
The Demon King's Immortal Vessel

Fate was a normal child living with his mother when he encountered the dying Demon King. Fast forward to a couple of years later, he is immortal and in prison. He spends his waking hours wondering how he would be killed each day.  One day nearly eleven years after the supposed death of the Demon King, a woman suddenly appears in his cell and promises to break him out. Of course, he doesn't believe her, they were in the inescapable dungeons of Euthania. She couldn't break him out of these dungeons, let alone, all by herself. It was impossible. Somehow she succeeds but that's just the beginning of his problems as everybody wants a piece of him. How long before he is caught and returned to the prison or would he find a haven or better still, awaken the powers of the Demon King and protect himself?

DrewDakoy · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
57 Chs


There wasn't any need to knock because as soon as they got within range of the big building, the huge door flew open. This building wasn't built like the rest of the houses. It looks like a regular building with different floors.

At the end of the door were two more demons, they had their heads slightly bowed as they held the door open. Just enough to look like they were bowing and at the same time, they could also use their eyes to scrutinize their guests.

Fate paid them no attention as his eyes were on the hallway. It was huge, it was just a walk path but it was designed with different items. From vases to statues and paintings.

There were at least five different statues. All of them were sex positions. He hid his face, none of them looked plausible. Somewhere was getting ripped for anyone to arch like that and there was a freaking slit.

Fate waved the very vivid images from his head and looked towards the painting. One was what he assumed was the female private part. He didn't know they looked like that and what were those flaps?

"Have you never seen one before?" Ki-an suddenly whispered.

Fate jerked her head in her direction and slowly mouthed, "No," with a brow raised.

"I could show you later," she murmured with a smirk.

Fate's eyes nearly popped out of his sockets. "What?" He asked, not sure if he heard right or if his ears were deceiving him.

"I could show you later," she repeated with a huge smile.

Fate could only stare, he did not know how to respond to this but just before he could bother himself thinking about an answer Ameita announced, "We are here."

Fate turned his head forward just in time to see the demon Ameita push open a huge set of doors. She walked a few steps forward and immediately fell to her knees. "Your ladyship. I have brought the guests." 

Fate did not get a chance to see who Ameita was talking to because as soon as they walked into the room. Ki-an dropped to her knees and dropped him on the floor, making sure his head was bent. 

He saw Ameita pull on V's leg before the woman fell to the ground but V did not bow her head until after giving Ameita a death stare.

"Well done, Ameita." The demon sitting on a huge chair at the end of the room praised.

Fate froze at the sound of her voice, it was the softest thing he had ever heard. He could feel her voice on his skin like warm feathers. He smiled even though there was no reason why.

"Thank you, my lady, you are too kind," Ameita responded immediately.

"Stand to your feet ladies, there is no need for such formalities and bring the boy to me. I want to see him closely."

Ameita stretched her hand to grab him off the floor but of course, Ki-an already beat her to it. Holding Fate in her arms, she approached the Queen demon. Five feet away from the Queen, Ki-an stopped walking and stretched out her hands holding the boy.

Fate was starstruck, he had seen at least thirty of the demons already, some prettier than others but none of them prepared him for what was in front of him.

"An angel," he mumbled without knowing.

Lilith chuckled, "The Celestials would not be pleased to find out you have compared a demon to them but I appreciate the compliment. Come even closer Ki-an."

Ki-an took two steps closer and Lilith took the boy from her hands. She carefully placed him on her thigh. He clasped his hands and bent his head forward. It was very hard to look at her face. There was also the fact that she smelled like flowers, this was a little distracting.

She gently raised his head with a finger and looked into his eyes. For a couple of seconds, Fate forgot where he was or what his name was. He could swear she could see his soul.

"Luthan," she whispered.

"My name is Fate," he said, snapping out of the trance.

She chuckled again, it was a nice sound. "I know, Fate. It is just that for a couple of seconds you reminded me of someone I used to know."

"Oh, his name was Luthan?"

She nodded.

"Do we look alike?" 

"Not quite but you have the same spirit."

Fate arched his head and squinted his eyes at her. "Okay," he responded not sure what to say to that. "Where is he now?"

Her eyes clouded, "Dead."

"Oh, I am so sorry."

"Don't be it was a long time ago and I'm hopeful that I will see him again." She smiled at him. "By the way, I thought you were in the inescapable of Euthania." She asked changing the subject.

"You know about me?" He asked with his eyes wide open.

"Of course, I do. Who doesn't around these parts?"

"Wow, I didn't know I was that popular."

"Of course you are. It's not every day you see humans with horns."

"Also, I can't die, I think that's the real reason I was held up. Anybody can grow horns."

"Nah, not everybody. Ki-an, take him to a room and give him some food. I can tell he is very hungry."

"I am not that hungry," but the words were barely out of his mouth when his stomach growled.

She smiled, "That's what I thought."

"Thank you, your highness." He said with an awkward smile.

"You can call me Lili." 

"Oh, are you sure about that?" 


"Okay then. It is nice to meet you Lili and thanks for not killing me."


"I heard stories from the men on the ship."

"I am very curious about these stories but for now go eat and get some rest."

"I will, thanks again." 

Ki-an began walking away with him and V made to follow behind them. "Not you, just the boy." Lili called out.

"V is with me!" He called out, worried.

"I know, I just need to ask a few questions about how you guys got here." 

"Oh okay." He wanted to argue but he didn't really know everything and he was also certain Lili won't hurt V, she seemed like a nice demon. The door closed behind him and he sighed. 

"Don't worry, your friend would be fine. Right now, we have to get you food."

Fate smiled at her but it was a little forced. He felt weird and didn't know how he was supposed to respond in the situation. However, he knew they were in a new territory and the best thing to do in unknown places was to follow the rules. His mother taught him that and even though that had not been very helpful while he was in prison, he still knew his mother did not give him bad advice.

They stopped in front of a door and Ki-an pushed the door open. The first thing he noticed was the smell, it was a gentle smell but also pretty intense. It reminded him of rushing waters. Not that it made any sense but that was the image he got.

She walked into the room and placed him on a big bed, it could hold three of him comfortably. The room was homely but dark. However, Ki-an immediately threw the drapes open and the light was restored.

"I will go bring you something to eat. I won't be long. Make yourself comfortable."

"Thank you, Ki-an." 

She grinned widely at him. "You are welcome." She rushed out of the room almost immediately.

He threw his back against the bed and sighed. He was overwhelmed and felt very tired. It must be the journey and all that walking under the hot sun. He was very thirsty too.

She knocked twice and poked her head into the room, "I am back." She announced holding a tray. The contents were delicious though he didn't know half of what they were.

She dropped the contents on the table and brought the table closer. "So," she dragged and Fate raised his head to look at her. "Do you want to see it now or when you are done eating?" As she spoke she looked at him with very bright eyes and they glowed a little.