
~chapter one~ Night terrors

Quiet whispers could be heard in the pure darkness, the culprit a girl by the name of  Rin Kaori. Rin was the average teenage girl. She attended school at Atsuko Academy along with her best friend Jin Keiko. Jin and Rin had met in junior high becoming friends in their 3rd year of junior high, they have been best friends since. Well up to the accident. The darkness of the hospital room was terrifying, but the silence was suffocating, it made it to wear you can't breathe and if you scream for help not a soul could hear your pleads of help as the silence consumes you. A quiet knock broke Rin's trance as the door opened right after. "Miss Rin it's time for your medicine,'' the girl in the white coat said as she gracefully walked in with a cup in hand. "I don't need medicine" refuted Rin, "I have to call Dr. Miyamoto if you don't take it Miss Rin" she stated nicely. Fine," Rin reluctantly took the cup and swallowed the contents." Thank you Miss Rin your appointment with Dr. Makoto is in an hour so ready yourself up before," she then walks out as gracefully as she had entered. As soon as she was out of siRght Rin made a run for the bathroom. This isn't anything new she always found a way to not take those god awful pills. They made her sick. She couldn't trust anyone; they all are trying to keep her here. It's been 6 months in this hell, but she hasn't made any progress in escaping. When the hour finally passed Rin was dreading her next session with Dr. Makoto. There was something very odd going on here, but she can't quite place it. The lady from before came in ready to take her to her session. "Miss Rin it's time to head to your session." "I know, I know let's go already. She quickly walked out leaving the lady behind, but she soon caught up. After walking for a few minutes they came upon a big red door with the words "Therapy" in bold letters across the door. "I will be back to take you back to your room in an hour," the lady said with a very weird smile then she continued back the way they had come. Here goes nothing mumbled Rin as she opened the red door stepping inside once open. "Miss Rin please take a seat," the brown haired male at his desk said. "Hello Dr. Makoto," Rin said bowing and finding a seat on the long black sofa across from Dr. Makoto. "Let's get started shall we?" Dr. Makoto asked even though it's not really a question. "Your oddly quiet today Miss Rin is there something wrong", he asked in which she nodded a no. "Well then let's start off from the last session." "You said you were experiencing night terrors, is this still happening?" Rin visibly tenses at this mention. " I'll take that as a yes then, okay can you tell me about the terrors?" Apprehensive Rin started to give grave detail as it was plaguing her since the last session." When the terrors started, it was like I was drowning and the only thing existing was this horrific shadow it was covered in flames that consumed it, and it kept coming closer and closer until it's blood red eyes glared into my soul filling me with pain, and despair."  Rin was shaking uncontrollably one she was remembering these terrors. They weren't all the same, but one thing always was and it was that the Demonic being would glare until she felt unbearable emotions. Dr. Makota was undoubtedly shocked. Rin was always the quiet type. All she would do is nod her head when he asked her a question, but this was different; she gave details that very well terrified her, but she still continued explaining everything and anything that was evolved in these Horrid nights of her's. While in his thoughts Rin finally calmed breathing normal and no longer shaking violently. A minute or so later Dr. Makota noticed," I see these are very well troubling you, so I think it will benefit you if you start on some medication for these night terrors." Rin filled with rage at these words," No, I'm not taking your medicines that they say help all they bring is a hollow shell of a person." Getting irritated Dr. Makota stands up " well sorry to say, but this is only helping and you will take it even if the nurses have to force it down your throat young lady!" Rin shrieked at his loud outburst." You have refused to take medications since you came here so I'm telling you that is no more, now please excuse yourself this session is over." Rin hesitantly sat up and scurried to the all too bright red door, cautiously opening it and exiting without a word of goodbye. As soon as the door creaked shut, Rin let out a breath she didn't even know she was holding. She was confused about this whole situation besides one thing. She knew something unspeakable was going on and she was gonna get to the bottom of it one way or another. She hurried down the creep halls back to her confinement, passing the nurse who was coming to get her along the way. As she reached her room, she noticed something was wrong. She then entered her room coming upon all of her belongings she was allowed to bring, thrown and scattered across the tiny room. Rage filled Rin at this sight, "who would do this and why" Rin questioned rather angrily. She began picking and scanning through the remains of her stuff. Rin soon discovered that the necklace her mother passed to her from her mother was gone. This terrified her, because her mother had said to " you must never take this off or let someone take it". Rin slowly got up, walked over to her surprisingly untouched bed grabbing a pillow and crying softly into it. What is she going to do?