
The Demon King's Immortal Vessel

Fate was a normal child living with his mother when he encountered the dying Demon King. Fast forward to a couple of years later, he is immortal and in prison. He spends his waking hours wondering how he would be killed each day.  One day nearly eleven years after the supposed death of the Demon King, a woman suddenly appears in his cell and promises to break him out. Of course, he doesn't believe her, they were in the inescapable dungeons of Euthania. She couldn't break him out of these dungeons, let alone, all by herself. It was impossible. Somehow she succeeds but that's just the beginning of his problems as everybody wants a piece of him. How long before he is caught and returned to the prison or would he find a haven or better still, awaken the powers of the Demon King and protect himself?

DrewDakoy · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
57 Chs


Phills looked up and his life flashed before his eyes. Thankfully, V was able to stop herself in time. She turned towards Fate, "What do you mean, don't?"

"That is Phills," he explained.

"I know, how is that an explanation?" She asked and glared at him.

Phills on the other hand had his hands to his chest, he looked on the verge of a heart attack. The bucket had fallen from his hand and the metal bucket made a loud clunk as it hit the floor. It was a miracle the water didn't spill.

"Oh sorry, Phills is my friend. We can trust him."

She looked at him like she could not believe he had just said that. "What makes you think you can trust him?"

"Um, we have been together for years now."

"He cleans your blood and shit!" She yelled.

"What? It does not mean we can't be friends."

"Shut your trap!" A guard yells and V ducks instinctively even though they cannot see her through the door.

"I promise, I won't say anything." Poor Phills gushed out. His eyes looked teary.

"Why should I take your word for it?" She asked, her voice was much lower this time as she darted her eyes around. She looked like a guard might push open the door.

"Because we are friends," Phills said and looked at Fate, obviously asking for some help.

Fate kept a straight face as he resisted the urge to laugh. Compared to V, Phills was tiny and was about a foot shorter than V. Also, with the way he was standing, he looked even shorter but Fate couldn't blame him, not with the way V was towering over him.

She scoffed and walked past him to the table, she dropped the hammer and sat on the edge of the table with her arms folded. Phills finally got will in his legs as he began to move again.

He bent to pick up the bucket and walked closer to where Fate was lying on the table. "Who is she?" He whispered as he dropped the bucket onto the floor, closer to the table so he could access the contents with ease.

"I don't know, she said her name is V."

"How did she get in here?" Phills said and pulled out the rag from the bucket, squeezed out some of the water, and used the rag to wipe down Fate's bloody chest.

"Magic," Fate said with a gasp at the end of his words.

Phills's eyes widened and jerked in V's direction.

"You both know I can hear you right." She muttered, glaring at both of them.

Phills immediately turned his gaze away from her. "I didn't know there was magic like that."

"Me neither."

"Isn't it nice? I would kill to be locked up with her."

Fate rolled his eyes, he would have smacked Phills in the head if he was not tied up. "Trust me, you don't want that, she tried to slit my throat."

Phills shrugged and Fate knew Phills didn't mind the throat-slitting part. Neither of them said anything for the rest of the cleaning.

"Did she come here to save you?" He suddenly asked as he wiped the floor, finally done with the table and Fate.

"That's what she said."

He chuckled and immediately felt V's glare on his back and the chuckle seized. "Do you believe she can?" He whispered, his voice was much lower this time.

"No, but what other option do I have?" 

"I do hope you get out of this shithouse, you deserve it." Phills stood to his feet, he was done with wiping the blood off the floor.

"Thanks, Phills. I'll shake you but my hands are still tied up."

"I'll miss you but if she doesn't succeed, I'll see you tomorrow." He grinned.

Fate grinned back at him but immediately stopped grinning. "I hope she does succeed. I never want to see this place again."

"Good luck and bye," he said and tapped Fate twice on his chest. 

"Bye Phills." Fate said as Phills slipped out the door.

V scoffed, "That was quite the show. Byeee Phills," she mimicked.

Fate rolled his eyes, "Are you sure you can get me out of this now?" 

"No, you said it yourself, the security is quite tight. I don't want to take any chances. How long before your torturer shows up?"

"He usually shows up at dusk so he would still have just enough daylight. Sometimes he takes longer to show up, those days are usually…" he trailed off a little. "But he always shows up." Fate winced as a nasty memory popped up but he quickly brushed it away.

"Hmph, I guess the only thing we can do now is to wait. Dusk isn't far off."

"Yeah," he said softly. He felt tired, well he was constantly tired but right now he felt even more so.

He wanted to get out of her and he hoped she was his way out.

Fate jerked as he heard the jingle of keys, he swore under his breath. As much as he wanted to get this over with, he was quite nervous.

He was scared this would go horribly wrong, he didn't trust that she couldn't help him get out of here because it would suck if she didn't and it was easier to think she would not succeed.

You won't be disappointed if you expect nothing but disappointment. He expected nothing but the worst every time and he was never shocked because he was prepared for it.

He felt a bite in his stomach as the lock turned, it might be the constant hunger and the fact that one could literally see the outline of his innards. V had already moved into position and as she had done when Phill had appeared, she was currently behind the door. 

Felix walked in suspecting nothing and he immediately made eye contact with Fate. He grinned mischievously and this time Fate grinned with just the same tenacity. 

Instead of his usual cheery grin, he gave Felix a nasty one. His horns, dried spots of blood all over his face, and the night light gave him a scary look and he saw Felix visibly jump.

However, the worst part was yet to come but before V could bring down the hammer on his head, he turns to face her and they make eye contact.