
The Demon Lord Is My Stepsister!?

The Three Realms and Four Continents tremble at the mere mention of her name. Razalith Van Werren, Demon Lord and Supreme Empress of the World, finds that the joy and excitement of her life has been drained. And so, she decides to off herself without warning and force her reincarnation. Arthur West has just turned eighteen. His divorced mother finally remarries and he now has a stepsister, Rachel Vahn. Only, Rachel is the Demon Lord herself, and poor Arthur has no idea how bad things are about to get!

CocoonedDaoist · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Be My Right Hand

The next day, Arthur and I are sitting under a gazebo in the backyard.

"Sometimes, one side comes out a bit more, and I know for sure that it's either Razalith or Rachel that's influencing me. Even so, I never feel like I'm completely either. Sometimes I feel like ...someone else entirely."

Arthur nods, then he looks at me and says, "So what are your plans for the future? Want to take over the world again?"

I sigh and look at the greenery around me, not immediately having an answer.

"If it were a few years ago, there would be no hesitation in my mind. However, after four years of studying in which I grasped the historical shift and the motivation behind it, I am unsure."

Arthur's eyes widen, he twirls his fingers around each other and listens carefully to what I say.

"I can only sympathize with the demons, and so my natural response is to want to rebuild our society. However, I know that those are the words of Razalith. As I am now, my goals are unclear. I have not experienced enough of this world."

Arthur nods, but he still seems anxious about something. I notice, but I pretend not to and instead look at the trees with a melancholic expression.

Eventually, he says, "If experience is what you want, I know where you can start."

"Hm?" My interest is piqued, and so I inquire further.

"The College of Magic Arts' entrance exam will be held two months from now. Anyone that proves they're qualified can take the exam, but qualifications alone will not be enough to pass."

"Naturally," I smile, "but why this college specifically?"

"The College of Magic Arts is in the New World-"

"You mean the Demon Realm," I correct him.

"Uh, yes- the college is situated in the Demon Realm, and the Demon Realm is now the center of all realms. All races have settled there, and the leaders of both god and human nations have made their homes there as well."

"I know of this. There was even mention of a Heavenly Envoy being stationed in the Capitol to oversee world government."

Arthur frowns. He, seemingly, has never heard this piece of news.

"You mean the new God King? Isn't he just a figurehead for representing the will of the god race as a whole?"

At his ignorance, I can only laugh and shake my head.

"Is that not what every God King throughout history has been? Then why the need for a God King at all?"

Arthur opens his mouth but no words come out. I smirk and chuckle, finding it hard to believe that such obvious things have flown over his head.

Could this be the inability to discern simplicity caused by brainwashing?

"Heaven proposes, but it does not dare to deal directly with any of the mortal races- especially demons. Instead, it sends one of its most loyal immortals to become God King."

"Heaven? Isn't that just a myth?"

Arthur's puzzlement is amusing, but it soon becomes annoying. How can Heaven be a myth? Is he an idiot?

I suppress my desire to slap the shit out of him and instead answer his question with the most calm tone I can manage.

"Heaven is the self-appointed overlord of all things. The gods are Heaven's favored race, and so it uses them to enforce its laws on all worlds, not just ours. I suspect, also, that Heaven took advantage of my limited control of Life and Death in order to trap me in this body. How laughable."

as Arthur struggles to wrap his head around the idea of Heaven, I stand up and stretch a bit. "Enough of this. Let's get to work."

"Huh? Work? What do you mean?"

I look at Arthur and he blinks cluelessly.

"Are you confident in passing the College of Magic Arts' entrance exam in two months?"

"Eh? Me?" Arthur stands abruptly, pointing to himself like a daft idiot. "Me? Why would I have to- I can't- No, I'm not confident at all! I'm just an Apprentice!"

I fold my arms and raise a single brow, regarding his histrionics with an uncaring expression.

"It takes years to go from Apprentice to First Mage, and I only have two months!"

He carries on and I yawn before finally deciding to put an end to his ceaseless and pointless argument.

"Did you already forget who I am, or are you underestimating me?"

Arthur, with a straight face, honestly replies, "I saw your life story, Rachel, not even you can turn this," he points at himself, "into a Mage."

I scowl and glare at him, and Arthur jumps in fright.

"You barely saw a fraction of my life, yet you think you can estimate my capabilities? If my father didn't love your mother, I'd strike you down right here and now!"

Arthur shrinks from before me and ends up outside of the gazebo, on the grass, waiting to see the extent of my temper.

"For this, I will not spare you. I had planned to turn you into a First Mage in two months time, but no more."

Arthur sighs and shakes his head, though I am unsure of why. Even so, I do not care.

"I will make you a Second Mage, and will not spare you from the most harsh of my methods! Prepare yourself, Arthur Wes-"

"Oh my! Look, David, they're playing make-believe. How precious!"

Stepping out of the back door with David at her side, a chestnut haired, green-eyed woman came walking towards the gazebo. A kind and delighted smile was plastered on her face, meanwhile David chuckled and agreed with her statement.

David's black hair is tied up and he adjusts his tiny spectacles. His white eyes are full of life and clear, and a strong aura resonates throughout his entire being.

I smile at them both and lose all sense of my previous superiority. Arthur awkwardly waves, smiles stiffly and laughs nervously, but I leave him standing there and hop over the railing.

"Papa, Mama! Welcome back!"

I embrace Margaret, my stepmom, and my father joins us, wrapping his long arms around his both.

"We missed you, Rachel dear," Margeret strokes my head and kisses my cheek, and I feel my father rub my upper back gently.

"Arthur," my father calls, "why not join us?"

"Yes," Margaret echoes, "join us."

Arthur gulps and adjusts his glasses, then slowly walks over to our huddled hugging group.

We all embrace one last time.

"Papa, I thought you and Mama were supposed to be here yesterday! What happened?" I pout, and I recognize this as Rachel's signature expression.

Razalith has her smirk, full of confidence, and Rachel has her pout, emanating cuteness and innocent manipulation.

"I know, darling, but your Mama wanted to see the Violet Sands. Forgive Papa, okay?"


Inwardly, I laugh at my childish behaviour, but cannot help continuing it. This side of me is purely influenced by Rachel, and it is something Razalith cannot understand; she has never experienced such things- such warmth.

I welcome this feeling and get comfortable with it, and my parents are full of loving smiles because of it.

"Oh, Rachel, don't blame Papa. I was the one who wanted to see the beaches, so it's my fault. Will you forgive me?"

I look at Margaret's freckled face as if I am trying to piece together the information. Eventually, I shake my head and say, "If it's Mama, then it's fine. I forgive you."

I reach for another hug, and both parents squeeze me tightly on last time. My heart has never been this calm and carefree; my soul rejoices at the lack of burdening thoughts and emotions.

Arthur shakes his head, and I sent a silently kick his way that hits him in the groin. He groans silently, his face already red.

Following that, David and Margaret take us inside for lunch, which we have together as a family. It is at the dining table that David and Margaret bring up the idea of college; David must have found an appropriate time to explain my 'unique constitution' to her.

"Rachel, your father told me about how talented you are. He said that you rejected school because you felt you would be alienated from the other kids due to how much better than them you are."

I nod while lowering my head, wiping my mouth and feigning remorse for my prideful arrogance.

She does not admonish me, though, but instead says, "So, I suggested that you take the entrance exam to your father's college in five months. It's a high-tier learning facility and it's within country, so you won't have to travel too far to get there and it will be easy to visit when you have time. What do you think?"

I blink a few times, but ultimately decide to tell them both my plans.

"Actually Mama, Papa, I had something else in mind."

Hearing this, David's brows raise. He takes Margaret's hand and, when she looks back at him, nods. She nods back, and gestures with her hand for me to continue.

"After all of my research, I think it would be best for me to surround myself with the most talented of my peers. Arthur and I have discussed it, and I think it would be best for us both to take the entrance exams for the College of Magic Arts in the Demon Realm."

Margaret and David look at each other, then she looks at Arthur and says, "Have you been secretly studying behind my back? Are you already a First Mage?"

Arthur shakes his head with a wry smile, then looks at me with pleading eyes. He has no idea how to handle this situation.

I assure him that I have it under control with a smirk, and he releases a breath.

"I will personally see to it that Arthur rises to the required level in time for the exam."

David slowly nods; he has a better understanding of me when compared to Margaret, who surely has some partly accurate suspicions of my capabilities.

"But Rachel, even outstanding teachers like your father would struggle to do something like that."

My father chokes and starts coughing violently after hearing Rachel's estimation of him.

"I understand that, Mama, but surely you don't think I'm merely outstanding?"

Margaret hesitates to speak, and I take this opportunity to stand and speak with confidence, a trait she has rarely seen from me.

"I will attend this college, and I will take Arthur with me as my Right Hand. I promise you this. If I fail, then we will gladly do as you suggest."

Margaret and I lock gazes, both measuring each other's expressions.

Arthur and David are both left in the dark, helpless and lost, wondering when their chances to speak up would come.