
the hero

On the other side, The king sat on the throne.His knight came in the room.The knight has nice golden armor with a silver lining.The knight bow and said " The news of the devil lord came to be awakened". The king said "This is bad If she chose to attack the kingdom will be gone".The knight said "Who killed her the last time".back to the story, as I look in the book I learn a lot of spells. Some I can not do too. Then I look at my hands and I am still a baby .I did a spell that made me look older.I look in the big mirror in the middle of the library.I has pretty violet hair and red eyes.I look like a kid.I did the spell again but I look the same.Guess I am supposed to look like this.I ask her "How do I look ". She stared at me and " You look beautiful my lady".No I look like a kid as I thought to myself.I walked around the place and found a room with golden color sheets,red carpets and kid-like pillows. I layed down while the girl in the maid uniform was outside.I am bored.There is no tv or anytime.Oooh maybe I can spy on that boy I punch.I put my finger in some water and said " Spy''.I looked in the water and look at him in a corner with a old man in a different uniform then the girl outside my room.The boy said " Ow ow ow She hurt me alot "as the old man put a wet washcloth.A another girl in a maid uniform with a name tag that say Andy. "That's what you get".as she sticks out her tongue.He said to himself " damn that girl".The old man Say" That what you get for making a demon that even the gods fear mad'' .I said "Even the god fears me"?A maid came in and said "May I talk".I said " Yes of course you can"." The humans are calling a human from another world to come"She said.I was in a panic." Oh no oh no Every Time someone does that The villain dies"I said.I have to stop it fast.I got on some new clothes on my bed and ran faster and faster.The maid said "You can teleport right".I slap my head and said " Oh ya I forgot".So I teleport with my maid.We got there they almost done. I stood there and watched in stealth mode.The maid Say "May I ask why are we not going". "Poor girl does not know a thing"I said as I shook my head slowly.l did an evil smile.The maid thought to herself my lady is different somehow.I say " Everyone know this will start at Level one I will kill him and there hope and put it up there butts"I said as I evil laugh.Wow my laugh sound evil. "This is why the gods fear me," I said.Good phrase I am going to make that my catchphrase.As they get ready to call the hero. "You kill him with a laser beam,"I said.The It was finished but she shot a laser out of her hand. Some dude got in the way of the laser beam.The maid shot unstopped.They dodged the hero and was crying at the man that stood in the ways.I felt The people waited for the hero to come with them. "Let's go"I said with a smile.Me and her teleported outside then I set it off. BOOM! The was gone in

That boom.We teleported back home. "Are you sure he is done?"She said. "Are you judging me "I said. "I am sorry"She said.