
The Noise Inside His Head

As usual Alan was about to leave for his walk when he heard something. He was startled. He looked around.Nothing. "Alan,"the voice hissed,"come to me". He looked around. Still nothing. Just then he saw a shadow, but it seemed really unnatural to look at. It had legs and wings of a hawk but hands and head of a human. It had a beak as well. Adrenaline pumped through him. "Who is there?", he shouted. Suddenly a sharp pain flared inside his head. "I am you", the voice replied, "embrace me for I can help you unleash your full potential". His heart was pounding. The flared of pain was now paining as much as a migraine.

"I don't understand" Alan managed before he hit the ground.

"Of course, you dont", the voice said and then he blacked out.