
The Demon King's Immortal Vessel

Fate was a normal child living with his mother when he encountered the dying Demon King. Fast forward to a couple of years later, he is immortal and in prison. He spends his waking hours wondering how he would be killed each day.  One day nearly eleven years after the supposed death of the Demon King, a woman suddenly appears in his cell and promises to break him out. Of course, he doesn't believe her, they were in the inescapable dungeons of Euthania. She couldn't break him out of these dungeons, let alone, all by herself. It was impossible. Somehow she succeeds but that's just the beginning of his problems as everybody wants a piece of him. How long before he is caught and returned to the prison or would he find a haven or better still, awaken the powers of the Demon King and protect himself?

DrewDakoy · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
57 Chs


Fate opened his eyes to see V was staring down at him, from the way she was bent he had a full view of her cleavage. His first thought was why could he see this because the last time he had seen her she had on full body armor.

"V!" He tried to yell but his voice was not working.

"Good to see you are still alive," she smirked and he rolled his eyes.

"Can you move?" she asked. 

He managed to shake his head in reply. 

"I guess not," she sighed, bent even closer and lifted him off the ground. 

Fate could only watch in horror as she lifted him and carried him across her arms like one would an infant. Even though his cheek was right against her bosom it did not diminish the embarrassment he felt in fact, it made it worse. His face reddened as he felt his entire body go warm.

"V," he cried but it came out more like a whisper, his throat hurting as he forced himself to speak. 

"Ooh, I thought you could not talk. Is something wrong? Are you in pain?"

He shook his head, "This is embarrassing." He could feel his throat burn but his already shattered pride could not take any more damage, he had to do something about this position or he would never be able to look V in the eye again.

She frowned, peering at him. "What do you mean?"

She had adjusted him in her arms and now his forehead was pushing up against her chest. He could barely see her face, half of his view was covered by her bust so all he could see was her brows dip and her nose crunched up a little, her mouth was completely out of his view.

"This," he yelled. "I would rather be thrown over your shoulders like a sack of potatoes."

"Stop your whining, we do not have time for this. I managed to lose the guards during the nighttime and I am sure it was also for the same reason they could not find or come after you but I am very sure that they have not given up on us, staying in the open like this isn't safe."

Fate sighed, she was completely missing the point but he already knew that compared to her, his social skills were through the roof. Complaining would not get him anywhere with her and he was also tired of talking.

"Okay," he replied and relaxed in her arms, he would worry about unnecessary things when the danger was less.

"Good, I already found the perfect hideout. We can hide there until you are strong enough to walk on your own. That should not take long right?"

He nodded, his body was just tired of surviving without any external help. He wanted to tell her all he needed was food, water, and enough rest but he already had enough sores in his throat, he wanted to give them time to heal.

He closed his eyes as she walked with him in her arms. He was small in her arms, it didn't help that he was skinny and was literally just a bag of bones. He was warmer though, all he had on was a little short and pressed up against her skin all he could feel was her body heat.

He tried to keep his thoughts on something else but there was really nothing else worth thinking about that could take his mind away from what was happening.

"How much longer?" He forced himself to speak when he could not take it anymore.

"Till we get to the cave?" She looked down at him as she asked. She had adjusted him again and he was cheek to bosom as she carried him in her arms.

He nodded but didn't look up to see her face, he was too embarrassed. 

"Less than twenty feet away," she returned and Fate made a sound in his throat in response.

They walked the rest of the trip in silence and less than five minutes later, they came upon a cluster of trees. There was just a little light shining down and that was not the only downside to this section. It also had an ominous feel to it.

He could tell that something was lurking in the darkness that his eyes couldn't catch and he knew if he ever went up against it, he didn't need to be told who would survive. 

V walked through until they got even closer to the wall. It was close enough to touch. She stopped abruptly in front of a huge tree. Fate frowned as he wondered if she was going to climb it. 

She didn't, instead, she went around it, and just behind was an entrance to a cave. "This is where I hid last night."

Fate nodded, he didn't believe that the guards would climb down after her and he wondered how she had been able to fight them off as she had climbed down the cliff. The distance was at least five hundred feet, the fact that she had even climbed down was astonishing.

The cave was smaller than the cell he had been in but it could hold two people without it being uncomfortable. She dropped him to the ground beside her armor, at least now he knew where they went.

She sat on the ground beside him and rested her back against the wall. He glanced at her face. She looked exhausted. There were also bruises on her skin and hands, her nails looked chipped and her fingers were a little bloody.

He didn't need anyone to tell him, he knew she had gotten it from climbing down the cliff. He wanted to say his thanks, that she would go this far to rescue him but the words stopped in his throat, he knew it wasn't just because it hurt to talk.

"We should be safe from the creatures here though since we haven't encountered any, it's safe to assume they don't come out in the daytime."

Fate frowned and his eyes widened in confusion and fear. "What creatures?" He asked, shakingly.

She turned to look at him, "The ones I was hiding from."