
The Demon Monarch System

Apollo Kaiser, a boy who bore the unlucky fate of being unable to grow strong, was condemned by his family. Discarded by his mother and abused by others, Apollo gives in to his rage. However, this action results in his death. Many would believe it to be the end, but Apollo's death was a required catalyst. The Demon Monarch System finds its heir and attaches to his soul, bringing him to a new world where he starts his journey to supremacy. This difficult journey rife with conflict, conquest, and brutality shall serve as Apollo's temperance. Watch as the heir of the Demon Monarch rises above all, conquers Sin, subjugates unthinkable enemies, and even brings about the destruction of worlds! The rise of the next Demon Monarch begins... Book Discord: https://discord.gg/vH3BWtDSnC —————————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————————

Syphiinz · Fantasy
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570 Chs

Nearing the Zephus Capital


'Hm, after further thought, there's too many eyes around. I'll explore this idea when I come into alone time.' Apollo determined, weighing the situation at hand. He didn't want to have to explain himself once again. He cleaned up the scene, as the others focused on healing.

After recuperation, this scene recurred more than once. As it took place, the initial apprehension they possessed against the Demonic Beasts were tempered out of them. Now, Aaron and the other youths were capable of remaining calm in the face of battle.

Additionally, Apollo stopped joining in. Instead, he stood back spectating the events. To his surprise, seldom did the beasts get past the nine youths. While far from impeccable, their teamwork was also showing improvement. If they continued advancing in the same way, it wasn't far fetched for them to cultivate tacit understanding.