
The demon of the battlefield

Ashley_Ketchum44 · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Meeting the ROB

In the year 2062, you could see an old man walking slowly through the streets of Washington DC. He had silver gray hair in a buzzcut, blue eyes and pale skin. This man was the now seventy year old. However, even though he was old by now he still tried to keep in shape, so people often mistook him to be at least ten years younger than his actual age.

This man was John Hammock, often called John Havoc during his army days where he fought like a man possessed. Nothing could stop him in his hayday. Those days unfortunately came to an end after the third world war that broke loose when he was barely twenty. The war was devastating for all parties involved. Bombs were unleashed, people were poisoned and the young were sent to the front lines.

The worst effect of the war however, was the smog that was released as a chemical weapon. This smog quickly swept across the lands and caused many to die, and those that survived lost a significant part of their lifespan, causing the average age of death to drop to people in their sixties. That alone made John one of the rare cases to live longer than the average person.

But that would soon come to an end, and he would be allowed to join his brothers in arms in the afterlife. Or would he?


John could be seen walking towards an intersection while still reminiscing about the old day. He just stood there thinking when he suddenly heard the sound of a woman shouting at something and the sound of a big vehicle barreling towards the object of the womans distress.

He quickly looked up and focused on said events that were taking place in front of him. What he saw made his blood run cold. A child, no older than five had found their way onto the road at the same time that the truck came across the intersection. The child stood frozen in fear as the truck came closer and closer to their position.

Not having time to think, John quickly used all the strength that his now old body had and rushed forward. He used all the strength that he could muster while he ran. His lungs were burning, same as his legs, but instead of slowing down, he ran faster.

The truck was mere meters away when he got to the child. He grabbed the child in his arms and once again used all his strength to toss the child towards other spectators who quickly caught her. At that same moment, John had already been hit, causing his vision to fade to black and finally gave him his peace. He didnt suffer at the very least.


A dark void. That was all he could see all around him.

There was no concept of time, causing him to float in this dark space for who knows how long.

As time passed by, he could slowly but surely start to see what resembles a big ball of light.

"What is this? After so long, this is the first thing I see? What functions does it have I wonder."

He kept questioning himself the entire time as he came closer and closer to the ball of light. However, he soon came right next to it, and there was a voice. A voice that seemed calm and comforting, but still held a majestic tone to it.

"Hmm? What is this? A soul it seems. Have you gotten lost little one?" Came the voice.

"Excuse me, but I have no recollection of where I am, could you tell me?"

The voice sounded out a laugh. "Very well. You are currently in what could be called `The Gap´. This is a plane of existence between life and death where souls come after death to rejoin the cycle of reincarnation."

"Reincarnation? Does this mean that something went wrong with mine making it so I cannot pass on?"

"No, nothing is wrong. It is simply very rare for souls to take a detour. This mostly means that your soul is stronger than most."

"What effect does this have then?"

"Well, in these cases I am the one who personally sends you off with a little gift, or as those books in your world calls them, wishes."

"Like those from when I was young?" He asked excitedly.

"Indeed. Just like them."

"If I may, how many do I have?"

"That is a good question. The wishes are decided based on the energy that is contained within your soul. According to your soul, you have four."

"Thank you for the explanation. I would also like to ask how the world is that I would enter."

"That is an easy question. Since you have shown strength both in life and death, I have chosen to send you to an anime world from when you where younger, the world of ninja and samurai, the Naruto world."

"Wait Naruto!? That was one of those that kept me sane as a young adult back when the war first started. I never finished the series though. This could be interesting." He said while you could feel him grinning from his words.

"Indeed. Now, wish so that I can send you on your way."

"First wish. Im gonna take inspiration from another anime and ask to become Inuyasha, just without the dog ears if you could."

"Easy enough. The demonic energy will be changed to chakra, so you will have as much as the Uzumaki clan in the end. Next one."

"Second wish. I want to ask for his equipment as well. That sword and outfit of his fits good with the character."

"Another easy one. However, Im gonna change the sword so that it works on chakra instead of demonic energy since you wont have it."

"Fine by me. Well third one I guess. This time Im gonna ask you to make it so that I have two bloodline limits of my choosing, the lava and wood release I believe they are called."

"This wish will make it so that you inherently have four of the five basic natures, but still doable. However, if you want to aquire the last element, you will need to cultivate it yourself. Is this acceptable?"

"Its good with me. Now the last one. I want to be born in the land of iron a year before the second war."

"Doable. But out of curiousity, why there and then? I might be the closest to a god, but I dont have every answer." The voice said in a joking voice.

"Thats easy. Land of iron since they have the best swordmasters, and before the war so that even I have enough time to gain experience and grow strong enough before the start of the real story."

"Well thought out. It seems that everything has been prepared, so off you go little one and make sure to live a long life."

"I will, and thank you." He said as his soul slowly left the gap and his voice gradually disappeared.

"An interesting one that one. I will make sure to watch out for him in the years to come until he returns here." Came the majestic voice one last time as it was left there alone.