
The Demon King's Immortal Vessel

Fate was a normal child living with his mother when he encountered the dying Demon King. Fast forward to a couple of years later, he is immortal and in prison. He spends his waking hours wondering how he would be killed each day.  One day nearly eleven years after the supposed death of the Demon King, a woman suddenly appears in his cell and promises to break him out. Of course, he doesn't believe her, they were in the inescapable dungeons of Euthania. She couldn't break him out of these dungeons, let alone, all by herself. It was impossible. Somehow she succeeds but that's just the beginning of his problems as everybody wants a piece of him. How long before he is caught and returned to the prison or would he find a haven or better still, awaken the powers of the Demon King and protect himself?

DrewDakoy · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
57 Chs


Staan rolled his eyes. His human form was restricting, he hated it but also needed it to move around without drawing unnecessary attention to him even though that was the opposite of what he wanted.

He wanted the humans to flee in terror as he approached. He wanted nothing but chaos but alas, he could not get any of that just yet and it irked him more than he could handle. He could feel his control slipping but for the greater good, he would control himself. "Good things come to all those who wait," as the saying goes. He did not believe it, of course, he knew better than anyone that taking what was yours was so much better than waiting for some chance to hand it to you on a platter of gold. However, violence had gotten him nowhere and now the only option he had left was to wait and he hated it.

Four years ago, he had been happy when he found the boy but four years later and the vermin was still living and breathing. He balled his hand into a fist and his nails dug into his palm, it did not break as even in human form his skin was quite tough.

He adjusted his coat as he stood in the night light, it was cold but the coat was more for his style than the need to protect himself from cold. He could stand in the blizzard with nothing but his underwear and he would not feel a thing.

The ship that had brought him to the island was already sailing off. He walked forward, the castle was still a couple of miles away but he did not mind the walk. Even though he was back amongst the humans, he was in a somewhat jolly mood. He was sure he could stand running into a couple before he got to the castle but just to be safe he would take the dark path to drastically reduce his chances of running into them.

He did not want to push his luck and he had already promised the King he would not harm his citizens. Well, he was not obligated to keep that promise but there was no safer place to hide the boy.

The lower land would be even safer but he was not that stupid. Taking the demon king's vessel to the underworld would be a dumb idea even if Luthan was dead. Even though it might make killing him easier, he was not willing to take any chance.

His current plan was not the greatest but since the celestials would not help him, his only option was to wait for another death moon. Over a century of meddling with humans sounded bothersome to him but he could not give up now and he had absolutely no intention of doing so.

The only good news he had was that the portal was widening. He sighed. It was only by an inch but considering it had been the same size for over a decade this was a major difference. Besides that, he was in a bright mood. He doubted anything could ruin it. 

The thought was barely complete when Staan heard a loud sound as a body weight bumped into him. The loud sound was from the bag she was carrying as it fell to the ground.

"Watch where you are going!" He yelled out grinding his teeth.

"I am so sorry," she immediately fell to her knees.

Staan raised a brow wondering how did she know who he was but he realized she was only picking up the bag that had fallen.

"Tch!" He kicked her, she rolled over and he started walking away, her faint scream echoed in the night.

He was annoyed, she completely ruined his mood, if she had known who he was he knew he would have killed her without hesitating but he did promise the King that he would not harm his people. Not that he was one to keep his promise as they were all doomed but he was willing to play the nice guy for now. It worked better than being a straight-up devil.

Now that he thought about it, he realized he had not seen her face. He turned around but she was already gone. He frowned, that was a little too fast but if she was a local she would definitely know her way around. He waved the thought away from my mind, along with her.

Things were moving progressively even if it was a little slow. The death of the boy would speed up a lot of things, of course, but since that was not the case, he would make sure he didn't lose the good track he had already.

The castle soon appeared in view and he grinned. He would have liked to check on the boy tonight but it was a little late to do that. All he wanted to do was rest his head as he waited for tomorrow to come.

He appeared at the gates and the guards stuttered at the sight of him. This was normal but for some reason, he thought their stuttering was more than usual. They opened the huge doors and he walked in.

The rest of the guards inside the castle acted equally so. Well, they didn't really know he was but they knew he was someone the King held in high regard. He smirked, high regard was a nice way to put 'feared'.

He went to his quarters, someone was sure to mention to the King his return. He hoped they would do it fast enough. He took off his clothes and got rid of his human form. He stood in all his horned glory and stretched. His human form was annoyingly restrictive.

He heard a knock, that was fast. It was a bit late so he did not expect the king to be ready to receive him so early. "Come in," he mumbled and sat on the huge bed. Even though he was speaking in whisper tones his voice echoed in the room.

The knob turned and the King walked in. He gasped a little but quickly swallowed it. The King has seen his demon form several times and his reaction was the same every time, Staan found that a little hilarious. 

The King was a petite man with a stomach that was bigger than his head. Staan smirked at the idea that if he smashed the King, his stomach would pop with a loud sound.

"We did not expect you to return so early." The King said and twisted his fingers.

"Neither did I but you are welcome."

The King bowed, "What would you like to eat?"

"Your soul," he said and watched in satisfaction as the King shrank in horror. "I am kidding," he said with a creepy smile. "No need to worry about what I will eat tonight. I do not need dinner."

"Is there anything else you need then?" He asked, his head bent.

"Come closer," he responded.

Staan watched the King freeze up and for a couple of seconds, he thought the old man would not obey his command. Finally, he did but he only moved two steps closer.

"Even closer, your majesty." He grinned and his fangs showed.

The King's eyes grew even wider and Staan knew with just a little push, the wuss puss might wet himself. However, he walked closer even though he shook with every step.

Staan sighed and stretched out his hand. He grabbed the King by the collar and pulled him close enough to see the whites of his eyes in the fairly lit room, Staan's eyes weren't red but the King could not see that. The only source of light was the open curtains and the moon was in full glare.

"Care to tell me what is going on?" He stuck out his tongue and licked his fangs. "You only get one chance, your majesty." His tone dripped with mockery.

Just as he had predicted, Staan heard a soft sound which was quickly followed by the smell of urine. He threw his head back and laughed. Staan tossed the King and he landed on his back.