

As they walked back towards the guild, Emma and Justin couldn't stop talking about the item that Ryan had used to turn the goblin corpses into gems. "That's incredible," Emma said. "We can make so much money from this."

Ryan chuckled. "Slow down, guys. It's not as simple as it seems. We can't just turn every monster we kill into gems. It's against the rules of the guild, and other hunters might see us as a threat."

"But it's a skill that you have, and we can use it to our advantage," Justin argued. "We can become stronger and richer at the same time."

Ryan shook his head. "I understand your excitement, but we have to be careful. The guild has strict rules about this kind of thing. We don't want to get marked as outlaws or worse, get ourselves killed by a stronger monster."

Emma nodded. "I see your point, Ryan. But can we at least use it for ourselves and not sell the gems to others?"

Ryan thought about it for a moment. "I suppose that could work. But let's keep it between us for now. We don't want to draw too much attention."

Justin and Emma agreed, and they continued on their way to complete their mission. As they walked, they talked about how they would use the gems they earned from killing the goblins. Emma wanted to use them to improve her combat skills, while Justin wanted to buy better weapons and equipment.

Ryan smiled as he listened to their plans. "I'm glad we're working together. We can achieve so much more as a team."

Emma and Justin nodded in agreement, and they arrived at the guild ready to turn in their mission. As they handed over the goblin heads, the guild clerk handed them their reward of 40 red gems.

"Good job," the clerk said with a smile. "You completed the mission quickly and efficiently. Keep up the good work, and you'll rise up the ranks in no time."

The three friends thanked the clerk and left the guild, feeling proud of their accomplishment. They decided to use some of the gems to buy a better map of the area, hoping to find more challenging missions and stronger monsters to hunt.

As they left the guild, Ryan looked up at the sky. "This is just the beginning. We have a long way to go, and many challenges to face. But together, we can conquer anything."

Emma and Justin smiled, feeling confident and excited about their future as hunters. They knew that with Ryan by their side, they could achieve anything they set their minds to.