
The Descendant of Avatar Aang

Being the grandson of three members of the old team Avatar is hard enough, but being a part of a new team Avatar is a whole 'nother challenge.

staycool1214 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
18 Chs


The citizens of the South Pole heard the sound of footsteps as they turned to see northern troops marching forward towards them. They continued their march as the man leading up front spoke up.

"Everyone clear the street and go back to your homes" the leading troop said with authority in his voice but none of the civilians responded as they kept staring at them. Seeing this he signaled the troops to stop before gesturing ahead where the 2 troops behind him stepped forward and then water bended at the civilians, creating a small ice wall like the kind you'd see in a road block between. The wall then split in two and pushed the civilians apart and away from each other clearing the path for the troops to walk forward again.

However that wasn't the only thing that was happening. Out at sea just outside the shipping docks, northern military ships were now blocking the exits. The water benders onboard began to create large ice walls covering the entire outer docking area where ships would sail out as they began to lock down the South Pole.

High up above overseeing all this was Koda, Korra and Unalaq. Needless to say they were both questioning this sudden arrival and course of action they've taken.

"Uncle I don't understand, why have you brought your troops from the north?" Korra questioned without suspicion since she figured he must have some good reason for doing this. So far he hasn't given her any reason to doubt him so she figured he deserved the benefit of the doubt.

Koda frowned at the sight, "I have to ask the same question sir." The grey blue eyed boy asked, his eyes narrowed at the blockade being made.

"Now that you've opened the southern portal we need to protect it from those who would do the spirits harm." Unalaq said with certainty in his eyes.

"I can protect it." Korra argued as she didn't think she needed the northern troops to protect the portal. She was still feeling confident after successfully opening the southern portal and restoring the lights in the sky.

"I'm sure she can, but this seems a bit, radical." Koda added as he swiveled his head to the Chief.

"It is." Korra nodded with her boyfriend, making a near impossible frown mare the Chief's face.

"I need you for something more important." Unalaq said to Korra before he walked forward to look out the horizon and turned to both of them, "You see, the portal needs to be protected, who knows what someone can do with it, if the wrong characters get a hold on this gate. That is why the North's troops are here." He answered with a tone of importance as he addressed Korra, "There is another portal at the North Pole where you will need to open it as well. Once it has been open, spirits and man will be able to move freely between the north and the south in a matter of seconds."

Koda's eyes widened along with Korra's, "But the solstice has just ended, how am I supposed to open the other portal?"

Unalaq nodded in understanding and answered. "The spiritual energy is far greater in the north." He said as he walked to the railing and looked over the city, "And now that you have opened the southern portal, your energy is stronger as well." He told her with a kind smile.

"With both portals open...our tribes will be reunited again." Korra spoke in a low awe tone, seeing the possibilities.

"The world will be united again." Unalaq corrected.

'In what way?' Koda thought in his mind as he looked at Unalaq, a frown of his own came upon his face.

Koda turned to walk away as Korra noticed, "Hey, Koda, wait up." She said, walking away from her uncle and walking side by side with her boyfriend.

'With Tenzin'

Southern Air Temple outside Tenzin and Pema are relaxing while Kya is feeding lemurs.

"Ahh, I haven't felt this at peace since..." Tenzin was cut off as Bumi arrives making the Airbender shocked. "Aaaand, it's over..." Tenzin said.

"Goood morning, Universe!" Bumi said standing on a rock with his underwear.

"Bumi, please cover yourself." Kya said covering her eyes.

"Well, lookie here. 'Vacation Tenzin' has finally decided to join us." Bumi said.

"Yes, he has. It's so nice to spend more time with my family." Tenzin said carrying Rohan. "Isn't that right, Rohan?" Tenzin asked the baby who smiles, "It's sad that that Koda couldn't come." Tenzin was disappointed that his oldest son couldn't come he was really looking forward to it and so was Koda, but he knew that someone needed to watch Korra and had complete faith that his son will keep her in check.

"And I've really enjoyed having you two around. Reminds me of all these great vacations we took as kids with Dad." Tenzin said.

"Uhh, I think your memory's a little foggy. Bumi and I weren't on those GREAT vacations. It was always just YOU and Dad." Kya said a little upset.

"No. That can't be right. What about the time he took us to Kyoshi Island to ride the elephant-koi?" Tenzin asked.

"Nope, we weren't there." Kya said.

"Hmm, oh! Remember Ember Island? Those amazing sand palaces we built on the beach?" Tenzin asked.

"You mean YOU built. We never saw the place." Bumi said.

"I could have sworn..." Tenzin said.

Just then Jinora and Meelo arrive riding air scooters and Poki lands on Meelo's head and they land on solid ground.

"Morning, kids!" Bumi said.

"Morning, Uncle Bumi!" Meelo said and he sees Bumi's stomach. "Do you have a baby in there?" Meelo asked pointing at the stomach and Tenzin, Kya, and Pema laugh.

"Hey, where's your sister?" Pema asked.

"Who?" Jinora asked.

"Ikki, kinda looks like Koko. About this tall. Talks real fast. I'm sure you know her." Pema said.

"Uhh..." Jinora trails off.

"There was this lemur fight, but the bison told us not to worry because a giant was coming. Then, we almost got eaten by a shark-squid." Meelo said.

"Shark-squid?! He's here? It appears my old memories has found me." Bumi said.

"Jinora, were you and Meelo teasing your sister again?" Pema asked crossing her arms annoyed.

"I don't know... Maybe... Yes..." Jinora said hanging her head down.

"She ran away." Meelo said and their mother's face turns red.

"HONESTLY, I don't know why you kids can't just get along!" Pema said, "The only one you guys get along with is Koko and he's an adult!"

"It's alright, dear. Ikki couldn't have gone far. I'll find her." Tenzin said handing Rohan back to Pema.

"Commander Bumi, reporting for duty! Search-and-rescue missions are MY specialty." Bumi said.

"What do you say we all go together?" Kya asked.

"Sure. I could use the help." Tenzin said.

"When I get back, we'll come out with a plan to take down that shark-squid once and for all!" Bumi said.

"Yes!" Meelo cheered.

'With Tonraq'

Over at Tonraq's home a meeting was taking place with her father leading it. The meeting was about the northern troops invading and closing the area off. Needless to say everyone wasn't pleased about it at all as tension was high among them.

"Thank you for coming, everyone. I know these last few days have been troubling due to the arrival of the northern troops who have closed off the area" Tonraq said calmly to all the members who were present. However one member was not calm in the least.

"Troubling? Troubling is when I get an itchy rash that won't go away and Zhu Li isn't around to scratch it. This isn't troubling, it's shocking and sickening" Varrick said while dropping and breaking by stomping it in anger before he suddenly looked calm again as he raised his other hand which held a small cookie. "But these cookies are the opposite," he turned to Zhu Li. "Remind me to get to the recipe later" he told her which she nodded silently.

Tonraq looked annoyed at his outburst. "What's your point Varrick?"

"My point is that Unalaq has already booted our chieftains out of their palace and sealed off the harbor from any ships leaving or entering. How long before he starts telling us what to do and what to eat!?" he said while putting more food on his plate which ended up getting flung to the ground by his rigorous movements of displeasure.

"Probably a couple of days." Zhu Li answered.

"It was a rhetorical question Zhu Li, you need to keep up." Varrick said turning to her before looking back at others. "Not to mention that I have a cargo ship full of fish that's now rotting thanks to this lock down. WHO WANTS TO BUY A SHIP FULL OF STINKING FISH!?" he ended by smashing another plate on the ground. It's a good they all belonged to him otherwise someone would already protest for destruction of property.

Varrick calmed down again before leaning on the table. "Seriously it's not rhetorical I need to sell these fish so is anyone interested in purchasing them?" he asked and no one raised their hand to volunteer at his offer.

"Look I get that you're all uncomfortable because of the lock down but Chief Unalaq is here to help us. He wants to show us how we can restore with spirits so they'll stop attacking us." Korra said as she tried to reason with them as she didn't like these secret meetings. It was almost starting to feel like they were planning a revolt.

"The only spirit I'm interested in restoring is our spirit of independence. AM I RIGHT PEOPLE!?" Varrick asked as everyone minus Korra and her parents shouted in agreement.

"All Unalaq is trying to do is make our tribes unified again" Korra protested while defending her father's brother from their anger.

"No what Unalaq wants is control of our wealth, my wealth and I like my wealth. If Unalaq doesn't pull his forces out then we'll have no choice but to fight for our freedom!" Varrick shouted the last part as everyone shouted in agreement.

Korra was in disbelief. "You want to start a war! Are you crazy!?" she angrily asked at the audacity of hearing their desire to start a war. After everything she went through with Amon and his war in Republic City, The pro bending rings destruction, Lin being taken prisoner plus losing her bending and seeing Koda die. She did not wish to see another war start up.

Tonraq stood up. "Unalaq started this, not us Korra." He said which resulted with Korra glaring at him with fierce blue eyes. He sighed at her glance and held up a hand. "I'm sorry. Maybe you could speak with Unalaq, tell him how frustrated we all are. He'll surely listen to what the Avatar has to say. Do it for me?"

For a moment Korra said nothing as she kept her head down. "I'll do it for the tribe." she said without looking at her father as she turned and left to find Unalaq.

Tonraq remained silent looking at the door his daughter exited before the silence was broken.

"Man I cannot stop eating these cookies." Varrick said before he stepped towards Tonraq. "Look we all know where this is heading and if the Avatar can't get Unalaq to back off then we'll have to start preparing for war." He said with a serious face before taking a bite out of his cookie and hum at how good it was.

'With Korra'

Korra walked inside the palace looking for her uncle urgently as she was hoping the talk with him would solve the tension the south dwellers were developing against him. She had already gone through war once and she didn't want to repeat that again. She had nearly lost so much from it and was thankful that she didn't lose Koda.

She walked inside the throne room to find Unalaq sitting down quietly on the throne with his eyes closed as if he was meditating or in a trance.

"Your next training session isn't until tomorrow Avatar Korra" Unalaq said before he opened his eyes revealing that he had been awake the whole time.

"I'm sorry if I'm interrupting you uncle. But I need to talk to you about our conversation this morning." Korra said with a hint of discomfort in her voice.

"Yes, what is it?" Unalaq asked.

"I know why you brought your troops here but I'm afraid that it's sending the wrong message." Korra revealed.

"Hmm your father has been talking to you hasn't he?" Unalaq questioned back with calmness.

"It's not just my father, Varrick too, there was a meeting at my house and a lot of southerners feel like they're being invaded."

"I'm their Chief, I'm uniting not invading." Unalaq responded with no change in his demeanor.

"I know but I'm afraid that if something doesn't change then we'll end up having a civil war." Korra said while showing concern for the matter as she didn't want her own people to fight against their sister tribe.

Unalaq shut his eyes in thought for a moment before reopening them. "If the water tribes were at war then the other nations would take sides and the dark spirits would thrive with all that negativity energy and the world would be thrown into a battle between man and spirit. A war like that could produce unimaginable disastrous effects on the world."

"Then how do we stop it from happening?" Korra asked urgently as she wanted to resolve this matter before it escalated out of hand.

"We? No Korra this a war only the Avatar can prevent." Unalaq said as he finally stood up.

Korra looked away with uncertainty. "I'm usually the one who's starting fights. I don't know how to stop them from happening."

Unalaq began to walk down the steps leading to Korra. "As the Avatar you must remain neutral in this conflict. You will naturally want to help your people but showing favoritism will not help them find unity."

Korra's eyes became downcast. "Maybe Tenzin was right about me, maybe I'm not ready yet to be the Avatar."

"Tenzin is wise but he is too emotionally concerned and lacks the faith for you to find the answers yourself. But I on the other hand know that you will become the most admired Avatar the world has ever seen." Unalaq said while placing his hand on her shoulder reassuringly.

Korra looked up at him and smiled thankfully. "Thank you uncle."

'With Koda Outside'

Koda was walking around the streets as he saw the tension flying around as he just finished lunch. He walked around the corner and saw some of the Northern troops arguing with the resident Southerners and sighed, "Great." He muttered as he walked up to them.

"You can't just tell us to get off our streets!" A southerner shouted.

"Yes we can. Now do as you are told or we will use force." The northerner troop said in a calm 'I'm so sure of myself' tone.

"You don't own us!" another southerner shouted.

"Men." The trooper said to his three other soldiers.

A wall of earth as tall as their waists divided them as it split and pushed them back from each other. They all turned to see Koda in an earthbending stance.

"Let's calm down people and talk this out. You're all water tribe members here." Koda said as he walked up between them, "Now what's the problem."

"Apparently we all have to curfew! For what reason?" a southerner demanded.

"Because it is ordered by Chief Unalaq." A trooper answered crisply.

"Just because he's the Chief, doesn't mean he has the right to tell us when to go to our homes." Another southerner said in a growl.

"He is your Chief, you do as you are told." The lead trooper said with cold narrowed eyes.

"So what? He comes here twice or three times a year and suddenly we have to bend to his will? Forget that!" mocked a southerner.

The northerner troops took offense to that and got into stances as did the southerners, before Koda stomped the ground making it shake, "Enough!" he shouted to them as the earthbender growled. He turned to the southerners, "You guys just keep doing what you're doing." And he turned to the troopers, "And you guys leave 'em be, you're guests here. You don't own them." He said as he shook his head and continued to walk.

The matter was done in his mind, before the head trooper grabbed him by the shoulder, "You're coming with us for obstructing the duties of an officer, outsider." The northerner said in a stern tone.

Koda grabbed the hand off his shoulder and turned to the man, "No, not really. Unless you want a riot to happen, then back off a bit. Like I said, you're guests here. And I'm not an 'outsider,' what is this? The Hundred Year war?" Koda asked in a mocking tone, "I was invited here, by the Avatar and my Grandma Katara might I remind you, and I am trying to enjoy my vacation. I might not look like it, but I was born in the Southern Water Tribe." He said while walking away. He was not going to start a fight. That was plain and simple.

He just noticed how high the tension is and was trying to stop someone from doing something stupid.

The troop seemed to stiffen at the mention of Korra and Koda winced. Spirits, he just used his own and girlfriend's status to get out of a jam. He mentally scolded himself for that.

"Then off you go." The trooper said in a void tone, but still glared at Koda, who just shrugged him off and continued to Korra's house. He continued to see all the faces of the southerners and shook his head.

'At this rate the people are going to revolt.' The young earth bender thought to himself before he heard a sound and looked up to see Korra riding Naga and heading towards him. He put his thoughts aside for now as he saw his girlfriend frown which clearly showed that something happened that riled her up.

"How was your day Korra?" Koda asked cheerfully to try and get her to smile. Sadly it didn't work as she jumped off Naga angrily.

"Oh just fabulous, my tribe is about to go to war and I'm supposed to stop it somehow but will anyone listen to me? NO! And I didn't ask for my father's help but he just had to butt in again. Can't he just let me be the Avatar like I'm supposed to be!?" She said with tension as she laid her back on Naga with her arms crossed in frustration, her brow knitted in anger.

Koda sweat dropped at this. This was one of the problems he had in their relationship. When she got angry over something he had no idea if he was supposed to give her advice or simply listen to her rants in silence so she could release all her frustration.

"Umm...should I give you advice or just listen to you because I don't know what happened. Thus leading me to having no clue what I should do?" Koda said dumbly as he didn't want to step in the landmine that was Korra's anger.

Personally, it was kinda sexy too, but he was going to keep that to himself...for now at least.

Korra turned to her boyfriend and then closed her strained eyes for a beat before taking a deep breath and reopening them to meet his grey blue ones. "I'm sorry, it's just that my dad get's me all worked up." She said while apologizing if she seemed harsh on him.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Koda asked, wanting to see if she'd discuss what happened with him.

Korra shook her head. "No, maybe later, but not now. I just want to clear my head of all this." She said while placing her fingers on her forehead as she felt like she was on the verge of getting a migraine.

Hearing that she wanted to clear her mind, Koda smiled at the perfect opportunity. "Hey I got an idea. How about you take a break from being the Avatar and let me take you out to a nice romantic dinner, just the two of us?" he offered.

Hearing that instantly made Korra smile in eager happiness at the prospect. "Yes! Let's go!" She said happily as she took his arm around hers and they headed into town to enjoy themselves.

'Hours Later'

It was now late at night where both Koda and Korra were walking together. Koda had offered to walk her home in order to spend a few more minutes with her before having to leave for his grandmother's home.

"Well that was the creepiest date I've ever been on. I'm sorry that it wasn't as great as I promised." Koda said he was a bit depressed since his plan to take Korra out on a romantic date ended up being ruined with Bolin and the creepy Twins joining in. Seriously just being around those two made his skin crawl.

Korra placed her hand in his shoulder reassuringly. "It's okay; I don't blame you for it. Besides at least my mind was preoccupied and I forgot all about my troubles for a bit." she said gently as despite their ruined date, she got to at least spend time with her boyfriend even if it was around Bolin and her twin cousins.

Koda smiled a bit at that as they approached her home. "I swear the next date we go on will be one you won't forget and will enjoy to the fullest." He said with determination. "And if Bolin tries to join us again I swear I'll kick him into the ocean and tell Desna to rescue him." he said the last part with seriousness and mischief twinkling in his emerald eyes.

Hearing that made Korra laugh a bit at the threat and the visual she got. Bolin would definitely be creeped out by that.

They both stopped in front of her house as they turned to face each other.

"Well I guess this is where I say goodbye until tomorrow." Korra said with a tiny smile.

"Yeah, hopefully we'll have a better day tomorrow and..." Koda said before Korra suddenly cut him off and kissed him without any warning. He was a bit surprised at the suddenness of it, but figured that she wanted some comfort before going to bed. Without hesitation he kissed her back as she wrapped her arms around his neck to bring him closer while he wrapped his own arms around her back as they trailed down to her hips.

He brought her body closer to him as her chest was now pressed against his and he could feel her breasts despite all the clothing they both had on from the cold snow. Korra felt Koda's tongue grazing her lips asking permission to enter her mouth which she gladly accepted as she opened it and then their tongues met for a clash as they deepened their kiss.

They continued for a few short minutes with both of them neither winning the tongue fight as their hands explored each other's bodies. Korra's hands trailed over Koda's chest as she felt his strong chest and the muscles of his biceps while Koda's hands traced over Korra's back entirely before they trailed over the sides of her chest where they accidentally touched the edges of her breasts eliciting a moan from Korra before they stopped at her waist again.

Eventually they separated from lack of air as they were both breathing heavily from their intense make out.

"Wow, I've really missed that." Koda panted with a huge grin at how great that felt.

Korra had a slight blush from her sudden action but didn't regret it in the slightest. Although her body was definitely starting to feel hot and like she needed to relieve herself. The thought of what her body wanted intensified her blush before she shook her head.

She may love Koda with all her heart but she didn't feel ready for that level of intimacy, yet. Although she would be lying if she said that she wasn't tempted sometimes to experience what it's like. But she wouldn't, especially not at the South Pole, where if her father ever found out he'd probably do something horrible to her beloved boyfriend.

Not that Koda would go down mind you, ah, she was getting ahead of herself.

Korra nodded still a bit flustered from the make out. "Yeah me too."

Koda's grin grew a bit. "So would you like to invite me in to spend the night?" he said teasingly, his hormones on high alert. Man, being a young adult male both rocked and sucked at times.

As soon as those words left his mouth Korra's face suddenly lit up like a red lantern. Her mind suddenly shows images of what it'd be like to have Koda stay with her. However before Korra could answer a new voice spoke up.

"I don't think I would enjoy seeing that happen in front of me."

Both of them jumped in surprise as they turned around to see Senna who had her arms crossed and carried a small smirk on her face.

"MOM!?" Korra shouted in surprise.

'Oh crap!' Koda thought in shock at being caught.

"How long have you been listening inside the house!?" Korra asked frantically.

Senna closed her eyes in amusement for a moment looking back to the young couple. "Long enough to have heard you two start your make out session and hear dear Koda's bold little question." She said the last part slowly while narrowing her eyes at Koda.

Koda's eyes widened with nervousness at that. "Oh... I... her... with the... and... I think I better leave now." he said with a nod to himself and had no intention of staying for another second.

Senna nodded before smiling kindly. "I think that's best since you wouldn't want to risk having me tell Tonraq what nearly happened here, especially your grandmother." She said the last part a little darkly, but there may have been an undertone of teasing.

Now Koda's eyes showed a little fear as his mind flashed back to then when he first met her father and how he clearly threatened him about advancing too far with his precious daughter not to mention the massive scolding he will receive from his grandmother. So with that in mind he pecked Korra on the cheek and left in a speed walk pace.

"Koda wait!" Korra shouted to no avail as Koda kept going until he was gone from sight, most likely heading to his grandmother's where he stayed for Korra's training. She suddenly heard chuckling and turned to see her mother laughing lightly as she tried to calm herself.

"That wasn't nice mom." Korra berated a bit angrily at how she made her boyfriend run off with the threat of her father. Although her angry look wasn't that fierce looking since her face still looked a bit flustered.

Senna kept chuckling for a moment before she finally stopped. "I'm sorry dear but I just couldn't resist. Besides you should be thanking me for not interrupting your tender moment with him." She said slyly which earned another blush from Korra.

"I... I just... wanted to feel our love for each other." Korra said shyly as she with everything that was starting to happen and how their date was ruined she just wanted to have one special moment together to brighten up her day.

"Ahh sweetie I know the feeling. However I do not approve of having you and Koda moving onto this level of a relationship." Senna said sternly.

"If you're going to do it then make sure it's in a place outside the South Pole." Senna suddenly said which made Korra stumble in her step from the shock.

"Say what?!" Korra yelled with a sputter.

Senna turned to her daughter. "Oh don't be surprised dear. I already came to accept Koda after I met him; he is such a nice young man with a kind and caring heart, along with good manners. Quite frankly I believe you couldn't have found a greater boy for you to be with. I just don't want you to be here when you move further in your relationship. I don't like keeping secrets from your father so if you wouldn't mind. I'd appreciate making sure I don't find out about it where I'll have to hide it from him." She said surprisingly calmly as most mothers wouldn't talk like this when concerning their daughter's virtue.

"Are you serious!?" Korra asked dumbfounded and in disbelief at what she was hearing.

"Yes, however Korra I don't want you to suddenly think that intimacy is the only thing that'll be involved in your relationship. That is something that should only be done with someone you truly love. While I give my blessings to Koda that doesn't mean I want you two to be doing this frequently. Especially with the risk of having me become a grandmother and Katara being a great-grandmother. You're still very young and I don't want you burdened by the responsibilities of being the Avatar and a parent." Senna said as if lecturing her.

Korra however remained silent with her mouth agape.

"Now come inside before you catch a cold sweetheart." Senna started with a smirk as she went back inside as her eyes danced with mirth.

Korra messaged her head with painted blue eyes, "My head, it hurts so badly right now." As she entered the house, "Mom, did dad send you to talk to me?" she asked, getting over her previous embarrassment.

Senna's playful attitude faltered, "Your father doesn't know I'm here." She assured and sighed sadly as she sat down along with her daughter, "Korra, what's going on between you two?" she asked, saddened from what was going on.

Korra huffed and turned her head away, "Ask dad." She grunted, irritation filling her.

"I tried, but he won't talk about it." Senna answered with a frown, "Honey, it breaks my heart to see our family torn apart like this." She said in a soft tone.

"You want to know what's going on?" Korra asked, turning to her mother with anger in her eyes, "I found out dad's been lying to me, my whole life." She said in anger, "Unalaq told me everything. While dad and Tenzin kept me trapped down here to train! How dad got banished from the north!" she ranted until she was breathing hard.

Senna looked to the floor, "So, the truth is out." she said with sadness.

Korra blinked and turned to her mother, "You knew?" she asked in surprise before she looked with anger, her hand clinched, "And you never said anything?" she asked harshly.

"We were trying to keep our family together." Senna answered calmly, "Give you a normal childhood."

"I never wanted a normal childhood." Korra answered while looking at the ceiling, "All I ever wanted to be was the Avatar." She stressed, "But people just keep holding me back. Even my own parents!" she said while looking at her mother once more, hurt in her blue orbs, "The only people who believe in me are Koda and Unalaq."

Senna turned sternly to her daughter, "That's not true Korra." She argued.

"No?" Korra asked with a raised eyebrow, "Then why is everyone in the South Pole turning against me when all I'm trying to do is help them?" she asked harshly.

"The problems between the north and south started long before you were born. You can't expect to undo them in a day." Senna answered with a factual tone.

"So I should just sit back and watch the water tribes go to war?" the Avatar asked her mother, a bit of mockery in her tone.

"No." Senna answered quickly before calming herself and sighed, "But the situation may be out of your control. Varrick's been plotting a rebellion against Unalaq." She turned away from her child, "He asked your father to join and..."

Korra shot up, "Dad is part of a rebellion?!" she asked.

"I don't know." Senna said, "But I don't want you caught up in the middle of it." She stressed

"It's too late mom." Korra argued as she turned for the door, "I'm already in the middle of it." She answered and ran out and jumped on Naga.

Her mother rushed out, "Korra!" she pleaded, but her daughter was already gone.

'With Tenzin'

At the Southern Air Temple at a different place Tenzin, Bumi, and Kya are searching for Ikki.

"Ikki! Ikki! Ikki? Where are you?" Tenzin asked.

"Over here, Dad!" Bumi said in a childish voice. "Just kidding. It's me." Bumi said and Tenzin groans.

"There's no sign of her anywhere." Kya said.

"Why would Ikki run off like this? It's probably my fault." Tenzin said.

"Probably." Kya said.

"Excuse me?" Tenzin asked.

"I'm guessing you've been busy with your 'duty' to Republic City that you forgot about your duty to your kids." Kya said.

"'Duty.'" Bumi said laughing.

"What are you, 5 years old?" Kya asked annoyed.

"Kya, you're right. I haven't been spending time with them. I wish I could be as good a father as Dad was to us." Tenzin said.

"Tenzin, your problem is you're EXACTLY like Dad. He was so focused on saving the world and doing his duty, and Bumi, don't laugh, that he never had time for us." Kya said.

"Dad was under a lot of pressure." Tenzin said.

"He always had time for you, though, his precious little Airbender." Bumi said pinching Tenzin's cheeks.

"Dad loved us all, EQUALLY! Besides, it all happened a long time ago. Why are we even talking about this?" Tenzin asked.

"Because you seem to have some grandiose delusion that we had a perfect, happy-go-lucky childhood. Guess what, we didn't!" Kya said annoyed, "And how do you think Dad will react to hear that his first grandson is an earthbender, huh?"

"Leave my son out of this! Dad would be proud of the man Koda is now, whether his is an earthbender or not." Tenzin said.

"Really? Because your reaction to his first time earthbending was the opposite of proud," Kya said.

Tenzin's eyes widened as a memory played in his head.


Tenzin knew that normally, a person's bending is closely linked to their emotional state. Most children discovered they were benders during incredibly emotional moments. For the airbending kids, it was during moments of sheer happiness. Jinora was barely 2 when it was discovered that she was an airbender when her mother was tickling her toes. When Ikki was almost 5, Tenzin was investigating strange noises coming from the forest clearing on Air Temple Island where the air bison usually grazed. He arrived only to discover that the strange noises were merely the frustrated mewling of bison parents as Tenzin's youngest daughter was in the middle of their clearing, jumping more than 10 feet into air in an attempt to play with the flying bison calf.

Meelo was about 3 and a half years old when Bumi and Koda had come to Air Temple Island for a short visit after being deployed. Koda had been playing with his younger brother, grabbing the young boy's wrists and swinging his tiny, little fists into his big brother's face. Koda would then pretend to be seriously wounded, much to the toddler's amusement. However, Koda got more than he bargained for when he allowed the little boy to take a swing by himself. The resulting air blast took Koda totally by surprise and sent him sprawling as he landed on his butt.

Even Koda himself had discovered his own bending while his emotions were running high. Koda was almost 6 years old when he and his father were out at The Gates, looking back at it now, Koda back then kind of looked like Meelo now. Koda had once again, for more than a dozen times that day, failed to successfully navigate his way through them; even getting a big bruise on his face in the process. In frustration, Koda picked up a rock and threw it at the offending board. It wasn't until the pole that the panel had been sitting on snapped like a twig that Koda realized that the 600-pound boulder that had just crashed into it was far too large for any 5 year-old to be able to throw naturally.

Tenzin's surprised expression had matched Koda's own. Though, Tenzin's had also been laced with something else; something Koda soon identified as disappointment.

A little while after, the little Koda came in Tenzin's room, "Daddy?"

"Yes, Koda?" Tenzin asked, he looked at his son's face and noticed how sad he looked. He was now concerned for the boy, "What's wrong, son?"

"Did I do anything to make you upset?" Koda asked, he looked at his father and tears poured out of his eyes.

"Of course, you're not," Tenzin said, going to his son, "I would never think of you like that."

"Then why did you look disappointed when I earthbended?" the little Koda asked innocently.

Tenzin looked away in shame, as he didn't know how sensitive Koda would be about this, "I hoped you would be an airbender." Tenzin said truthfully, he later looked at his son and smiled, "But, we can't always get what we want can we?"

Koda laughed and shook his head, wiping away his tears, "No we can't, Daddy."

Tenzin laughed too and he later went to his son and picked him up. He hugged his son who was in his arms while the little boy snuggled his face into his father's robes, "Come on now, let's go tell your mother that we have an extra earthbender in the family."

"Yeah!" the little Koda cheered as the laughing Tenzin carried the 5 year-old Koda in his arms. But before they left the room to inform Lin about Koda being an earthbender, Tenzin stopped to look at his son one more time.

"I love you, son," Tenzin said.

"I love you too, Daddy," Koda said as he gave his father a big hug.

'Flashback Ends'

"We have come to terms with it and now look at him, the world's first platinum bender and his Seismic Sense surpasses Toph's. He might as well officially be the strongest earthbender of all the Beifongs." Tenzin said with some pride. "Besides we need to keep moving if we want to find Ikki before dark."

"See what he's doing, Bumi? Classic Airbender technique: Cutting and running when things get tough." Kya said.

"Yeah, did Dad teach you that move?" Bumi asked mockingly.

'With Korra'

"Easy Korra." Koda said riding on Naga as Korra rushed to her parent's home.

"Sorry, but I have to talk to my dad." Korra said, mushing Naga some more.

"Still a bit peeved you didn't get me to help." Koda pouted, "I've stopped a few revolts."

"Aw, so sweet of you." Korra cooed playfully, "But I was in kind of a rush and you were in the other direction." The blue eyed girl explained.

"Meh, I'll take it." Koda said hugging into her a bit as they rode.

They got to the home and dismounted and Korra rushed in, Koda in a more steady pace behind her.

He stood next to her as the Avatar looked to the side a bit and asked, "Is it okay if I come in?"

"Of course." Senna said with a smile as her father gave a small one too, "We heard what happened. Are you okay?" the mother asked.

Korra swallowed a bit before tears started to steam and she rushed to her father, hugging him tightly, "I'm so glad you weren't there." She choked out as her shocked father soon returned the hug, "I don't know what I would have done."

Koda smiled at the scene as he walked into the warm house.

Tonraq pulled her back gently and looked at her, "I had no idea how far Varrick was willing to go." Before he bowed his head, "My brother and I have our differences, but I would never attack him." he assured his daughter.

"I'm sorry I thought you had anything to do with the rebels." Korra cried, "And all the pain I've caused you and mom."

"I'm the one who should apologize." Tonraq argued gently, "After I saw the southern lights return, I was so proud of you." He praised with a smile on his face, "I should have never held you back."

"When your father and I found each other, all we wanted was to live a simple life and raise a family." Senna said, but looked down, "But then we discovered you were the Avatar, and simple was over." She said, but not sounding sad at all, "We knew the world one day would need you and you wouldn't need us anymore." She said, this time with sorrow.

Korra shook her head as her blue eyes looked on at them in pain, "Mom, dad... of course I still need you." She said as they all hugged.

Some sniffling caught their attention and they turned to see a weepy eye, Koda, "I'm not crying." He assured them, "It's the cold wind." He argued feebly.

"Come over here, Koda." Senna smiled as her husband grunted.

Koda was in the hug in the second, "You guys are beautiful, you know that?" he said to them as he hugged them tighter.

"Three second rule." Tonraq stated and Koda let go quickly.

"Right, sorry." Koda answered cheekily until he looked at the door, "Eh crap."

Standing there was Unalaq and some of his soldiers.

"We weren't expecting you." Tonraq said with a blink of surprise.

The younger brother looked at his older brother and spoke, "Tonraq, Senna, you are under arrest and will stand trial."

Tonraq narrowed his eyes, "Trail? For what?" he asked in a crisp tone.

Koda narrowed his eyes at the Chief.

"For conspiring to assassinate me."