
The Demon Lords Unknown Mate

Laurina Blaston, heiress to the Northern Holy Territory is dating Tristen Weston, Prince of the West. Soon she’ll find herself in the midst of a forced passion with the cold demon Lord of the Western lands, Tristen's older brother. She finds out not only is she mated to the Lord but pregnant as well. She tells no one who the father of her child is. Yet the answer is obvious once the baby is born. She will have to face him soon as well as defend herself from demoness’ challenging her right to be the lords mate and an avoid assassination attempts.

Armanda_Hax · Fantasy
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83 Chs

Chapter Seventy Four

A light knock rapped against his door. The demon Lord shifted through a pile of contracts he needed to go through. He didn't bother to answer right away. Once pleased with the new arrangement he set the files aside and laid back in his thick cushioned leather chair.

"Come in," his deep baritone voice rang in the large office space.

The head guard entered, he closed the door behind him and bowed.

"My Lord," he greeted.

The Lord remained silent and observed the male before him. He was one of the top warriors in his ranks, his loyalty was never questioned. Yet, today's incident left him with more questions than answers. Mikaus was a distant cousin four times removed. But Damien's clan was small but powerful so any relation to his blood counted for something.