
CHAPTER 13: The Hierarchy of Mercenaries: From Tier 5 to Tier 0

The sun was slowly rising as the three friends packed their bags and prepared to go register as mercenaries. Emma was busy checking her equipment, while Justin and Ryan were discussing the hierarchy system in this new town they found themselves in.

Ryan had read about the tier system before, but he was surprised to hear that it was not based on classes like the previous in outside of the gate they were in. Justin explained that in this system, Tier 5 was the lowest and Tier 1 was the highest, with only the top 100 people being in Tier 1. There was also a rare Tier 0, which only 10 people in the entire record of the mercenary guild had achieved.

As they arrived at the registration area, they were greeted by a friendly clerk who handed them each a form to fill out. The clerk explained the payment system, which was based on contributions to the guild and completing missions and they will start at the lowest tier. Emma asked if there was a minimum requirement for contributions, but the clerk replied that it was up to the discretion of the guild leaders.

The registration fee was two blue gems per person, but the guild was willing to loan them five blue gems each since they were new and had no money. Justin let out a sigh and commented that it always seemed to be about money.

After completing their registration, they received their first mission - to kill 20 goblins in the west side of the village. The reward was two red gems per head. Excited for their first quest, the trio quickly made their way to the west side of the village.

As they walked, Ryan suggested that they should come up with a strategy before facing the goblins. Emma agreed, saying that they should figure out the weaknesses of the goblins and use them to their advantage. Justin added that they should also be careful not to be surrounded by the goblins.

As they approached the goblin lair, they could hear the grunts and growls of the creatures inside. Emma led the way, using her hand-to-hand combat skills to take down the first goblin. Ryan used his intelligence to analyze the goblins' movements and weaknesses, while Justin relied on his agility to avoid their attacks and strike them with his dagger.

After a few hours of battling, they had managed to defeat 15 goblins. Ryan suggested they take a break to regain their strength, but Emma was eager to finish the mission and get their reward.

Just as they were about to resume their mission, they heard a rustling in the bushes. Suddenly, a group of five more goblins appeared, surrounding them from all sides.

"Looks like we're in trouble," Justin muttered, clutching his dagger tightly.

Emma cracked her knuckles and smirked. "I guess this means the real fight begins now," she said, ready to take on the goblins.

Ryan quickly analyzed their movements and noticed that the goblins were weaker on their left side. He gestured to Emma and Justin, and they quickly attacked the goblins on their left. In no time, they had taken down the remaining goblins and completed their mission.