
The Demon King's Resurrection: A Journey Through Time and Space

A young man named Raiyen loses consciousness and wakes up in a different world where he is the demon king being hunted by an army. He vows to protect his family and prepares to fight back.

ritamx287 · Fantasy
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chapter 1: The game was about to begin

On a scorching hot morning, a young man named Raiyen was wandering aimlessly around his humble abode. Suddenly, he felt an intense wave of heat wash over his body, followed by a feeling of dizziness. "What a hard day. It seems like I have a cold," he muttered to himself.

Raiyen stumbled towards the bathroom, but as he attempted to take a bath, he felt an overwhelming sense of unconsciousness take over his body. Before he knew it, he had fallen to the ground, his head bleeding profusely. Hours had passed, and nobody had come to check on him.

Finally, a knock at the bathroom door startled Raiyen's mother, who called out to him, "Raiyen, what are you doing in there for hours? Come out, the food is getting cold!" But there was no response from within. Raiyen's father, who was at home that Sunday, was called upon to investigate. He knocked on the door, but there was still no response. Fearing the worst, he broke down the door, only to be met with a shocking sight. There lay Raiyen, unconscious and bleeding.

They rushed him to the hospital, where they waited outside the emergency room for what felt like an eternity. When the doctor finally emerged, their worst fears were confirmed. "We could not save him. It's something we have never seen before," he said solemnly.

As Raiyen lay there, seemingly lifeless, he could still hear everything going on around him. "If I have died, how can I hear everything?" he wondered. But soon, even that sense faded away, and he felt nothing.

Then, just as suddenly as he had lost consciousness, Raiyen opened his eyes to find himself lying in a bed, his mother and father sitting beside him. They looked so sad and depressed that he could not help but feel a twinge of sympathy for them.

Suddenly, his father spoke up, "Outside the house, there are more than fifty thousand soldiers standing to kill you. What will you do?" Raiyen felt confused and unsure, but he knew he had to say something. "Even if the world ends, I will protect you," he replied, trying to sound as confident as possible.

It was then that Raiyen realized something was not right. He looked down at his clothes, which were not the ones he usually wore at home. His mother and father's clothing was different too. "What's going on? Am I in another world?" he thought, feeling bewildered.

He turned to his father and asked, "Do you know who I am?" But instead of a reassuring answer, his father's face twisted in anger. "What the hell are you talking about? You are the demon king! Did you forget yourself?" he snapped.

Raiyen jumped out of bed and rushed to the nearest mirror. Staring back at him was the face of an eighteen-year-old boy, handsome and unblemished. His mother and father's faces, too, were those of people from the same era.

As he looked out the window, Raiyen saw thousands of soldiers approaching. They were here to kill the demon king, but nobody knew what he looked like. The captain of the army stepped forward and bellowed, "If you are inside the house, come out now. Nobody can save you. Surrender now!"

Raiyen smiled to himself, knowing that the game was about to begin. He would show them that the demon king was not someone to be trifled with. The soldiers would regret ever crossing him.

this story is s*** don't read it

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