
The denied one

A boy who reincarnate unexpectedly and have a goal to kill gods and demons to succeed his revenge for them, what awaits beyond the wall, will he succeed or not?

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13 Chs


The predicament in the lunaria has ended, but while the others are being rescued by Jeanne the knight, a scornful voice has spoke in the high tower near the hideout of the mastermind of this case and where the people are being held.

"Ohhh, looks like he didn't kill that demon, hmm I expected that he will kill that thing out of his hatred but hahaha, looks like thing will going to be interesting huh, I didn't expected that he has that much of power, he really inherited the power of his parents hahahaha, well let's take a good look on his upcoming actions shall we."

As soon as jeanne finished to accompanied the people that's been held, she quickly went to the hideout where the two, thrice and akasha are. And after a minute she got in there and...

"Ha, Ha, Ha, sorry the villagers's house are quite far from here, I ran as fast as I can ha, ha, ha, but, ha, it's far." Jeanne said that while breathing heavily from running, akasha responded. "Really? Are you even a knight? aren't the knights are the protector of the empire of alakitasia, didn't though such a wimpy one is the protector of it hahaha."

Akasha said that in a scorn voice but thrice cut in. You, akasha, stop saying that kind of things, you don't even know what they gone through, stop saying like you know everything of it, thrice said that in a serious tone of voice.

As jeanne said they will go to the empire along with the mimic demon, thrice and akasha and...

"Hey, so how are we going to go to the empire?"

"We will use the teleportation magic that we knights are using for emergencies."

"Teleportation magic??"


"What's wrong akasha?"

"Nothing, I didn't thought that magic spells in the human realm will be advanced like this." Akasha said that in a state of astonished.

"Huh? Wait as far as I know based on your age, spells like teleportation is nothing so special even before when you're born. You're around 12-13 years old right?" Jeanne ask to akasha while curious about what akasha said.


"Ahhh, you know spells like teleportation is so rare in akasha's home country so yeah, she's just ummm hahaha kinda felt new about this." Thrice cut in with a frantically tone.

"Umm, is that so, okay."

"Sigh", "Sigh", both akasha and thrice sighed like they overcame a great challenge in their life.

After that they walk away from the hideout and went to the entrance of the village of lunaria, since rena and her siblings lost their home they went to the shelter, thrice and akasha ask jeanne if they can go first to rena, Jeanne allowed them, they went and talk to them to ask that they will leave temporarily from the village...

"Yooo rena, you okay?"

"Thrice, akasha, uwaaaaaaa!!!" Rena cried a loud and huge the two of them.

"Hey, hahaha, it seems that you and the other three are safe."


"Ohh, what is it, rina?"

"Big sis really felt worried about you two since you guys are not in here, she was about to go outside to find the both of you."

"Is that so, hahaha."

Thrice patted rena's head gently.

"Well, rena we're okay both of us, we're not a kind of wimpy who's going to be defeated so easily."

"Yeah, as that stupid said, we're not that kind of being." Akasha said that with a prideful tone.

"So, rena we're going to the empire to take care of some business."

"Huh? What business?"

"Nothing so special, just a voluntary work."

"Is that so, but make sure you guys will back before dinner."


Rina muttured.

"Where are mom and dad?"

Thrice said that to rena with a smile but as soon as they left he's face became stiff like he's ready to challenge what will come to them. As soon as they got to the entrance of the village of lunaria one of the male knights that is with Jeanne, wrote a magic circle for teleportation.


"What is it akasha?"

"Hmm, it seems that this magic circle has so many flaws."

"What?!" Male night frantically said.

"You, you should not write a magic circle for eternity."

"Excuse me?" said by the knight while wondering about what's happening

"Umm hahaha, sorry this girl surely is a verbal abuser, haha (landed a punch to akasha's head)."

"You, thrice!!!"

"Sigh, jeanne can you please start now."

"Umm, okay."

Jeanne gave a signal to the male knight to start.

"Să împrumutăm puterea ta, domnul Dolos, să ne călăuzească pe calea unui călător, să-ți împărțim înțelepciunea pentru noi, să ne rugăm pentru siguranța noastră, îți vom oferi loialitatea noastră"

"Woahhh! I never heard that incantation before."

"Getting amaze over something like that, you sure a brat huh, hahaha"

"Hmph, shut up you pipsqueak flat board"

"What!! Thrice are you getting too cocky lately??"

"I'm always like this."

"You assh-"

"You two go to the magic circle, we're going to teleport now to the empire."


They got teleported.

Ten minutes has passed while they're traveling in time space. Although they didn't see the time space due to the speed of the spell.

After they done teleporting, large castles has appeared to their sight, yes, they finally got in the empire of alakitasia.

Many large castle are surrounded to the castle before the eye of thrice and akasha, that made them astonished.

"Hey, you two? Don't tell me this is your first time seeing a large castle?"

"Hahahaha, well, yeah?"


"Hmph, this is nothing compared to the tok-"

Thrice covered akasha's mouth to stop her saying what she shouldn't say.

"Hahaha, akasha you surely talkative lately huh hahaha."

"You, psych' stupi' good fo' noth'ng."

Due to the hand of thrice that is being covered in akasha's mouth, she couldn't speak clearly.

We entered to the entrance of the empire, the inside is so vast, that other person might get dizzy, when they will just walk in it, knights, came at Jeanne, with greatings, since she is one of the squad captains in the empire. Everyone is so shocked about what they saw, since we have a demon with us, well it makes sense because, demons classified as one of the ancient beings. After a minute, they finally reach to the king hall.

Knight accompanied jeanne and the company, open up the door to the king hall.

"Your majesty, we just got back from the incident that occurred in the village of lunaria, and we now have here the mastermind of the incident."

Jeanne, pulled the demon, and put it right in front her.

"I know that, this will not believe you easily, but as you can see, this fiend here is the main source of all, a demon."

Knights and other people of inside of the king hall, got shocked and start to muttured to the person besides them.

The king starts to speak.

"Hmm, is that so, by the way, where are the knights in your squad, did they not return with you?"

"Yes, they stayed in the village of lunaria to look around if there's more demon in the village, we ask them too to don't do any reckless action and just report to us if they seen the demon in it."

"Hmm, very well."

The king stared at thrice and akasha.

"Who are this two?"

"Yes, the girl is one of the victims of the incident in the village and the boy is this girl's companion, and the one who defeat this demon in here."


Thrice stared at the king and said this in his mind.

"(So this is the king, well seems like you're just a normal king but let's see.)

The king recalled about the man who said weird things to him.

"Looks like today also is a boring day huh."

"Hmmm, so you bored huh hahaha, then we're the same!"

"Hey!? Who are you? Intruder? Knightsss!!!"

"Sigh, can you please don't make a noise. I'm just going to say this to you and I'm going to get out, just chill okay?"

"Huh? What are you going to say?"

"You know there will be a incident that eventually will occur in the village of lunaria and the mastermind of that incident is a demon!"

"Huh? What!?"

"And wait, there's more! Hahaha, one young male will eventually come here with that demon, and mark my words, he will be the greatest influence of the world's change, and this empire and that young male will confront to the strong enemy and they're four of them."

"What are you saying??! You intruder! All the things that you said, is nothing but a crap."

"Crap huh, it's up to you if you will believe or not, but this might break your boredom hahaha, and oh, the four that I have been saying has a strange magic ability in themselves, since they have that strange ability, they are called, four lost element user."

"Huh? But that is just one of the myth story?"

"Hahahaha!!! Wish you goodluck."


"(If that man with a cloak said to me was really true, then this boy is the.)"

"Nice to meet you, your majesty."


"My name is thrice, and it's an honor to meet you."