

The intense white light that had momentarily blinded him gradually dissipated, revealing a mysterious room shrouded in shadows. Ethan, blinking to adjust to the low light, realized he was far from home, away from the painful memories that haunted him. The dimness of the room stirred a mix of perplexity and determination on his face as he stood up.

The floor upon which he lay bore a peculiar circle, emanating a pale, mysterious light. As he explored the room, his surprise intensified at the sight of figures moving within the shadows. However, to his perplexity, these figures bore no resemblance to anything human.

Under the scarce light, Ethan discerned threatening silhouettes, dancing shadows morphing into monstrous shapes around him. His heart raced, transforming the previous momentary sadness into a palpable urgency.

The dimness of the room cast monstrous shadows, twisting forms into menacing silhouettes, outlining grotesque contours and eyes gleaming with hostility.


"Where am I?" He murmured to himself as he watched the monsters surrounding him closely. The shadows moved slowly, outlining monstrous shapes and eyes shining brightly with hostility.

Among the creatures were bird-like beings, monsters with canine features, individuals with tentacles emerging from their bodies, and even an entity resembling a large eye. While some bore resemblance to humans, most displayed strange forms, far removed from humanity.

"In movies, people usually scream in situations like this, right? What the hell happened to me?!" Ethan was stunned by the monstrosity of the creatures before him. Most remained still, unable to articulate a reaction to the disturbing situation.


His train of thought seemed to short-circuit as he watched one of the monsters. Until then, they had only stared at him from afar, not daring to take a step forward. If they had advanced, Ethan would have undoubtedly screamed. However, by keeping their distance, he managed to keep calm.


"Am I really dead? Or is this just a dream?" The coldness of the floor seemed to confirm that he wasn't dreaming. His brain, in a frenzy of processing, began to question if maybe he was in hell.


A place that, ironically, seemed all too fitting for him.


Suddenly, a voice echoed above him, pulling Ethan out of his dark thoughts.


"Welcome to my domain, our Savior!"


"Savior? Me?" Ethan questioned, bewildered.


He spun on his heels in the direction of that voice, his eyes catching an opening hitherto concealed in the environment filled with monstrous creatures. Despite the darkness shrouding the scene, Ethan managed to discern an imposing figure at the far end of the room.


As he approached, he made out a colossal creature. Its aspect resembled a bipedal goat, with two immense horns curving majestically and sinister fangs menacingly dangling from its mouth. An aura of dark flames seemed to emanate from its eyes, giving it an even more terrifying presence.


Despite the splendor of its black cloak, its threatening aura was undeniable, radiating a presence that enveloped everyone around it.


The monster cut through the crowd of creatures, its imposing figure advancing towards Ethan, while its gigantic head leaned in the direction of the human.


"I am Yordeghox, the Demon King, sovereign of the land of Ufrastan. And you, noble Savior, what is your name?" His voice echoed with forced politeness, yet with an undeniable tone of authority.


Ethan felt a shiver run down his spine as the Demon King approached, emanating an overwhelming aura of power. He swallowed hard before responding with a trembling voice, succumbing to the relentless pressure.


"Ah... I am Ethan... Ethan Knight." But he spoke so softly that the being in question couldn't hear him.


The Demon King advanced even further, his imposing presence filling the space around Ethan entirely. The young man felt cornered, unable to resist the intense pressure surrounding him, and ended up revealing his true identity with a resigned sigh.

"Yes, Ethan Knight is my name..." He murmured as the Demon King stared at him with piercing eyes.


Faced with Ethan's submission, the Demon King softened his expression for a moment, still maintaining his dominant aura of power. "So, good Lord Ethan, allow me to ask something of you, if it's not an inconvenience."

Ethan's heart nearly leaped out of his chest, a mixture of fear and anxiety consuming him as he awaited the next words that would define the request of the goat-like being.

"Please, save us, Lord Savior!" The creature, resembling a black goat, knelt at Ethan's feet, pleading for his help.


Ethan was bewildered, unable to comprehend how he had ended up in this situation. If someone had told him that on that day a being resembling the personification of a biblical demon would ask for his help to be saved, he would have questioned if that person was under the influence of some hallucinogenic drug.


But there he was, before this being who could easily take his life, bowed at his feet as if he were some miraculous saint.


He vividly recalled the events of that early day. Shortly before, he had returned home from military service, ready to enjoy a well-deserved break.


The day was sunny around 10 in the morning of that typical Tuesday.

Flocks of birds flew across the blue sky, adding a touch of beauty to the surroundings, despite the heavy clouds looming on the horizon.


People had already begun their daily activities: children were heading to school accompanied by parents or guardians, carefree teenagers were enjoying themselves after skipping a day of school, while adults were carrying out their mundane work routines, essential for ensuring life's daily needs.


The scene was serene, conveying a sense of peace, as if nothing bad could happen in that world at that moment.


His mind wandered to that day on the way back home, as he traversed the city and observed his surroundings. To him, a soldier newly returned from a conflict that had lasted almost three years against a nation on the other side of the world.


"When a soldier is labeled as useless or something similar, it's a sign that the country is at peace. However, when it's the opposite... well, it's best not to dwell on it."


Ethan had lost some comrades during the war, brave men whom he had met during military training. Initially, he never imagined they could become friends, but life, full of surprises, brought him experiences both happy and extremely sad, and the loss of his comrades was one of those painful experiences for him.


After arriving home, I could take the opportunity to visit Mr. Kline. It's been a long time since I last saw him. I wonder how he's doing.


He had been pondering over things like these every day since he went to war. Mr. Kline, whom he thought of, was a kind man who helped him take care of himself after his parents fell victim to a tragic car accident.


"Taxi driver, could you turn right here? It'll be faster." He said to the Indian-looking driver. Not that he was prejudiced, but he preferred to remain silent about the driver's appearance and nationality.


"Is this the first right here?" Asked the driver with his accent, seeking confirmation before turning onto a street with no possibility of return.


"Yes, that's the one. Now, just keep going straight until the end of the street." He instructed the driver, suggesting an alternate route. Then, he settled more comfortably into the back seat. Soon, he would be home.


The autumn breeze outside made the leaves of the trees fall, carried by the characteristic wind of the season. This provided the view of a serene and charming day, observed through the car window.


"Thank you very much." He said as he got out of the taxi, after reaching his destination and paying the fare.


Upon arriving at his residence, a townhouse with brick walls in an ocher brown shade, Ethan climbed the tile steps leading to the second floor, where his room was located.


Three years had passed since he had entered his room for the last time, summoned by the army to fight against the oppressors of freedom. Upon returning, he noticed that the environment remained untouched, preserved in the same state as he had left it on the day of departure, except for the accumulation of dust and correspondence that had piled up over this period.


Upon returning home, he immediately headed to his room to unpack. Upon returning to the living room, he was met with absolute chaos: dust lingering in the air, accumulated overdue bills, and an unpleasant odor coming from the refrigerator. He hardly needed to investigate the source of the smell when he tried to turn on the lights and realized the absence of power in the room.


"What a complication!" He exclaimed, noting the challenge he would face that day. He had just arrived home and already found himself obligated to leave again.

However, at least he would have the opportunity to do the week's shopping and enjoy a bit of normalcy from that moment on.


Despite the limitations of his apartment, Ethan found comfort in the proximity of a supermarket. Wearing comfortable clothes, he set off shortly after arriving home; a mere 10-minute walk separated him from the place. After about 40 minutes, he managed to buy everything he needed for the week, including items to clean his refrigerator.

Back at the apartment, Ethan dedicated the entire morning to the task of cleaning the refrigerator. Upon finishing, he sighed with relief.

"Phew, finally done." He thought, feeling satisfied with the job well done.


Feeling relieved after finally completing the cleaning not only of the refrigerator but also of all the rooms in the apartment, he could finally pay attention to the overdue mail he had left on the table.


"Overdue bills... declined card... more bills..."


As he flipped through the mail, one of them caught his attention in a special way.


"A letter from Mrs. Margaret? Why would she send me this?"

Upon seeing the envelope addressed to him, for some reason, he hesitated before opening it. Finally, with a sigh, he broke the seal and began to read the carefully written content.


'Dear, Ethan...'



Unfortunately, the recollection of that day and that letter, responsible for his previous melancholy, was momentarily interrupted by the being named Yordeghox, who humbly explained his savior's strange reaction.


"Forgive me for the sudden plea. I recognize that my approach may seem surprising, however, in you rests my only anchor of hope." Yordeghox explained humbly, in the face of his savior's unusual reaction.


"Uh... I apologize, but... I don't understand what you mean. Why should I save them?" He addressed the creature, which had already risen by then.

Yordeghox scratched his head, immediately recognizing his mistake. "Ah, now I see where I went wrong. I apologize for my hastiness, noble sir. In summoning you, I neglected to explain the circumstances that drove me."


The bipedal goat subtly averted its gaze, and for a brief moment, Ethan noticed a slight blush on its face, as if it were embarrassed. This made him question how someone so intimidating could show such emotion.


"In fact, at this very moment, my kingdom of Ufrastan is being invaded by my enemies." He explained, repeatedly tapping the tips of his fingers together.


"Invasion? What's the purpose? From what I know of the usual stories, wouldn't it be Ufrastan who should be invading?" Ethan questioned.


"We are facing an invasion perpetrated by Emis, the Goddess of Light. She has brought forth a hero from the depths of the spiritual world to execute her designs. Her wrath is not content with merely banishing me, but also aims to strip me of my beloved treasure!" Yordeghox's words echoed in a deep lament as he shared his circumstances with Ethan.


The countenance of the so-called demon king displayed a profound sadness as he spoke his words. In an instant, his eyes locked onto Ethan, and a peculiar smile bloomed on his lips, as if a shadow of a distant memory brought him a glimpse of joy.


Yordeghox bowed deeply, his horns almost brushing the ground, indifferent to the sighs of his subjects. "Please! Humbly, I beseech you to defeat the hero." He pleaded once more.


Ethan was surprised and impressed by the intensity of Yordeghox's desperation. A king bowing before a newly arrived stranger was a scene that transported him to the past, when a young girl pleaded for his help.


She had barely turned seven, but her courage knew no bounds. She stood firm in front of the weapon pointed at her, protecting her wounded father, dressed in the enemy's uniform.


'Why does this come to mind now? How did it all end, anyway?' He questioned himself mentally, not understanding why such a memory made him consider the demon king's request.


After pondering his decision, Ethan finally knelt down and gently touched Yordeghox's shoulder, feeling the softness of his fur beneath his touch.


"It's soft and fluffy, almost like a stuffed toy." He remarked to himself.


"Yordeghox, please, rise. There's no need for you to submit to this. Although it's not easy for me to agree, I'm willing to hear your story." Ethan said as he helped Yordeghox stand once more.


"Ah, I thank you for answering my plea! My request, Lord Savior, is for you to defeat this hero." Yordeghox got straight to the point.


'Hero? That's a word I've never heard before in my life, except in games and movies.'


Ethan felt as if he were trapped in a game...


"A hero?" He asked, incredulous.


"Yes, a hero. The brave or heroes of this world do not possess enough power to face me. That's why Emis summoned a hero from a distant land of the Spiritual World." Explained Yordeghox.


Ethan wanted to protest against the strange game plot he found himself in.


"A hero from another world." It was a common story cliché. Typically, a young Japanese person was summoned by a goddess from another world to defeat a demon king, like the cartoons he used to watch as a child.


However, Ethan's situation was exactly the opposite of those fantasy stories.


"It seems I've been summoned to this world by the Demon King himself to defeat the hero. I'm not the villain, am I?" Ethan was completely confused.


"Based on my life experience, I have come to the conclusion that the distinction between heroes and villains is merely a matter of perspective, shaped by the world around us... and by those who emerge victorious." This reflection echoed in his mind, a phrase from one of his army comrades.


"Lord Ethan, please allow me to show you the image of this hero. Kellelin!" He exclaimed towards the group of monsters.


"Yes, my love." A beautiful voice responded.


A woman advanced towards Yordeghox and Ethan. Among all the women he had known in his life, she stood out as the most beautiful, with her blond hair and skin as white as snow. However, her beauty was tempered by two pairs of horns crowning her head, delicately folded bat wings on her back, and a forked tail snaking behind her. Her eyes, like lizard irises, and her pointed ears added a mysterious aura to her appearance. Ethan glanced at Yordeghox, whose eyes assumed a softness and kindness so surprising that it was hard not to think of him as a demonic lord.


"What do you think of her, Lord Ethan? Isn't she stunning? This is Kellelin, my beloved wife. Kellelin, please, greet Lord Ethan." Yordeghox reached out towards the woman who had just joined them.


"It is an honor to meet you, Lord Ethan." Reverently greeted the Demon King's wife with grace and deference.


"The pleasure is mine as well, Mrs. Kellelin." Ethan said with a smile, returning the greetings. If he were a few years younger, perhaps he would feel a twinge of frustration at seeing how Yordeghox had the knack for attracting such stunning women. However, those days were long gone. The lessons learned from his experiences had shaped him into a more mature and aware man.

"I think I'm starting to get an idea of what your treasure is." He said towards the bipedal goat standing with its hand on his shoulder.


Yordeghox smiled, acknowledging his savior's ability to understand through their interactions. "Impressive, Lord Ethan! My wife is my treasure, more valuable even than my own life. Anyway, Kellelin, would it be possible for you...?"


"Of course." She responded with that lovely voice she possessed.


Kellelin murmured mysterious words as she extended her hand, and suddenly an image materialized above them. Ethan felt himself taken aback by the display of magic before his eyes.


"Wow, this world is truly enchanted. Those who nurture a love for magic would surely feel at home in this place." He muttered to himself, amazed.


The scene depicted a group of six youths facing a relentless army of monstrous creatures. In the foreground, a fearless young man led the attack, wielding his sword alongside a skilled swordswoman and an agile ninja. Meanwhile, their three companions, dressed in attire reminiscent of fantasy heroes, conjured powerful spells to provide support on the battlefield. Together, they formed a cohesive team, determined to face whatever challenges destiny had in store for them.


"Take a look..." Yordeghox pointed his finger towards the image, enlarging it. "Here are the hero Adam and his group. They are the ones summoned by Emis. Lord Ethan, is there something wrong?" Yordeghox's voice faltered as he noticed the expression of pure surprise on Ethan's face.


"No... It can't be... How are they alive?" Ethan whispered, stunned, as his eyes remained glued to the image before him.


Ethan's statement left Yordeghox perplexed. "What do you mean by that, Lord Ethan? Do you know these heroes personally?"


"Yes, I know them. Adam Stone, Jude West, Melissa Evans, Emilia Butler, Caroline Graham, and..." The last person evoked a nostalgic memory, a long-held remembrance. It had been so long since Ethan had seen her face.


"Sasha Andersson." He murmured, almost in a whisper.


"So, Lord Ethan is familiar with the Hero Party, it seems. Let me continue. They were summoned a year ago by Emis, the goddess who despises me."


"What did you say? Can you please repeat that?" Ethan responded seriously, his mind processing the information.


"Emis, the goddess who despises me?" Yordeghox repeated, not understanding the strangeness in Ethan's reaction.


"No, before that." Ethan requested, his expression serious.


"The hero party was summoned a year ago?" Yordeghox repeated, realizing the confusion of his Savior.


"Yes, that. There's something not right." Ethan said, his mind connecting the dots.


"What do you mean by that?" Yordeghox asked, beginning to understand the gravity of the situation.


"You see, Yordeghox, the hero party you speak of... has been missing for 6 years in our world." Ethan replied, his perplexity growing as the truth unfolded before him.

(***Images of the characters presented in this chapter.***)

(***Access the comments***)

This chapter was faster because I had already written it before. However, as I mentioned in the previous chapter, don't expect frequent updates. I intend to finish this story, which is a challenge for me since I have never written before. To assist me, I am using tips from renowned authors such as Brandon Sanderson and Stephen King. I am a "gardener" writer, meaning I just write and see where the story takes me. Additionally, this work is inspired by the novel Ankoku Kishi Monogatari.

Solaris_Vitallycreators' thoughts