politely as Mako and Bolin flanked her sides, "As you know future industries is looking for a partner to handle our shipping."

"Sure but first you gotta check out my new venture. Moving pictures, Zhu Li do the thing!" he said making Zhu Li shove the tea tray at Bolin while she started up the film.

"You're gonna love this!" Varrick said while making Asami sit down so she wasn't blocking the view.

Suddenly a picture of an ostrich horse running on a field was shown. The film kept showing the ostrich horse running for a few seconds before Varrick blocked the screen.

"Was that mind blowing or what!?" he asked eagerly.

"Yeah that was pretty cool." Bolin said being impressed.

Suddenly Varrick had an angry face, "Well forget about it, that's the past so shut it off Zhu Li!" he shouted as she did just that.

"Now imagine watching this instead, Ginger come here and do your poses." Varrick said calling out a very attractive red haired woman with red lipstick. She took off her coat revealing she was wearing a lovely dress beneath as she struck a few poses that left Bolin and Mako with a piece of drool hanging from their mouths.

Asami elbowed her boyfriend promptly in the ribs. Mako sent her a sorry look.

Hey, he was a teenager.

"Spectacular and we'll tell a story, they'll be action, romance and some funny stuff for the kids you know whatever. Thanks Ginger, go rest your gams." Varrick said while taking a seat between Bolin and Asami.

"So how about that Tiger Shark? We're going to do big business with these movers as I call them." he asked Bolin while nudging him.

"Umm okay but I'm just concentrating on getting future industries back on track, if we could hammer out a deal." Asami began only to be halted.

"Stop." Varrick said holding his hand in a stop gesture before he was suddenly face to face with her and looking like he was trying to have a staring contest, "Look me in the eye and don't you dare blink." he seemed to demand.

Asami was weirded out but she wasn't one to just take a glare so she glared right back.

"WE GOT A DEAL!" Varrick suddenly yelled at Asami's face causing her to fall on her back in surprise as he stood up and Zhu Li quickly helped Asami up.

"We'll hammer out the details at the royal feast tonight." He said while shaking Asami's hand, "Now who wants a rocket boat ride!?" he asked every else who all raised their hands and then followed after him as he walked out leaving Bolin, Mako, and Asami behind.

"Is that how business normally goes?" Bolin asked dumbly as the whole ordeal seemed weird.

"I have seen a few things...that was a new one though." Mako stated as he shoved his hands in his pockets.

Instead of answering Asami hugged Bolin and then ruffled his hair, "You are a natural assistant." she said cheerfully at the successful mission.

Mako gave her a dull look, "What about me?"

Asami just locked arms with him, "Sorry honey, it's just not your game." She said with a teasing smile.

'At the Festival Dinner Party'

The party was being held in a large dining pavilion with lanterns hanging from the ceiling. Korra and her family sat at the raised table, while Katara and her children sat at one table. On another table, Koda had baby Rohan in his arms and sat with the rest of the Krew and his siblings while Varrick and Ginger sat at another, with a few other people at other tables.

Koda observed as Korra seemed to be talking between her father and uncle.

"Aww, Koko wants to sit with his widdle girlfriend doesn't he?" Asami spoke in baby talk as she pinched Koda's cheek.

"Stop it!"

Koda batted her hand away as Mako laughed next to Asami along with Koda's younger siblings.

Koda handed his baby brother to Asami since she wanted to hold him and looked at Mako, "So, how goes it with my mom?"

Mako gave an easy grin, "Pretty good, I mean, I know I just started off with the force, but to have you as a mentor? I gotta say it's kinda great." He said while clasping his hands behind his head, "Plus, at the rate I'm going, your mom said I could make detective soon." He said a smile.

"Hey, that's great, though beware of paperwork my friend. It will consume your soul." Koda said with a shudder, one which Mako shared.

"Babies." Asami said with an eye roll with the baby in her arms. Jinora nodded in agreement, knowing that Koda can act like a child at times.

Unalaq rose from his seat, gathering everyone's attention, "As your chief it is my honor to speak at this festival." he spoke, "Which was founded to bring our tribes together and restore the ancient balance between our world and that of the spirits. But, I am saddened to see what it has become. A cheap carnival that celebrates greedy and trivial humans. I fear that time is fast approaching when the north can't stand idly by while our southern brothers slip into total spiritual decay."

This got looks from Tonraq.

"Angry spirits are already attacking ships in your waters. I only hope we are not too late to change course." Unalaq finished as he sat down.

The crowd murmured at this.

Varrick stood up and clasped his hands, "Chief Unalaq everybody! Always great to have him in town. Now, let's have some fun with Wacky Wushu's dancing otter penguins!" he announced as a funny clown water bender started to do a routine with 3 penguins.

'Later At Night'

The Krew was walking around the festival.

Mako and Asami were talking to each other as Koda and Korra fed each other cotton candy.

Bolin, the uh, odd man out, ate some corn on the cob and noticed the twins.

He elbowed Mako and gave him his corn, "Wish me luck. Making my move." He said as he strutted over to them.

"He still doesn't know." Koda said in a snicker along with Korra.

"Oh that is cruel... but for some reason I'm perfectly fine with that." Mako admitted as Asami giggled.

"Well, we're going to split. Take care and have fun guys." Koda said as he wrapped an arm around Korra's shoulder as they parted.

"Fine, but Korra, we need to do some girl talk later!" Asami called out.

"Sure!" the Avatar called back.

They walked around for a bit and stopped at a water shooting game and started to play.

"So, Unalaq offered to train me. He says he can teach me about the spirits and my connection to them." Korra said while turning to look at Koda.

Koda hummed while aiming at the Aang target, "Sounds good, but what does he have in mind?"

"I don't know yet, but it definitely sounds better than Tenzin's methods." She said with a bit of venom as she used her water bending to increase the pressure of her water gun, letting her win.

Koda shrugged to that, "Well, that's life Korra. You got to give a little to get a little." Korra nodded to that as it did sound fair.

"We have a winner!" the booth keeper shouted.

Korra picked a sky bison plushy and they walked away. Korra lifted the plushy in the air to look at it, "I mean, you heard what Unalaq said, the south is spiritually unbalanced and it's the Avatar's job to fix it. But my dad won't even let me think about Unalaq teaching me." she said as her shoulders sag, "Well?" she asked for answer.

Koda crossed his arms and closed his eyes, "Well, first off, your dad is doing what he thinks is good for you."

"So I should be a prisoner?" Korra asked with narrowed eyes.

Koda shook his head, "No, I am not saying that. What I mean is, you have a parent who is only trying to do his best to look out for you." He said while looking Korra in the eyes, "But, on the other hand, your air bending training is going kind of slow." He said with uncrossing his arms and clasping them behind his head, "So, just do a switch up. It's not like you have to master air bending now. I mean, didn't Aang have to rush through mastering the elements due to war time? You got your whole life. No rush." He said in a supportive tone.

Korra smiled and kissed him on the cheek, "I knew I liked you for a reason." She said with a smirk.

Koda raised a brow, "And it wasn't because of my good looks and charming wit?" he asked.

Korra put a finger on her chin, "Well, maybe that too."


'Late At Night'

Koda awoke to the sound of howling.

"Ah, what the hell?" Koda asked as he rubbed his eyes and got out of bed. He grabbed his jacket and threw it on as he headed out of the hut, "Hey keep it down I'm trying to get some sleep here!" he shouted as Mako and Bolin were awake too.

Suddenly a purple wisp creature charged at Korra and sent her flying.

"Korra!" Koda shouted as he rushed forward.

Mako jumped and sent some fireballs at the yellow eyed creature as Bolin made an earth line to block off the creature from Korra.

Koda powered up and increased his speed, "Back off!" And slugged the creature with a strong punch, sending it reeling back a few feet but still stood on its feet.

The spirit easily recovered and slapped Koda into an icy wall with its tail.

"Ahh!" Koda shouted as he collided with the wall, "Okay, that hurt quite a bit." He growled as a silver hue of power coursed around him.

Mako and Bolin were the next victims of the spirit as they were sent down hill with a tail swipe. Tenzin, Tonraq, and Senna came out as they helped the boys up.

Korra leaped at the beast with a fire kick and shot two fireballs at it, all of which the spirit dodged and was right on top of her.

She rolled out of the way as Koda and Tonraq came past her, riding their respected elements and started to encase the spirit in medley of earth and ice as they landed in a bit of distance from it.

"Tonraq! Burst from the bottom, I'll get the top!" Koda shouted as he raised a giant pillar of earth from the mountain side and the elder water bender nodded as he made an ice spire erupt from the body of the icy earth cage.

Koda sent his pillar slamming down on the spirit, hoping to damage it. It was quiet for a moment, but a screech sounded out as the spirit came out unharmed as he grabbed both of them and Korra, sending them flying.

Korra landed near the festival as Tonraq hit the side of his hut. Koda, he landed in the same spot as before.

"Okay, once was enough, but twice?!" Koda shouted with a wince, "Oh there will be payback!" the teen shouted as he kicked up and headed back into the fray.

The Air bending master landed near the spirit, "Spirit, why are you angry at us?" Tenzin asked pleadingly, "What have we done to offend you?" the spirit paused as it looked at Tenzin, right before it screeched and smacked him into a charging Koda.

"This is getting annoying!" Koda shouted as he pushed Tenzin off of him and stood up. He was about to go help, but saw Korra rising into the air via air bending as her eyes were now glowing white.

"Koda, let her do this." Tenzin said as he got up.

Koda turned to his father, "You nuts?! I'm helping!" he shouted as he was not going to let this guy get away with sending him flying, not once, not twice, but thrice!

He ran down as Korra ascended and rained fireballs down on the spirit, only for it to whip out at her and snag her, throwing her into a pile of crates.

Koda started to charge at the vengeful spirit.

However it proved useless as the spirit saw him coming and before he could react grabbed his wrist with the tail and threw him away where he ended up crashing into Korra knocking them both down.

"Uhhh." Korra said from beneath Koda after getting her head cleared from the crash.

"Korra?" Koda said as he got off her to see the dark spirit walking towards them.

"Yeah?" she answered.

"You got any ideas cause I got nothing left for how to beat this thing?" He said a bit nervously as he saw so far that the dark spirit was immune to bending to some degree and punching it didn't do anything either besides annoy it.

Korra said nothing as she and Koda took a stance prepared to keep fighting despite how useless it seemed.

However as the spirit approached them and prepared to attack once again, water suddenly began to circulate it and spin around it like circular rings.

"Um, that's new." The earthbender muttered as the spirit seemed to have stopped completely and both Koda and Korra dropped their stances to see who was doing this.

Unalaq was winding his arms in calm circular motions as the spirit continued to calm itself and dissipate into gold particles.

"Go in peace." The chief said peacefully.

"Korra." Koda said as he hugged her and looked her over, "Are you okay?" he asked in concern as the brunette nodded. He hugged her tightly once more and eased it as her father and Tenzin rushed over to check on her.

"Korra." Her father said as he put a hand on her shoulder.

"Are you alright?" Tenzin asked a few paces away.

Korra wrestled out of Koda's hug and stiffed her shoulder at her father's hand and approached her uncle, "How did you control that spirit when no one else could?" she asked

"As your father could tell you, I've spent my life studying the spirits and learning their ways. All of this knowledge is lost in the south. But I could teach you everything I know." He said as he placed his hand on his chest.

"Chief Unalaq." Tenzin spoke up, "Clearly you are very knowledgeable, but Korra still has much to learn about airbending and I hope that going to the Air Temples will help her connect with the past Avatars." He tried to reason.

Korra clinched her fists and threw them in the air in exasperation.

"The Air Temples will teach her nothing besides air bending." Unalaq stated, "Only I can give her the spiritual training she needs to be a complete Avatar."

Tonraq pointed his finger at his brother, "I told you that will not happen."

"Hey, I can make my own decisions!" Korra exploded, "I'm not some kid anymore! I'm taking some charge in my life now. Airbending is going slow, I could use the change of pace and this is it! So I'm done listening to you guys and I'm done letting you constantly control my every move." She started with some frost as she turned to her uncle, "Uncle has shown that he can teach me this, so I'm going to do." She stated firmly.

"Korra, please..." her father tried to say.

"No Dad, this is something I have to do."

"Korra, we've come so far together." Tenzin tried to say as Korra looked at him.

"I need a break, Tenzin, I just need this. I'm not backing out from you, but, this will do me some good. That's what I think." She said to him in a soft yet firm tone.

Tenzin closed his eyes and bowed his head to her, "I understand. When you feel you are ready to continue our training, you know where to find me." He said in a soft tone.

Koda walked up to his father, "No worries Dad, I'll take care of her. Go and relax with Pema and the others." Koda said to his father as the airbending master gave him a soft smile.

Tenzin put a hand on his son's shoulders, "I was really looking forward to have you come with us." Koda gave his father a sad nod, "I was too, but someone has to watch her."

The two gave each other a hug, "I love you, son."

"Love you too, Dad," Koda said back, "Tell the kids that I'm sorry I couldn't make it. I know they were looking forward for me to come along." Tenzin nodded to his son as they separated from their hug and he left.

Korra came over and held his hand squeezing it a bit in thanks of his support as she looked him in the eye. Meanwhile a voice was in Koda's mind, "How will you and the Avatar handle this crisis?"