
The Demon Lord’s Bride (BL)

Getting transmigrated inside a novel is not really a bad thing—you know the story, you have the power of the future in your hand, you know all the hidden keys. You might as well end up as the most powerful and omniscient being in that world. That is, if you don’t wake up during the epilogue. And yet I find myself in the body of a fallen priest at the end of the novel, a tragic hero who had his mana circuit broken in the last war, being shunned, drown in debt, and destined to die not long after. Fortunately, I know just the cure. Unfortunately, the cure was in the hand of one of the Demon Lords—you know, the race that my kingdom just wage war with. Would he give me the cure if I asked him politely? There’s no harm in trying, right? I’d die if I didn’t get the cure, anyway. “Sure, but you have to be my bride as the price,” the Demon Lord said. ...huh? Sir, you know I’m (technically) a priest, right?

Aerlev · LGBT+
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498 Chs

First Night Out is an important business

The situation in Dailamy wasn't caused by the civil war--not exactly. What starting it was a coup.

A military general or something seized the throne and tried to kill all the successors. One of the children managed to run away, however, although their whereabouts were unknown. Thus, a conflict between those who were loyal to the crown and those who stood behind the general ensued.

Normally, people were prone to side with those opposing monarchy, because it was a symbol of oppression. But what difference would it be if the new reign oppressed the people even more? Quite a few aristocrats stood against the General, even if they did it for their own benefit. Rallying with Marchioness Indria as the lead, they fought with the one supporting the dirty crown, while looking for the lost royal blood.