
The Demon Lord’s Bride (BL)

Getting transmigrated inside a novel is not really a bad thing—you know the story, you have the power of the future in your hand, you know all the hidden keys. You might as well end up as the most powerful and omniscient being in that world. That is, if you don’t wake up during the epilogue. And yet I find myself in the body of a fallen priest at the end of the novel, a tragic hero who had his mana circuit broken in the last war, being shunned, drown in debt, and destined to die not long after. Fortunately, I know just the cure. Unfortunately, the cure was in the hand of one of the Demon Lords—you know, the race that my kingdom just wage war with. Would he give me the cure if I asked him politely? There’s no harm in trying, right? I’d die if I didn’t get the cure, anyway. “Sure, but you have to be my bride as the price,” the Demon Lord said. ...huh? Sir, you know I’m (technically) a priest, right?

Aerlev · LGBT+
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498 Chs

Flying is truly the best

"You're going to stay longer this time, aren't you?" Tiralein looked at me with sparkling, expectant eyes when I was about to finish my breakfast.

But unfortunately for her, I shook my head. "I can't, Grandma. I have a wedding in twenty days."

"Oh..." she sighed. "Can't you do your isolation time here, then?"

"I can't do my fitting then."


I laughed at the Chief who didn't even bother to maintain her facial expression in the safety of her daughter's home. "Later, Grandma," I patted her hand. "I might need a long rest after...conceiving."

"Oh, my..." the Scribe blushed slightly, and Tiralein laughed, pinching my chin lightly--I guessed that ran in the family, huh? "Of course, you should take a rest here," she nodded. "The Queen had to lie in bed for a while after her first pregnancy."

"I won't carry it in my belly, though..."
