
Chapter 1: Newborn

Susan Dane had just given birth to a daughter on July 3 at 12:01 pm. "what do we name our daughter?" she asked Luke, her husband. She had thought up many beautiful names for baby girls but her mind went blank. She mush find the best name for her daughter. Emma, Mia, Lucy and, Leah were all too popular, no matter how beautiful those names were, Susan wanted something different for her special daughter. "Ellen?" Luke interrupted her thoughts. it wasn't the most creative but it was a name fit for a princess such as the daughter. "Yes! that's perfect for her!" Susan agreed. the family hadn't had peace since Susan was pregnant and now, there was finally peace. well..... until that night. A demon came attempting to kidnap Ellen. Susan pleaded to the demon "I will do anything if you just don't kill my Ellen!" she promised. "She will have the demons curse. she will not fit in with normal children and will become a demon herself." the demon said in a gruff voice. Susan agreed "very well, as long as I get to keep my daughter" the demon nodded, did a curse on Ellen and left. 'better a cursed child than a dead one' she would herself