
Chapter 2

It was Alex's birthday tomorrow he decided to go out for a walk, to enjoy his last moments as a 19-year-old teenager. It was currently evening which is why the weather became chilly. He didn't bring any jacket with him and the cold bugged him. He thought he would enjoy it there more. The place he went for a walk was surrounded by flowers and birdbaths. It was a beautiful sight that made him want to stay a little longer to explore the unknown. The wind felt sharp against his pale skin that alarmed him that he couldn't stay there anymore.

He was close to his car when he saw some people gathered. Alex frowned and walked to them, pushing away people he struggled to reach in the middle of the circle. That's when he saw a petite lady sobbing and clutching a baby to her chest. She kissed the tiny being repeatedly and kept whispering many things. What caught his attention was the emotions of the women that seemed awfully familiar- Deja vu. He started to feel dizzy and frantically rubbed his eyes to make the blurriness disappear. Suddenly, he couldn't hear the people around him and was able to only hear his mind. The crying women portrayed a picture in his mind which he didn't like one bit.

"Oh, my poor little baby."

"I will miss you."

He saw a woman sobbing while clutching onto a white bundle but couldn't recognize who she was. The unknown scenes caused his head to ache and that forced him to drop on his knees. He slapped his head a lot of times to clear his vision but it went in vain. The women in his mind faded soon but the pain still lingered. He also felt many hands on him, pulling or jerking his body. He thought he wouldn't be able to open his eyes ever again but something clicked inside him which compelled him to snap his eyes open and stand back on his feet. The girls close to him flinched and some even screamed.

He looked around and the people looked at him, silence enveloped the crowd and he could only hear some kids laughing in the background. He couldn't bear to be any further among the people and immediately ran back towards his car, cursing. He thought in others' perspective that how would he be looking, falling down to his knees and then suddenly standing up like a ghost.


He pulled on his hair while driving and his mood stayed sour till he reached home.

"Anything you want or your birthday?"

"Yeah, a therapist". He replied to dad and chuckled, focusing on his food.

His eyes were stuck to his place so he couldn't see how his dad's face contorted into pure confusion. Axel heard the scraping of the chair beside him. His father turned his chair to the side to face his son. Alex knew that his father was worried and won't leave him until he would be given a satisfying explanation.

"What? Care to explain, are you perhaps hiding something from me?" he knew he was in trouble, his dad seemed worried and that emotion was subtly laced with anger.

"No need to get worked up". I was just kidding but you take everything too seriously". His father crossed his arms and stayed quiet. Axel foolishly avoided eye contact and coughed a little. He knew he sucked at lying but he couldn't tell his dad about what happened in the park. He heard a sigh and turned back to his father.

"Kiddo, I don't know what is going on in your mind, but try not to joke again like this" his dad let it go maybe because he was tired.

'Okay' was all Alex could mutter.


Axel was standing in the shower, in front of the mirror. He couldn't see himself properly as the glass was laced with steam. He wiped the mirror so his face could be visible and sighed heavily. Ever since he faced the incident in the park, his mind has been stuck on it. Axel wondered if those memories even were of importance. If they were, then he sure was eager to find out.

He put on comfortable silk nightwear and slowly crawled into the sheets. He really wanted to replay the scenes he saw but his head would ache. The only thing he could do was wonder and question. All the excitement of tomorrow died down. Axel snuggled deeper into the sheets and stared outside the window- at the stars. They were glimmering in the dark, a serene view he must say. His eyes helped his mind count the stars as he swiped them across the sky. However, amidst the mass, he saw a red ball that was shining brightly, flickering. Axel immediately shut his eyes close, afraid he was hallucinating or something. He wanted to check but failed to open his eyes again and soon fell into a deep sleep.

Sorry for updating so late.

Kindly ignore the mistakes because this is written rather hastily.

Hope you all enjoy it!

hazelxlovecreators' thoughts