
The Demonic Competition

In the kingdom of Arceia lived a small prince with talent beyond anything the kingdom had ever seen. He was good at studying, magic, swordsmanship, strategies, anything you could think of. However, he had two major weaknesses. One was his little sister, the first princess of the Arceia kingdom, Elliot Arce. The other was his wife, the princess of the Nevotre kingdom, Olivia Nevo. The only problem was that they were both fated to become villainous demonesses to fight in the underworld. A very large-scale competition between demons that participate in and fight to the death for. The grand prize was respect and reputation, which seemed absurd to Sel Arce, who joined in the competition to protect both his wife and his little sister. Seeing that both were born under royalty and were willing to abandon their titles are princesses for the competition, Sel decided to abandon his humanity and strive to be the strongest magician in order to protect them.

Vislly · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Love At First Sight

I sneaked into the Nevotre kingdom by hiding myself within the shadows using magic and jumped over the stone gates. They were known for having a strong defense in their capital and it showed. Sieging this place would take remarkable fire power. I'm not sure if I could do it either. It would take a legendary magician or an aura sword master to do something like that.

I put on my hood and entered the crowd in the streets while making my way to the castle. The streets were filled with food vendors and trade merchants. It was peaceful even though it was the middle of the night. Much more peaceful than our kingdom. They had some poor people and bums lying about, but it wasn't as many as ours. We had a poverty problem in our kingdom and my father and mother didn't do anything about it. They don't care about the people and simply cater to the nobility and military.

I don't disagree with the military investments, but the nobility abuses their power and wealth. From just one look at this kingdom's populace, I can tell they have good king.

But if he's so good, why would he offer up his daughter? Would a king willing to sacrifice money for his people really be willing to give up his daughter for a bit of land? That can't be.

There are too many revolving mysteries around the marriage proposal. It was undoubtably signed by a royal member as it was able to enter our palace walls.

As I was nearing the castle, I quickly scouted the surroundings and eventually found a way to enter. I waited until there were no more guards and jumped as high as I could using reinforcement magic and wind magic to propel myself higher while using a shadow spell to conceal my body.

Infiltrating the castle shouldn't normally be possible. But for some reason, there aren't that many guards and since it's the middle of the night, no one would suspect that a lone magician would make his way into the castle.

As I began to float down, I used my magic to glide in the air and looked for where the princess would be through the windows. I looked window through window but I was unable to find her room until I made a second circle around the castle. Her room was near the bottom of the castle. I had not expected that that's where she would be living. As royalty, she should be staying in one of the upper rooms.

Maybe her father really doesn't care about her. Right as I was about to come down, I saw her. A brilliant light within the castle walls. She was extremely pretty. Every aspect of her screamed what it meant to be a royal. Her beauty was astounding. I myself had never been interested in girls, but somehow, looking at her made me want to consider having a future relationship. Good thing she looked about my age.

Her nose bridge was the perfect size and she had an upright and perfectly angled nose with rosey, plump lips and pure white skin. Beautiful blond eye lashes and light brown eye brows. Her eyes were a deep light green and her hair was blond. She really looked like a princess.

She walked up to the window and opened it and then looked up into the sky, right where I was gliding. Although I didn't think she saw me, it felt like our eyes met. And my heart began beating faster. I didn't know what this feeling was so I quickly made my way down and releasing my magic, appearing in front of her. Crouching on the window.

She didn't look surprised. She stared at me and I stared back. And with the most gentle and welcoming smile, she beckoned me to come inside. My stomach feeling fuzzy.

"What brings you here, prince Sel?" At her light and soft soothing voice, I couldn't help but be suspicious.

"I'm here because of the letter you sent." First, I needed to figure out why she sent the letter.

"Oh, I didn't think you'd be able to figure out that I sent it. Nor did I think that you would come here personally and ask me." She sat down on her bed and invited me to come sit next to her by tapping on the bed.

For some reason, my body moved on its own and I did exactly as she instructed. My mind was confused.

"Since you're here, you should be wondering why I want to marry you."

She moved closer and put her hands around my neck while leaning in toward me.

I could feel my heart beating rapidly and my thoughts were muddled. I didn't know what was happening. Had she cast a spell on me while I didn't notice? As I was about to course magic through my body to break free of whatever enchantment I was under, she leaned in and gave me a peck on the lips. I couldn't taste anything from our lips meeting, but I could smell her fragrant scent.

"Now you're mine."

Like a fool, I spoke without thinking.

"Okay." I felt tingles all over my body and felt relaxed. I felt weirdly good.

She began slowly rubbing the back of my head and we kept looking at each other while she talked.

"I want you to take me away from here tonight and make me your fiancée." I don't know her circumstances, but for some reason, I didn't want to disagree. Somehow, I mustered up the will to talk.

"Why do you want to run away?"

She blinked her eyes twice and sweetly looked at me.

"I can see why I fell for you." Her cryptic words entered my mind and left a strong impression. If she's an oracle or if she can see the future, that means she's not human.

"My father wants to marry me off to some old duke for the good of the people. But I don't want that. I want to live my own life. I want to marry you and be happy." She placed her forehead on mine.

"I sent the letter, but I didn't think you'd come pick me up personally. It was out of my expectations." She continued.

"Well, I'm looking forward to meeting my future little sister. I also want to sleep in your room. I don't want a separate room. I want you to buy me clothes and have a separate closet as well. I really like jewelry too. Especially emeralds. They match my eyes." As she continued talking, I couldn't help ask her.

"You're not human, are you?"

She flinched back and moved away from me quickly while readying a dagger she had hidden under her pillow.

I read in the old ancient books we have at home, that there are entities that can see the future. But that only applies to non-humans. Seeing her reaction, I assumed she was a demon, and that even if she could see the future, she was still young and developing her power.

The warmness from my forehead disappeared and I felt disappointed and lonely.

I got up and took the dagger away from her with ease. She wasn't strong nor fast. I pinned her down to the bed with my whole body and put my forehead back on hers.

"That's okay. I'll protect you."

"Oh." She sounded astonished and relaxed.

Her sweet, flowery smell was coming from her hair. I couldn't help what my mind was telling me to do. And my body reacted to my thoughts. I slowly gave her a kiss that lasted a few seconds on her nose.

"I'll do whatever you want. You can rely on me and ask me for anything. I'll make it happen." My reasoning had gone out the window. I realized that what I was feeling was love. I had read and heard stories from my soldiers that love was something that happened all of a sudden. While I wasn't sure what other emotions were going through me right now, I was sure that love was one of them.

As I was hovering over her, I heard footsteps coming from outside the door.

"Princess, may I come in?"

"That's my maid." She said with her red cheeks.

"You look adorable right now." I said to her.

"Now's not the time for this!" She reprimanded me and pushed me off.

She quickly made her way to her closet and changed into a pink dress and put on white decorated sandals.

"Let's go."

I picked her up and made my way out of the window at full speed.

I was running without my hood on and was carrying her while running through the middle of the streets where guards and people were looking at us funny.

That was when a magical flare went off from the castle.

"That was much faster than I thought." She said.

"Stop him!" Some of the guards realized we were suspicious and with the flare going off, I was enemy number one.

"You're going to feel a bit tingly for a bit."

"No problem." She tried to sound brave, but I could tell she was worried.

I activated a series of magical incantations and surrounded myself with lightning and wind. Using them to speed myself up.

We shot through the streets and the city walls by jumping over them.

I heard her shriek a bit and I thought she sounded very cute.

I could hear several knights chasing after us, but they weren't enough to catch up to me. I put all my magic power into my legs and core then ran through the empty field outside the kingdom and entered the forest. I knew I'd be leaving tracks behind so I sped up to my maximum speed.

I could feel how she tucked in her head into my chest and grabbed me by the neck to hold on.

After two hours, we had almost arrived at the camp my soldiers were at and I was out of magic.

We slowed down and finally I stopped for a minute to rest while still holding her.

"Are you okay."

"Yeah. It was a comfortable ride." She smiled at me and my heart fluttered.

"We're almost there. I'll introduce you to my troops and we'll head home tomorrow, so you will sleep outside for tonight."

"Can we sleep together?"

"Yeah, I won't leave you alone."

We arrived at the camp and a few of my soldiers saw me and called out my name.

"Commander Sel? Why are you awake? It's almost day-"

"Wake everybody up and round them up."

"Who is that, commander?" He asked instead of listening to my instructions.

"Round everybody up first and then I'll tell you."

I heard her giggle at us and I felt embarrassed. My damn troops are too much trouble.

"You can put me down now." She said.

"I'll take you to the campfire first."

We walked toward the campfire and I put her down and then placed my cloak around her so she wouldn't be cold. I had used magic to protect her from the wind on the way here, but I was out of magic right now. She sat down on one of the logs my soldiers had cut down to use as benches.

My soldiers kept gathering and waking up from their tents. Mark came next to me and looked like he had a million questions and had a really worried look on his face.

"Relax, Mark." I tried to calm him down but it didn't work.

Once everybody was gathered, I clap my hands once and their chatter stopped.

"Alright everyone, I'm going to introduce you to my fiancée and princess of the Nevotre kingdom." That was when I realized something. I didn't know her name!

She got up as if she knew what the problem was and bowed politely to everybody.

"My name is Olivia Nevo. It's a pleasure to meet my fiancé's troops."

"OHH!!" My troops yelled and I thought they were being annoying.

"How did you meet?" Someone screamed from the crowd of troops.

Everyone stopped making noise and quietly waited for her answer.

"A few hours ago, he rescued me from my family and said he would take me as his future wife." She hugged my arm and acted very lovely.

"Why Sel? He's short!"

"Yeah, he's just a midget! He can't even drink yet!"

"He's just a weird magician!"

My unruly troops knew no limits.

I mustered the last bit of my magic and threw water at them.


"Abusive commander!"

That was when I heard her laugh. She laughed for the first time and it was very cute. My heart was pounding.

My troops stayed quiet as well.

"Anyway, this is Olivia, make her feel welcomed."

"We're going to go to sleep now and we'll be departing tomorrow to another camp, so be sure to get ready."

I ignored my troops as they asked more questions and Mark followed behind me. We entered my tent and I helped her lay down on a small camp bed they had set up for me. It wasn't super uncomfortable but it wasn't comfortable either. This will do for the night.

"Prince Sel. Did you kidnap princess Olivia?"

I looked at him and with great enthusiasm and conviction I nodded.


He put his hand to his face and simply walked out. It looked like he wanted to say more but couldn't believe it.

"You're going to a different camp tomorrow? What camp?"

I looked at her puzzled.

How was I supposed to tell her that I was going to go kill the troops of her kingdom? That was when it hit me. Since she's not human, and on top of that a demon, she's most likely very selfish. Since she made a lot of requests earlier, that should be the case. It'll probably be okay to tell her.

"We're attacking barracks that belong to your kingdom to reduce their forces."

"I see." She didn't look concerned and then walked up to me.

"Actually, Sel, I have two secrets I need to tell you about." She looked a little uneasy. Like it was hard for her to say it.

"I don't actually know how you knew I wasn't human, but I am a demon." Wasn't too surprising as I had already suspected it.

"I have two powers. One is to be able to see the future, and the other, is to be able to unlock the potential of whoever I curse."

She then walked up to me and put her hands on my cheeks. She whispered a few unknown words and suddenly a weird type of energy came out of her and attached itself to me. I didn't react because somehow, I knew she wasn't going to hurt me.

After a while I started feeling stronger. My magic felt like it had returned and I was overflowing with magic. I could feel it leaving my body. I couldn't contain it.

When I looked into her eyes, she seemed shocked.

"I... didn't know it would work so well." She looked perplexed.

"Thank you, Livy" I hugged her tightly and embraced all of her presence. From her smell to her warmth. I wasn't quite sure what she did, but she definitely used some weird power on me that wasn't magic or dark magic.

I felt like something had awakened within me.

I let her go and decided to take a break to figure out a way to contain my magic power.

"Go to sleep for now. I'm sure you're tired and we have a long day ahead of us."

She still looked uneasy so I decided to coax her with intimacy.

I picked her up and then laid her down on the makeshift bed and laid down next to her while using temperature magic to adjust her surroundings and earth magic to make a softer foundation.

I felt like I could do anything right now.

"I'll be here while you sleep and I'll be here when you wake up."

She smiled brightly at me and then finally yawned and closed her eyes. Demoness or not, I knew she was tired from staying up all night and running away from her kingdom.

I used noise cancellation magic on her and then screamed for Mark.

"Commander, what's happening to you? You're... scary." He said as soon as he came into the tent.

"Relax, I can't control my overflowing magic power, so I need to rest and concentrate. You're going to run with me to the next camp and give your horse to Olivia."

"Are you serious about this?"

"Yeah. I'm not sure quite sure how it happened, but I think I fell in love."

Please rate and leave a review if you like the story so far and check out my other story "My first and only" if you like romance and lesbian love.

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