
The Demon Lord’s Bride (BL)

Getting transmigrated inside a novel is not really a bad thing—you know the story, you have the power of the future in your hand, you know all the hidden keys. You might as well end up as the most powerful and omniscient being in that world. That is, if you don’t wake up during the epilogue. And yet I find myself in the body of a fallen priest at the end of the novel, a tragic hero who had his mana circuit broken in the last war, being shunned, drown in debt, and destined to die not long after. Fortunately, I know just the cure. Unfortunately, the cure was in the hand of one of the Demon Lords—you know, the race that my kingdom just wage war with. Would he give me the cure if I asked him politely? There’s no harm in trying, right? I’d die if I didn’t get the cure, anyway. “Sure, but you have to be my bride as the price,” the Demon Lord said. ...huh? Sir, you know I’m (technically) a priest, right?

Aerlev · LGBT+
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496 Chs

Even when you have the will, it’s useless without the courage

Wow, damn, I had been living here for almost two months and I had no idea there was a communication device all along.

Just to give you context, this world was set on that standard fantasy in a vague medieval era with swords and magic and whatnot. Rather than fossil fuel, they use magic stones in their technological path.

Totally environmental friendly.

Ah, magical world. Don't you think life should be easier with magic abound? Absolutely not. Because where there was tangible power, there would be a monopoly of it. Especially in a place with a clearly had defined class system.

Knowledge, the very foundation of technological advances, was a treasure that was kept within the ruling class to maintain their power and superiority. Only after that knowledge and the technology were released to the masses could the technology grow rapidly.

As it was, the few magical technologies that existed here were only accessible to the upper classes—the aristocrats and the scholars.