
The Demon King's Immortal Vessel

Fate was a normal child living with his mother when he encountered the dying Demon King. Fast forward to a couple of years later, he is immortal and in prison. He spends his waking hours wondering how he would be killed each day.  One day nearly eleven years after the supposed death of the Demon King, a woman suddenly appears in his cell and promises to break him out. Of course, he doesn't believe her, they were in the inescapable dungeons of Euthania. She couldn't break him out of these dungeons, let alone, all by herself. It was impossible. Somehow she succeeds but that's just the beginning of his problems as everybody wants a piece of him. How long before he is caught and returned to the prison or would he find a haven or better still, awaken the powers of the Demon King and protect himself?

DrewDakoy · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
57 Chs


Staan slid further into the darkness, he was almost seen. He did not expect the boy's vision to be that good. The others had not been able to detect his presence, let alone see him.

He had known where the boy was since last night. He had taken off after them immediately after he was done scouting the area the lesser demons were killed. Apparently, that was the only illusion the wizard had put in place. He had overestimated him a little too much.

Finding them had been super easy and that was when he realized, the girl was not the only enemy. He could have taken the boy at any point in time but he wanted to see how long this would drag out and what was their purpose for taking him.

He could not think of any reason why anyone would want the boy, let alone humans. The boy was useless, his only good asset was that he could not die but it was not transferable, he would know. 

The male was a pretty strong wizard and Staan could tell the human had dabbled in some acts, he could sense a bit of dark magic from him. It was not enough to completely change his magic but it was a stain that Staan knew would only keep growing. He found that he was excited about this.

If only the human would come to meet him, he would show him a faster method to learn the dark acts. The price to pay was pretty simple, he was never one to charge unreasonably. Since a human soul was not worth much to him, let alone a tainted one, one could say his charge was pretty reasonable and quite affordable. 

The female, the one who had managed to get away from all the guards, had been a subject of interest until he saw her. Staan almost bawled his eyes out. He could sense nothing but hard work from her. She was not special, nor did she have any skill that stood out.

He could sense a reasonable amount of mana from her but nothing glamorous. Her battle skills, however, were pretty high but still nothing noteworthy. He scoffed, it was almost hilarious that this was the crew going against him. They had absolutely no chance so he was willing to see where this would go.

He followed after them last night all the way to the inn and found a little bit of info. It was not a lot but it confirmed his suspicions because for a while he had hope in humankind. He chuckled. Maybe, they would be able to do what he could not do. He doubted it but the past four years had been fruitless for him, let somebody else try.

He had ended up stalking them for the rest of the night, hoping he would find something but had come up empty. He was not sure where they were headed but it was pretty obvious where. 

They won't make it anywhere with the boy on board, the king won't make it easy for them, and his daughter's life was on the line. Staan smirked even if the King managed to get the boy, the mistake had already been made and consequences must follow. He had absolutely no plan to reverse what he had redone.

They had gotten to the port and as he suspected they took off in the direction of the demon town. He frowned, the men won't survive however, he knew no male was stupid enough to set foot on the island.

He should probably visit Lilith but the demoness hated his guts. It also sucked that she was into Luthan. He scoffed, it would have made this easier if not that she would likely rip one of his hearts out if he dared pay her a visit.

Singularly, she was not a force to be afraid of but her sexual minions were a completely different subject even he would have trouble fighting off those demons who had an endless amount of male souls.

She had not done anything since Luthan's death. He was expecting her to still be on the sidelines, if she was not he would not hesitate to do something about it. He had been a little shocked that she knew he had something to do with it but he knew she had only found out through the process of elimination.

He watched the ship float away as he decided on his next step. He had no reason to remain in Euthania now that the only reason he was here was gone. He could return to the lower lands, he had not been there in a while but there was no fun.

He could try to wreak havoc on some unsuspecting town, something to pass the time before he is ready to check on the boy again. He hoped there would be some good news from the boy's new guardians. He had hopes that they wouldn't disappoint him.

He headed for the castle but there was no reason to go back. He needed to see the look on the King's face when he discovered his daughter's illness was back. That would definitely suffice for the boy's escape. 

Then he would leave the island and most likely never return. He won't forget to leave them a little gift, something to remember him by. A couple of lesser demons were sure to liven things on the island a little. The peace and quiet was revolting.

Too bad he would not be here to see it. As much as he would like to absorb all the bad energy the citizens would give off, he was sick of the island and would rather go elsewhere.

There was a limit to the number of humans he could kill or cause an involuntary death but there was no limit to how much they could suffer at his hands and he intended to take advantage of that and of course, there was no one to stop him. 

Years later he still could not believe that humans had been stupid enough to take out Luthan for him when the heavens had abandoned them they took out the only edge they had. Most demons did not care about humans and were fine with them doing as they pleased, not him.