
The Demon King's Immortal Vessel

Fate was a normal child living with his mother when he encountered the dying Demon King. Fast forward to a couple of years later, he is immortal and in prison. He spends his waking hours wondering how he would be killed each day.  One day nearly eleven years after the supposed death of the Demon King, a woman suddenly appears in his cell and promises to break him out. Of course, he doesn't believe her, they were in the inescapable dungeons of Euthania. She couldn't break him out of these dungeons, let alone, all by herself. It was impossible. Somehow she succeeds but that's just the beginning of his problems as everybody wants a piece of him. How long before he is caught and returned to the prison or would he find a haven or better still, awaken the powers of the Demon King and protect himself?

DrewDakoy · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
57 Chs


They both yelped at the unexpected intrusion. "What the…?" Fate yelled out.

"Woman," Ameita said, still holding the door open. "Leave!"

"Wait what?" Fate scolded, he did not bother hiding his annoyance. "May I ask why?" He stood to his feet with his hands folded. V on the other hand had not once moved from where she sat and she looked like she had absolutely no intention of moving.

For a couple of seconds, Ameita looked at a loss for words. "The Queen would like to see her." She blurted out.

Fate frowned, "She just got here. You just brought her here, it does not make any sense if Lili wants to see her now."

"Are you calling me a liar or are you disputing my Queen's order?" Ameita's chest swelled as she asked the question.

"Neither Ameita, I am just saying the time difference doesn't correlate. However, at least let me finish my meal."

Ameita frowned, "There is no need for that. I only require the female presence."

"She has a name you know and there is no way I would let that happen."

Ameita chuckled. "What are you going to do?"

"Go with you, obviously."

"As I said, the Queen does not require your presence. Just the female. I can't believe I am having this conversation with a child."

"I am not a child, you know. In human years, I am almost an adult."  

 "Almost does not kill a bird and I couldn't care less. The Queen requires the woman's presence and she is coming with me."

"I never said she wasn't."

Ameita was not listening as she rushed to grab V who smacked her hand away. "I can walk by myself." She said and slowly stood to her feet.

"Really? Since you had a child speak for you, I was afraid you have gone senile."

V did not bother replying, instead, she headed for the door. Fate wasted no time walking behind her.

"What do you think you are doing, boy?" Ameita scolded.

"Am I not allowed out of this room?" 

Ameita's eyes turned to slits. "Yes, you are."

"Then there should not be any problem." He grinned at her.

"Yeah." She said darkly but Fate had already turned his gaze away as he walked past her, trying to catch up to V.

V kept her pace steady as she walked ahead of him so it was pretty easy to catch up to her. As soon as he got to her side, he heard the door of his room close with a loud bang. It was so shocking that he jerked at the loud unexpected sound.

Ameita's footsteps hit the floor a little too hard as she rushed after them. Fate did not need anyone to tell her she was pissed but she was not the only one. He would be lying if he said he did not notice what was going on and he disapproved. 

When he was rotting away in the cell V was the only one who attempted to rescue him. If they were both being treated badly he would have had no complaints but the fact that he was getting the best treatment while she was being treated way worse was something he would not stand for.

He was not sure he could do much to change it but he was not going to stand by and watch. He turned his face to look at V. She had her head high and she looked undefeated. 

He knew she could handle the demons fairly well but he wanted to help in whatever way he could though even as he thought of it he still did not know how he could help or how much help he could be.

Ameita's footsteps sounded even closer and Fate watched her overtake them and she began to lead the way. This was good as he still did not know his way around the house. If it wasn't for Ki-an he would probably still be roaming around the building lost.

As they walked Fate made sure to pay attention to his surroundings to avoid another incident just in case he would have to come back to his room by himself though he doubted he could get lost again but better safe than sorry.

They got to the entrance antechamber and they all stopped walking. Fate recognized it, he had just stepped out of this space less than an hour ago. 

Ameita pushed open the door and they stepped in. It was empty. The room was a huge space with no chair except the throne that was obviously made for Lili. It was obvious it was designed so all those who came before her here would have no option but to stand.

"I thought you said Lili was waiting for V."

"Queen Lili." Ameita corrected. 

Fate gave her a bored expression. "It still doesn't dispute the fact that LILI isn't here."

"Do you expect her to wait on you?"

"Nah, I was pretty much expecting this room to be her hangout room and she would normally be here every time, you know. Also considering how much you were in a hurry one would think she has been waiting a long time."

"Enough! Not another word from you."

"Aren't you being particularly violent? I do not believe we have done anything wrong so you would admit that such aggression is totally uncalled for." Fate realized he could not stop talking, not that he wanted to. He was pissed and the longer they stood here without getting attended he knew it would be a little hard to hold his tongue.

"Her highness isn't here so you have no option but to wait for her, trying to speak yourself out of this situation isn't going to change the fact that you will have to wait for her." Ameita glared at Fate.

He did not say a word to this rather he stared ahead and folded his hands. He was taking it out on the wrong person. He could not help but admit that Ameita got on his nerves but he wondered if it was because she reminded him so much of a particular person.

He looked at V, she looked unfazed and had found a comfortable spot on the floor where she settled with her legs folded. Fate joined her, his legs were already hurting and he needed to settle.

He sat beside her but she still did not say a word. Fate was not sure how to initiate a conversation with her and he was not even sure she wanted to converse so he just sat quietly beside her. 

They sat in silence for quite some time, over twenty minutes before the sound of a door opening attracted their attention. A slight creak and the door flew open. The door was on the opposite side of the room, it was closer to the throne seat than they were.

From the corner of his eyes, Fate could see Ameita instantly stand upright, her gaze straight ahead and she stared forward with an unblinking gaze.

Lili walked out the door and Fate forgot the reason he was here. She was covered from the neck downwards. Lili wore the most clothing than any of the other demons. The most amount of her skin he had seen was a little of her cleavage. This morning was the first time he would see her shoulders and arms. However, her face was equally distracting it was almost unreal. 

She walked straight to the seat and sat with a soft plop, her dress covered around her legs as she sat down. Fate was on his feet before he knew it, he walked towards her but Ameita blocked his path.

"Let him through," Lili ordered.

Fate sneered and stuck his tongue at her. He could not comprehend why the demon was so edgy, they had literally eaten dinner together last night and all of a sudden he was a threat to the Queen, he could not even walk properly.

He cleared his throat. "Thank you, Lili." He said and made sure to sneak a glance at Ameita. "Thank you for your hospitality." He continued. "Thank you for allowing us into your home."

"It has been my pleasure," she replied with a grin.

"However, I cannot help but think we are not welcome here and it would be preferable if we left."