

"So miss Jia Thomas will you be my girlfriend?" This was not the first time Jia had heard this request coming from her first love. Who she had believed was her soulmate. The first time she had heard this her stomach exploded with infinite number of butterflies. Making that one of the happiest days in her life. But hearing it now her stomach exploded with bats rather than butterflies. Settling dread instead of happiness. This was not what she had expected to hear from her now mortal enemy. “But you don't like me.” "From which part of my confession did you get that conclusion from" "You broke up with me because you don't like me" "That's why I'm asking you out again." "Will you stop this nonsense." "Ok cool. Give me a valid reason other than our break up for rejecting me. I'll back off." He raised his hand in surrender "I'm engaged." "Now that's an excellent bluff." He laughed hard holding his stomach What happens when your once believed soulmate come to ruin your happily ever after with your scientifically proven soulmate. Will there be a triangle love story between the princess and the black and white knights? Or is it going to be plain war between the princess and the black knight..?

All_writtingz · Teen
Not enough ratings
18 Chs


"Jia meet our new member Dr Krishna Das. Das this is Dr Jia Thomas one of our pediatric." Kishore sir says introducing me.

"Nice to meet you miss Thomas."

Saying those same words that he had once used when we first met. He extended his hands to me. The same gesture that once had my heart flutter and stomach fill up with butterflies. Now looking at that hand it was as if I was in the movie IT(I swear that clown had a less creepy smile than this fool)

Now here comes the highlight of the day. What would a normal girl do when she meets her ex after a long time and the ex behaves like its their first time meeting. And doesn't know her at all. Either she goes with the flow and acts like even she doesn't know him or boldly pulls him out of the act. And asks if he really doesn't recognize her. But like the alien I am I stood there staring at him and his out stretched hand. After a while when he realized I was not going to shake his hand he slowly took it back.

"Mmm...… ok. Dr Das will be joining us from today onwards. And I was actually telling him that he could ask you if he has any doubts or problem." Kishore sir says trying to break the awkwardness.

"I didn't know we were going to get a new doctor?" I say fully ignoring 'someone' presence.

"Actually it was a bit of surprise to me too. Dr Das here works with the UNICEF and has traveled a bit. He is here as a part of a voluntary program." 

"So he's not here to stay?"

"No I'll be here only for a while. Why? Are you disappointed?" He asks with a smirk on.

Ya I'm disappointed for seeing you first thing in the morning!

"Some people no matter how old they grow never know the basic manner like not talking in between when 2 people are having a conversation." I say folding my hands and narrowing my eyes pointedly at him.

"I don't think that rule applies when the whole conversation is about the 3rd person." He says imitating me by following my gesture. (How does super man's laser beam work? Because I got a target I would love to try it on)

"Ha ha ha...… It seems like you both know each other?" Kishore sir say/asks.

"No….!" I say glaring at him. (If he says yes. I swear I'll pull his tongue out!!)

"No." He agrees meeting my gaze.

"Oh.. It's just that you both looked close talking like that. Like you have meet before." Kishore sir says moving his hands between us.

"Close ?! Haaa! I don't think I'll ever be close to him." I say

"Why?" Krishna says examining his shoes.

"Excuse me?" I ask not sure if he was speaking to me or Kishore sir.

"No cause, Kishore sir was going on about how you were so friendly with everyone in the hospital and would even help others with their shifts some times." He says lifting his eyes to look at me.

"It's my wish who I help and who I don't help."

"Oh... So its like I thought after all?"

"What is?" I ask too buzzed to back off without knowing.

"While he was talking I was sure there can't be some one so pure hearted. As I thought your helping others because you want something in return. Right?" He says coolly running his hands through his hair. 

"What--?!!" I literally yell forgetting where exactly we are at right now.

"Its ok you don't need to help me for free either. You can name your price." He says cutting me off and acting all cool again.


"Now now Drs I think that's enough introduction... All of us will be late if we chat more." Kishore sir says breaking up my battle pose.

"Jia I'll leave it to you to show Dr Das to his room. Then I'll leave first there is a lot of work to organize before today's board meeting." He says while speed walking back to his office.

"But Kishore sir..… Kishore sir!...."And just like that he leaves me all alone to deal with the demon myself.

"So are you going to lead the way or do you need another 10 minutes to understand the situation. As I recall you were always slow to understand things." He says looking at his watch. 

"Are you calling me a dimwit?" I ask through gritted teeth

"Your words not mine." He says smirking once again.

"You--- "

I swear I want to wipe that smirk off his face, god!!

In my head I had already imagined torturing him in 99 different ways. In the brief moment we stood there staring at each other or rather him smirking and me trying to bore holes into his perfectly empty skull. Then without even a backward glance I walk full speed to our lounge. But to my disappointment Mr long pants had followed me along without much difficulty.

Why god why!! Why do you create demons with such long legs?!

"Morning Jia--- who is this?" Sagar sir asks looking behind me.

"Good morning sir, my name is Krishna Das. I'm the new PS that will be joining you from today onwards." He says after literally pushing me out of the way and extending a hand towards Sagar sir.

Who the hell asked him? I was the one questioned. I should be the one answering. Does he think this is some kind of quiz show where you call a friend or pass the question, because even then I didn't pass him any questions. Either he should break this habit of getting in between other people's conversation or the next time I swear I'll break him.

"Ohh… hello Dr Das I'm Sagar, I'm the chief surgeon. I have been asking Yadav sir for an additional hand for a while now. Welcome aboard." Sagar sir says getting up to shake his hand

Dr Sagar was our one and only surgeon. There was a lack of doctor in general in our hospital as this was not a multi specialty hospital. Those who did their internship or residency programs here  left as soon as their time period was over, others stayed till they got a better paying job in the cities.

"This is Dr Thushara she's another one of our pediatrics. Dr Sam is on leave. You can meet him when he returns. We have a total of 3 pediatrics and 2 surgeon now including you." He explains mentioning Thushara ma'am

Grayson hills experiences long winters which makes both children and elderly people with low immune system to get sick often. Even though our hospital isn't a huge center due to the location and climate we always have our hand full of patients. Most cases that require special care is cross referred to bigger hospital but there are times when the patient cannot be transferred and needs immediate attention. That's when a pediatric surgeon comes into role. For the past 4 months Sagar sir has been literally staying in the hospital cause our previous resident left as soon as he finished his program period. That clown didn't even wait till we found a replacement for him.

"I see you have met our vitamin." Sagar sir says walking back to his coffee and paper.

"Vitamin….?" Krishna asks puzzled

"Hahahaha... Dr Jia. We call Jia our vitamin because she's the youngest and always full of energy." Sagar sir explains.

"Ohh….. I see." Krishna says eyeing me.

"Now that I look. I think you both are not much apart. If you don't mind me asking, how old are you Dr Das? Our Jia is--"

"Sagar sir!" Ok that was loud, Act cool Jia! Be cool, Your cool, You can do this. O Lord be with me!!

"Mm…We can chat later right. Its late for your rounds." I say trying my best to cover up the sudden out burst.

"That's right. Then Dr Das follow me. I can show you around and we can talk on the way as well." Sagar sir says getting up, leaving his half finished cup on the table.

"noneed!.... I mean, I'll show Dr Das around. You both can get to work." I say trying my best not to act weird.

"But Jia your consulting time is going to start soon and you'll be stuck there till noon. How are you going to show him around? Besides he's my junior. I want to show him some patients who had their surgeries so that he can take over their post surgical monitoring." He says not understanding my objection.

"Ohh... ok then. See you guys at noon." I say turning to open the door.

That's right, I'll just leave first… the further I'm away from him the better.

"I appreciate the thought miss Thomas. Thanks a lot for taking concern." He says acting all innocent. 

What the hell is wrong with this guy. Does he think I volunteered to show him around because I'm concerned he'll lose his way. Hahaha....

"Dr Thomas. Not MISS but Dr Thomas. The last time I checked that's how people call me now a days. And I would have done the same thing for anyone else so no need of thanks." I say flatly removing my hand from the door and looking him straight in the eye.

"It's just a simple thank you. If you don't want it then don't take it. Your wish." He says shrugging his shoulder.

"Exactly, you didn't sincerely mean it when you thanked me. I don't accept insincere words and I especially don't like people who says such words that they don't mean." I point out with my hands folded and eyes throwing daggers at him.

The rooms starts getting all charged form the energy passing in between us.

"Oook... then I'll leave with Jia first. See you both at noon bye." Thushara ma'am says getting up.

She grabs hold of my hand starts dragging me towards the door, when I refuse to turn and walk backward the whole way while looking pointedly at him. She then half throw half pushes me outside before closing the door behind us, in my case before closing it in my face. I really wanted to exist the room in slow motion with full swag. Well I guess that happens in movies only. After dragging me to the right side corridor which lead us to our consultation room she lets go of my hand and starts walking figuring it was safe and I won't go back to punch that fools face. While I walk beside her with my head all chaotic, I try to count the number of dots on the tiles.

"You know him?"

Hy guys. Have you ever meet ur ex- after a long time and had an awkward moment like this. If so please feel free to share your story. If you like the story don't be a silent reader and tell me what you think in the comments. And show me love by liking and sharing. Stay safe and healthy guys......

Yours J♡

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