


Li Mei turned around she saw it was Li Rong ,She looked at the pale trembling girl who looked like she had just seen a ghost. She gave her a evil smirk

this was the psycho that killed the original Li Mei she thought she had ended it all , too bad I'm here.. she chuckled

"what are you laughing at you freak"Li Rong said with fear ,she didn't really understand why she was afraid of her ,she normally bullied Li Mei and Li Mei always said nothing but now she had changed

"oh nothing much ... I was just thinking about how much of a bitch you are "Li Mei said bluntly

Everyone gasped

They were all shocked and they right to be , Li Mei had never talked back at her cousin, let alone insult her.

Li Rong tried to say something but nothing came out she was also shocked she never imagined a day that Li Mei would ever insult her .Li Rong always thought she was better than Her and Li Mei accepted it so why did she change today .

"Li Mei why are you insulting me like this i only asked you a question " Li Rong then started crying

She was the school belle who not only got good grades but was always so nice and polite to everyone so when she started crying everyone couldn't help but look at Li Mei with disgust.

" ,how dare you say that i will have to report you to my father "Li Rong said triumphantly while cleaning her tears

Li Mei had always been afraid of her uncle because he would always beat her and her mother whenever Li Mei tried to defend herself because of Li Rong.

" hahaha.... " Li Mei started laughing

" firstly great acting skis I never knew someone could fake cry so realistically you should join the entertainment company I'm sure you'll make lots of money from your acting "

"And secondly do you really think i care about what you tell your bastard father"Li Mei said with a mocking smile

Li Rong was stunned , since when did Li Mei become so bold , before Li Mei would have been kneeling begging her to forgive her but that wasn't happening instead Li Mei didn't even flinch

Li Mei then got up and walked up to her

"wh... what are you doing" Li Rong said as she looked at the cold piercing eyes of Li Mei

Li Mei suddenly went to her ear and whispered

" don't worry i don't bite ,i only want to tell you, don't mess with me or else .... well i wouldn't want to ruin the surprise" Li Mei said with a threatening voice and then walked magestically back to her seat leaving the already pale Li Rong to tremble back to her seat.

"that was so freaking awesome Li Mei you looked so badass" Yang Mixi said

"don't let her get to you , she's just jealous that your way better than you" Fu daiyu said she had always been jealous of Li Mei for been more beautiful than her so she would side with Li Rong even if she didn't know what really happened.

'yeah your right how dare she talk to me like that I'm better than her 'Li Rong said in her head

"it's alright my cousin just tends to be jealous i just don't know why " she said cleaning her tears.

she said gritting her teeth at Li Mei who was resting her head on the desk acting like nothing had happened


After school Li Mei walked home, as she was walking she sensed a powerful energy from the nearby alley so she decided to check it out, she walked towards were the energy was coming from until she saw a Man who had fainted on his car, then she saw him suddenly been carried away from his car by some well built men,she got suspicious so she walked towards them

"hey watsup guys do you mind telling me what your doing with this man"Li Mei said as she looked at the man they were holding he was extremely good looking and was dressed in a expensive suit so something tells her this people have some ill intentions.

The men looked confused by her question because it was obvious what their doing

"it's none of your business now leave unless you don't want to get hurt"The man said trying to intimidate her

Li Mei was obviously not scared and wanted to leave to avoid causing any drama but she sensed the powerful energy coming from the handsome man .

' Ah so he's a cultivator ' she thought to herself

Li Mei suddenly grabbed the handsome man and put him on her shoulder .

"tsk tsk sorry boys but I'll be taking him with me bye " she said as she started walking away

The men got angry and charged towards Li Mei

" i said bye but you won't leave oh well i guess i have to make you leave don't say i didn't warn you" she said with an evil smirk ,she then snapped her fingers and the men suddenly engulfed in flames turning them into ashes.

She quickly left ,she knew that it was already late so she decided to check them in a hotel.she texted Li Fei that she was staying with a friend today so she won't feel worried.

She looked over to the man on the bed ,he was burning up ,she touched his abdomen"hmmm his spiritual core is badly damaged he might die i should probably heal him , but what if mr handsome is a serial killer and i save him "She said . she thought of something, she brought out her phone and just as she was about to snap him....

The man opened his eyes only to see Li Mei pointing her phone at him .

fufufu looks like our Male lead has finally been introduced ♪ヽ(・ˇ∀ˇ・ゞ) i wonder what cheeky things will happen in the next chapter I'm so pumped anyways guys make sure to comment on what you thought of this chapter Bye(◍•ᴗ•◍)✧*.(づ。◕‿‿◕。)づo((*^▽^*)) 😘